The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 13, 1947, Image 3
K v ” ‘ /W Intramural* For Summer To Start June 17 BoftbaU. VolWjrWll, Tannki and Oolf will be Uk« u«m •porta mm- pvfekic tka MMMar Hitnavrai pro- tnm acoordinf to M 8*ika M WhlU, diroetor of laUttMurtf •tktottoa. All oollopWU MmI aofttoUl BMMa WiU t»« i>l»y«'<l on tho drill f>#ld m Uo now am. Oamoa will atort at IlM, Whito mI4. FUy to Mflball, yoltoyball and toam unnta will to of Uta roond robin typo wltb now atompiona “The Fish l Texas Aggie” Honored ■ r\ a Kntrtoo for 10118011, ooltoptall and toam tonala art doo al iKtto polntod out that aav troop Of atudonU In addition to thr lor mttory atodonu could toko part In Ok^ maaiMaoaMM oaMkawnwa am tow nMmAikft. woo^p mto w^o facto a pPc^to^aa^mwca oPupp^npor •Inf a toam and fllltof out tto ontry card*. In udditiom to tto toam iporto, tborc will to aa open foif tour nament and aa open Unnla tour- •oy In both doublaa and alnfloa. Kntrloo for tourney play arc duo In tho Intramural offlco by Juno - v Oolf entranU muat fumich tho latraaMral offlco with a qualifying •core. Oolf play will tako place on tho B r v»n ( ountry Club ftabl. la aodtbaU. Tultoy- Tuoaday at l-M. Fish Rifle Team I Places First In Gillegiate Meet The A. A M. freshman rifle team placed first orer a field of forty college teems in the Inter- Collegiate Freshman Rifto MatcwTAich wac bold ro- <watly by tho National Rifle Aa- Members of tto toam todadi Ray L. McOoadan, of Soaforillo, Gomta g. Koat aad Wayne M. Allen, both of Fort Worth, Tbomen IL *OM, Del Rto, «d doyd 1. ItoShiBBB. of Dallas. Koat, aa ia- diTtdaal kifh paint man of the toam, received a aeparate award In ndMaa to tto mcdala riren eato of tto members of the wta- 1 / A S B a 11 a l i o n R P 0 R T IS FRIDAY, JUNE IS, 1M7 'A PigiS National AAV Meet in ninf toam. The U. A Naval Academy, University of lows, and the veraity of Wyominf followed the A A M. team with second, third, and fourth, nupc. lively. Tto A. A M. rifle toem, of which tho freehmen rifle team waa a part, woo 16 matches during the season, lost 4, and placed fourth out of ST teams firing in the Hurst Trophy Notches. In charge of the team waa Major M. Cook with M/Sgt. Truman Allen, of the mili tary department, coaching the Becomes Coach Willie Zai ter man in who graduated January, has ~ coach of the Bel next fall. Tim Veterans Administration la forecasting a record oehod enroll mea this year and is urging vete rans to make plans now for the lb47-4t school year. throe year let- vanity football A A M. last mad for stance runner on roae the finish line, receives an Aggie Trask T«am whs placed Elgin watch from Fred Hale, Prea- feurtb in the turn mile ran in the ident of the Bra rot County AAM Conference Meet by rrawBug ac- Chib. I- This little - Dollar Goes To Market . . . . .AND FIND THESE SPECIALS AMONG MANNING SMITITS Fine Foods j / . ~ 0* Limit One — J El IjX» 0 9c HEARTS DEUGHT DICED—NO. 2H PEACHES..... 25c Nescafe Instant Coffee 43c In accepting tto job Zapalae la returning to tto< High School whore to performed aa a schoolboy athlete. While at BelMUe High School Zapalae. always an all round offensive fuuat m tto back- field, was known) as “Wild Willie", aad his aaaaatMAal feats sparked the BeDville teton to eae of tbs greatest showin; fs of say squad In Southeast Tea u. While ai Aggi (land Zapalae was always • dependable and oclsrfnl back, being a favorite with all Ag- fie* and the iparkpiug of the toam. During th» past teases Wil lie waa hampered with numerous injuriM, but la spite of this be fo<>tt>al1 and played a lot of ON KYLE FIELD By DON KNGBLKING ******* of the entire ef Bellvlt i. th«. inspirsdoti o Zapalae, an sH •MWWtod to hia saw paaMftaa byl iajwriatoadeat < f Schools Wright Arkansas’ Future in Major Sports Looks Briffkt Under John Barnhill • 1 T Never before hoe there been a cause of their height and exper- summer is which the prospects of bring next year’s Southwest Coo- frmrvrr ('hsmpione la major sports looked so bright to the Arkansas Mm Barnhill, Arkansas’ new bead football couch aad athletic director who led the Raiurbaak football team to the Cettoa Bowl last year after having piloted thr •quad to a Me sritk lies for thr ( onferenre Atotball crown, begins his see end year ef coaching at Ar< haaaas with the brightest ef pros patoa. The Arkansas etovoa that toot Riaa last year 7-6 will retom com pletety intart far neat year's sea •on with tto ex sept ion of their All ronferensc tad Alto* Bsldwm Thr Katorhurk bs*ketbell team always a ronference power, trill to the toam to watch next year be Ttxis Hifk School Football Coaches Complain About Eight Semester Rule light ience. With T. U.’s remarkable quintet of last season hurt graduation, Arkansas trill boasting the best group of return ing lettermcn in the hard wood •port in. the conference. „ In track the Arkansas ag| tion for tto 1646 season will again bo the dark horse. With such trash ■tors as Clyde Beott, Aubrey Few ler, Guv Baker, and Kenneth Ad all returning next year aneaa may display enough ■round strength to come up with their first (onfsrencs Champion- shin in tto cinder sport. Nest year for the first time Arkansas will enter a baseball team In the Conference rase. No one knows much about Arkansas' ■trengh In this apart bat If Urn Rssorback nine runs Into to form It will be hard to boat Dreft ■i BABY FOODS , 6 for 45c aCARETTES : .Carton $1.65 —ALL BRANDS— PRECIS! or Your M. Watermelon . 2 for 25c . . . lb. 4c SPRING Lamb Shoulder Skuares Ib. 45c Veal Short Ribs •I •••♦••••• lb. 2Sc is MANNING SMITH’S . 1 ; Tme Fowls " ■w» Ort. At tt * H ‘“Tri^Mrly Luke .) 0' Thr impoeiuon of the eight se mester rale and the abotttkm of spriM training has left the aaajor- ity of Texas high school mentors unhappy about the whole situation. Cooprr Rohbme of Breckenridgc denounced the measure as leaving the eoachee with as ties# to de velop their green charges and that the August 16 starting date will allow oaty enough time for coaches to determine who will be on the first toam. He also painted out that Texas weather Is too hot in the summer to |at ia aay real drill. Too, pi*yen who bold summer jobs must quit two weeks early. On the other side of the picture, Wf* u. Rise's August Erfurth nr Caffasaa were alto Conference athletoe whs were plat ed as the toam. Erfurth will ran hath the high aad low hurdles while Coffman will eater the high ■P- Bill Martineeoa of Higlor. John Donaldson of Rice, and Earle Mea dows of Fort Worth Will accom pany the toam, but they will com pete unattached. Other members of the toam will be John Robertson and Garland Adair of the Texas AMtiatk Chib, Ted Haese and Billy W,Uon of Southwest State Trsrhm college, Bert Brewer of Abilene Christian college, Eurol Davis of Prairie Should Jim U entot the h AAU Meet they will eater distaaaea ana run. Kadera^sriR en ter the Shot Put, Discus Throw, and Javelin Throw at hath meets. Nearly STB,000 dependents of 507,000 deceased veterans at all ware and pascstlaae service are receiving compensation and pen sion checks from tho Veterans Ad- miniatration at the pate of over 631,000,000 a month, the VA re ported this DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT ON THE TERRACE OB IN THE MOONLIGHT ROOM . . . AT . THE FIN FEATHER CLUB EVERYONE WELCOME Cover Ckaxfe 60c 1 i // i //' fa / Fine Foodi - Sweet Music DINING Mi DANCING Bill Howorth, who doublet as coach and principle at Quanah •aid that this would give athletoe who so desired s chance to parti cipate in baseball and track as well as football. Coaches and writers in Wichita Falls are disturbed about the eight semester ruling and what it will do to the 1946 Coyote team. Few opposing coaches will lend much sympathy in that Wichita domi nates other schools in District 2- AA as H is much larger than the rest. Should even a six semester rul ing be inserted, the Coyotes would probably continue to be dominate. Ford oemi Oenuino your car N-BUILT Kxduftv«ly rsf wl hove sidl f’orty Fmrtt to tdlutgJ It's plmn bsep Parts. They’re for your am •rs mads of Oeeiuww PnrW MAH ff€N *r~"T* Al Feed 36 «mda af ’AN CO. JUST Three Weeks’ Ser\hce on Boots. ORDER NOW! M I } \ HOLICK’S Boot Shop W« now hava tha boat aelaction of Under- wear ainca pre-war days Shorts In atripaa tnd aolid colors, adjuaUbld tia-aide and all •Uatk walat banda In i Tartotp tf MbrfWi 1 popular knitted BREV8 and ribbed knit Undarahlrta, tailorad Union Suita. Siaavaiaao knee-length atylad. ^ I jmm. ■ / ;/> . Saa our Summar Undarwaar by Arrow, B.V.D. REIS Md other fine / // ,y quality brandn /// / 1 V J, J.m . .