The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 18, 1947, Image 4
" ' ’ 'f r '' , ’.' - — i ■ 1* ' * VA Aaka Vata Nat To Pay Pramiuma In (kwh H'Si™ by 4mft, by diroct Vance Leaves On Mission to Greece to Joiai tko of the Vnnec, after a nation Monday n tkn DnaartMatj «f ala tod that plana hia wtfo 77ic Battalion FRIDAY, JULY It, 1MT il Official Notfeca U • K: JS ET, 1 - *• * teal 8a tea. l a. a. mi om. i m. a. tor om. a aaa te te M K. tM Bm. 1—Date t-a MJL CM Oaa. 1 n.a. aaa aa^ i—OaOr a TTh 1-4 wa 1-D^te 1 ■«taa- WHRa Umm 0481 ar No. HO— Dam. No. a 41. ttet^MBl DANCE • U i • on thi tool terrac« . {/ of the FIN FEATHER CLU y FINS * ▲ sA CLASSIFIED ADS with the arthra in raal Aeraa in Bryan. Physics Offers ulnd daily at Courses You can’t miss with an ■ARROW —> Ijf T "r If jreur aima an AUTHENTIC COLLEGE STYLING LONG-WEARING FABRICS SHEER COMFORT REAL VALUE... son'll hit the bullaeye artrj dma with Arrow. Conte in and aaa us. ' North Main ,| Bryan will off ar tha next six la ached- Monday. vfad- 1 I at •. rlqralaa tOt, not Bated ta tha bnllathi, will also ha offered. Claw will moat dally from 7-i aad- laba will ha hald Monday, Wednesday, and day from 1-4. fM- wtll ha of ha wa«M Uka. If You Hi ive Rented ... n pie ■fah wo hovo the wallpaper ihaj will com ponton with your othd r walls. We also have DWVOP^ JOB. a poet-war product that i oomea in Ml ** ^ruhable — <>( Ing and aelf-i ie coat aalf-prtm- waling. Can be tinted any roi or. Ooea on one coat over ahaf wood and mH trock. wall paper, FOB BAUK: Ma. 4. FOB BALK i M4V Can at A4-a C* tiaa FOB BALKi Iteal larurna* M. teiin. tea mm r«» BAU, tefte teral teaae wha away. Itl# teraa. Bae ahw Ittewm. Per gallon$4.25 Per quart $1JB6 CHAPMAN'S Next to Post Office DYERS'FUR STORAGE HATTERS mencan DIAL’ 1585' Kl» »«KI mmm vMfe ten. M. U_k HMh a 0mm > MOLw Am 8 tte*** — —* Geology Class Now Along Rio Grande 1 '% oj Tha ffeolotry summer camp hat moved tn tha Rio Qranda area te study Waat Texas gaolofy under Dr. Hom Maxwell, accordin* to S. A. Lynch, head of tha daparUaant. j Tha daaa of to atudanta first studied mappiny 1" tha Marble Fall- Humat County aran. under Dr. J. J. Graham and Dr. Carl Lausen. Lynch then auperrised a I'tudy of caolocy In north central Texas as>d aoutharn Oklahoma in the ('.amsTilla Ticialty. In the currant phase of tha course, tha feologlata will learn abont roek formatioua along tha Rio Grand* from Dal Rio to Mam thon. They will also make a study of the Rig Bend Park geology dur ing this time. L ji — Instructor Joins Monsanto Co. "I’M A CHISTIIPIRLD FAN •ICAUSI TMIY RIAUY IATIIFY" ••a aasaAta ifAsstu* ta •*§«■• aaa# etavaaa ••lea as tea atat vnat aiv aaa taaa a»aa« a#t*aa« tea avaat TH1 TWO Maa OAIBOLLT* Robert H. Shannon, a 1941 grad uate of Mechanical Engineering, who spent approximately three yeare with the General Electric Company and two years as an of ficer in tha Nary, has left AA1T and la saw employed by the Man^ aaa to Chemical Company in th< power department During tha past year Shannon, with tha aid of four sonior etudenu, carried on ex tonal re research work on the flow of superheated a team through nosslee. MID-SUMMER / nv w//y ffj if X w f f 'mm m / i H /A ///A /// i - r //// for the ladies... ' i M v ! R 7> 1 mena.. Pedal Fushers Cullottes Shekii % Blouses Ay Reduced ^ There are PubeUntial reductions and 771 ■ /rm~ A i / / J real savings in swim wear, robe*. straw Slack Suits Swim Suits Play Suits Beach Coats Redi iwmm | /. 1/ GROUP OF BAGS AND GLOVES •v ,• J •' j' '*Wi/ ’ ‘ I ii i • i A x I f / / /;' A suite. / i 1 / TTm • y ny Our Bov’s Dept he. Vahte.^ Tt J > / F/- T Jr ' * / j.\/, a i- iil/-. >7j • \ y /Ur // /'. -, ES . . . i •j ■ /• M ‘ /A A. M. WALDROP S' CO. ^ISTAira LBAtXNO CLOTMnax" " : \ i ■ "' - / ■, \ M//x] ] / //■ / I STATION teVAW. TtXAl L. •'Jp* •mmm FT ■— 1 ... i, / . K 'In#} • Z7A1 ;' 41 / j !/ I j ] »■' I fj/ ' | / 4; '* ;• ' .i.';' :>ii \ /