The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 11, 1947, Image 3
: -c ri i-L w * 1 * / i ry • ’JL / A / 4- ON KY -»r DON KNO FIELD — Kyle Rote to Enter S^fL U. in September; Coaches Surprised at Sudden Decision cordinc to Al, Grmndr» , « most to- Word com* KyU Rot*, tlto school athletes dM to f few Tex&* »th- totas vrmt to rtctlv* all* ■ tat* hoMn to both foot ball and bu- kotball had or- iffinally dodd- ■4 to go to Vanderbilt Ub- tost yoar, ha 8JLU. ttoto bhn off at be platok ' Tha baMball caught .randpa M«tty *e Um aid* of th* Rotoa’ doda- ion to on tor 8. M U. came aa • surprise to both Matty Ball. 8JI.U. b*ad coach, and Rusty Rusaell, aaaistaat coach. The all-stator, who bails from San jAntomo, weighed 185 pounds lad year whilo^ playing with Th W^STthT^addition of Itoto to their rolls 8JI.U. now has three of th* flee members of the all- atato baabethall team at last year. Th* oth*r two m*ab*rs are Chart** Lata and Marsw Freiberccr. Lota was also a member of the Thomas J*fferson High basketball last y«ar. la football th* Mataawgi naitod an*th*r all taatar from Thomas Jafferaaa la Boaay Faya*, groat *b4 wha was sa th* rotaMag th* •nd of naay of BaWi pass** \m ytar. e thea baaotmU's sas dun. No kiddtog, it fenc* and woa tha gasaa, quoting A1 of coarse. Naturally some of the orer-cur- ious will become slsmod at this point and inquire," How could that ~ happen! No maa could a hall over the fence with Al, ready for this one, exclaimed,” You don’t know Graad- ; he had bats to his belfry ” ★ Probably no one leowmben Mike Grady, third hasemati for the Giant* to IBM. Ha made his out- ■Unding aertaa of plays to sa* Baseball's famous stowa. Al SohaoM* olaims that his gvuadtof* was * major Magus maa, to#. Aa> single game, he attempted to field a grounder, but fumbling it he en abled the runner to reach first Grady then mods a wild throw to first, allowing tha nmasr to n second. Tha nret baseman reco ad to# baO and threw it to Grady to head off tha runner who was trying for third. The ball got there first but Grady fumbled It Tbs ball railed off. Grady scrambled for it and tb* nmner streaked for home. Grady ftoafly oaptured ball, throw It and it soared the catchers Wd Th* grounder totaled up a* M> lows: a* kite, *a* ran, ar<i four •iron by Grady. After this spark- ling bit of play, Grady retired aad mKv Dorm If Still • Leads Softball; Fonr Gaines Left Raauits of games ptayud on July 8.1 Traitor s imp had a 8 ran toad from them as Dorm out 8 to 4. Tha game tanaa with Dorm to the third and eut to front to whan catcher J< hit by second baaei to game was ttod agate in the sixth when second baseman Conger fart the traitor camp hit a home run. At tha last of the seven th ftret baseman Foe for Dorm 8 came to bat got on base and later acored tha winning run. Dorm 11 came through with their third Straight victory a* they ahutout D« m i, 10 to 0. Pitcher Alania allowed only 8 hits to spark his team In Its win. Dorm S had Its big inning in th* sorrmil a* they scored 8 runs. Dorm 4 dropped another game as they were defeated 10 to 8 by Dorm 6 Dorm 4 took a 8 run lead only to have Dorm 0 gat to the ball game and In two innings score 10 runs for their win. Blrhhosd was tha winning pitcher. Dorm 10 took an early lead to beat Dona t, 7 to L Center fielder WUey r the only nk for Dorm t when he :o the plate la the sixth to out pS Dorm 11 kook to th* sir to beat m 11 to 4. Marita waa the Winning pitcher while Beck got credit for th* loa. Friday's Results: Dm • sputout Dm 8 bi a tool 7 to 0 vfc wkmtof pilsbmr aiiowm* unto 4 hits wbll* his team mate, right fielder, W*aot gut • for | and first baa* Wmm I s Battalion PORT s FRIDAY, JULY 11. 1M7 Leonard Dickey 9*™!, Like Father, Like Son front by I runs. Tb* mmm gtob to th« to M*V* 1 (.ollcgo View Intramural SoUball SI'*,."'. GZ, n. ^-a,‘"•h" " ^ ‘ Celle go Vtow Lsagus batttod *ut • ball gam* •• July I with th* AtK 1p4Wni n^iifi# out tH# Srcw ^erc^ll toll. Tb* gam* wa* ttod «h*r lillowing only gut I tot A at to 4 Usd m thr •*np to di*p o bold '"toll* Derm T. toning when Dorm nti mi audl fom*. leading Derm •aoy 11 to I vietory toeing 4 to 4 and again to tb* third wHh 1 la th* fourth inning a hit 7o ICbtaf Juatto* ploying ■ McWilliams got Utica aad then ^ WlA tarn g fotf with 8 eUrgyman, ed his hall 800 yards straight th# fairway. Th* sUrgymsa ■topped us iou«ly ami the baU f< well-known dad as Dana I dmttousd their wtontof •treak by detoaUng tbs msm3 pls*s team Dm t, T to 1. Catetwr | H it Hart was the leading far th* wtipten get tin* Ihits for I tim** at ' * * •«■ m a a*|To Houston For fim tawlnr only U> b. h.ld 1 Uas th* re*t of tU be defeated Pitcher Wilson and Traitor Camp U mi th* '48 sod '48 Aggto fta pro grid contract with tha N*w York Yankees. Dickey, who first cam* to A^AM. to 1848, was a standout taoklo 1841 team before entering the vie*. Dickey played for th* W**t Army Urn Wad* u u foarhed by Wal- l ib Nta aarrlaa. Sa DR. N. B. McNUTT DBNf1ST Phoaa 8-1487 JOSEPH W. GEPPERT, M. D. ANNOUNCES his discharge from the Army of tb* United States and opening of an office at 1A4-A Sa College Avenue over the Bryan Studio for the practice of .1 General Medicine aad Surgery /•vt J Mm*, t . •' 1 1/!. 'A i Office Hours: 8 • It a. m. 8- 8 p. m. Offioa 8-1620 Homs 1-7070 Highest CASH Prices Paid For • U8dd Book* • Slide Rulti • Drawing 8eU , • T-Squarta \f / /I/■> '" & I 1 / COLLEGE BOOK STORE Nwlk O.U Swimmers Journey To Houston For "IAnnual Y Meet ilson held Traitor Camp -|«»arai all I M yd. Fra* tog Hamm Laawtto, poto gaaa*. | 50 yd. Breast M yd. Back LriSr “ wta> of an ages. | Dlvtog Rsbby Karow. 78 yd. Msdtoy-Ralay-^MUp Ms* hanaa, Tam Bartow, Byrea Aa- Jt H feuf-y**r-nid kL to*ba Ito* • i put la a pre-game parti to it Louis. Kurnwtkl, ■on at the Cardinal!' Msmatl edition of his wurkout at aportsman's Coach Art Adamson has an- uaced that he will taka his tog* Station Swimming Tsai ziifrjErthi | July 10, 11, and IX. Th* S mine Meet to broken down ini Junior, Intermediate, and 8 | Divisions. The Junior Divtsi® consist at those entrees 14 B rs of sg* and under, an lor Division consisting o irefn of all ages. The preliminaries and the finals in the Junior, Intermediate, aad Senior Division* will be run off on July 10, 11, and IS raspoctivaly. Prelim inane* to each dirtsiae will he held at 2:00 PJL and tha finals at 8 00 PJL Men and their respective dtria- tona and events who will maks th* Intramural Softball Standings Ttoe Tuaaday Jaly 8th Taam Woa Leal Pet. 1 Dorm 10 10 o • 1.000 Dorm 8 7 2 .778 Dorm 1 7* t|4 .760 Dorm S 7 8 .700 Dorm • 6 4 .600 Dorm 11 d • 4 .600 Dorm 8 mum.. - A% MO Dorm » 6 6 .500 Dorm 7 6 6 .500 Project House .. 4 4 .500 Dorm 4 3 6 .533 Traitor Camp 8 7 .300 Dorm 1 2 9 .800 The American Legion now has 16,364 posts, a new record. WMT NO WQRB, MV LkOV/combobT mb an mi ««»■* mom* mmam^* cnwrio w am vm mmsmm amo nMmiv wm ita«< 2 IMTWBgj BETTER HOMES VwImnceM. llrM.n m yd. Fvus ttyto—Vaa Adam son, Watty Aadsraoa, Billy B*b naTi 180 yd. leek