Hi 1 Battalion « ,4 editorials Pkf*! FHIDAT. IULY U, 1MT As A Man Thinketh... m th * bUrm, trying Un*t d iJS7* thl, ! f Av 0r othtr Und ^ rmdio iirl Deddling *t«th<*copeg); “seven out of ten Hollywood sUrs” drink or smoke or wash their'faces with such-and-such; '•‘your den- Sj n 3f* Jj* 1001 ” < w « ours, and he jaani). When is most? Seven out of ten but how were consulted, and who determines what a Holly wood star is? Don’t doctors ever raise a "**, in prots* against the calculated ex ploitation of an entire profession? Are. they always going to take it, like their pa tents, lying down? ^ ^ Oh people say tolerantly (precise propor tion of people not available, but too big), you have to expect that sort of thin* in a radio commercial—you’ve read “The Huck- •ters, haven’t you? Oh, yes, “everybody” ■“ r ®» d The Hucksters.” Wasn’t that the book in which Mr. Wakeman planted a land mine which he carefully ticketed “Soap Op era and then tripped over it? ... “V, 1 J*° we have to expect “that sort of 2f n * » reporter? “It is considered significant —who considers It significant y ' v 1 ! I too often—the interviewee yielded to the glo rious opportunity to become a spokesman, an interpreter, a know-it-all, ahd hal th7coi plete, pat answer to what “the soldiers thought” InvarisWy, of course, he rfmply told what ttB thought. He had taken his opinions with him, and he had brought them back again. ■The Army, rightly or wrongly, prohibited actual soldier polls by outsiders—probably nghtly, if only for the reason that other wise there would have been more voting than fighting. Iirtl—NHy, the Army did some highly worth-while polling on Its own ac count, and for its own information, the re sults of which were not made public Why not let them out now? In those figures only is there any accurate indication of what sol diers really thought. They thought, all right It seems equally bad reporting, to ap proximately 7S.4 or so of us, to quote three or four individuals (Including full names and Jddreases) with the implication that as John Doe thinks, so thinks the country, or the South, or an entire labor union. -Ayl one should not uncrs-enthw. one should Ignore—the speaker who has the < cer who has audiences— ■ wig agree w or 'The American busir* - , —* r'"'—— ——-essinw etiivs n/BVVaYUM, A “ “ •A"*' w “‘ of it. both sUtistteaUy id polltleallyT' Washington seems to ha- u •nxwsy. Htrs'l hop. **t» It. The city of Washington is r— —~ aiiwiTTOI. Ul ( wasn •wms to believe”—does that mean the population, plus Bethesda and Hyattoville, or, if not, what —‘ - ** " * * ■ * " and mede up, among others, of natives of the lumfia/ ,UU- * nd 0t th# Diitr,ct ot ^ This sort of “meet of’ and “believes" futsineas reached en apothesls of ineptitude during the war. Every returning entertainer or correspondent or member of Congress or whatnot was asked whet “the soldiers thought” about every conceivable subject The honest answer, of course, would heve been: “1 don’t know,. t talked at moat with a few hundred out of eeverel million men, and that subject did- n t come up to any greet extent. There were too many other things for the soldiers to worry about (I didn’t have to worry about them so much myself), such as whether the next meal would be cold or hot or the chances of keeping on living.” But too often—far ‘Great Issues’ at A. & M.?... tnat moet of my listei _ too we?l A meric * n bu **n«sa'man appreciates , Tb * rt n m ?y h® nothing particularly inaid- »ous in all this. And again there may be. The average intelligent listener or reader, one hopes (or do we statistically presume?), discounting, tnd does discount. mor# ll fbl f ran t numerical attribu- tions and genersllsatlons. Many of the gen- •rallgations are the product of sheer lasinMs M much physical as intellectual. It is so much easier to writo a think-piece, eo much ■impler to Interpret “local opinion,” or to lean back on dat ole d«*bbll Consensus with out putting onself to sll the hSTwk Jf rounding up substantial and provable facta U V§ S&L undet,r mined) to blame. Time was when a reporter had to use his feet as well es his head: too often today the mimeograph machine makes it unneoeeaery for him to overexert either Everyone has a right to his own opinions —end e right to no one elec's. —Saturday Review of Literature. This fall Dartmouth College will launch what is perhaps the moet promising of many courses instituted in college* and universities throughout thq country since the end of the war. Known as the “Great Issues" course. It is eunply an analysis of contemporary na tional and international problems. aw ^ P roc * dur * to be used in presenting the study is simple and easily adaptable to any school in the United States. The three- hour course is divided into three logical steps: First, the class is briefed on the problem for discussion by k qualified member of the faculty. This will take one hour Second, a prominent guest of the week will lecture on the subject selected by the members of the faculty in charge of the course. Third, s one-hour “Soeratk Dialogue” will be led by the president of the college. Dr. John Sloan Dickey. Students will tear apart the caee presented by the speaker of the previous period, who will be present during the discussion. It will be debated, discussed, and digested by Dartmouth seniors. Textbooks will be replaced by copies of The New Jfork Times” or the New York Herald Tribune.” All students will supple- ment their lectures and discussion through journals and periodicals devoted to contro- vtrsial matters. "Harper’s”, “The Atlantic”. ‘Tortign Affairs”, and the ”8aturd» y Re! view of Literature” will provide the back ground material necessary for receiving full btnam from the course.' A separata comer In the Dartmouth Library has been set aside for section meetings and individual confer- Mjgy In this room will contain clippings fi«l newspapers and periodicals all oyer the nation showing various editorial opinions from all sections of the country. The eeuree “Great Issues" fctoheve- quired ef ALL Dartmeuth eeutar aTaSwlI f Dr. Dickey feels that three objectives will be fulfilled in a study of this typ. s,if learning Is evident as a primary akm , public- minded ness, which ties in with the former is presented as a second major objective! last serves to present to the student the m!l er i CI !U 1CU i* J of Dartm °uth—to allow a liberal arts student an insight on the engi neering student, and vice-versa. A question which! taMsediately arises ! n w^ mind8 MWh y A. & M. es- U ”S l Jf cour *« similar to that at Dart mouth ? An understanding of vital question of the day is a matter of concern to all stu- denta. En^inasrs, agriculturists, libera] arts ** awakened from their coewm °f HMhffcrenc* and “do-no-wrong" attitude There is a definite place on this campus for a similar program. a f i A ‘ & M muMi duvota attention, indulgence, and cooperation The college itself owes its students and fac ulty the right to develop ideas, irf—i. a nd ti^v on ^i l' “Ytoo. («*M) or a ttostud gootn Sat td i & 01 rCS^* “* ■ 6 Adrainiatr* AetMtke Office Possible GI Buying Spree ■T A. D. Brees, h. Yetaraas 1 b* lx.o.tr.,1 Ceag- not duA until five pan at%or thair Ibsm data For tho NujoHty, tho maturity dote win ho hi 1M1 Thooo hoods •▼orago about IC00 oaeh and if all votorans toko cash for thorn, a sooreo of two billion must ba found. Sorao dollars can coma out at cash o a hand; others Bnwo would hare to borrowedL Neither tho budget tae national debt win bo groat. Jy aOsetad because funds for them bauo been included in national-debt to»ln and in budget calculations. Some of the possible effects of eataing-in those bonds might bo: . JO 3KHV1 AS A CATALYTIC AGENT TO INFLATION. Voto- rano will probably use this new po^iy power to bid for ocareo %£ srzzs RISE IN THE SALES OF NON-DUR- ABLE CONSUMERS GOODS. Many votaraao art just beginning to establish and equip house holds imme^uraS? ^ ^ ^ -.TO-Arg HTTLE affect ON COSTLY DURABLE GOODS Individual payments will hs small, therefore purchase# of aatomobUee, washing ■“tMnts. ref ' and tho like will net bo to any extent. the tmasumr might ■AVI HOME MOnW* saa lor t Freedom Train To Begin Year Tour Of U. S. in Sept 1 ^ Tr *‘*" •ponaorod tha Department of Justice to 'PfcF *• tko American public "-iHlreds of hleotortc documents, will begin Its year long tour of the United States, September 17, fradle of American Liberty. An will bt dtroitad to the Bill of Rights, which wOl tarS aa Its high point the constitutional guarantee of freedom of the press. On display will be historical docu- which have figured in the development and protaction of that freedom through the years. Among 41 J U* Thomas Jef. nomas feraon^i IhMes to 'Romas Seymour F : b l l \ 1#07 - editorial on John Peter Zenger Noe. 10-17, 1717, Thomas JeSer-’ sea’s letter to Edward Carrington Jan. !«, 1787, and John Milton » Areopagitica London, 1844. These end many other historical docunmata * interest will he dis played in more than »0 American mieg and towns in which the train will visit during the course of the °f the world’s greatest man- made ehnantee - the IM-milo FrtentJLwn Irrigation canal — toB^fS^cIworJ^ ^ •f*^nnu!t^?*tet5!ei h F frr?» Dam and tha EaWeah Rhrer—a dis tance of 75 milaa. Sir-Dong Must Produce or Go Sr W. ItoM, Jr. to toep. feed him ■jr-tatei, alulatein bull With ~ Ztt r-x: 7 ’;’"- N-w TmV to tk, -inn to Dairy Industry during the letter tart of June tote trSd and proven. There are three proved aim on each side of hie family, his -own sire. Sir Deagleae Rotter- JJP^Harh 848875. being one of L W - RutaL head of the Department of Dairy Husband ry. -aid that -although *76^7 hasn’t be«t officially classified that he would guess him to be ejigh Good Plus or a Vary Good Sir.IfcMg M Pride Gerh-Cel Watoeu wffl W imed on the col lege tend, end in the artificial insemination service being car ried on by the college. If he is proven, the Bureau of Dairy In- thM likely toko Mm back to use in taown breeding program. row money at a much lower inter- £ r ^ P«- <*«» that the G. I. bonds carry. , T^TAYERB WILL NOT BE SSSTtor b ~ - It is hoped that not as many T^tornna wiB be forced to cash bonds because of unemployment aa wwe In 1088. In view of the 193fi experience It might be wise for those who are urging the immed tote redeemption of their terminal- toave bends to step and consider *T drpre.klon to wa«M be’ aJuLl?*" SgfJupJagt pALACL BRYAN, TEXAS PJJSVIEW SATURDAY NIGHT, SUN., MON* ai»d TUESDAY GENE KELLY “LIVING IN A BIG WAY” COMING—TUES^ WED, THUR8* FRI* nod SATURDAY GREGORY PECK In — “THE YEARLING” QUEEN SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY GENE AUTRY — In — “SIOUX CITY SUE” WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY REX HARRISON — In — “NOTORIOUS GENTLEMAN” w PROPERLY AIR CONDITIONID! B*i Office OpM I :M r.«. Pk«M 4.11(1 k Mi tor Mkr totol PLAYS 2 DAYS! Friday-Saturday CnrtoM ui Lntast Nawx SATURDAY PREVIEW-11:00 p. m. Also tendny,-Monday and Tuesday ME Shops Recehrs |. New Transformers 1 The MeehaxnmA/ -• ■ hp the «Mto. viS. UlM ton' kSuS dad to tte shop. to^gogjass-r MmU to MMtoatoPto^thL^'tor Ik. op.ntn, of Th, fill (.crmait Jet Plane RciuaiiiH WithMK* GUION THEATER FRIDAY end SATURDAY, DOUBLE FEATURE 0^ 01 m.: 'f(atC4 SUNDAY end MONDAY Kisstna HiS max iKToTROVStr...., KfOOIW* Mr* M*y Mr iVARNEft PICTURI 6a COBDOMh . COMING: TueNdajr, Wednesday and Thursday :i I .V»