The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 13, 1947, Image 2

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[ A Short Story Dealing With Long Lines ...
McGargoyle Pedals From Houston to A & M
And Uses Military Tactics to Register * •
Pag* 2
FRIDAY, JUlfE 18, 1947
Whither Bound?...
Wt rtctnUy r*ad a list of objactivM t
had b*tn adopud by a aon-ataU-auppor
umveralty in Twaa. Ordinarily li|U of
Jaetivaa maka dull raading and art u«w
It from I
By tram Yaatia , .
McGarfoylc waa juaUfiably waary. Aftar ridinf kia W-
Houaton to CoUac* Sution, he wantad to earl up under any
Wa raoantly rtad a list of objactivaa that
had baan adoptad by a non-atata-a upportad
- raading and art usually
uMrtms. Ks<mi though objactivaa baooma
uuLiaiad and outmodtd, thty uiinmBm
WlilgMnua and unchanged thrtmghout thr
m nnf that tha obJattivN of this uni-
had such a MSS ippipMEi
•• wt ohott to reprint •ovtral of them
"1, It la tht purptat of this
tftM to prartdc the hind of
thoughtful, and tanotructivt |
wnndad tn tht Malntaoanca and tnrich-
BOnt of OtMtcrncy,"
Wt want to know If our cnglnttrs, our
sgrirulturiits, and our doctors of veterinary
madlctna art taught that thoir discoveries
and techniques must be adapted to the usee
•of aodety and to the furtherance of Democ
Right now the entire world is in dal
twesuse scientists have been busy
discoveries; they haven’t taken time to tmu
out the social applications of these same dis
coveries. Your existence and mine is threat
ened as a result of this failure.
**2. Realizing the interdependence of
nations in the modern world, we accept as
a major responsibility the development of
constructive world-ndndedneas among all
our studenta.**
We think that institutions throughout
the country have completely missed the boat
on this important responsibility.
**S. While ■■■— ■ ■ University is anx
ious to provide as much technical educa
tion aa its resources will permit, it is de
termined to maintain an increasingly ef
fective program of liberal edneatidn be
cause it believes the future of Democracy
depends upon the development of persons
who know how to think, persons who know
how to weigh issues, who are able to dis
cern between truth and error **
We believe that there is room at A. A M.
for the tame program. Oh, yes, we can hear
the howls go up from the engineering and
asp-icultural schools, but we can even more
distinctly hear the wails of those graduates
of the A. & M. College whose education fit
ted them for identifying grasses and for;
making drill presses, but whose intellectual
curiosity had been stimulated so little that
they had no understanding of the democratic
processes or of their responsibilities as cith
Texas University recently received much
unfavorable publicity on cheating among Ita
i student body. We win wager that the num
ber of students currently enrolled at A. A M.
G O P in Texas...
Should Texas adopt the two-party prin
ciple in politics? Tne Republicans of the
state not only think so, but are trying to do
something about it. Although tbr> shy
away from any such designation as “Open
tion Lone Star/' the Republican Club of Tex
as Is conducting a vigorous campaign from
Dallas headquarters.
There is little doubt that many citizens
of Texxs who vote Democratic every election
are really Republicans at heart. They say
aa they vote, “What’s the use? Republicans
can't win in this state anyway."
The Battalion believes that Texas would
be much better off if these voters cast their
ballot for a party which nationally represents
their ideas, nther than confusing Texas pol
itics by splitting the Democratic party into
two quarrelling factions.
Potato Burning Time...
who could write a reammahh
or tbomo would be *> small as to create u aa
I ioiihI n< antltt!
We think that the gift +f expression
through the written and spokhn word ia
precious one.
Hut we can't blame the student for adopt
ing a false sens# of vaiuee about such things
whon his steam lab inetructor teU« him that
steam la the only oourao, aid whan his
agronomy instructor tails him that hla abil
ity to identify grasses la alt that counts
When Instructor* who should know better
become a party to euch aatnlra pr«H«durea
our only kmu si conclusion must tie M ta there
aay hope?*
Y sails
• sestet
convenient tree and but he |
not riddon s hundred mtlss to dose in
the shade. The pith and marrow of kia
current umi.-risking was education -he
wanted lanriu*.
Gypeum was s representative veteran
student returning to school after having
given hia country his all. |U eti>od a
rigid tnd dUcipiin,d I'.U" in hts
boy boots) his tyts shone with
namult-x lu.Ue of pildc in having done
s Job well) hi* hair was short and sandy)
af new mufti and thread bare khaki,
lawn power, Gyp asked ths where-
let him oat tW he romplru-d reg
istration. Weakly h* started hack.
However, tt was too mask for hu
man flesh to bear; he collapsed
oa the floor, oertaia that someone
weald give khn soccer and mors
important food.
CRACK! And Gyp flashed up
from the floor with walla of pain
searing across hi* back. Compee
Ing himself, he noted the sourse of
hts agony. The deaa, looking quite
Ilk* Char lee Laughton, stood by
ilnnily as hia fnate vneldod
tht sat-e’-nlne-talea aa Uw enw
Miens had let of those to* weak Is
^Oelbsijf syg^^
to the academW
i"*<l of other li him
m pa red to I
itions A. A M. iHiMli i am a heavy
■■■■■osl. Wo re-
sehedule—much heavier than gios
oeivt little recognition for this as an inatltu
tiion. and wo thin
trs.'lona given
us Mm Iread
vmariim litiik iiim ft»t wnlttM
^B^WvVww ie^’W'-’m * m
la Ml him wasceB
■sse Ihs n
n la
where h* sehld ge.
s kindly I
1^ m ta
ns unvertels terms
lata Mm realm sf
K Brt it Used itftUMkeepisy
sealiW m IMkMkiitmk siimmM«a r -
} m f wun n ~wv*mhrfi Piwwnwy
papsr* wnh the
t • kindly tonkins old rhsp
Goodwin out for him, and
■op to the side door with
ind we think it la due to a laboratory L llnf ^ueioeUon of being on
eras# which axiaU on tha camp m. Some stu- the thrvahnui ef s great event Is
dents spond half thair time u alklng to and his life.
from two-hour laboratories that actually . “^‘•ha nseA Rek?" ashed the
meet for thirty minutes. Still we go through' I'T' 9
theritiul of putting mch Ubor.torio. lntT«~^
curricula. I * '
Most students think the present curricula
is loaded with chaff. We think so too. Much
of this chaff may be found in those courses
in which the instructor feels it his duty to
acquaint the students with the textbook by
reading therefrom for fifty minutes at each
class session.
When the chaff is weeded out of the cur
ricula, we favor the adding of more courses i -rv. hn . whieh h# honoed to
in the fields of English, history, modem lan-1 wound thru* around the off we. did
guages, and other Liberal Arts Departments, e serpentine sort of movement
We recommend more book reading and more' through the door, and disappeared,
report writing. We are not talkm* about J ™ • w,r than a tour of guard
some of these reports that have been typed I „ lV ..
0f*r and submitted to instructors for the Gyp* w’as'at^ti^' 1 ^
past ten years. We know of reports that e f ths line Jost as the recess for
were originally written in the late 'SO’a that lunch was called Rather than
are still drawing doom good grades. There ioae his fortunate standing in line,
may be some educational value in the ability he . for ’‘^ ent l un€ *J wm 1 chewed the
to retype . theme, but we think that it, u>
poorly of the instructor. his desk after lunch, he stared at
He ia either pretty “thick* or he doesn’t Gyp with distaste bordering on
mpMl hts Mwn
■I, bM Mparted
Twe Bset-aefl
m «lt » a 1
whvn he
deo't need m lake tatloah. M
i on the floor.
M I am a new student here. Could
you tell me where to register?"
“Cheese, they get damber ev
ery year," eke mattered. "See
that sign k.d- It eayo ‘New
■indents register here.’ hep to
Gyp hopped to it Here his ar
my training stood him in good
"Yeah," said the second, "hot
tet , s list ms Iff* ho kin take whal
w* dish oat. Okay, chum, see ya
M onday In dt Adareml* — that
buildin r wU da bubble on tep."
Gyp’s stomach had been growling
spesmodicelty tines neon; new it
was roaring ossshamedty. He
staggered feebly to the door and
told the uniformed guard he want
ed to go oot for sapper, hat this
minion of law and order refused to
was indssd Mm survival sf
Varnishes, Wall Papsr.
Next te P. O.
Dtant AraV. /. P.
Ittesns are
eeptien tlnesl
They ssy
hand shalMfl In rr
Ltesns are deiegstes
I. Iteans mails speesh
m. Doans read the srodHs maga-
Mtss. Deans meditate and when
■ lone, ting softly to th«*m»elve«,
"Curricular, rurrteuls, rarrieulum.
Deans are as nates eery te s eel
lag* aa chromium la te s tar. With
out deans end chromium you have
only Junk piles.
HMven will bless you If you are
kind to deans.
•^What bo! my good fellow."
vrvwr • rwi wiv*#
^'"10AW? Bryan. Toss#
/ We keve a complnts
' aturk of
for knd tirnllrmm
South Side College
care. Take your choice.
**4. University believes that
the bent education for Democracy In trnly
democratic education. Heitge, the school
will be operated not by the Board of Trus
tees alone, nor by the administration, fac
ulty, or etudenU alone, but bv all of tbeee
groups working In collaboration and coop-
With that we must agree. We would add
only one qualifying statemakt: "AO priv
ileges must be accompanied hv re»i>on»il>ili
Now that Texas baa been 1
the union" (according to Kill*
freight rate deciaion of the i
we think it time for us to
state" In national affairs,
that is considered always
for the Democratic party,
done if Texas goes two-part
to this
tempt He was a frustrated
man whom the viciasitodM of life
disappointed. He dreamed of be
ing e see captain shouting pic
turmque orders on a wind-swept
deck. Occasionally he forgot
hliaaelf ie|h* office and ahoated to
his seciatevy to "Reef the Jibsall’’
or "Jetisson the mainmast,” but
she was onto his ways and mere
ly continued her typing, cursing
the unkind fate that forced her te
.upix.rt her husband. The desk
bound sailor shoved s ream ef pa
pers te (o it for ntc signature and
told him to go to Bblsa for rogls-
Bight separate and dlstinet line*
extended from the entranse of Bbl
m Mall like the tenaetes of an m
topuc. After three trim Gya got
Into the right on* and at length hr-
rived at ths door, but lacking the
proper clearance# from the Regis
trar, he had te run down to the
thee then | Administration Building, get them
thgp then ona #nd ^ ^ ^ over
the pocket" again.
thxt can be I T** •» the modem las-
gssge Is bio is Shies was s pleas
ant chap is s beret. He smoked
a foul-amelMag cigarette with s
flossy, green tip
“Ah, our first sucker—I
put beck into
Aroell by the
upreme Court,
i "pivot
Henry Wallace was roundly jeered for
^killing the little pigs, for throwing oranges
in the river, and for plowing under cotton
during the depression years. It must be ad
mitted that most of the ridicule came after
n-yaining prosperity.
Last month Americans received a taste of
depression medicine when 28 tons off Irish
potatoes were soaked with kerosene and burn
ed. This episode took place in Alabama, a
state with aa high a percentage of malnutri-
dtizenry as any other state
But Just as we come to this conclusion,
the Republican party has demonstrated that
there ia one point—just one-—on which the
most conservative Texas Democrat cannot I °« r first customer. You look Ilk*
go along with hia conservative Republican * bright fellow," h* purred. "What
friends. Ah, yea, the tariff again. In fu- Lit ^ team to uericx vous
ture histories it may be written that the Re- French.” Gyp »n*wered P ^™diteit
publican ariff of 1947, whidi stabbed Will "And you’ve com* to the right
Clayton in the back, destroyed thw hopes of p****. young men. I don’t know
the GOP for an Elephant victory in Texas. ^ 4«P*rttn*nt her* at
~ ' 'school that teaches French.
Ycssir, mighty smart of yoa to
■wing your ltiBhiMi oar way, and
we appreciate it, too." He handed
Gyp a quarter. “Oh, OH, I see
yoa are new here. Before we can
fix you ap, you’ll
have to get ap-
provod by the
dean, the athletic
deportment, and
Good Hooaakoap-
state with aa hig
| tkm among ita <
which we know.
The Department of Agriculture explain
ed the potato fiasco this way, and we are in
clined to believe it—The United States gov
ernment is pledged by law to guarantee Al
abama fanners $£.70 for 100 pounds of po
tatoes. The Alabama market became flood
ed. and the government stepped in and pur
chased the surplus. Freight costs to trans
port them would have been excessive; far
mers didn’t want the potatoes for stock feed;
and there were no dehydration plants in the
ares. So the potatoes were burned.
Coming on the heels of a presidential
plea for aid to Turkey, Greece, and Latin
America, this wholesale destruction raised
i cry of protest from an outraged America.
Secretary of Agriculture Anderson was
the United States gov-
Irish potat'K * only to
y countries w«n
wort asking wky
for Canadian po
ind Alabama
HlMr '
Farm officials recognise
dent as only the beginning
headaches in such food
wheat, tegs, fruits, and
have food surpluses in the
of starvation.
Pictures of Americana
don't havs much a
On ths othsr hand mast su
put to use in rehak
world. Bueh foodi
fur thS dunuHTitb muss
of tip ssrvire to the rights
ing. Yoa ran see them and then
come beck here."
The dean had no record of any
(]yp«um McGenjoylOb
“Ar* yoa sore that's yoar
name?" Mfgked
I Gyp Mid he was fairly certain
potato inci- it wag. At last the records of one
of a series of Gibson O’Grsad.oM were decided to
ties SS com, be those sought. The athletic de-
Wa will partment offered him a seholanhi
nf a wnrM i * h* Would wind an oloetirk
or a world twim g wonth ^
\ v
The Battalion
■potatoss Itetorfm
■hungry man.B
u»«« could 1*
a|*«k louder I
n any amount]
man ■
onth and play football. He
not wanting anything ta
with his studying. The
AmLUe If BglsSg
h te ftbihMii aa.
■■■ mm wrwmwwm.
hs don’t need Isgtesh
THE A. & M.
Elementary Sunday School
9:46 at Presbyterian Center North Gate
Sermoa Topic:
Nursery at Presbyterian Center
During 11:00 Worship
/ !
For Your Listening Pleasure
Sound-proof, sir conditionsd booths
Records displayed In Mlf-sslsctor
Courteous, trained sale* isdiaa
of Records and Albums by
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314 North Main
Phone 2-1642
w . ^ — tskM
jdMCK? l«M40f<ng I Of Wjm
U combtneil wHh CMS-
tort to Rte waarw IS
Smm NO««$ CASOAl
'hkwi Shirts. Yoa wtii
Rh* Stair toA-OM free-
Wta COOt wotnooi#
cotton ofto rayor voDrici«
md Sm color homo**.
Seveeoi etlefeit^y pot-
terns ora ovaiiobie lor
your seiacSoa. Sea teasi
. “Strving Texas Aggios"
* •
uwn !
c znTxii
r rr-
C " "
r rr - t
i*t**>>»! »*h. m
rrz ttui ^Mtua
VI 1 I