T*' ,• 7 For Delicious t: * -• / > m 4 . ■ 0 Sodas • Sundaes - and tasty Sandwiches try ; GEORGE’S ‘AsKMaad’s Home of Refreohmeate” — Eifiht ‘ ' 1 ■Eifht mombf will annual American 18-11 at Of Faculty Meet faculty attend the 66th Ion of the y for Engi to b* laid Jon. it bM t>M Uu.do To Mm doan of Howard V. C. H aches, head onginM Wricht, civil E. Street, pertinent din Gain and B. of the Feins, a recognised and will taO the ASEE of W. Barlow, the ffroap In- Cnwford, chief; M. Dr. B. R. . J. G. Me- K Mallins, both drawing de pert- authority euthor oh thermodynamics, tell the beat-power group of the reorganisation of beat-power Courses at A. a M., while McGuire, chairman of the Southwest ASHE section commit tee on visual aids in teaching, will submit his committee report. Angies t Thursday Ing Thursday night, inns 18, al 7 Of B. Alien, fetenston sgrieul- '***1 t*Sum«oJ fcffas, tift attend the Amsrkan Sonety of rieultaral Engiaeen at Phlli phia, Pennsylvania. Jane 19 • July 1. En route he will visit Ex gWVllISS fal Washington, D. C., Blacksburg, Vhginia, KnotvIUe, Tennessee, and Little Rock, Ark ansas. He will also visit the Bu reau of Agricultural Engineering (Rural Housing) in Washington, D. C. Terry Transferred To Lufkin Church iferred to buflltn. This tent same as a result of Ttaas Club Night The Veteran’s Wives Bridge Club will meet each Thursday night at 7:80 in the ladies Lounge of the YMCA. All new Veterans Wives are in vited to become members of the Veterans Wives Club and to attend Li tbs Tsaas Methodist (y the Rev. 0. W. Bradley of Port Pastor of Bryan’s First Metho dist Church, Rev. Walter R. Willis, has been transferred to Jackson ville as district superintendent, to be replaced by Rev. Guy F. Wilson of Lufkin. The Battalion JA PlfUi Official N “‘A" ummAi. a omtiaorrf* • Jims ALL OVER AMERICA —CHEST —..—. S «.1 _ ..... • . RFIELD IS TOPS! UtmutmaUm Na t« u •mSsMs Uviee is Uw is lissanr st LeasWv ' IMM Mom. a. Uni a Ml T TM—dky, Jtete IT, 104T win bs Is s taMsorai r SIsS—U tsra la i sa4 at F. O. Halt Um L mi SaturSaj aa4 M mOm, kmtarm t U( a. StaSsate llvias la Dan4 t Urs U tan la laaaSry at Statlaa I itr h from Docm FrUay aa4 H Umi X oo Taaaiav bstes t sm. Um wMis laaaUv Ust StaSnU llvias la DarU l in U «M« la laadrr st Ststtea I asms trmm Dunn • . Um Mas laaaSrjr U*. Tan la laaa Sry aassrSlas to Uo follow Ins ^ A. a . C. D FMSsor X. r. G. H. I MsaSay I. K, U M. Ms H TaaoSay a P. Q. B. B WoSasoSay t. u. v. w. x. t. i~t twmam AU lauoSry Maot bo In befuta • ojb sa Uo SMlgaaloS Say. J. W. HOLLINS. im , BIO SALK Ml MS M9k ■ lboy laat. Claytoa ~>fBW aaS oof foo Offtoo of Uo Softball, Skating Employees Picnic Thursday Night Tha first Community Picnic tha sum mar for collags residents will be held at • p. m, Tuesday. June IT, at The Grove. BoftboU gomes, skating and aquora dancing ara scheduled for the evening. BhatlBg for oil age groups will begin at 8:00 p. m Tha slab will bs rupsd off into I porta; c division for skaters who ora 4th grade and under in arhoot, a noth, sr division lilh g radars and older, • third division for aquora done, mg Rponaora for the skating ora Mr, iMf Mrt, L M, Houpt, Mr •nd Mm Jaon Nsol, Mr ohd Mil W, M. Paw»II. Mr and Mrs, John ny Lyons. Mr and Mrs. Albert ntevana, n m Monday. Jaaa M for furalsbiae | »»l i In i tab TM mMr yards of mad rraral. ■eosMBBIImB - had douiia way t as sklakMS si Um afflea of Um City Man- 1 sr of Um C ity of Coliava MtaUoa. gJSEs- CLAS8IFIRD ADS k-.law »iiihm )a •ImHbSbd, bnabbi—ylns all) W Hff.rwl iba aamniar at bmniblg ps( aa taf bfif Mand HAIhWIH itHMNMMU Waabinfton cot »b» 8lse. ‘li C. B TiMMaa uasl t i CtMMlsal ward. ATTBUttON BffOlMkBBa Mislnaar't math rbart at tin Blara Th* cri«p, weave like finish of Monugi Coronei note paper make* it euiy 10 write the leticn thai mean m> much lodayl Coronet U "t* ua 100% rag' 1 , , , |BMf% qualiiyl Light weight, for reg ular or «ir mail, Write olirni Write from (he he«n un Monug i Curutrel. y* Wbco Mclennan County Club MneU Tonight The Waco McLennan County Club will meet st T p. m. Tuesday in Room 125 Academic Building Exchange Store "Serving Texas Aggieg” Kriegie-Horyo Meets June 21-22 The Texas Kriegie-Horyo Club, consisting of former Japanese and Gorman prisoner! of war, will meat in the Texas Hotel at Fort Worth June 11-88. On June tl tksrt will b# a donee and floor show, followed by a ihort businsaa meeting The neat dag trlpa will bs mails through a bomber fostery and Fort Worth Army Air Flald, after whieh a har- R and beer party will hs held at r Oak Farm ; (iwvarnor Reaii. Jaatey |M UansHil Japathan teflfht. Fourth Army ram mahrirr, bill he prsasol, Hsorvaiinti! fan hr matte wHunt^Ampfl. t>rWf |p„ T< rorih Extension Worker To IMichigan Meet Florence W. Low, associate ips- clallat In home msnsgsment, will attend the Home Management Con fsrenos and Workshop st Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich igan, June 30 to July 18. The workshop, limited to 60 per sons secording to their expressed interest st the time reservations are made, will consider family fin ance, managerial problems, Exten ■ion projects in home management, and application of work simplifica tion principles to household equip ment. Cleaning Pressing Alterations Prompt and Efficient Service AGGIE CLEANERS h DYERS N. Gate Ph. 4-4554 Washable Cotton Shirts •V/‘ / / 7 Beat the heat in these cool cotton sport shirts. In blue, tan. green, yellow, and white. —Long or short sleeves— // Wash perfectly. U [Xjaldroptf g | “Two Convenient Stores’* i College Station - Bryan » 1 / U I/vjL< /mw ' ,l - • /MIm ■ // f • t 17 M A ■ /' // / -:/!n / 1 k li . k - . li. H| yjy/m