The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 08, 1947, Image 2

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Pag® 2
Three-Community’ Living...
Now l am oim of thouaamU of
who have returned to achool to continue
their education. Although my interest in edu
cation has come only recently I have form
ed some tentative ideas concerning what
education can do for the young people of
our country.
To me the schools, originally created bv
the community to fill a community need,
exist primarily to provide citisens who will
fit into community life with as little friction
as possible. It is becoming increasingly dear
that everyInxly lives in three types of com
munity simultaneously.
The first is the home community, the
locality where one lives and works. The bulk
of the young people tfllnding secondary
schools will engage in such diverse occupa
tions as street car conductors, factory work
ers, bakers, salesgirls, wives, and mothers
I would favor offering in our high schools
subjects designed to do the greatest common
good for the greatest possible number, since
ft is patently impossible to prepare each per
son for the Specific position he or she even
tually will find.
By such subjects I mean broad survey
courses acquainting 1 the pupil with the un
derlying principles of many vocations; simi
lar survey courses designed to enrich the
student’s future life by giving him or her
an idea as to what is worthwhile in movies,
radio, books, music, and art; subjects em
phasising social relationships tai ~ ‘
manner that would stress getting
all desses, colors, and creeds; and
classes to help young people with their so
cial and vocational problems.
Secondly, there is the community of our
nation as a whole. My ideal teacher would
try to interest his pupils in social and eco
nomic problems that are natonally impor
tant Since we are a democracy, be should
impress upon them that a conscientious and
thinking electorate, capable and interested
J in choosing wise leaders, is essential to a
healthy democratic form
the recent war we have
indoctrinated in c
their schools, arc
nothing wrong with
the principles of
the young people of our
haa to be learned and
f government In
sen what people,
eiiefs largely by
of doing. T eee
indoctrination in
. Democracy
such teaching,
government of the people, by the people,
and for the people,” wfl pariah from the
earth, deetroyed either by some outside pow
er or from within by a email militant group
taking advantage of the apathy of the gen-
Finally, there is the world community.
We are still s long way from the concept
of the whole world living as one eommunl-
ty. Nicholas Murray Butler Is quoted in an
article on world federation as saying; “If
I were s young man I would not go into edu
cation. I would devote any lift to the real
isation of world federation."
Perhaps it la brash of me to disagree
with so distinguished a man but I think the
concept of world federation will come only
through education. The citisens of the Unit
ed Statee, the peasant walking along the
linden-lined roads of Prance, the Soviet
member in Russia, and the coolie s
in China are .only hours apart
cally. but they are centuries apart in
way of thinking. My ideal teacher, in addi
tion to his other duties, would do his best to
decrease this mental distance by a few
seconds. He would be old enough to realise
that the world and human nature change
very slowly but young enough to maintain
some zeal in trying to change it
With the cooperation of men like him
in this country and other countries, with
men in this generation sad succeeding gen
erations. there may some day come a time
when Americans. Englishmen. Germans,
Russians, and all the other national it 1m
consider themselves as members of the same
community. Ij -^Occupations
Poultry Judging
Clauses to Begin
in th* School
AgrteuHar* who art
A* tmm m
la poultry judging am In-
Education With Fulbright...
On August 1, 1946, the President of the
United States signed a measure which will
do more towards promoting international un
derstanding than all the peace conferences
and interracial groups could ever hope to
accomplish. Senate Bill 1636, or the Ful-
bright Bill, as It Is called after Its author,
provides the means whereby thousands of
American students and teachers may study
and teach abroad.*
In many countries throughout the world
the United Statee Army and Navy left mil
lions of dollars worth of surplus war goods.
Because of the unfavorable glance of trade
eyisting at the present time, and from all
indications will continue to exist, It Is im-
possible for thee# countries within whoss
boundariss the surplus materials were dump
ed to pay the Unfted States (n cash. The
Fulbright Bill is designed to allow payment
In klM. Education is to be the medium of
Within a period of 20 year* over 9800,-
000,000 will be applied to educational ex
change. No country will be allowed to spend
more than $1,000,000 each year. The money
will be spent In four ways:
1. To pay the bills of American stu
dents in klner education abroad. Trans
portation, fees, and subsistence will be
covered under the provisions of the hill.
2. To permit American profeasors and
noM pap
Below are listed position vacancies in the fields Indicated,
nterested studenU should contact W. R. Horsley or Lucian
Morgan In the Placement Office. Room 126, Administration
Building, for complete information
Civil Engineering-—Infllco, ln-+
eorporated; City of Della*.
Geology—Corning Glaa* Work*;
Tide Water Associated Oil Com
pany; The Denver and Rio t rank
Western Railroad Company, bn»H
Oil C ompany
Mechanical, Management, Ri«ct-
rical. Agricultural, Chemical. Pet
roleum, Civil Engineering, Indus
trial Education, Phyaica—Texas
Service Company, Wb.i*e»-
ng A Manufacturing Com
pany; Hou»ton lighting and Pow
er Company; Halliburton Oil Well
teachers to lecture in foreign universities
8. To assist foreign students in Am
erican non-denominational colleges and
universities oversea*.
4. To pay . transportation coats of for
eign students coming to America for high
er education.
The actual swarding of scholarships will
probably begin in 194H. Assistant Secretary
of State William Benton will be in charge of
the administration of the scholarships; a
ten-man Board of Foreign Scholarships will
pass applicants for theln. Representatives of |
tha Veterans Administration. United States |
Office of Education, state educational In-
atitutiona, and prlvatsly-endowed colleges
and unlversitlea, will nuke up the board.
At the present the United States has a
student exchange agreement with Great Brtt-
INTBRVIEWS: Th* fetlewtag
roMipamr- will h* CB th* cam-
pas la th* asar fatar* far la-
tervievm. Watch yew depait-
aiadfal halletla heard* far th*
time sad date: Fir* Preveatlea
sad Ragtaeefiag Bweaa of Tex
as; National Cash Register
Compaay; W. T. Graat Co«-
paay; Texas Life lasaraac*
Company. Ethyl Carpers ties.
Cementing Company: Pood Mm h
Inerv Corporation, Cavaogie-lUin
oia Steel ( or|>oiution
poultry Hu-hendrf, Dalrv Hue
bandry. Animal—
Thomp-on• Hayward Chemical 0*.}
Uncle Johnnie's MU1.
Business and Accounting, Keo-
nomloe—N A. Jam**, Inc.; Com-
■MPPlS Metals Company, Ltd.;
boal# R. Anderson: American Sur
ety Company of New York; Th*
Uing Company
erlean Airlines 6
•in. Plans call for similar agreement* with | ^JfJ" * man
mgiH^gar r, T#l
farm In Kabtn* County
Australia, New Zealand, India, the Phlli-
Jr**** Ineeranoe—There nr* poelUone
Arabia, Turkey. Eirypt, Greece, Italy, Aus- open for men tnt*r*«t*d in a car
tria, France, Holland, Belgium, and the Scan- ! leer In Insurance with Lincoln No
dinavian countries
Students will be chosen on a geographi
cal basis. However, e plan is being conaid
ered whereby students will be selected by
regions. In any event, distribution will in
sure a country-wide representation.
tlonal life
Connecticut General
a nee, and others.
2 Loan Funds
Will Stretch the
Monthly Check
By J. A. Ceoghraa
Do you have trouble mak
ing that check last or maybe
you need cash for some emer
gency ? Two student loan
funds, th* Davli Buck Fund and
th* Ernestine Gabor Loan Fund,
are new available to xtadente In
need of extra cash.
Th* Davis Buck Fund was start
ed in April, IMS by a donation of
15 from William K. Da via. Claw
of me. At that ttnw ho marked
the hill bo that he could odd it to
th* fund if it ever came into his
possession again, .jllw H he do
nated has amc* multiplied m
times, increasing to the pew
amount of HJtVtM. Thor* are
absolutely no otringx attached and
any student who needs five or $10
has only to so* Ray Hickman
Room 100. (loodwin Hall.
Loo Gmber of Houston started
the Ernestine Gabor Loan Fund
In memory of his mother. Sine*
Its foundefelsgiin September, 1044,
nearly Ill,4t4 In loans haa boon
mad*. In th* pact this fund has
been supervised by Mrs. J. J. Taeb-
enhaua, adviser of th* Hlllel Club,
but It Is now operated through th*
•tudont labor Office.
nearing- Am-1 Both funds offer ready sash with
m. | short terms. There Is no tnlorost
charge and no time limit set for
th* returning of tho money, but
the fund can only grow through
donation* by aMresiatlv* studonts
and friends. To dote only $10
been lost to bod aoeounts from
funds. All studsnts whs 1
some extra sash may avail thorn-
Company,(selvas to thsss funds without any
Life Inaur-1 trouble. Just drop by ths Student
ion Goodwin Hall.
Labor Office,
‘Peaceful Man’ to Survive...
A new kind of “peaceful man” must evolve
in order to survive the atomic age. If man
goes on aa he is, he will be wiped out as com
pletely as extinct animals were by the Ice
Ages. He must learn not to get into war.
This warning was given psychiatrists by
Dr. Brock Chisholm, executive secretary of
the World Health Organization Interim Com
mission. Psychiatrists must get together
with the scientists to draw up the blueprints
for this new kind of man, he told the Amer
ican Psychiatric Association.
'The desperate need of the human race
at this moat precarious stage of its develop
ment is for understanding of man and for
tho development of methods by which he can
learn to live in peace with his kind,” Dr.
Chisholm dociared. .
Tho changes that have taken place in tho
world In tho last two or three years make
our experience In (he peat use lees as a guide
for tho future, he explained.
“Only now haa the greateet potential
menace there has ever been to man—men’s
own aelentlflc knowledge income capable
Foreign Service—itandard Oil I »tat* College of Washington sug-
of New Jeney; Anderson, Clayton geeta in his aurvev that married
A Company. people usually settle down to **-]
Sales Engineering—Ingram Eq- On* reason for dty-ruml
uipment Company; Cyclone Fence rlages is that when ym
Division; The Akron Belting Co. are getting adjusted to .
. — different social life they art break-
Veterans Voptional Schools— ing away from ties and are readily |
le~ to »o into details of juet how thi ™ee|2S ^ .TfSKUT dr ”" tef
may be wiped out —whether it may be by cZua Tou; P.11. (W,, T.J
atomic chain reaction, or by the unleashing I«: Jackson County, Texas; Llano. I
of biological weapons now available, or by J"** T *“ t; MmU|rord *'
some other way, matters little. The fact is
that these methods ant not visionary: they Teaching—Grovetoa, Texas;]
are the most modern instruments which pro- Goose Creek, Texas; Lafkin, Tex-
of destroying the race. It would be profit-
mote th* kinds of people we have always f ubUc s^ 00 '*-
been—people who fight each other and who
m • . | aeawwamoewmi es m ■ispeia *■ ■ - ■ ■ ■ -I® | Uni-
for use, into an varsity of North Dakota, Grand]
North Dakota.
are preparing these weapons for use, i
immediate menace to the whole world.” ] Forks,
The education of children must be plan
ned so that future generations will not need I sgs it
to die wholesale, so that future men and wo- TTGI)el InOtOMeS
men can act m world citizens. Parents mj • - aTT
atone, he believes, can’t plan protaction M(image CfUinceS
against the atomic
Fabric Sho
Your Exclusive
from |
era faced with an
Ttmea-Unton: I
Freah Start After
The Battalion
They need help from a*, r rwa
of plague or ehoi- figures shew.
to tbs ssaatry for s «Uy
s trip eloesr to thaaltar.
(N«w York) | ,‘miT. ** *"
OItm Fhatty UwotumMmih, to
firs. | NsMtortos emtosv si svattsMs
Ml wh*S
vttod to sttoad. Cksa
et the College Poultry Fana.
Coolest to be held
their eyes sa
4 la Chicago this tsh, saadUatss for
ths Aggie teem sm4 with E. D. Par-
Mil, team coach. Joe at to for-
of poultry, Parnell I
For vacation wear at the beach or leisure
hours at home a handsome robe ie tope
for real comfort
Choose now from our a-snortment of
smartly tailored Summer Robes.
Rich colors in figures stripes and solid colors.
College and Bryan :/
Fran‘Ma, mem
M ytiNM Hi«Wm\:m
I 11APN111 1
ANNA and Till:
I ,*\
July 11th and 12th
of T*«a* and the OKr o<
*#i MfHJ MtwMjr mnwGm* |
rale $4 per sshsst yeas.
ns l;t> pun, Fk, 4-II8II
— In —
Sm <4
('.unit' Allyit