The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 20, 1947, Image 4
Page THE BATTALION,/ College Station (Aggieiand), Texas, Tuesday, May 20, 1947: Openings for Seniors Listed in Two Groups By Placement Office A military academy in Georgia is seeking one or two qualified men who would be interested in serv ing as Faculty Officers. They prefer men who stand in the upper half of the class and who have be come prominent in some extra curricular activity, such as YMCA, football, basketball, tennis, track, Glee Club, dramatics, publications, or photography. The salary scale for new men runs from $150 to $200 per month plus room and board-depending upon the offer ing of the applicants. ★ The Civilian Personnel Division of the War Department has open ings for men to serve with the mil itary government personnel organ izations in Germany, Austria, and Korea with the title and rank of Junior Principal Assistant. Train ing in economics, business and ac counting, public health and safety, engineering, public works and util ities or law is necessary. Interested seniors should con tact the Placement Office for com plete details and applications. Physics Students Contact Potter For Advance Courses Students desiring advanced phys ics courses are requested to con tact Dr. J. G. Potter, head of that department, before registration so that assurances may be given on registration, it was announced Sat urday. In this manner courses will not be cancelled due to an insuf ficient number of enrollees. Dr. Potter stated that informa tion is needed from both those students who will be here during the summer and those returning next fall. It is contemplated that the course in Experimental Modern Physics, Physics 411, will be offer ed the first, instead of the second, summer term. This course is a prerequisite to Physics 311. Also to be offered during the first summer term is a four-se mester hour advanced graduate course in Quantum Mechanics, Dr. Potter stated. It will be given by Dr. J. R. Risser, visiting pro fessor from Rice Institute. On Oklahoma Visit Library Requests Return of Books College Librarian, Paul S. Ball- ance has urged that all persons having library books or materials checked out return them by May 23, as the Library is planning to take its first inventory in over eight years. E. M. Regenbrecht, Extension swine husbandman, will visit Dale, Pauls Valley, Kingfisher, Oklaho ma City, and other points in Okla homa today through Friday. Pur pose of this trip is to locate boar pigs for the 4-H Club Program in Texas. This program has as its aim to improve the quality of hogs in this state. CASH FOR SLIDE RULES— \ T-SQUARES DRAWING INSTRUMENTS DRAWING BOARDS BOOKS LAMPS — Best Prices At — CoDege Book Store — North Gate — Winners of $1,250 Humble Fellowships Burl H. Ervin • Edwiii J. Stanley Winners of $1,250 graduate fellowships offered by Humble Oil and Refining Company are BURL H. ERVIN and EDWIN J. STAN LEY, pictured above. Ervin, a 1945 mechanical engineering graduate, has returned to college for graduate work. Stanley, 23, veteran stu dent of Seminole, will receive his bachelor’s degree in civil engineer ing this month. Auditor, Accountant Positions Now Open With Civil Service Civil Service examinations were announced today for Accountant and Auditor according to a state ment made today by Paul H. Figg, Director, Fourteenth U. S. Civil Service Region. No written test is required for these examinations. Applicants will be rated on their training and ex perience. The age limits, eighteen to sixty-two years, do not apply to persons entitled to veteran pref erence, provided they have not reached the age for automatic re tirement. Age limits will be waived for war service indefinite employ ees, who on the closing date of this examination are serving in posi tions which would be filled from the eligible register resulting from the examination. Applications must be on file with the Fourteenth Regional Office of the U. S. Civil Service Commission, 210 South Harwood Street, Dallas 1, Texas, not later than June 3. Application forms and further information may be obtained from the local post office, or from the Director, Fourteenth U. S. Civil Service Region, 210 South Harwood Street, Dallas, Texas. EATING OUT IS FUN AT HOTARD’S CAFETERIA “Where the ART OF FINE COOKERY Has Not Been Forgotten” K t yhihen you graduate, you will have gne of » the finest opportunities to learn to fly ever offered young men in peacetime. The Army Air Forces’ Aviation Cadet Training Pro gram gives you that chance. It cannot be ,, duplicatecf anywhere at any price. Leader in new things for avia- -tion —in jet and rocket propulsion, far-ranging heavy aircraft, improved navigation facilities, and many other of the latest developments in a fast-moving field — the AAF can help you begin a brilliant future. The Air Forces have reopened Aviation Cadet training to qualified civilians 18 to 26V2 years of age. Men selected for training as pilots under the terms of the program must be single and have had at least two years of college education, or the equivalent, in an accredited institution. » Upon successful completion of the course, graduates will be commissioned Second Lieu tenants, Army of the United States, and as signed to flying duty with the Army Air Forces. m POWER Reactivation of the Aviation Cadet program is typical of the AAF’s continuing effort to provide selected young men every opportunity to earn advancement Cadets who win their wings as today’s pilots will be the same kind of men who, in wartime, built and manned the world’s mightiest air arm. Make your plans now to get in at the start! By apply ing immediately after graduation, you can take your qualifying examinations and enter the July 1st class, or — if you want a summer vacation — you can take your examinations now and be ready to enter the class beginning October 15th. Further in formation is available at AAF Bases, U. S. Army Recruiting Stations, local Civil Air Patrol headquarters, or by writing to the Commanding General, Army Air Forces, Washington 25, D. G. IS PEACE POWER U. S. ARMY RECRUITING SERVICE * Official Notices AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF MEN Memorandum 14 May 1947 Subject: Assignment of Rooms for Fall 1947 To: Housemasters in Dormitories other than 1 through 12. 1. Attached is a blank roster of your dormitory. Since it is necessary that your dormitory not be used this summer, and the occupants will have to move, it has been deemed advisable to give your men a chance to sign up for the rooms they now hold in order that they can live in the same room next fall. You will con tact each of your men and if he antici pates returning next fall, sign his name on the roster. 2. THESE MEN MUST BE INFORM ED THAT THEY MUST REQUEST THIS SAME ROOM WHEN THEY APPLY FOR A ROOM DURING THE SUMMER, AND UNLESS THEY MAKE ADVANCED ROOM RESERVATIONS DURING THE SUMMER THESE ROOMS CAN NOT BE HELD. 3. These rosters must be turned in to the Assistant Directors by not later than 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 21, 1947. (Signed) Wm. G. Breazeale Assistant Dean of Men (Acting) GRADUATING SENIORS: At 8 o’clock a.m., Thursday, May 29, there will be posted on a Bulletin Board in the Regis trar’s Office in the Administration Build ing a list of those seniors who have com pleted all of the requirements for a de gree and who are eligible to participate in the Commencement Exercises. This bulle tin will remain posted through May 30th and every candidate is urged to consult it to determine his status. H. L. Heaton Registrar OFFICIAL NOTICE Students desiring advanced physics courses are requested to acquaint the un dersigned with their needs at their ear liest convenience prior to registration in order that assurances may be given on registration that courses will not be can celled owing to insufficient registration. Information is wanted on plans for both summer terms right away, and students who will not be on the campus during the summer are asked to communicate to the undersigned now their desires for physics courses in the fall semester. It is contemplated that the course in Experimental Modern Physics, Physics 411 (prerequisite. Physics 311) will be offered the first instead of the second summer term, as indicated in the summer schedule. J. G. Potter Head, Physics Department. CLASSIFIED ADS ATTENTION ENGINEERS: Get your engineers’ math chart at the Exchange Store. THE SCRIBE SHOP—Typing, mimeo graphing, drawing. Phone 2-0706. 1007 E. 23rd, Bryan. REPAIRS: Radio and refrigerator sales and service. All work guaranteed. LEONARDS East Gate Ph. 4-1240 New and refresher classes starting now at McKenzie-Baldwin Business College in shorthand, typewriting and associated sub* jects. Phone 2-6655 for information. FOR SALE: Housetrailer. 8375.00. See Stout by North Gate. Sinclair Station. FOR SALE: $35.00. Box springs on legs. “Morning Glory” mattress double bed size. Bought new in September '46. Available May 30. See Furr, Apt. 37-D. Vet. Village. FOR SALE: Senior boots, size 12-A. Pinks and khaki boot pants for tall, slen der person. Excellent condition. Room 232, Dorm. 14. WANTED: A fenced in yard to keep nice dog. No feeding involved. Will pay. See Barnes. C-16 Hart. FOR SALE: One summer weight trop ical worsted blouse, size 40. Tailored in San Antonio $27.50. See at 806 Harris, Bryan. Have several choice lots in Garden Acres addition on which I will build the house you plan. G.I.’s with good credit rating require no down payment. See R. T. Price 719 Edgewood St., Garden Acres Addition. FOR SALE: Hollywood bed and mat tress, night stand, set of dishes. Robert son, 30-c Vet. Village I or Box 5015. A steel frame bed complete. A bar gain—$20.00. See Buck, Apt. 30-F. Vet Village. FOR SALE: Two bedroom home. See this week at 214 North Munnerlyn Vill age. Immediate possession. ’46 Harley-Davidson 61 overhead trans- ferrable, insurance $600. See Sonley 204 No. 5. LOST: Black Sheaffer fountain pen with name Jack Brundrett on it. Please return to 1A Puryear or Call 2-7609. FOR SALE: Double unit pre-fabrica- ted house with garage. Possession before first summer semester. 106 Munnerlyn Village or write Box 881, College Station. FOUND: A small Ronson lighte rwith leather cover and initials on it. See Clar ence J. Janak, Dorm No. 11, Room 313. Parker Herbex Scalp preparation Der- metics, Contoure: Revelon cosmetics Col lege Hills Beauty Salon, East Gate, Phone 4-1174. Laredoans to Elect Officers Thursday Laredo A. & M. Club will elect officers for the coming school year at a meeting to be held Thursday, May 22, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 224, Academic Building. This will be the last and most important meeting this semester, and all students from Laredo, in cluding those at the Annex, are urged to attend. Plans will be discussed for a summer party in Laredo on June 5. Goology 302 Special Course for Summer Geology 302 will be a special course for graduate Army Engi neers only for the first six weeks of the summer semester, the Geol ogy Department announced Satur day. Regular enrolled students will not be allowed to take it at this time. If there are enough requests to warrant it, the course will be of fered the latter half of the summer semester. Flight Surgeon To Give Physical Exams The Flight Surgeon Team from the 10th Air Force Hospital will be at Ellington Field from May 23-25, according to the Commanding Of ficer of the 175th Army Air Force Base Unit. Physical examinations will be given daily from 1 to 8 p.m., and all reservists must have appoint ments. All examinations will be given in Building 28. For appoint ment, write 175th A.A.F. B U, El- ( lington Field, Texas. —TRACK — (Continued From Page 1) each taking a third and a fourth behind Scott and Erfurth in the two timber races. Perry Samuels of Texas took a surprise victory in the 100-yard dash, nosing out Baylor’s Bullet Bill Martineson by an eyelash in a blanket finish. T.u.’s Allen Law ler was third, a nose ahead of Fowler of Arkansas with the favor ed Charley Parker running fifth. Parker, off to a miserable start in the century, came back to win the 220 and anchor the Steer sprint relay team to a narrow victory over Baylor and A.&M. The Longhorn quartet toured the 440 yards in 41.2, two-tents of a second under the old conference record. All in all, the Aggies took seven firsts (including the three-way draw in the pole vault), three sec onds (Hahn in the 880, Jay in the broad jump, and Holbrook in the 440); three thirds (Mortensen in the low hurdles, Bilderback in the 440 and the sprint relay team) and four fourths (Young in the shot, Vajdos in the 880, Mortensen in the high hurdles and Bonnen in the two-mile.) Davis got the % point for his tie for fourth in the pole vault. i At work and at play, men want comfort—and get it, in “B.V. D.” Ruggers and Rogue Shirts. i They come in luxuriously soft, supple fabrics, with freedom-of-action stitched into every smoothly flowing line. Choose your own “good companions”—from a variety of fresh, deep colors—today. i I Truly convertible collar keeps all Ruggers Shirts right for all day smartness... can be worn with or without a tie. j ! 1 No buttons to bother you, when you wear a Hollywood Rogue. Wear it in or out of your slacks. Two roomy hip-front pockets add a cas ual touch. -r? , •b.v.d., ‘ruggers and ‘rogue are registered J - - TRADE MARKS C“NEXT TO MYSELF ( LIKE B.V. D. BE$r9 TJX . IS CLOTHIERS College and Bryan BABY YOUR CAR BE GOOD TO YOUR CAR . . . BABY IT . . . CODDLE IT . . . BUT KEEP IT RUNNING ... for New Coes'"?* be Hard to Get BRING YOUR FORD "BACK NOME" TO US ... WE GIVE YOU MORE SERVICE FOR IT ... SO YOU GET BETTER SERVICE FROM IT. Bryan Motor Co. BRYAN