The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 18, 1947, Image 3
# l S B a 11 a li o n j ; £| P 0 R T » » Dfm • or um bo hitton. Dorm 10, who lod tho loofM throoBhout tho aooooo, dropped a hard foufht ffUM to Dorm t, I to L Dorm t acorod Choir ftrot run UO tho ffOBM Bt 1 to I. AfBtB Ib tho fifth Dorm 10 t hlto to toho o dim mb lood. Ib third haoMBBB Orom obbm to hot •ad got B aingU moring Borda to third. Ob tho noxt pitch Grog- ory otolo ooeond. Loft floldor Mo- Goto thon connected for • hit XX Do^t. Goto ttion Trtrtor Tho Ag hM recently roeohmd' notional Honrootor ] tractor. P. T. Joaoo, hoi deportment, otatoo tho will bo wed in tho initr in mi loft to right At tho right ore •B wore the man You'll Ukg tho imart Ullor- tng and oorroct fit of our MADE-TO-MEASURE surra Conway&Co. Across From Post Office in BRYAN AAUMeet ■ Off July H Houston Pool Utc. 'ft/ r M for From Auotln will trong owimmf T.U.h Tho I^mghomi who woo tho Cob- foronce owimming crown last for that V1< torg, 1W booUbm will tn- ran off at 2 o'clock in the afternoon while the * *35 -<« STSPffl 1m « ■ i iXt i- | ME Instructor Recrives Regular Anny Appointment C. G. Sory, a la tho M« Department jost roeofrod confirmation of hi* appointment ao an officer in tho regular army. Ha aad Mr*. Sory •sport to leave for the new aaaign- it within the next thirty days. Tho Golf creel Invitation Meet ill be held on the following day. j - y . / A GOOD PIJVC E V / TO EAT New York Cafe US fi. Main Bryan ' CASH Prices Paid Foe * , •Used Books , • Slide Rulea • Drawing Seta • T-Squares 7/A COLLEGE BOOK STORE North Gate ' — '/// \ / ON KYLE FIELD ,/ // / /' / // ////a MIMM tor* CAKtiK * Br DON ENGBLIING' For Your Shopping Convenience WE HAVE COMPLETELY REDECORATED OUR STORE . GLIDDEN’S SPRED LUSTRE’ PAINTS USED FOR ALL OUR PAINTING WE SELL SUDDEN'S PAINTS IN ALL SIZE CANS. COME IN TO SEE US AND SEE THE BEAUTIFUL "LUSTRK FINISH OF THIS PAINT. ELECTRICAL SUPPUES — SCHOOL SUPPLIES MILITARY SUPPLIES * _ • AGGIE VARIETY STORE IL Neat to lipncomb Pharmacy ]'< r North Gate / It all started way back in 1M0 when fooball was at its peak at Aggieland. In 1939, the Aggies had finished the season un defeated and untied with a beautiful 21-0 victory aver the Longhorns at College Sta tion. What a wonder- ful feeling that must have been! Not on ly had they been named the best football team in the na tion and finished the season with a record of ten wins, no losses and no tiee but also they had beaten tho orange and white on Turkey Dnar. Then came the famine, and what a famine! 1 It has lasted for sev en long years and who knows when it will ever end. In November, 1940, It wa*. that the black cloud of famine came ir Aggieland and to thin day that cloud has yet to move. This is how’It came about Tho Aggies were oa their way to an other undefeated and untied i eon, and all that remained waa to beat a mediocre Texas University team in Memorial Stadium. The didn’t aound like too big an under taking for John Kimbrough aad Company, but it waa. The Ma roon and White went down in de feat 7-0, after playing one of their greatest games. Since that gloomy November day in ’40, very few faithful Aggies have been able to hold their heads up without feeling as though some thing is ladling—and rightfully ao because something b Lacking — Longhorn blood on the gridiron! Everyone thought that ’41 would be the year for revenge; then came that horrible nightmare on Kyle Field when Crain, Layden, and Company walked over the Aggies to the tune of 23-0. This marked the first time that the Longhorns had beaten the Aggies on Kyb Field. ^ Bat this wasn't the ewo, not by any means, as a matter of fact R was only the beginning. It hap pened again in ’42, ’43, ’44, ’46, and again last year aa the famine con tinued at its peak with the Aggies bowing to the Longhorns in Me morial Stadium 24-7. “How long can It last?" b the cry that we hear this summer at Aggieland as the '47 football son draws near. Can tkb be tbs year to end this Jinx? MW tUM 974171 Good Myfcf pro<*tnongl (ob« era wbHM 4or qualified men and women In RADIO, Ut M Fufty approved fur G. I. Tr.iain,/Write today fu7 te| intormstioo—rvo obligation. MUTE RADIO BROADCASTING ¥//. 2900 NO. FITZHUGH ;e% DALLAS 4. TEXAS DeLUXE CAFE — Bryan — Where all Affiea meet “We Serve the Beet" FAMOUS BRANDS Every shirt In our stock la by a famous maker by tried an and many of them are shirt makers. and true custom We receive shipments frequently and if yon need good shirts, pay us a visit and convince yourself by selecting the shirts you have wanted. Just received the new fall sample line for tailor made clothes for men and women. LEON B. WEISS Next to Campus Theater • 1 I ranee MEN'S AND BOYS’ WEAR ' • • • J#/ Suits it* Reduced Prices on All- Shirts . , Summer Neckwear Drees Belts Summer Robes Shop Now for Beat T m W / t CLOTHIERS _ '■ 7 i V ' ki, i A/ ! VJ