The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 01, 1947, Image 1
Investigation keport Biased, VS A States St r* * ttalion PUBLISHED IN THE OF A GREATER A AM COLLEGE Vohxxna 47 COLLEGE STATION (AfvMaad), TEXAS, TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1947 Number 7 Corps Regains Excellent Rating, Blue Star Veterans Council Frowns On 0,1 m °y Notifi * s ^ At Battalion Editorial Policy Charlie Murray Appears Before Croup And Defends Paper’s View By F. F. Block lurrajr f«r* hi* •iplana- t of th*. mcmbrrt of Um tho yropo—d chang* In Um ea<Wt aysMin. Mump, who npomry Objection to the editorial policy of the Battalion was voiced by the council of the campus Veteran Association at their meeting last Friday night ChartU Murray, rotoran odltor of Um papw, who apsoarod Um freep hy InrltaUoe ispiaian Um polity to thorn. Murray mado H oloar that tho papor wolaomci wittoisM, but rooonrod tho rifht to ■or what it wiahotf on tho odltor* iaf par AfUr M Uoa, moot counn! pneantrd thoir objocUoeo. View airod in particular wao that oodeomtnc tho proj OTflme. a Met from a military cadot ayotom to that of o emhan oyotom, wao quootionod at Ungth on Udo oub- Somo of tho nMmbon nloo dU- npprortd of Um Battalion's cov er* go of Bop. W. T. Moore's action on a recent bill before the State legislature. Moore of Bryan bad voted against an appropriation for State taotitatione of Ugh* learn ing, Including AAM. However some of tho mem ben seid that the paper had acted in tho stu dent's behalf la ita attack on Moore. Other boslnees taken up was Um completion of plans for n bar becue and dance to bo given at the American Legion hall in Bryan. Admission wB bo BOO for mem bers, $1 for non —mbeas, and 604 for girl friends end wives. Plan* for an aU college dance ha- fore the end of the semester wore Before the council wont into a doted eeoolon. "Buddy" Hrrnnan president of the orgenieetioa, ex pressed his spprroiation to Murrey for his pom lag before the group. D. W. WILLIAMS, shove, vi president for agrtcnltaro, e named chairman ef Um Athletic Gannett by Um eeilego Beard ef Director* at their maatMag I week. Andy Adam Named ladio Editor; Icplairs Jackson On July 16 A. D. “Andy” Adam will change from bin present position M aaaistant migratory sppervinor of tho AAM ('ollef«> K* ten* i on Servirr'. farm labor ;prohv«n to that of Cx •wnmifin iwKiio rtmor Ho lupiacss jC. W. Jackson who rv*igne<i June U to take over se radio farm director far a Kansas City otation. As Kxten»lod radio editor, Adam, together with Clotrr HRm.ter, will head the agricultural and home demonstration radio activities of the college. Those include the daily Tanas Farm and Home Program, the Saturday morning A. A M. Farm Review, and won with coon- tr •«*»<■« X-l Camps Of Inspection Results The War Department announced yesterday that the rat ing of “Excellent” was swarded Texas A. A M. as a result of the Federal Inspection conducted May 21-23 by officers of the Fourth Army. This rating will give cadets the priv liege of wearing Um coveted “Hue* —— Star” on thoir sleeves the coming school ^aar. ‘Political Expediency Prevalent Before And During Investigation* Only 8 of 60 Suggested Witnesses < .ailed; Too Little Time on Campus In a reply to the joint House-Senate legislative investi gation committee report, the Veteran Students Association stated that "politu-ul expedwtuV existed before and the hearing in Austin. The report, signed by the five offi cers of Um VBA. stated that the “biased action, of the several eom- mittcemm cmpoRing the Btejoiity group were not only a disappoint ment to the mature-minded veterans of this college, but to the many people closely associated with Um college a* well.” The statement eras med June ». The account further declared University Adds Army ROTC Units For Fall Semester Col C. S. Meloy, Jr M command ant and PM SAT, Immediately no tified officers is charge of the A. A M. detachments at the various summer eampe that Um "BHm Star'' had bum rugatnud hy the Cadot Corpo. Tho text ef hia mes sage la as follows: M WAR DRPARTM R NT RB- LBASID FINAL RATING FID- KRAL INSPECTION. A. A M. RR- CBIVBD HATING ’EXCELLENT. AUTHORIZED BLUB STAR. CONGRATULATIONS. COLONRL G. B. MELOY. JR.” Tho rating of ’ Excellent" la th* Enrollment Tope 4001; 59 Co-eds 4001 for the fk ^T’a^rdtef"UH*^ hST ea, registrar. Of tkia namher, Slid are veteran* attend lag Ba der the G. L BiU. ed^coaapared TTTStyHUx* far the mme term of 1PM. RnreUmeat for Um college last summer at this Um* wao I1S4. aa increase of 117. Um first term will etas* July 19; Um aecsad six weeks will hogla July tl sad sad ua Aagust flPMMk' Adam was horn laadad high graduated f Served as 1 •te Texas Association pmn, County 11 2935 44. details grants ii barvest* In Marlin, at- there and was AAM in 1926. Ho representative of t Bureau Cotton tiv* for two ity agent for Lamb and Young County ho joined the bead- to work ea various aloksu f—aai central highest possible awarded hy the War Department. It ia not known at Um present time th# ratings as signed John Tarieton Agricultural Cottage or North *T«aas Agricul tural College. Both are hranchoa a A. A M. Tho grad* placed ou the school’s Cadot Corps was baaed on thro* IMaga: theoretical knowledge of military ociene* and tactics (|>artt cularly branch subject*)! perform anco of Um corps during th* re view staged Um final day of th* inspection| and results of Inspoc- tlons which wor* held throughout Um throe-day period An Army R»*serv# Officer’* Training Corpa will be inatall- ed at the Univeraity of Texas, beginning with the Fall ae- ftetor, the Army announced to- oonUy. Fiv* bnmehoo havo hi authoHsod by th* War Dopart- ■MOt: Air Corpa, Trsnaportation Corpa, Corpo of Military Police. ter Corps, and Corpa of that th* i 12 hours spent on hy Um investigating th* them. in the states winding up of Texas mi lt and sugar beet Quartermar According te the "Summer Tex i", little opposition 1* being mot r proponsnte of tho War Dopart- ent plan for laaugurating train- g in a aohool which produced many naval offlnn through ita Naval R. O. T. C. program. This l« In contrast to th* flore* eon troversy stirred up In 1997 ov. r a similar proposal offered in that yaw. Opponents pointed out that -Um unit would split the campus into yet aasUMh group, that it would interfere wHh their freedom, girls didn’t like to go with moa In uniform." Headline of the DAILY TEXAN editorial on Much L 1987, waa "ROTC Promote* d mitt** could not have been ample • to analyse th* disturbance at A. A M. Of Um 60 names submitt ed to the committee as possible witnesses, only 8 were called to testify, it was asserted ' The rvply, in Ha entirety, ia m followa: "Wa, the Veteran Students As- "odation of Tom A. A M. College, hi view of the nature of Um ma- port submitted hy seven ef th* joint House-Senate inn ting committee, which in* i throe (l)-yoar dla- Um A. A M student body and thoir pruoidept, set forth the following ■latoment after lead ing and analysing the finds and re commendations of Um aforesaid eommltteo: ; •.I , ( hurch leaders On (ampusat Annual !nd Conference to suit aH taste will he at The Grave te> - ,#fe>rogr«Mi ■■ m mm aigiht at 8:90 p.s*. by Robert Spreeher, right, and WMom Wright. The pragram will he in Gi Hall ia Speeches by aome of tha outsUnding l«gdera In runtl thurch worh in Amartea are Grill Loses Health Permit; June Survey Results Revealed “ ,h? w J which ► nd will Tha Haalth Parmlt of tha A. A M. Grill, North Gate oaf a, waa temporarily rtvokad laat weak following an Inapae- Uon by a team composed of a County Haalth Offiear, a ra- Bryan Jayce*>s Plan Big Fourth of July pnaantatlve of tha Collage, and k member of tha Veteran* A****la>lm Mom Committee. A ■Maorioe) grading system recommended by Um United Statue PahIM Health Service was used in Um survey of tiollogu Station cafes and drug stores. In this area a CAFES FraakBa’s SB grads of T9 has booa set a* 0 surge's Casey's WhHeway Cafe J7 AggistendB AAM Grill DRUG STORES Lipscomb's Pharmacy Madslsy'a Pharm Black’s Phare*** Aggie lead Pharmacy (Nets: Drugstores are daaoad wttk cafes la amri* Th# future policy of the mitts will be to inspect both cafes and drugstores at any time, rath er than have certain days for th* Results at in*i ho published monthly. OMicerg of Texas Administrators Conference Named Officer* named at th* Texas School Administration Conference bald on the campus recently are: Terrell Ogg, superintendent of the Freeport school*, chairman; V. M. Miller, Pasadena superintendent, vtoe chatnaaa; and Georg* B. WU- eox, hce.i of the department of gduoaUon-poyohoiogy at A A M, eaacutiv* soorotayy-tau—mr. Heading th* county dents and sui.rrvi.rr. for Um com. ing year a**i K. K. Harris, Cold- arii < ouaRr ochooi •uporlatatoimi i»t| Mta. Iron* Hardla, Nav arro County dontt Miu J*wal Bchioy, The Long Lane’ Novel by Kidd, Sears Completion Harry L. Kidd. Jr., aasistei professorf) of English, is Bearing Com plrtion of his novel, Th# Long Lane." Set in the ott fields of Um Southwest, it portrays the struggle cf a middle-class American te find working philosophy of living which can give him spiritual sat- Taction in today’* materialistic d confused age. During th* nine months of th* regular school year, Kidd writes Um radio script for the Texas School of th* Air program, which is carried over the Taxes Quality Network. He hao had several short ■teriaa published hi suck magm- sines as "Argosy," Th* now Ho- I n R public," "Field and Stream," and 111 ^ “Southwest Review." mas Y. Crowufl and Com pany, New York City, will publish of 1948. Which fa continue This t leolgnod 9» giv* prehen tiv# rot il prac- Mr.-, hi u thorn •n Inaig of their anngrogi the eg- ticuhuri Utauegm tihtah | i Infor mation h pam. D m rural •ociolog Some hat will u . ^ m Ska r.of the fhdh mHl ss; Ven erable ] on, head Sf th* for the Epiwop United State*; er, rural lethodist Ids P AM Ser rice; 0 on, dean (ft the xre; and Dr. Jo) the ani mal hu it. Tc 122 Angies Among 780 Appointmenln Army Awm v>*hj # Wiu pwtl Um book soon afteri«ompotion tha manuscript in January, 19 Bryan Receiving New Dairy Plant A modsem dairy plant te h fab* Braaoo Creamery R under striMiioa at the tnlomriion of Ughway I aad Howsni street hi B r y • n tho weamory, which will operation ahoot September 1 will SSj MIU. buttermilk, roffr# One mt-Aggioo gular Army, Texas 41n, Nav- and rujqM mam, and Ini ov*m^ _ fcrttsar Itaia' Amty ■upvHntcadont, see- iwr-menai ssb aSSSwKsiSrt-ir . wtO aao milk are. Graham's Joroey herd rmds A daaiora. twenty-two among Um 790 ag- nt Harry in th* Re- check of th* Mot published hy Action and Blind Obedience" Th# state legislature finally pat ted a hill ia 1941 authorising the President of the University to ro- 3®tet the Armor to install aa ROTC uait. Because of th* war, however, Um Army refused; R has ‘ ou th* request. Officers named ss breach in structors include: U. Col. L. B. Matthews, PM8AT for Air; Major William H. J. Chsmhers, Assist ant PM SAT for Air ; Lt Col. John R. Dale, Tran*portauion Corps; Lt CoL Frank E. Hartman, Quar tenaaster Corps; Major Jack 8. Thbti. Transportation Corps; First Lt William E. Watte. Corpa of Military Potto*. "It is th* belief of this aaso- elation, now composed of oem* A 3,900 veterans attending summor school, thst politlcsl expediency was prevalent Uith before th* com mittee began actual hearings In Austin and during th* entire Inves tigation. The biased actions of Um several committeemen composing th* majority group were not only a disappointment to Um maters- minded veterans of thia cologv, but to th* many people closely as sociated with Ute college as well. Tn addition, wo believe the time spent (11 hours) by the joint te-- vestigation committee (of which only six member* were present) on Um A. A M. campus, could not poo- sihly have boon ample time for thorn to analyse at first-hand the diriurhing conditions so long pro- valent on thia campus. It Is well to mention that of the sixty (60) living in various part* of th* state which th* veteran ste- deaRr wanted subpoenaed be for.- the inwetigatioa committee that of that awn her only • were called to Local Girls to Be Presented In Beauty Contest; 15 Now Entered Dr. Randle Named Acting Head Of Deo Department Blf plana art undarwi ay l Uon achodulad by th« Junior for th# Fourth of July cultbrn- y um junior Chamber of Commarot at tha Bryan Country Club. Und«r tha direction of DavUi Grant, the affair promiaea to be on« of tha largeat calebrattona staged as Fourth of July lag military iatM parte of fate six wool tary ostsnse with War Doi Extension Service bourses Added to Ag Ed Curriculum Recognizing for aome time the need for training in Ag ricultural Extension Service organization and methods. Dean C. N. Shepardson has an nounced the establiehaaent of two arses in this field. Both courses will be offered by the Agricultural Education Depart ment and will be designated as Agricultural Education 440 441. Agricultural Education 440 will aseat an overall picture of Um Agricultural Extension Service as well aa its place among educational agwnrtso. its economic swd sign tfl can ea, and it* general oper ation It will be offered in the fall semester and will ha two cre dit hour*. Agricultural Education 441 deals with the development, evaluation, and means of carrying out Agri cultural Extension programs. It will also cover methods of selseting training leaden ia farm work. It will ha offered hi Um spring master sad wfil ho a three hour uroo. Assistant Professor John road ha* been selected hy th* Ex- toaoioa imrviss aad Um Agricul tural Edueatkm Department teach b*4h ef than bow egta Hv la aow hi Um field rolU-ctmj material for wa hi A natraoto ra> AD studon AgrisuMnal entertainment In this area. Th* highlight of the entire day will feature ladle* form both Rry Col log* Station. To dab there an fifteen entrants ia Um contest, and mors are expected to register before the deadline. To the winner will go a year's pass to the Campus Theatre and an en tire wardrobe donated by city mer chants. Girls registered for Um contest date and their sponsors are Esther Jan* Turck, K. Wolens Stole; Bonnie Morris, Campus Theatre; Inox FToeck, Corbusier Cheverolet Co; Dorothy Clary, Var- ■ Jewelry; Lynn Sparks, Sever Braley; Louie* Herring Mauro, abrie Shop; Aan Miller, Lester’s Smart Shop; Nall Arhopoles, A. A Waldrop A Co.; Jeannie Brown, Collegiatc Shop; Cecil Kelley, W SD; Margaret Phelps, Canady's Drug; Rosanne Poster, 9 Sewing Machine Co.; Robbie Coca Cola; Louis* Luxe, Cald well Jewelry; Peggy Bokowaki, Turek Jewelry; and Virginia Wal Iryaa News. ttorueys any of the before Um cam- :ui, has lace, Bryan Other activities to round out full Fourth will he hinge, motor bout rides, pony rides, swimming, golf tournament, goes* roping, model airplane contest, a wish ing well, end a cake walk. AU aorta sf food, ranging from cold water- to hot barbecue will ho "What Dr. C. Wilaon Handle, Professor of Economic*, »*en anpolntad acting head Of th# Economica Department, D*en F. C. Bolton announoad Mon- ^rofteter Raotilt rveoivsd his undergraduate training at Duke University. After graduatiag from Delta, Iw did tiork on his Master * dagrse at that odbaal aad th* Um vcraltir of Colorado, ho receive* hi# Master of Art* degree from Nba. The Univeraity of Krn tucky awarded Randle hie Doctor’s degree ia 1946. 1 During the war Professor Ran dle waa Dirsctor ef Labor Statis tic*. Region VIII; Wag* Stabilisa tion Director. National War Labor Board, Region VII; Vice-Chairman, National Wage Stabilisation Board. Ririon VII. The new acting head of the De partment of Economic* is the ae ther of numerous articles dealing with transient worker*, wage alyais in the petroleum indui and Latin-American trade. He completed work on an arbitration amanal, and kia^rcecarch has tended throughout the field of i rent wage demand*, analysis of union contract provisions, union de mands ia negotiation, and the War I^ibor Board itOiE^ Dr. Randle la a member of the National Arbitration Aaaoriatiori. Arbitration Staff of Um U. S. Cow- illthitloa Service, Um Americas Association of Univeraity Profos sor*. American Economic* A*»ocia tion. Beta Gamma Sigma, schoU- tic honor society, and Who’s Who ia Arbntation in the United States. "Tailhsimmi, we state that at no time iavestigatioa were ear at allowed te asset)*a wif sasss called heft atitte*. "W* wish te make it dear again that outside influences, hexing and collage traditions were not among Um factor* causing the unroot among th* veteran students Th# ■into law forbidding hating I* res pected In ita onwofay by Um vote- ran* of this college. ^ ’The vetatiM of this oollog* flUy rooognise Um anousetinnahU ahillty of Prssldont Gibb Gilchrist m an smpmm 1 wd a# a poi»ticlaR,1 ■ggWi. WO d* pot accept hi* ability aa on educator nor as a mim who oat taapir* and guide a group of youM men toward • flMT and more whelooenw Ma. * jCTfCrfharUm on- hoaMhy oaadiUoro wB/fiwii tMo Mat state investigation are •till in existence an this campus today. Bat, dostpu th* disadvan- Wgat andar wWWMtts college is fhaMfiiiiB today, Uw momhora of th* Veterans IfaMnlo Atatadatlon ifTT fc ^ , 2f r ^ ^twe of A. A M. OMWg*. W# are ronfidont that somewhere in th* future titer* lies a bettor A. A M* and it Is our dtefca to help this school seek that m-w goal In s* doing, wv shall •weaver to oafaahUeh a haraioniou* rslatonship between Um rattag* of- fletak, the faculty, and the stu dent body—a relationship that ia a vital necessity before A. A M. College can live on in the adtafc* ng oyte of the people of a groat institution of loanfng." The shows report was signed hy T. C. “Buddy" Brenn—, president, of Houston; Jerry Sutherland, vice- president, of Winnuboro; Sam 8. Williams, secretary, of Marshall; E. O. ( curtede. treasurer, of Waco; and Frank F. Yates, parlismcnur Ian, of Dallas. thoy can do anywh* •is* in Texas, wo can do la Bry an", declared Chairman Grant "And," Grant added, "that natur ally applUa fan Um teat of th* US The entire day will be topped off )>>[.* dance ta Um Country Club hall room. Thooe events are do it rigaod te hoop residents of this •too aanwed aad off Um crowded, •I'ctdcnt ftliod highway* during the Vet Wives to Meet Tonight in jV Chapel TVs July business meeting the Veteran’* Wives Qub wlU bald Teooday night, July 1. fa) Um fbapcl of tho YMCA at 7:90 p. m. Gordon Gay will »how two films, m on 9lMoal Fitness gnd the iher on iiRWMioh. The films wttt i«t aUmt 90 minutes after whlsh te business seaslon will talta plti*. dl member* MU Urged te com* Bad hose i* ho would Ilk* fa* become Dansby in Charge Of Brazos County ^ Party for Jnly Martel* Danshy will head Um titteo to decide Um date and te procure food for Um aa- -I u.'-sis m Dub Chick Sale is dmirman of Um mmitte* to procure drinks, and Brownrtgg Dewey will handle tick- et sales In Hryap. fag; 0. will handU tickets at tion. at tho club meeting T^tmlTij^Mi* committee rhainuan ia Qh lSS, for till A t 14* t wl f iric* tirittei