The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 24, 1947, Image 1
1 // EDITORIAL, PAGE 2 ‘Living in the Past Is Not Enough’ ■H ton EDITORI AL PAGE 2 'Future Depends On August Zf r A THy A a, • PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF A CHEATER ARM COLLEGE Volume 47 —9 J * COLLEGE STATION (Anietend). TEXAS, TUESDAY, JUNE 24. 1947 Number 5 CoL Dunn to Direct Bryan Concert Band Invitation Extended to Students To Join Group; Concerts Planned Col. Richard J. Dunn, long-time director of the “famoue Aggie Hand M , will direct the Bryan Municipal Band in re- hearualit and concert* thia year. Tow Sweeney, manager of the group, haa announed. Col. Dunn, conaidered one of the ahlmt b«M<ismvh In Tvxaa, will l»ed the mualctann during the sum mar, and according to Mwaeney, "will give this community the best band It has ever had." The 40-piec* aggregation Is opening its doors to students ami residents of College Station, em phasised Sweeney. Since the Ag gie Band is not functioning this summer, it wps felt that there were many bandsmen who would like to keep ia practice with the Bryan organisation. Kehearaala are held every Mon day night at 7:30 at the Bryan County Club. Interentcd per- " sons may join the group at any rehearsal; however, maaicians must furnish their own instru ments and stands. Sweeney point ed out. It is the desire of the band to receive public support this year so as to purchase music and a few instruments, and to employ out- -standing singers and groups to perform with it. Plans are also being made for the first summer concert, fhe date of which will be announced latat. At present the band consists of 9 trumpets, 4 trombones, 3 French horns, 6 saxophones, 2 brass horns, 3 drummers, 2 baritones, 7 clan nets, and 1 xylophone. lamia Nedbalek will serve as sec retary-trasurer, and Sweeney will continue to serve as manager. Ad ditional information may be ob lamed by telephoning 2-7226. A&M to Cooperate On New Magazine For U. S. Fanners l)«'|Mrtnn>nU of Agriculture Cornell, Rutgers Tokio Censors ‘Mikado’, But It’s O.K. Here Miaaiaaipul Stale Iveralty nf HHnnla, at A A M Unlvtralty. PurdM, Unlveralty and Iowa Nut* are cooperating In the production of a screen mags alne for the American farmer Un der the sponsorship of The Texas Company, KKO Paths started p duetion last week on this new kind of sales promotion film. Kighteen minutes In length, the film will be photographed in ev ery agricultural region of the Uni ted States and screened at farm * meetings throughout the fall and winter. One of its main subjects will be the work of organisations like the Future Farmers of Amer ica and 4-H clubs. Two camera crews have already been assigned to the production, which is scheduled for completion September 1. Howard Winner ia first cameraman and Lloyd Dur ant has been named director. The entire project is under the super vision of Charles M. Underhill, Commercial Production Manager for RKO Pathe, Inc., and Ceorge Pfahler of the Sales Promotioa Divisioa of The Texas Company. Perform* neva o f ‘The Mikado’* may be prohibited in Japan, but it’> all right for College Station to »ee It. Mayor Ernest Langford having given his "blessing” to the production of the satire on Japan to be given by the Aggie Players and Singing Cadets on July 14-15. Recently "The Mikado” was scheduled for a professional run in Tokio, with s Japanese cast for Japanese audiences, but oc cupation authorities clamped down on the show, just before dress rehearsal. The reason given was that the Japanese people were not yet ready to appreciate the burlesque of Jap anese ways. Thia was not the first time that "The Mikado" haa run into censorial difficulties. Years a- go Uueen Victoria stopped the London production during a vis it of Japanese royalty to Eng land. However, the operetta was given in Tokio a short time ago by (11 performers for a strictly Western audience. Students on (lotton Tour. Visit Peru Snack Bar ‘Experiment' Open In Duncan; Serves 400 Nightly A angck bar, open from 8 to 10 p.m.. five daya a week, ia the lat4at experiment under way by the meaa hall, Jay Penlston, chief of college aubaigtenca, abated Friday. Serv ing aandwichea, diinka. and denaerta, the attack bar ia oper- atad for 1 he benefit of atudenla houaed in the new area. Peniaton stated. “If buaineaai Juatifiea Ita operation, or if we brwi k even, It will be continued," he added. Hamburger* and all typea of aandwichea, milk, coffee, iced tea, >unch, and ice cream are nerved in the Duncan Hall eateijy Monday through Friday. Scrambled egg* are alao to be added. Marv n M. Kuera. veteran member of the Veteran Studenta AaHoclation Meios.Hall committee, haa announced that nugi ration* are open from all atudenU. Any ideaa may be p laced in the auggeation box in Duncan Hall, or nubmittec to him in Room 210, Dormitory 8. According to Kuera, “What cornea out thia summer will determine the activitiea of a snack bar in Sbisa Hall next fall. ’ Finia fling ita first week in operation, the anack bar has received favorable response from students, having served ai|m>ximately 400 each night. The snack bar is not open on Saturday or Sunday night. Chamber of Commerce Nears $1,000 Goal in Drive For School Building Amendment T. I, Ducats Limited to Two Each This year, ticket* to the Thanksgiving Day game will be limited to two a per ho i. There will be no restrictions on the number that may be purchase I for other games unless the demand is too great. Ticket <rder blanks will be mailed to A. £ M. men now on the mailing list of the Texas Aggie Five Projects In (.hemi$try Carry On During Summer The research work of the Chemical Engineering Depart ment haa not entirely atop- lied with the coming of aum- mrr varatiqn. According to Dr. P. G. Murdqrk of that ilopartmonl, a gradual* student ia working un a project vAtich is an experiment to find the |Ut* of Alkylate Near listi A thpee year project spon sored by the Humble Oil < ompany, it has be»i going an far more than two vaars Other pipjerta underway this' summer sro the Algehrnir Theory of iMBtillatipn. Thermodynamics of HydrorsriMia Mixtures, the Invest I | gstlon of Vapor Falling Through Perforated Pistes, and the Design Methods fof Catalytic Reactants Two resegrch projects that have been discontinued during the sum mer but wil be resumed next fall are the Catalytic Oxidation of Propane sponsored by the Gulf Oil Compafy and another spon- sorvd by Westingbouse Electric Th* traditional A 4 M Cotton Tour to Nou|h America was high lighted With’ a ten-day visit to Peru, according to latest report* from the group. The troupe, con slating of George W Kunse, John P. Stanford, and V. P. Bennett, accompanied by J. R. Mogford, In structor In the agronomy depart ment, studied the ancient history | of cotton in this South American country. The pony began their journey June 3 by plane, making stops at Mexico City, Guatemala City, Pan ama, and other points of intemt. enroute to Lima. Peru. They spent Company {There is also a large three days in Mexico City where project whifh includes the work of they were welcomed by L. M. the entire ifngineering Experiment Roberts, head of the experiment Station, dealing with the Extrac- station there. I ‘ tion of Cot£>n Seed with Isopropyl The group was welcomed and I Alcohol, entertained in Lima by Jorg* V. Checa, a native of Peru and form er student of A.AM. After a few stops on their home ward journey, they were scheduled to arrive in Houston today. | about July 6. These orders must I be returned to the Athletic Depart ment not later than August 9. The I sending of an order does not nec essarily mean that it will be filled. I On August 16, s public drawing I will be held in the office of the ! Athletic Department and orders | filled ia the sequence drawn. Public sale for any remaining i aebta for all games will be opened on a first-corni first-served basis fhllowing the filling of former stu- debt applications. The tickets for the T.U, game will tie split approximately fiftv- filty between the two schools, Around |0,<HM) wiU he required for the A AM •indent body. With the eractiop of temporary boxes and new steel peals at the south mm *4 Kyle Field, Bpi>r««imat#ly 10,000 scat* will In* available fur former ■ladent*. Eili* for DegriM** Befon* July 15 Italian Broker Is Latest Enrollee In Cotton Course Frodprlco R. Kranauer of Milan, Italy, waa the lateat enrollee for the .‘18th annual summer cotton abort course being held on the campus. He brought the enrollment to H4, which is the largest ever held at the col lege. Kranauer served with the Swiss army danni; World War II. His father, C. S. Kranauer, a cotton broker in Milan for Dallaa and New Orleans cotton firms, attended the short course in 1917 at A6M. Kranauer said that cotton mills In Milan could not run but a few daya weekly because of the fuel shortage in Italy. ! Five foreign countries are rep resented in this year’s short course; Italy, Spain, Czechoslovakia, Nor way, and Mexico. Nine states alao are represented in the course. The first cotton short course be gan in 1906 and was revived In 1943. The course, which com menced June 2, will close July 12. Over $800 hax bean collected by the city Chamber of Commerce in thtir current drive to rtiae $1000 to aid paaaage of the $60,000,000 building amendment recently paaaedX the legialature, Idunar Fly, preeldont of the Development A*- sociation and Chamber of Commerce, has announced. Friday, a telegram was sent to Dudley K. Woodward, slat* Chair man of in# cofiunltU$# text uf the committee In charge af promotion of the amendment of which follows; THROUGH COOPKRATIVK ^ A. & M. Directors Meet Tomorrow The Board of Jaly 16 la the last date for filing applications for degrees to be conferred at the end of the ssimnier seasion. H. L. Heaton, registrar, has announced. This deadline applies to both grad ual* and undergraduate student*. Then* atudrnts who have not .tlr, .,<G done no whouM make for mal application in the Regin- trar'a Office immediately. Fish, Game Majors Make Field Trip Nine Fish and Game students and Dr. W. B. Davis, head of th* Fish and Gam* Department, left here earlier this semester for a six-week course In field wurk near Colorado Hprihgii Colorado Th* summer field course In Kish and Game la being held near Col- nr ado Npringa, Colorado, Th* stu dent* nr* divided Into two groups One group la working on a dost problem with Colorado state gam* offlrlals, while the other grmip studies methods and techniques of field work under Dr, Davis. Th* plans are for the two groupe to trade types of work at the end of three weeks. flpecimens of birds, mammals, and reptiles collected on the trip will be added to the Texas Coop- erntivc Wildlife Research Museum, which is the largest in the eouth. The nine students taking ad vantage of the courses are Wm. B. Wilson, John T. Willis. Wm. H. Kiel, Langdnn P. Kindler, Gus A. Kngeling, Robt. L. Schultz. Ernest G. Simmons, Wm. Ross Mearham. and Frederick A. Buxton. The students will receive four hours credit for their work. ctofa will according t* E. L. Aagell, secretary to the board. Th* business of th* meet ing will include the report of the Union Building Committee, discussion of plana to move the cattle barwa from their present location, and the College Bud get for next year. Th* meeting. -chcduWd to be gin seasion nt 2 p.m. tomorrow, with nil members present, will rontinne approximately two sad one-half days. Reports regarding progress will he leaned from the meeting from time to time. The McGregor Chamber of Commerce will be represented at the board meeting Wednesday K. J. Thoms ann. president mf the group, has announced. Members from the Waco und Temple chambers will also be at the meeting. "We do not know the purpose of thia meeting.” a member of the executive board stated, "but It may be that a final decision regarding the Bluebonnet Ord nance Plant will be annsnneed." ^ COOPERATIVE KFPOKT8 OF ♦COLLEGE HTATiON, KK8I UK NTH AND BUJUNRRH MEN PLBDUK 91000 TO 8PON80R BUILDING FUND AMEND MENT. TO WHOM SHALL WE SEND CHECK? Fly stated That contributions art still being accepted. Th* Develop ment Aesocintion hopes to have attained its 91000 goal by the end of this wek. It was further Jpaiated out that the passage of the proposed plan would be of gient benefit not only to A. A M. but also to all other hUte-supported schools in Texas. The passage of this amendment will immediately make available the sums of 9l(>.lX>0.lHX) and 98.0U0. 000 to Texas University and A. A M., respectively. ★ Administrators of the 16 state institutions which will receive bene fits from the amendment have giv en their unanimous support. This stand, taken at a recent meeting in Waco, is persuasive evidence in {favor of the amendment. Reports of a widespread lack of Paul Brings All On WTAW Daily Hear them all with Pauli Name I land*, star singers, and gUpM stara, Ymi want la know whst all the to-do'" about ? Why In the Paul Whiteman (lub brmighl to you dally from 2 30 li9<n p.m. over WTAW, your IHW listening habit Paul Whiteman haa branched out and haa now become g dice jockey. It* spins the platter* and gives with the rhatter over the American Broadcasting Com pany and ita affiliated stations It has been said that Paul’s show has what it takes. Bo just listen to the friendly fracas Paul kicks up on his new show. Odds are a hundred to one that you will join his fan list. Consolidated Grad Elected Secretary TSCW Freshmen Miss Betty Smith, daughter of Mr. sad Mrs. Elmer E. Smith, College Station, was elected secre tary of the Class of 1661 for the Construction Begun On New Sewer Line Construction was begun last week on a new sewer line, designed to relieve the present*bne in the new area. According to T. R. Spence of the College Construction Office, this work ia a part of the long-range planning of the college ‘A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words’ 1 r H 1 \ j Visual Education Division Work To Enliven Classroom Teaching Firemen’s School To Be July 20-25 r summer ion at Texas State “ nti be needed when the new College for Women, Denton. Other officers are Pamela Bur gess, Austin, president, and Ann West, Beaumont, vice-president Mias Smith, freshman speech ma jor, waa graduated from A.AM ( onsolkisted High School whore she held class offices, was vice president of Drama ties (Tub, vie#- prealdunl of Press Club, editor of school paper, and art editor of the sehool annual. buildings now being planned are constructed. ^ Thia new sewer will run from the west aid* of Dormitory 4 to (lhllt , s position just north of the railroad station, ft is constructed of 16- inch line and ia beingjaid from 17 to tg feet deep. The work b being don* thia summer as to cause as little disruption with the college activities as possible, S|wmw aisled WhRtta Cow! ‘Fairy Tormentress' Lets No Grass Grow Under Her Feet Bv J. T. Miller Somethirjg relatively new in the field of ediAetion has recently been establishedlon the A.AM. campus. It is called rvisual education". Suc cessfully u^ed by the Armed For res, visual education ia being adopt ed to the ipwds of colleges all over the country. Back in|l641, E. L. Angell, at rector of Student Ac- College, and Howard niral Assistant of the rtrultural Experiment uaaed the poaMbtlity ting a visual education at A.AM. Their plana »ir the wnr. However, the wnr brought In- nds for modern tench tivitlee ■ Berry. W T* x a • Htatton, | of tanugur program ■ were hall (w6 B rrewH ing mel I The 1 before it will be operating in iU new quarter*. The demand for the service appears to be great. Berry stated, for there were sever al inquiries and requests fon films the week following the announce ment concerning the new depart- omnt. As listed in the report of the committee, the following services will be available to the various rol- I log* activities: a. Complete photographic serv ice including the exposing and pro cessing of films, as well *a the uro- seaaing of official films exposed by th* department* and members of divisions let m iletl By Prod W. Hoepfner During May a registered Jer sey cow bred by th* Experiment Station, named TARS Fairy Tor- mentress 1016398, produced 1,801 pounds of milk, or nn aver age of 6% gallons per day. This on* month's production, when sold nt 21 cenU per quart, was worth 9176.77. She haa pro duced a total of 114.228 pounds of milk jh n period of 8,661 days, or an average life-time produc tion of 8.84 gallons per day. In addition to this hard-to-baat pro duction, Fairy Tor men trees haa four daughters in the herd which have Completed Register of Merit records. They averaged 11,408 pounds of milk and 171 pounds of - butterfat as n mature equivalent 300-day period. a of her daughters, which ull sisters, surned Silver , having met both the pro duction and calving requirements in qaulifying. She also has two eons in service in dairy herds of the sUte, an up-ami coming Meif- er calf in the college barns Thee* production records of 1016808 are outstanding in them selves, but still greater import ance is attached to her contiau ous high production level, even nt the ripe old age of 15 yearn. b. Lantern slides, c. Film stripe with eminds d Natural color transparencies and slides. e. Rduralional motion pieturq*. |i rnm. eapoamg. editing, Uttini. with present racilitiee in a limited under the Parilltlea will be expended as demands Indicate Hound will be added by commercial laboratories wn#n it##»r#4i f. PTojeetor and camera repair, maintenance, and loan or rental of Directors, at their ._ March uf tala year. eatahliehmi the Photographic ami Visual Abb laboratory, headed by Berry Tit Photographic and Vis ual Alda (limmitt**, also leadership of Berry, waa aet up as an advisory board. Membrrs of {that board are Dr. K B. Reynold*. Agricultural Experimental Station; Louis Prink*, Texas Extension Service; Q H. Ranedell, School of ‘ service. Engineeriag; G. B. Wilcox, School g. Establishment of Arte add Sciences; S. l! Frost, Texas FoOest Service; Eli Whily. School of; Agriculture; Dr. Virgil B. Robinedn, School of Veterii educa- rlnary Medicine; rod Lt. Col. W. 8. McEl- henny, School of Military Science and Tacth a. The nm > tend in rupied by on the gr Ultra tion Laboratory June 1, It plate* of an tional film laboratory. h. Production of multex for muhilith printing. : L*Production of photostats. L Production of ozalid prints and related reproduction procea- division will be quar- t offices formerly oc- the A .AM. Press bindery floor of the Admin- Ing. Although the is officially aet up rill be around September k. Draftanuro-illustrator to pro duce charts, sketches, prepare lay out* and silk screen pasters. When aaked about the showing of films produced by the armed forces, Berry stated that "non- cls**ified films will be obtained for general showing through the Mili tary Science Depart meat." Many films of general interest were made by the Army Signal Corps, Army Air Forces, and Navy Bureau of Aeronautics, and some of these will be shown to various groups on the campus at their request. A unique feature of the service concerns it* many possible applica tions towards work by graduate •tudents on advanced degreea. They too are welcome to take full advan tage of visual education. (Tubs and organisations connec ted with the college can obtain films this Fall for iirivat* show inga. Many of the films are shewn free, while some mast be rented The expense of furnishing an on- erntar fur the projecting will he iNtrn* by the sulweiimng urganlsa Ink. The sueees* of the Laboratory seem* assured Other ml leges and universities throughout the roue- try have added visual education to each department of the institution. Some have even mode sound motion pictures in their laboratories Ohio State University has Just recently completed a twenty-seven minute •Boil,, "The University in Transit ion’*. on it* campus at ( ohimbus. The New York “Herald Tribune" recently disclosed that the City of New York haa appropriated 9it6,- 000 for visual education in the ele mentary and hig schools in that city. The British Ministry of In formation finances and produces educational films for the British Isles. Now the A.AM. Board of Direc tor* haa allocated funds for visual education at KJkU. In your clasaas this fall ren her the old Chinese proverb. "A picture is worth a thousand words. An estimated 550 men are ex pected for the Firemen’s Training School to be held on the campus July 20-25. The Chemistry Depart ment and State Firemen’s and Fire Marshal’s Association are sponsor ing the course. Registration will be conducted in the YMCA from 1 p.m. Sunday, July 20, to 10 a.m., Monday, July 21. Each registrant will be charg ed a fee of 95. < Attendants will be housed in Dor mitories 14, 15, and 18, which will be opened at 1 p.m., July 20, and locked at 6 p.m., July 2A. Meals will be served family style in Duncan Hall commencing with breakfaat, July 21 and ending at noon, July <6. A baaqwst will be held at 6:80 p. m., July 2t, In Sbisa Hall. Meeting places for tha courses will be announced at a later date. public understanding at the pro posal were made and therefore, popular enlightenment ia a prior .- consideration to intelligent voting on the proposition. Little do the C ple realise how small an amount been appropriated by jhe leg islator* during the past 18 years for thO; Mate schools of higher learning. - Nor is any building appropna- 1 lion measure to be found among thee* past by th* past legislature, despite liberal pruvisiun for highei education If this amendment Is h.,i s|.prov,H) l.v th. vein. .,1 I , . m un August 88, Ito alternate plan eonld h* adopted befure th* next nr assstnw uf the iegteialur* in TWs WORM Imni lid state eulleges with sramued, inadequate areummudaliunOi It m nut even certain that tte legislature would adapt an alterttata plan. f the bnlkrtag amendment, whtf$ will be effective far 80 years, wilt shew state college* to phm ahead fur th* next 8 decades To finance the program. 6 cent* uf th* unused iMirtion uf the CoofedaralO pension levy would be allocated to a build ing fund. Tha general fund tax limit would be fiaad At 30 cants rather than 36 cents. The Univer-* *iay of Texas and A A M. would be allowed, to issue $lb,(HH).uOU In bonds, payable from the income of their Jointly shared perman ent fund. In View of such immediate bene fits and because of the pressing need for buildinn at all the state educational institutions, many of the leading paper* and orgaaixa- uons of the state ary calling for approval on August 23. The neg led in the past has been inexcus able, reflecting upon s great state / Kanterwood Field Adda Steel Hangm*/ Facilities at East*rwoo<i airfield are in a procea* of baing improved with addition of an all steel truss hangar. Urn movement of this hangar from the discontinued Cor sicana Army Air Ftyld was auth- . orized by the Federal Work* Agen cy and is being carried out by th* Ball Construction (’ompany of Houston. Th* ItmUM*. originally valued of 9100,000, ha* • floor space of 26,400 square feet and ia being placed near th* wind tunnel. The erection of the hangar ia expeHed to be completed by Jteptenthor I. Hub Anybody Seen ‘Stinky’? Visitor Takes ‘French Leave' ' By F. F. Block Hornet king new In th* way of pets inhabited room 100 of dormi tory I for o brief tenure, and then someone carelessly left the door open and "HUnky" waa out In midst of 0 strong* and hostile world monopolised by Aggies, rows, and dogs. On* or the other showed little appreciation for our erswhil* friend and how "alls* iat Kaputt", Stinky boa proved too'dM$<r for his would be sdv, r**n.» Until m Miort time ago, Stinky resided in Waco aad had little to do with the “hoipolloi” of that sec tion. confining his actlritlea cluaively to the company of the other members of his cion. But growing tired of this Inferred on- t rsnsm he prevailed upon his friend. Edward Carney, homo sap- tan. alao from Waco, to bring him to Aggtelond for the aummei Why Stinky should wish to vMt .a MS’ £ T h* thought he wnuMiCi be nutiem! in aa aimeepher* flavor'd with boro* and row hams If this be the rose. M MndonbWir moo bo. and re. too . fc* *5 ■Wri to an *a- amiaothm at the Veterinary Moo. M. I# n poaoNo operation, that wooM remove aom* gland, that p* llte society had daorowTSa iMr •> WholwnldnT take to the woodat la any event Stinky boon o.w.*J. for several daya Mdbis friends *i> becoming quite —irried. FortunoMrfMnky hasn’t reach •d puborty and is still acceptable in the best aociaj circle*, so be net aisrmcd if yoo shoold encounter blot unexpectedly. H»**vor M yoo shoold run into a small black ^th a white strip* down his baek and he doesn’t answer to th* naaa* of iMafcy, you had better beware"!