The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 04, 1947, Image 3

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- *
”— m ~Wr mu nemjum-™’' "
Despite Coaches’ Efforts Freiberger
Enters 8. M. U. in September
•mob abo«| ft oar-
ftnoklft Um ateU
botkflhall race
■ Ml ftar, la
In many yoar*.
Tka OraanrllU
alar, who aaar-
t« Ix'inU In
fa! Sm
laa •
af wkat
ataff M
to try la
Kb aarty aa INI, I
trar atartod kla
toMM «iZ«CfaiSBsfli aSEe
him <>n Um I4aa ti —tag to Af*
only aawfttoaft yaan old.
Daaplto Um affarto af vaHaaa
f to t. MTU.
MM to (•
TWa ara
ampaa wka kaltoaa tkat If mom
S Batt
. JXJLY 4,
P>«« 8
Athletic Council Approver Coach
Shuffle; Rolling Refuses Directorship
AthWtic Council approved by Um Board of Di-
> wook, mot for their first time Wadnoaday
In ffaahlnf tho “fo ahead" signal to tba col-
i to pneood with tho improvomtnt* to XyU rWW
' notoly IM.000 tpprovod by tho board ot tho
National AAV Meet Attract*
28 Texans; 6 Aggies Make Trip
a aouad.
| Tba
roctora 1
and lost
Frfiborftr wb# at SM
■rtoaaly waUirtM A
•Mad to M to A M. U.
baaaaaa of a aaara aatlato.
Will George Wilde Be A Star? ? ?
Tba baekfleld atandoat of spring
training at T. C. U. this past year
was a format Aggie gridatsr aa—ad
George WOda who —any people
baUave ia oe— af tba graataat foat-
ball proapaeto to eoana oat af Um
Soatbwaat Tbia caoaod —neb com
plaint fro— Aggta fans who natu
rally wondered bow Wilde slipp
ed through ear fingers.
■ Tbs facts about the —attar ara
M follows:
Wilde, who played freehman ball
bare at Aggitoand in *41 and |
a squadman aa tba *41 tea—, in-
I Joiod bis back in a Jeep accident
flaa betiding i
*D-in of Men
line, wbe has
tftifig sUilttU AlfwWf iftMt limi
< <>e3» Horaar Nartoagave up tbal
C leat April, asked Um cminril
bis na—• net be eanaM^twd
or Davay O'Brtea by earta— apac _
writare in tba state. Although
WOda may batva looked great at
T. C. U. last spring Ms perfor-
uwes beta at Aggie—ad ware far
M spectacular.
We are prone to beltove that the
wlekfaM —ay have a dad ea tbek
inds nest fall, eaparially if
Wilde’s back injury raaeeara.
4 wnen wuoe remnaao
CO—plained of bis back
i and be asked permu-
itbdraw fro— foothaU.
while in tbs sanies.
Laat 7all when WOda returned
to A AM be
hurting him
■ion to withdru
When bo quit football his scholar
ship was term! na tod bocauao hie
injury waa not sustained at AAM.
—At the beginning of the epring
■omostar Wilde enrolled at T. C. U.
and became their aee football a tar
in »prmg training. Wildr'i great
est Meal was hie peeling ehUMy.
When Wilde was ruled Inallgibie
for further competition in South
welt ('onffrenci foothill be Quit
T, C. U. and itgned e contract to
•lay pro football with the Wash
tngton Redskins.
Wilde, beeauee of hie parfor
—ansa at t. 6. U. fall
ha wauld
to that
’Mural Softball
Play b Fast And
Tight; It Leads
Dam t an
airtight dafu
College View Race
Tied Up; Bears And
Antelopes Lead
♦ iTbd Annual National AAU traek and field meet will be
hdld thia waak-end in Lincoln, Nebraaka with Texan being
id by a St man aquad. Tho Tnxana will ba eoachad
by Clyda Uttfaflad of tKaUAhraraity of Tana. Erich Fabl,
Booth Texaa AAU eomaaiaalbnar, will ba the team managar.
AAM will ba repr—anted «— tin ‘
Dam I and Dam I battled Id
to o to t tie
Vet Wives Start
Volleyball Play
The girts volley hall teams be
gan their Intramural league Mon
day evening, i Jana 30, when the
ambidfxtroui Airedales won their
first match front the battling
Bakers, 15-d, 1S-S. Mach team wUl
play a atx game schedule with
the final game coming July Id
and if a fie for ftmt place the
playoff urlll bo the IT and It.
but he saM that
to aet ia hie
until Um coumI
can find A —an far the Jab, but Loyd af Dam 3.
that ha wauld Bet serve after Sep
tember i, the date that football
training open*.
I D. W.
In charge af
Chair—aa af
eed that the caaacfl had net taken
any actiaa an any af the dlractar-
ship appheatiaaa ainca —ant af
the —e—bare wees now to the
fi thee to
study the
tog their rdrn—eudettoue to
PriMdeut GfiA Gilchrist and tka
Beard af Directors far approval.
played by b
Bine* And fa pUcninfa •xSiiMlVdo Dy
VonRoaanbarg of Dam t and
ahoriatop poet Catcher
’ Derm i was tba only
■agar Bt
libera of Mo council, with
od the out*tending pitcher In the
Magee as ba continued to put hie
opponents down by striking out 17
men In this game.
Wiley for Dorm 3 was
inf at tho
Culhnan <*
to gut on baas twice durtnj;
the entire game, ones on a b—
the other time on a walkJ first
man Pace gut the only hit
for Dam t.
Be ■ephuilina af the Dam
B team wen gteun a Jolt aa Bkaf
( Mato aee end fuaae of Ma
aan to Dam 1, 3-X
Mb of
handed by Art WaraSea
and Qaerga K^Mra. Afgto Ray
Holbrook along wtth Marudea wui
••tor Um III —tor daah.
K*<ur. win an lor the DUcui
til row —omit mtui J —w—tin f ft n nx
• ^^^Mww ^a«a maom —^a w^^aaMl a—aa
wtth Ma boat performance an-
t*<| to cortxm in U— Dlaeuo
tow haadtoa ah-Ud be -alto Me
pitcher wei crafaaH^tthV^'^n
whilt TerruMoo, wfafa crtdH#d with
Um Uaa. The Anuiopee now have
a tto for the league lead With I
win* and no lose—
Um spaa overcame a I run
Mad la Um third inning to
the Cato It to Id to
• tto fur first plaaa
ninge Andenon polled a b«»w haoM
run — Me third inning with one
runner on haaa to five hie side
a Mad that was never relinquish
ed. ivw the Maara Ford had a
perfect day at hat.
Badtng batter
cadet corps fepreaentai
Ipreeent for Me -letii
in Mr.
SUt a Victory
L il-lt. WB-
It’s a fine reflection on yov own good thato when
you bring your guests bars (or hmchaon or dinner.
The excellence of whatever wu aarwe—plus the grad*
ousneaa of our service and charm of our i
is moat Inviting!
We Have Real Home Oeofeed Food
ffm—o Baked Plea
North Guta
dcrfieid waa the leading batter for
-Ei A--. SS*, 7 ,“^rL'
was the assign—ant of tba tog the batttMf with 1 far t.
p etaff.datMe and the pr*. The Project Houaa and Dam
of acholartM aid for all 4 had a ’hitting good time" with
■porta in addition to the four major the Project rfouae and Dorm
m. ■ the long end of a 10 to T victory.
Under the eoachfug shuffle Mar- The two tea— tstated 34 tots,
ty Earow relinquished all football Dam •
aaaohteg dutlei to eeeu-i the bead far*
eoaah poet ia baM baahalbeU and
ha«ihall, a duel rate be bald b« 4
for,- th. wsr in addition to hk M—tog • —to.
footbsll choree. He ateo bad u> ** 1 ? L _* 0i *_ ta _ th *i
Sla* baeebeJU £aeen*aa!d mUf'ma! Dorm ** lt * > ^ |J| * loMra
Zl ZliJEl 1 •• n f«* toft* ohar Ba9tm Mg nr- base—aa Tab-
•*'" | g||g| uconini»<i fur thato tea—'a f
la hte plaaa Harry itHaler
Um latoM addittoa to Me ataff
hath Um aaMMaaA feat baM I Derm I imnltnesd la the
•a well m baed af Um culf ntogaalfaM pitahad Ms tea- to
•aa—. LH Dba-Mt gave ap haaa- a • to • victory aver thha Trailer
haM to give Ma faH Ubm to foot- ^ Obmii Bhortotot> K.>iin*k •tArt^i
batt. the ball rothng for Dam » wtth
Mr Nartos wtU aanttoua to 1 *
the faothaQ atof
Dimasitt and
Dam 11 oama Uirougb la Um
to overoouM a I run
U Dam I. D
broke up a I inning Ue
Tanag—i gut credit for a wta
aa Dorm 6 won thato aaooud ga
of the season In a • to t victory
over Dora 3.
Dorm 3 Jumped from number 0
slot to third position - the league
standing as pitcher Hall shutout
Doom 11. R to 0. Hall allowed
only 3 hits and with tba hitting
abaiuty of his matas went to.
easy win.
Dorm • leak an earty land to
bent Dam • • to 4. Lendl
totter* far Dam S ware ahei
'Lbicoln - Fordor
aa Um AaTmML
other Loaghoma entered are
npnntera Charley Parker, Allan
Lawler, and Perry Samuels, hurd
ler Ken Boren, broad Jumper John
Robertson, wetgfctmaa Garland
Adair, and quarter mil
mller Monroe
Ntw and old favor! tsa 2Sf
Supply of now popular
Fu—, Record Pfayan,
V 402 North Main
far A
Coming from behind Dorm
continued to win aa they defeat
ed Dorm 4 5 to S. Pitcher Boll
and ahortstop Hood accounted for
the toaeit t Wie tallies. Dorm 10
waa behind in the ball game until
thato half of the fifth Inning when
Catcher Golden got on bam by an
error, followed by a walk to Mat
barn— Daren to put two men
on haaa. (nfara oama la to atooh
tot and scored a hit to drive In two
nma and to later aoora on a hit
t>v pitcher Adams. The
Dorm 4 four r
ed ball gams.
The inning coet
and a wall play-
on a
Charlie DeWare,
iter as bk aeatet- wok
— wfll make the Mor
to toaai assign- doul
to Mtor fro— toa ataff. I In t
I* b»*kethall Karow will ha aa- BUI Hst»> stepped, to
■toted by Frankie, who served aa Bad with words or anec
hM aide Met eeaeoa and handled the ringing — toa asm ha knocked a
“B" laa—. In basebell Koch and borne run. In the Mat tan—g an
DeWare wfll help Karow with the kuipired Dorm U team came to
TT and freehman eoaah to be ^ and wmi * r ' xu><1 thato halting
rrjDeWarv bad thT-B" orttor ^ a half tlmaa on
^ naa tM mg •rrors to taka In
wfa 'a
Cat Frank Anderson continues I
as band track conah and wiH have _
Ray Putnam balk to help him with norm t
Um runnara. Thia to Um same earn-
bination which wan the only con-1
Utte annexed by the Ag-
thrllllng bsdl
14 to 4.
W. If. Dowell, nrefeaeoi of phy-1
■Mai rdnantloa who took over
nia in mid-aeneen whan Kadi had I
to haadte footbnll work, roeafvedl
the tennis coaching Jab aa hM
A blixsard raged outside. But
the two sourdoughs bunched over
• eh— board wore oblivious to
time and weather. They'd
Bitting wordless, before the cabin
fire all day. “Hell,* one said at
Met, breaking a ton-hour silence,
“R’e your move*
"You damned old chatterbox,”
shouted hM partner, upsetting the I
Wart In ruga, "don't you think I
f RT*
Intramural Softball
Standings (Tuesday, July t)
Team w L Pet.
W* RmmmmMI A
; — At —
/ / yV
Tear*, Bums, Holes of Any Kind
From Silks to Heavy Woolens . . .
1 *, a ■ m ; , y.
N«ftli G»t» PhoM 4-4444
Dorm 10
Dorm J
Dorm 3
Dorm S
Dam T
Dorm 3
Dorm 4
Dorm 11
Project Houaa
Dorm 4
Trailer Camp
Dora •
Dorm 1
I'M «0 U**V TO HftMfi A
0 1.000
1% BIS
3 .714
S .714
3 M7
3 625
I .582
4 .554
3 .500
4 42t*
0 .376
t .250
t .250
For Delicious Ice Cream
— Try —
Motorola Car Radios
Custom Models
in stock for
’46 and ’47 model
OUwr Modes for AS Makao
313 W. Mtk Dial 2-2811
One Block West af P. O. on 26th Stmet.
aee kt*pir*d by
ffce prise Hm§l
"‘9.V.D." tnllon!
to gtua yaa tka mi
It*a another B.V.D. ravuhrtien to
antonvar n—fortl Waahability
approved by 4—artrun InatituU of
Lnundrtea. Many mart ooiora ^