The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 10, 1946, Image 4

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    Page 4
Applications Are
Due December 17
Applications are now being tak
en by the Navy for the Naval Re
serve Officers Training Corps and
the Naval Aviation College Pro
gram to commence in September,
1947. Information for anyone in
terested can be received from Prof.
F. J. Benson of the Civil Engineer
ing department, and applications
must be submitted not later than
December 17, 1946.
Students initially receive from
two to four years of college educa
tion with the cost of books, fees,
and tuition paid by the Navy and
with a living allowance of $600 per
NACP students may attend the
college of their choice for two
years, after which they enter a
two-year program of flight train
ing and duty as midshipmen. They
Office in Parker Building
Over Canady’s Pharmacy
Phone 2-1457 Bryan, Texas
Murray Appointed
Military Custodian
Henry E. Murray has been ap
pointed military property custo
dian, replacing Roy Casey, former
ly acting custodian.
Mr. Murray is a former student
of A.&M. and hails from Austin.
Before receiving his discharge
from the army he was commanding
officer at Bryan Field with the
rank of lieutenant colonel.
With the steady increase * of
military property on the campus
and more to come, such problems
of storage and handling were cre
ated that it became necessary to
appoint someone permanently to
this position.
At present most of the equip
ment used by the ROTC is stored
in the armory area. Buildings
are now under construction across
the tracks to store heavy equip
ment, such as guns and tanks.
will then serve one additional year
of flight duty. Thereafter, those
transferred to the Reserve who
return to college will have tuition
of $100 per month for a period not
to exceed 20 months.
Applicants must be 17-20 years
of age, unmarried, and in good
physical condition. It is planned
to give a nation-wide qualifying
examination to all candidates, to
be administered on January 18,
Shreveport Aggies
To Plan for Xmas
During the Thanksgiving hcji-
days the Shreveport . & M. Club
engaged in a bit of merriment at
one of the city’s finer entertain
ment spots. Now plans are under
way for an even better event to be
held o nthe evening of December
27th with some assistance from
the Shreveport Texas A. & M.
There will be a special meeting
of the Club Thursday Dec. 12th at
7:15 p. m. in Room 106 Academic
Bldg, to discuss the nature of the
function and make financial ar
rangements. All Shreveport Ag
gies are requested to attend.
At the last meeting of the Cam
era club, plans for the monthly
contest were discussed. The fol
lowing suggestions were made:
That the photo be at least five by
seven inches and preferably eight
by ten, and should be mounted on
a standard sixteen by twenty inch
mount. The next contest will be
held on Monday, January sixth,
and photos should be turned in by
Friday, January tenth.
Prizes have not been announced,
for either the print or the color
slide contest. A projector will be
available for the color slides turn
ed in.
A&M Now Teacher
Examining Center
A. & M. College has been made
an official teacher examining cen
ter by the National Committee on
Teacher Examinations of the Am
erican Council on Education, ac
cording to G'. B. Wilcox, Head of
the A. & M. Education-Psychology
Wilcox pointed out that these
examinations are a measurement
of knowledge and ability and the
Committee does not serve as place
ment agency for those taking the
examinations. He also added that
the examination has no direct
bearing on teacher certificate eli
gibility in Texas, and any aplicant
or a teachers certificate must
comply with all regular require
ments regardless of whether or not
ths examination is taken.
“Although in these days of
teacher shortage, the value of
these examinations is not too ap
parent, it is possible that in a few
years almost all teaching job ap
plicants will be contacted through
the National Committee, thus mak
ing the examinations essential to
securing a good teaching job,” Wil
cox said.
Examinations will be given at
A. & M. on February 8 and 15,
with application deadline on Jan
uary 8.
Copyright 1946, Liggett Sc Mveju Tobacco Co.
Official Notices
Sealed bids will be received in the Of
fice of the Business Manager of the Ag
ricultural and Mechanjical College of
Texas until 10:00 A. M. Monday, Decem
ber 16, 1946, and then publicly opened and
read, for one 1942 Plymouth Special De-
Luxe Two Door Sedan, equipped with
heater. This automobile may be seen by
calling at Airport Office, Easterwood Air
port, between the hours of 8:00 A. M. to
4:00 P. M. The vehicle will be sold “as
is”, the purchaser to pay transfer tax
and the 1946 State license, as the State
exempt license plate will be removed. The
right is reserved to reject any and all
bids. All bids must be accompanied by a
cashier’s check, money order or cash for
ten per cent of the amount of the bid.
Award will be made by drawing lots if
two or more identical high bids are re
ceived. The successful bidder must com
plete payment and remove the automobile
within twenty-four hours after award
of sale. Deposits of unsuccessful bidders
will be returned. Perspective bidders may
contact Office of the Business Manager
for further information.
E. N. Holmgreen,
Business Manager.
engineers’ math chart at the Exchange
THE SCRIBE SHOP—Typing, mimeo
graphing, drawing. Phone 2-6706. 1007
E. 23rd, Bryan.
31st is the last day to get Life, Time &
Newsweek for $3.50 each per year. John
son’s Magazine Agency at College Book
Store, Box 284, Phone 4-8814.
FOR SALE: Five room house with all
modern conveniences. Selling at right
price. See Michael Renghofer, Jr., on
Jane St., off Sulphur Springs Road.
your problem ? Do you have that unde
cided feeling? Only 19 more days—Let
someone solve your troubles. Gifts bought,
wrapped, and mailed if desired. Phone
LOST: Gray gabardine trench coat at
Texas game. Finder please contact O. G.
Kirkpatrick, Box 5734.
LOST: Brown sport jacket lost on line
in San Antonio. See Staples, 317-9. Box
LOST: Air Corps flight jacket. Brown
leather. Billy J. Hancock printed inside
collar. Notify Hancok, Box 4341.
LOST: Wyler wrist watch near Dorm.
8, November 26th, between 5 and 7 p.m,
Reward. W. T. Harris, Dorm. 8, room
FOR SALE: 414 room house on 57x120
lot. Asbestos siding, concrete foundation,
furnished. Call at 211 Park Place, Col
lege Station, Texas between 6 and 8.
FOR SALE: 5 acres of land, house with
2 large rooms, bath, pantry and hallway,
built-in closets, hot and cold water, lights
and butane gas, located on Palasota Drive
in Bryan. Write or see J. B. Huggins,
Rt. 1, Box 17, Bryan, Texas or George O.
Buehalts, Bryan.
Starting December 2nd Excellence in
imported French perfumes displayed 7-10
p.m. Monday 101—No. 7; Tuesday and
Friday 202—No. 1 ; Monday and Tuesday,
Wednesday 115—No. 10; Thursday and
Friday 324—No. 14; Wednesday 6-B Pur-
year ; Thursday and Friday 327—No. 15.
FOR SALE: New Kodak greeting card
Masks. Coll 4-8429.
LOST: Identification bracelet. Name
“Johnny”. Finder please notify Johnny
Shortal, Box 1278, A. & M. Annex.
WANTED: Garage to rent. Near
school. T. Sinclair, 76 Leggett or Box
WOOD DELIVERED: Per cord, 4 ft.
$9.00 ; 2 ft. $10.50 ; 16 inch $11.50 ; 10 inch,
$12.50. Telephone 4-1188.
FOR SALE: Rokuoh Camera, excellent
condition, 127 film, F 4.5 lens, with case
and filter. Wolf, 9 B Vet. Village.
LOST: Red wallet on campus Dec. 3,
containing money and important papers.
Finder please contact Mary Louise Oper-
steny, 4.8954.
DESIRE ROOM in private home in Col
lege Station or Bryan for young couple
from 2 February 1947 to 22 February dur
ing A.B.C.B. Short Course. References if
desired. Contact Henry C. King, Jr.,
Class ’43, 6654 Wildwood Way, Houston 12,
Texas with full particulars.
The answer to oil of your
Christmas gift problems l
highly suitable as gifts.
Included are
A Rainy Night in Rio
She’s My Buddy’s Chick
Ain’t Nobody Here But Us
Ugly Chile
In a Shanty in old Shanty Town
Boogie Woogie
Too Many Irons in the Fire
Divorce Me C. O. D.
Sentimental Journey
A Gal in Calico
The Girl That I Marry
You Broke the Only Heart That
Ever Loved You
Full Moon and Empty Arms
314 N. Main — Phone 2-7300
Tru-Art Diamond rings are unfailingly true
to the highest standards of quality — as welj
as beauty in cut, design and mounting. Be4
cause Tru-Art Quality Is Higher Than Price!
we can make no finer recommendation fop
your once-in-a-lifetime diamond purchftsel
111 N. Main, Bryan
Shop at our convenient College
Store for the men ou your list.
College and Bryan
Timm-tested, timed-right. . .
Shorts for Fall and Winter
Snug elastic tops! Colors galore, variety of
patterns! You’ll find them and many other
styles in our Westminster Fall and Winter
collection of Famous American Socks.
famous American socks
Leon B.Weiss
Next to Campus Theater