i if iSa* rfl. V —4- . ■ l " 1 Ay# B r WWv /¥ TW, i / T l/////// JULY 12 VSA Barbecue, Dance f f •> AUGUST 23 f*mt \ t‘r*W if / Col k-ice Amendment Vote A" PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST GREATER A * M COLLEGE Volume 47 COLLEGE STATION (Acziefend). TUESDAY, JULY S, 1947 Number 9 : Summer Officers of the Veteran Students Association fT— [XL VSA Barbecue,Dance To Be Held at Bryan Legion Hall July 12 Buses to Leave George’s at 4:15 for Members, $1 Non-Members l \ - T. C. •Huddy" M I'roaMont Hronnan | w | la^vK A An all-vet barbecue and dance will July 12, at the Bryan American Legion Brennan, Veteran Student?* Association ed Friday. Dancing and the serving of at 4:80, Brennan n«ai Wtlliai Hocrotary B. a Coariad* IWaaror Frank F. YaUa I'arUaeMnUrian Record Enrollment wf* .urtl. bamto Engineer Homesick For Summer Skiing and Ice Skating 1-Y ear Enliatment In National Guard Granted Veterans B, J. T. MUWr ' B-erf I hart found no good boor In College Station or Biyan. N Was thia profound atatoaant ut tered by a diagruatlod Aggie? No, strangely enough, a Swiss- It alian youth attending the cotton short couno disclosed thia aaas- faet. suaee Federico Kron- a resident of Milan aad Zu rich, did lavish praise oa Ameri can girls. howoVbr. Mo spout a few day* in Dallas and compliment ed the young ladies of that city oa their beauty. In fact, he intends to check up later on a few inter- eeting theories that he has form ed about American girls. Kronaoer's story of his life in Italy and Switserland was interest ing, but hardily exciting "aa one might expect. He entered the Poly technic Milan in 1»40, majoring in engineering While he was attending school, the Royal Air Force bombed Milan, destroying much of the heart of the city. Upon graduation in 1945, the young engineer began working for a Swiss textile muL Later he went to work for his father in Milan. In May Kroaauer booked | sage oa an 11-ton Polish “boat” and latft Italy from the port of Genoa. That voyage helped squelch one of his early desires: to be an officer on a naval man-o-war. Any way, as be said, Switserland has no ocean-going wumhlps. Upon arrival in New York his first move was to call Arturo Tod- eaninni, world-famous friend of the family. Tbr maestro was not in the city at that time, however. The erstwhile admiral tken proceeded to one of Manhattan's flashier bistros, where ho was shocked to loam that it was financially unwiae to indulge la drinking to the extent that he had while aboard ship. Leaving the lend of the sky scrapers, the 25-year-old headed for the wide open spaces. Hie ar rival at CoUags Station went un noticed by oil bat the short course registrar. Like all the cotton was crammed with three others into a suite in Dorm IS. There he dreams of the glorious future that awaits him at home—aiding and ice skating—while fighting back at a squadron of thoroughbred college cockroaches When asked about A. A M.’s rstem (located ; military set up; lack of co-eds; dry country!, Kronauer admitted that hot wea ther and a dearth of snow had more than anything else to do with hia homesickness. “After school I drove five miles outside of town, put on my skis, and for hours I tkiied until tears rolled down my face" All this took place in the middle of sum mer, tool Following the abort course, Kro- naner will spend soverul months in various parts of Tsana. Hie vies will expire in October, but be in tends to apply for an extension If ho can possibly locate a decent schooner of suds! K<‘si££llH J. W. “DOUGH” ROLUM Dean ef Mea and Acting Din ter of Athletics, has resigned 1LL1NS, Direc ef Men at East Texas State Teachers College, effective September 1. Livestock Croups Asked to Appoint Advisory Trustees At Cotton Course The Mth Annual Gotten Course this summer has a breaking class of 90 studer of whom are ladies. Mfcmors, nursery cotton buyers, and textile the students SAtorfey, C. “Buddy" ■ tnnounc- be begin ver, that no •octal aothrltv time. Last year's uz- the guu. end food mehee will bo will continue U era, inis snorsonea enusuneni term mem Derm to a Livestock in no way changes the conditions I Committee, D. W. Willie: under which a member may secure president for agriculture, a discharge from the National non need. Purposes of tl station ed part See ENLISTMENT, Page 2 Aberdeen Angus Breeders to Meet On Campus July 28 The Annual Field Day and Anything Goes* at Brazos County A&M Party July 29 Steen to Address Reserve Officers Steen of the Mikado’ Members Entertain Kiwanis sir Mombors of the Binging 0a> dote and Aggie Piayora, whs are parttelpatlng la the produc tion ef "The Mikado” slated for July 14-15, presented a program today at a Elwanu Hub. This la the first civic group to take advantage ef programs of the student organisations. 4 BUI Tumor, musical director of “The Mikado", hoc annonne ed that several other nrgamu ttowf arc eager to be entertain ed in a like meaner. Any club which deetres a program by the Cadets and Players may arrange / aa appointment by calling Tur ner at • 4-125S. Arrangement* should be made taupiteteb since few openings are avail- Christian Church Location Selected A site cadet chapel been selected for a by a committee ef ietian Church, Tim annual "anything foes’* mi ly ef the Brasos County A.AM. QMbtnatMiTfoapduy, July w at lbs Amerioan Legion Hall la Bryan, Martote Daaaby, fan oral sheirman baa announced All form er A AM student* In this teruon are Invited in be present at T p.m. when the bsrh*cu« *n To help shape, guide tot the 49th Armored Division, Btoeet *bn tooching, reoeard extension programs of the depart- I in order te make it of IWOM MmTiC€ CO of the State. A To determine policies and re lations between the department program and the livestock indus- try. Groups invited to appoint in of the committee of twelve are the Texas and Southwestern Cattle raisers’ Association. T Sheep and Goat Raisers’ Assorts- 5*. T«*. Ab^n-An^l^u^ufr* Breeder* Association will be each: and one from sack of the held by the Animal Hu*ban- American Quarter Hone Brood dry Deportment, on Monday, July I •**’ Association, the Palomino 28. The meeting Is open to Urn pub- Hone Breeden’ group. Ik and all who an interested in Formation of the committee, hoof cattle an invited to attend which would be called into at The pngrem wUI •tert at 10 a. m. least one annual meeting was re- In the Animal Hnsbendry PavUion. commanded by Dr. jTC. Miller. Foltewiiq|^to^ the tentative pro- j bond of the department of animal an among the students w present Georfia, Virginia, Carolina, Alabama, Ten Dnnstag throughout the even for the benefit of nns unable to find i ’ate automobile, busea i Confoetionery grounds, which an loent- ‘ Bryan on ths Madioon / J rllle »nd iway i prtes to tl.r l»srb.>oi.. will b* |.50 for vvte- Callfornla, and Mexico. Also, way, Switserland, July. Csechoelavakia an npnaonted. A. L. Ward, director ot Educe tionai Services Notional Cotton seed Products Associslion, honor ed the cotton class in tpcnkiag.te them Friday. Otto Goeddeckc, cotton breeder from Hallettsville, addressed the group today on “Secret of Br.-ed- ing Successful Varieties”. Each student, upon completion of the course, will have to pass a practical exam in grading and stapling cotton. ST fw membership cards; wui v* nrquirM to Wives and dates will be admitted for $.50. Aloe oa the agenda VBA thia summer I* a dance ea Augoot 28. It will be held in the Grove, aad Brennan i- plan sing te engage an outMde or chestra far the orrasiea. Other officer* of the association, besides Brennan, are: Jerry Suth erland, vice-president; Sam 8. Williams, secretary; E. sde, treasurer; end Yates, parliamentarian. — O. Court- Hraiot F. — Nearly Half of American Adults Are Superstitious '/K’ X Forty-five milboo adult ABherieans are superstitioua, chance you are one of them, the thirteen most common supersti- A. Lydgae in Red book Magazine Ifi A Gallup PoD tionn is reported by for May: ’Civilized man has made enormous strides since the Middle Agee, yet mill.one* .lb science 4*7 husbandry. the Bryan Pint Christian Chi and purchase has ke’-n agreed on. It was announced Friday. < on. It was announce* erraeg. Con- ■truction of the chapel, to cost approximately $15,000, will com mence around January 1, Rev. Francis J. Smyth*, pastor of the B-y»Si The ■•teetton was arranged W C. Chairman « th* Dr. Patrick Henry, executive sec retary ef ths Taxes Christian Mis sionsry Society The College Station Christian IshttTSh wfU be located in the *outh- Udo iilHM end pUa* *nll for linamn-g- with a roakknt pna- in charge M approved aad N. ohepardson. committee, and meeting i» open to Picnic to Honor Agronomy Seniors A pknk, in honor of the arrad anting agronomy senior* will bo hold this afternoon st 5:80 in Area I of Heimel Park, according to Eli Whltelev faculty sponsor. John E. Endrissi, In charge of recreation, has arranged n base ball game between Up faculty and students. J" &5£ Forestry Service AT ^ Member Addresses C. Millar, hood Animal Husbandry of Americans still ding to ancient superstitions. These belief* are not confined to the uneducated Every eighth college graduate black cat* mean bod luck. In general, wom en were found more superntitious Mms men. “When all the superstitions were tallied in the poll, It was found that a completely senseless super stition sometimes outranks on* that makes a certain amount of Mere people are in fear of black eats than of walking under ladders. Yet WS know thnt something might easily fall aad hit us on the hand h ladder, which was the original reason for the sn perstitlon. These thirteen mere er less fa i miner, need Animal Hwhandry ggr i i Denartment, in charge ef aetivlties. STlSL WorkHDOp 1S:M Hie Ksoulrmirnt* for Quality Beef, Roy¥ Bnyder, pro- R. F. Evan* of the Dlvt ‘ feeaor la charge of Meats Labors- Education and Information _ ^ _ Tsana Forest Merviss, Oattsgs Bta- Progeny TtoHM BtoC MM,Um. was one of the principle John H. fsgsm—Misl mmlssihasa, toasbar* at the Southwest Texas Tones Agricultural Experimeat Rtate College Conaervation Work' HUtlon. shop which was held June ,10 IliBB Contioi a f Internal Para- July 5. S*! Dr ’A v , D _T urk - ^ Each day of the workshop bo Deportment ef Veterinary spoke on foreotry snbjeete, one of 1 srs*iu»l«v|y. wbiah eras "CorreMtiag Forestry Afteraoea Beaatea with the School Curriculum” Oth- lift Cattle OtaBteg. O. W. *r dloetosH.n. by Evans were on htobsnd Reeourcto ef To: man. "Tcxa* Forestry Profram”, “Por- l‘J8 Sprsyinf for Control of ret Relati-nshlpe- Soli, Wster, Homfliee and Lice, Paul Gregg, | WlUBlfe, and CUmote,” and “For t Extension antousolaelat. tot Management . assistant mSter suaasstnlena larasd up In * (isliup roll, In the following mw dar of rank) I) A Mask eat aerass the path Is badjtojk. of the $) Walking undsr a ladder bring* bad luck. •) Knock ea wood fo# good look. 4) Brooking a mirror krlnga maMStoto toMaflam tow WmIsamM •wYwfl TeWIrH wi MM IllWtot I) Nsver light throe on a moteh (this la • loft over from World War I whoa a lighted moteh in o trench often attracted enemy ballets.)' B) The number |Bbed luck) aloe Friday the thirteenth. T) Upsetting salt brings k look, but throwing a pinch over I left shoulder brings good 1 u again. 8) Dreams foretell what will happen. 9) It’s had teek to oeturn for anything you’ve left behind 10) Never open an umbrella in the house. 11) A rabbit’s foot brings good luck. 12) Croee your fingers to wish mebody lock; also when you’re 18) f it’8 bad hock for o ooupie on n street to orparste and walk around a polo; they'll hovo a flghg “Many other superstitions wore found la vogue in vanou* pert* of the country. For oxampiet iUara will hove malformed children. Never walk around the room with one shoe on. Never aWsrajMl )sb on Friday. Never sat a jdrsia •a Friday. K you dsafg comb. •tep to it beforu pi. king It UP A Upaad new m ..r that weald will water mesne rain, Bing Ik.for* breakfast will tanks it earns true. If* bed lurk to throw eshto SUt after mi adeem, \Jr MNBai*UtMM,i«ay net tanks Arnsritoas.” i// ' FFA Scheduled To Meet Friday Nij:lit The ABM Collegia to Chapter of tk* FuBBrs Farmer* of America will meet at 7 4 ft Friday, 11, la the lecture room <>f/lhaAfllV cultural Engineering Building. All member* are urged te.WMg their wives or girl friends The North Texas Agricultural College Cadet Coops has rOBaivid a federal rating of “excellent* uH a score of 94.9, Dean E. H. Here ford was informed Saturday. The rating was made on the basis of performance during aa inspection in May. Col. Edgar H. Eeltner, veteran of the Bataan campaign. M NTACs professor ef military ocitoaa a taeHaa. Council to Meet n. at 7:19 p.m, la the YjM-CA, M was Bslmriay. BILLIE JEAN will ateg Yum-Yum M hade" July 14-15, M girl whe married Barren after she TBCW last ye with the Deate ’ ' 1 1 | ' . MARCUB MAHAN, wka w« Ml- aMg the part ef Ee-Ee, Ike Lssd Iryaa Lord U>gk Exe t Joe Mikede.fi0 a from He hoe appear BUHL ERVIN, who Pooh-Bah ia The Miku a aaletet with the Bta la a do.” ww VANDA |tag Co- Rrvta) has alw mtiJU He M now a E fsrelt j rt tka M. T. D. CA1ROLL—Tka Mikado hkaoelf! Carroll, whe wig Mag the title rtee la The Mikado* W Light Opera Ca. aad