The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 08, 1947, Image 3

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•m BOM ■H»mw—
Af(to Quarter Mltoro Holp Southwwt
Town Win Milo Rolay at NCAA Moot
Mnf IK «
i artor MQoro
n MUo Rolay
0*t tl it» fMMim H iIm Ar«
S (ho
Tho four
touma w o r a
mado up af
athlotoa from
four different
rogiona of Um
country: Sou-
thwoat. Mid
west, Fur
W • • t, ■
J Star Game'
■ar aa "vim
m*** a
Chip Roan
font m "Unelo w .
Wl couch or director of
ot Um VahmtMto or VtaBa for M
yours duHnu whUto Uum hto Uuma
won tl Conference championiihipo
Diseh will to honored not only tor
hto outatondtoff record In booetoM
but also for the exampto to has
out In life aa a clean Ihriaf, loyal,,
sports locinc, and ruapoctod cM-
y Day Tickets United To
Two - Order Now or Be Scalped
hark Injure. 1 ■ _ _
!* rt h '"'2: (Uy by c. n. 6
Feller to llflaltllr 4 ■l.lW^tfa
Hal Newtouaar will to tto prah-
able aturUnr hurler for the Am
erican Learue Rehln I Nrwhouaer
toU OUdk Oteady hurlere aa New
York'h Spud Chandler. Detroit's
~ I
Ptan. for th. diatribuUnn ot Two* An<« footbotl Utk-
•ta for tha 1M7 frtd aaaaon wart unnouncod hurt Wudnuu-
tiby, buatnuM munufur of othietica it iht
itudcnU and ficulty mumbtrt will hi 11m-
to two ttohata far Mm Tana*
ember tl, but
The Southwest team, eonatoti
of Art Hamden and Ray Holbrooi
from A((ieland, Dickey from L.
s. U., and Roland from Colorado,
won Um event in the sensational
time of 8:1U. Boland, who to a
Ne(ro, hails from Louisiana which
made him eli(ihle to run on the
Southwest team.
In the 440-yard dash Herb Mc-
Kenley of Dllnoto was the victor in
the record-breakinf time of 46J
seconds. Hto time exceeded by 1
second the world record for this
event set by Ben Eastman, of
* rd .in 193S. Boland waa
and Hamden waa fifth to-
McKenley, who to a Jamaie
was iueliriblo to run on the Mid-
West’s relay team because the
•vent was limited to Americans.
have it that T. U. al
ready has started to worry about
their football situation next fall
It seems as though the “T" for
mation, beta* insururated at the
University next fall by the urns
Longhorn head coach Blair Cherry,
to not aa easy for the bockflold
stars to learn as was
| Layne, 1
on tho Longhorns 1046
Dtoty Trout, and St. Louis’ Jack
Kkamur. In the
Ewell Blackwell of Cincinnati to
expected to start. AH eyes will
to ou Blackwell,
the r
a honed.
Bobby Layne, tto aee ffiback
need a lot of help la
chorea of the “man under”. Paul
Campbell, star of the Loagtora
”8” squad last year, to oaa of toe
few Texas backs that has exper
ience aa the mas under. Campbell
mm from this position last year
while oa the “B** team. Tto
trouble is that Campbell is s
guy and to can not to depend
for too much work when the going
gets rough. ■
Harry (The Cat) Brochosn of St.
Louis, Johnny Sain of Boatm
Ralph Branca of Brooklyn
Aa a result of the poll conduct
ed in forty-two states and in the
District of Columbia .the fans’
put DiMsggio. McQuinn,
Cooper, and Walker in tto
DiMsggio gf New York
received the greatest number of
votes totaling 782.194 ns revealed
by the poll.
The starting linewups for the
American League and toe Nation
al League are as fl
r ***•
the at
there will to BO reasonable limit
placed ea tickets for the South
western. Baylor and 8MU games
to to played tore oa Kyle Field.
Sales for rames on the road,
talked-about pitcher this which Include: Texas Tech at Saa
ack of Blackwell will be Antonio; Oklahoma at Nonman;
Tennessee Parley
Adams to Attend |«
i are held every Mo
V flam f:80 to • JO.
Pay soaks are based oa too roa-
peetlve rank of tho mem bon, and
range from a tl.50 minimum tor
privates to |M0 for Ma
counts for each drill
Membership la tto soilage ROTC
prorram Is no tor to membership
in toe Guardt aad fall pay may to
drawn from both so arses. This pay
does net have to to tnclu.led when
computing Veteran* Administration
Any person Interested la dk-
suaeing tto advaatafoo of Natkaal
Cu*rd mrmberthlp will be furnish-
<hI trsnaporution to tto armory
from llasweU's comer la Bryaa at
fill oa aay Moaday evening.
Dr. J. E. Adams, toad of tho
department of agronomy, will at-
toad a meeting sponsored by the
Nation.) Cotton Council to to held
la Memphis, Tennessee July 10.
Representative* fr^m machine
manufacturers, farm machinery
■Mtltolkaa, and extension service
and experiment station staffs will
bo present
(Continued from Page 1)
tl paw holding Its weekly meetings
At tho temporary armory farllltte*
Tes WHi i Peetaa. U..
iee m ■■sell. Hew Teto.
"^KA-nONAL'YSi&tf * ’ 1
Mew TeeU IS i JM
^ * *-■- -# aau
as e a«e
W . lee e e as e e e
•• eeeeeeee •••*
rl JS4
oWdm, wol JdotJt
v ^ w emw v
!| n
tea vSJST'hlliJSi.'m'.
WeW Oeeee*. MewYek, e.
Longhorn Football
Schedule for 11947
It Otlelwwft el
1* ArbeMM el
n"1 »*J
f Oaga, of Bmm W»k. Aa-
11. a, seems |s have what
_ 10 twcome a famous grid
star. In his teams figs* five gnmss.
Wm sirtnsrm A AaMamWaAeaemStom ^m mmm O M
» rt' * % ouv nciom^iP On ofig tw
yard run, toother of 70 yards, two
II yard ■prints, two sf «c yard*,
ono af If yards, nhd oao <>f 40
LSU at Baton Rouge; TCU at
Fort Worth; Arkansas at Fayett-
wille; and Bke at Houston, may
have to to allotted based upon the
applications rsetiwd fat relation
to the number of ticketa Te:
AAM k allotted by the house
school for those games.
After ordma from formor stu
dents aad alumni tovu toon fill
ed ea Angus! 14 aay tickets re-
aaiatag wffl to placed ea aak
» tto general pabUc.
Application flanks are new
ring processed for me fling to nil
_jrmer stodenta oa tto mailing
list of toe Association of Former
Students who are now receiving
that ortrsmiation’o -paper. The
"maa r Aggto.
Applications will to accepted by
ail or at the office of tho Athlet
ic Council beginning on tto date
of this announcement aad close on
August 0, 1047. from (1) Former
Students, including "T" card hold-
art, (t) Faculty mem tori aad ad
ministrative staff of tho College.
Baseball Coach
team tore at AAM- A
other Anka at too
Foldborg at
lud to aot
ota for
bora wl
IT. 1047 wfll to Um*
gamoa, wiR aof to eligible ta
MARTY KAROW, toad ba^
ketball eeacb at
reeeatly toea assigned
dttkaal duty of bead
purchase addltkaal MgRg|g fee
Uris game.
After toe eleeing data for rp-
eelpt of apiittcaUonB from Fonaer
Studente and Faealty members
(August 0, 1047. aak of Robots
the general public will begin on
flrot ooum, first served bask. J
fkigk orders from to# public plas-
sd prior to A«gu*t io, 1047 wtt
aot to ooaoidorod as of that data.
Leshy Will Cosch
College All-St*r»
Uahy, wto was
this position on Jam
will to asalotod by
oaatbes from too No
and paal wto wilt to
short I >
family waa
I wto^k
and 1940 1 teams. 7 f Leahy will report at Northwest
Before getag to the Foint, Mil- em Unfverxlty August tb.rd to as
a was to tto 1B4A freshman some charge af the s^aad. ’ft*
rnong tto
Point are
aad Goble Bryant
vru umwrtoivy uiirm u
•ante charge of the Bou»d
pkyerx will be boused ea
compos aad use Northwestern’*
athletic facilltke.
4 4
It’s a fins reflection oa year awn good taste when
you bring your g-ue*U bars for luncheon or dinnsr.
The excellence of whatever we aerve-l-phu the grad-
oneness of our service and charm of our atmosphere
is most inviting! •
:. i ;>'»/ yf 7mL j ‘ | - //
Ws Have Seal Home Cooked Food
Homs Baked Ihc*
f / / • •
I /A/j^ •« J y/i ^ Yf . /
A. & M. GRILL .
North 0»U/,
y, 1/
/ /
•mM MS* Will
o# tho O—s>Mllw,
Um SMMto. A
Official NoticeH
W reMNetf ta Me stow
. Ummim, Atotortw
A M.lDeSMe af Ytoaa
••ui ities am.. wiitoiiiMt Tely 44,
>Mt. aeS Um mMUIt Meaeg aa4 mm
for *m riteSitM. •tetenl) test flaattae
air. t*e*a MMlate ftoah mm
w>lM« wttk M of
TMo owmw woo rtroaaooS la 1144. SM
Mo boon oooS owlr iMMiOj uM M te soM
tali*, h war to oo*o ot tto Aatoal
Hoohewgrr Moou Loborotory. oa tto A. S
>L SoBtfo of Toooo lootroo. OoUoeo
StaUoo. Tooao. AH bMo woot to HIM
*mIo4 by a oaohtor’o rtock. »oMl woo or
orSor. or oooh la tto oamot of of «to
Mi. If MS to aot
to ritoooil. Tto rh
loot oar oof oU MS,
mlroMMoo Tho
toeolroi ho oo
For a smooth-sailing
Try this suit an st our C60sfe Store—
It’s in tbs window too. Don toe brmstod.
medium tons, chalk stripe.
■ BPAIBSi naMo oaf
roa SALS i Smm er
■n to heakbM—low te*o swmc C.
V. Tor loo. til SooSk MooomWu TSU
tooU OoAwool
roa UALBt
Uli LM M I
Boh Ctworr.
\ Stoha.
Mo. A
SW *t P»l* Ml . Dtnoor Ooh.
S. D.
MoJ i
is so much
better to smoko I
"It's always fair weather when good fellows
get together” ... with PH1UP MORRIS!
It's true ... if every smoker knew what
MORRIS smokers know . . . they'd
Yes, tkit PHILIP MORRIS mnoker really
gets what other smokers only hone to get • •.
So for perfect smoking pleaturc... try a pack
>m r -*
r f
" r'.rrTg