The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 06, 1946, Image 2
I Page 2 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1946 I Take the Heat Off... One of the most frequent complaints from freshmen in the Cadet Corps is that competition with older, experienced veterans, also freshmen, is so terrific that they have a hard ■■ time passing, and an even harder time sweating out C’s or B’s. Cadet fish are a class all to themselves. High school c graduation is not very far behind them, and during their r high school days they were taught in a system that was, as C a rule, woefully inadequate because of the war. Most of ^ these freshmen are either sixteen or seventeen, and threat- ( ening induction into the army meant that many were pam- C pered. To come suddenly into college classes in the com pany of veterans, toughened and schooled in life, has left ^ its bewildering and disheartening effect on many. They get a the idea that they aren’t good enough to pass college work, e although their entrance exams show that they are. A great 1 many have already left the college, shaking their heads and T saying it’s just too hard for them. With plans for spring registration under way, it might e be a good plan to put all Corps freshmen in separate sections, i: thereby enabling the instructor to deal with them according ® to their emotional, intellectual, and age level. Such a plan t would undoubtedly make the classes more homogeneous, and l might enable these bewildered and confused young men to t discover their true capabilities. ; What About Houston?.. . t. In the letters-to-the-editor column of this issue is a c provocative document, a letter sent by Aggie Lee Thomp son, Jr. to the Houston Post and the Houston Chamber of Commerce. Thompson, a Houstonian, feels that the news papers and police officials of the metropolis of the Gulf are antagonistic toward Aggies, despite the fact that more Ag gies come from Houston than from any other city. The Batt does not feel that the situation is quite so bad as it seems to Thompson. Although all the Houston papers printed front-page pictures of shaved-head Aggies who had been caught raiding the Rice campus, on other occasions they have shown themselves most friendly to A. and M. It is unfortunate that we have no big-city papers close enough to College Station to “adopt” us as their own, but we recog nize that the Houston papers have to beat the drums for Rice and the University of Houston as well as for us. There has been quite a deterioration in relations be tween this school and Rice Institute, as high-lighted by the hostilities during the week before the football game this year. Yell practices in Houston have not gone off as well as those in Dallas or Fort Worth, where Aggies have always been welcome. Maybe Houston police feel that their city is now too big to be disturbed by college capers—although this writer has seen much bigger cities give warm welcome to college visitors. A. and M. has many important friends in Houston, and a potent Exes club operates there, so there is every reason to suppose that any unpleasantness can be cleared up, once the source is recognized. As for Rice, we suggest that some student interschool committee be set up, to keep our rela tions on a plane of good-natured, rather than nasty, rivalry. Field House or Gym?. .. While we’re in a mood for discussing possible improve ments at A. & M., we might point out the lack of a true gym nasium on this campus. Some gymnastic work is carried on in DeWare Field House, and some in the little white lean- to down by the railroad tracks that is known as the intra mural gymnasium. But most of our athletic program for students is carried on outdoors. It is no doubt impressive to say to visitors that we build our Aggie muscles in nature’s own gymnasium, and that we want no roof over our head while exercising. But such a plan does not take into account the vagaries of Texas weather, which is nowhere more unpredictable than in these Brazos bottoms. DeWare Field House is sometimes pointed out as a gym nasium, but that is hardly accurate. The Field House is a basketball court and athletic center, but hardly a gym nasium in the usual sense of the word as used in America. (In Europe the word is applied to something corresponding to our high school or junior college, and has no athletic connotations.) DeWare Field House is now too small for basketball crowds, so maybe we should construct a new and larger arena for basketball. Then we could rip the concrete seats out of DeWare and convert it into a real gymnasium, for the use of all students and not just the teams. So we would preserve DeWare’s noble Romanesque arches, and yet gain a real gymnasium. A Real North Gate?... Every afternoon at five o’clock, our North Gate entrance gets blocked as effectively as if the Germans had put drag ons’ teeth across it. The traffic jam, as buses and cars struggle through the bottleneck, is worse than those at Ak- ard and Commerce in Dallas, or Houston and St. Marys in San Antonio. We have magnificent entrances at East Gate and West Gate. Why not fix up the entry through which most of our traffic passes? The Batt suggests that the present street in front of the Post Office be kept, but as part of a divided entrance, the other half to be where our main street would run if it kept straight as it passes Walton Hall. This would leave a small island between the two lanes, and some of the present shrubs could be left growing there. By doing this, we would gain at one stroke a solution to a traffic headache, and a real “North Gate” of which we could be proud. Billy Bob Griffitts, staff writer for the East Texas, remarked that things were awfully dull around East, Texas State Teachers’ College. “I wish something would happen to give us some news,” he declared. It happened 48 hours later. A twister hit Griffitts’ airport two miles west of the campus, blowing away two hangars and two planes. Greatest Negro Choir, ‘Wings Over Jordan’, in Bryan Monday dan”, will appear with the group as narrator. Two performances will be made on Monday evening; the first show commences at 7 p. m. for children and their parents, and the second at 8:45 p. m. for adults. Dr. I. A.- Carter, publicity chairman, a n - nounced that a section will be re served for the white audience. Tickets are now on sale at var ious places in Bryan and College Station, and prices are 85c for children and $1.20 for adults. At the door tickets will sell for $1.00 and $1.50, children and adults re spectively. “Wings Over Jordan”, the greatest Negro choir, will appear at the Kemp High School auditor ium in Bryan, Monday evening, December 9. This mixed choir of twenty voices is now in its ninth year of coast-to-coast broadcasts, winning fame throughout the country in its presentation of of Negro spir ituals. It completed a 10-month overseas jaunt with USO in March of this year, receiving for their work the highest possible citation. Rev. Glenn T. Settle, originator and director of “Wings Over Jor- : Letters to the Editor : HOUSTON HOSPITALITY Dear Editor: Enclosed is a copy of a letter I have sent to the Houston Post and the Houston Chamber of Com merce: The article which I read in to days Post, concerning the ostra cizing of certain Rice girls for having dates with Aggies, has released all of my pent up thoughts regarding Rice Institute and the City of Houston. Although the annual contest be tween Texas University and Texas A.&M. will never be equalled in the Southwest conference for spir ited rivalry and sportsmanship, the tension between A.&M. and Rice is mounting steadily. And for various reasons this rivalry that is growing up between Rice and A.&M. is on a much lower plane than the one between us and T.U. Year by year, and I think that I am paralleling the thoughts of a large majority of the students when I express my opinions here, Rice Institute and Houston are becoming the most despised places in the South in the eyes of the Texas Aggies. I have lived in Houston all of my life, but I am ashamed to men tion it when football season rolls around. Texas A.&M. is a large school, and if all of the students carry their present opinions (they aren’t high) of Lower-Slobbovia- on-the-Buffalo to other parts of the state, the consequences, to say the least, will not add materially to the fame and fortune of Hous ton. Specific examples of what agi tates the Aggies are (1) The news papers of Houston seem to form their editorial policies around the idea that every reader of Houston newspapers is a 100% died-in-the- wool Rice fan whenever a contro versy or football game involving Rice is treated. There are more students from Houston at A.&M. than from any other city in Texas, and there may be more Houston boys at A.&M. than there are at Rice—these boy’s family’s read the Houston papers too. (2) The police officers and proprietors of hotels, night clubs (the scrawney few that Houston has) and cafes take it for granted that all Aggies are potential rioters and trouble makers. They never seem to think that resentment, caused by their own attitudes, may have something to do with any “rowdyness’ which might occur. And finally (3) The city has the uncanny ability to cover itself with a blanket of un friendliness whenever the Aggies come into tqwn. I am very anxious to see con ditions between the Aggies and Rice improve, and I think the peo ple of Houston and the newspa pers can help (particularly the newspapers). I’m sure that the Aggies would be willing to meet Houston half way if Houston will be a little more friendly toward us. Sincerely, Lee W. Thompson, Jr. ’48. SCOTT VOLUNTEERS Dear editor: I quite agree with your editorial about reestablishing the Ross Vol unteers, but hoW' about giving some credit to the founder of the outfit ? The RV’s were not established by “Sully” Ross, but by the then commandant of the college, Col. Scott, according to the official Bulletin of Information. Originally the organization was known as the Scott Volunteers. Later the name was changed to Ross Volunteers, and as other presidents took over the college, the unit was renamed each time. President»Bizzell, how ever, suggested that the name Ross Volunteers be revived and made permanent. Wick van Keuenhoven What’s Cooking FRIDAY, December 6 7:00 p. m. Houston County A&M Club. 7:30 p. m. Business Society. 6:45 p. m. Newman Club execu tive council, St. Mary’s Chapel. SATURDAY, December 7 6:30-7:00 p. m. Confessions, St. Mary’s Chapel. SUNDAY, December 8 8:30 a. m. & 10:30 a. m. Catho lic Mass, St. Mary’s Chapel. 3:30 p. m. Diaper and Doll Pa rade, Assembly Hall. Tickets on sale at door. TUESDAY, December 10 7:30 p. m. Biology Club, Confer ence Room, Ag. Experiment Sta tion. Film on child delivery. 7:30 p. m. Agronomy Society, AI Lecture Room. Speaker, Dr. R. F. Chandler, Professor of Forest Soli Cornell, University. 7:30 p. m. Saddle and Sirloin Club, Room 115, AI Bldg. 7:30 p. m. Marketing and Fin ance Club, Room 312, Ag. Bldg. Speaker and discussion of party plans. 7:30 p. m. Foods Group, Aggie Wives Club, Sbisa. 7:30 p. m. Reserve Officer’s As sociation, Geology Lecture Room. Business meeting. All members urged to attend. 7:30 p. m. Sociology Club, Room 203, Ag. Bldg. Guest speakers on juvenile delinquency and Texas Prison system. 7:30 p. m. Accounting Society, Ag. Engineering Lecture Room. Speaker, Edwin Heinen, of the of fice of Ernst and Ernst. 7:30 p. m. Business Society, YMCA. Art Exhibit Closes This Evening at 10 Today is the second and last day of the Art Exhibit, sponsored by the Bryan-College Station Art Club and being held at the Annex of the First Baptist Church in Bryan. The exhibit, which is free to all persons, remains on display to the public until 10 p. m. this evening. Pictures shown are the works of members of the Art Club, and include water colors, pastels, and oils. The Battalion The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published semi-weekly and circulated on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Member PUsocided Colle6iate Press Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Subscription rate £4.00 per school year. Advertising rates on request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Allen Self Vick Lindley David M. Seligman Charles E. Murray U. V. Johnston Paul Martin Larry Goodwyn Ike Ashburn, Jr Wendell McClure, Peyton McKnight Gerald Monson — Ferd English, Arthur Matula, Claude Buntyn, Dudley Burris, Clyde H. Patterson, Jr., J. AI Hudeck, Jack Herrington Corps Editor Veteran Editor Tuesday Associate Editor Friday Associate Editor Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor Sports Writer Annex Editor Advertising Managers Circulation Manager Wm. Colville, M. Nelson Reporters Photographers "FISH” BLOTTO By Pete Tomlinson I FEEL SO ROBUST TODAY I JUST BELIEVE I'LL READ THE FUNNY PAPERS / HEY, LOOKOUT/ THAT GUY'S GOT A GUN/ Y ^MW// ////y Annex-ations IKE ASHBURN, JR. ABOUT THE DANCE to be held December 14—one thing that will be needed is more women than have been at the previous dances. Why don’t you Don Juans start writing the gals of your night mares to come down or come up for the brawl ? Don’t know if you fellows ever heard of one MOM CLAGHORNE. Well, she’s the head nurse at Dr. Marsh’s pill emporium and known to all Aggies from 19—(it’s been a long time anyway.) She easily doubles as chaplain, advisor to the lovelorn, and doctor of homesick ness. The walls of her room are covered with pictures ranging from her football boys to just plain guys who know and love MOM. HATS OFF to the Vets’ Club and their idea of a guest speaker at their meetings. Soups to Nuts Department: The fellows in the Corps who journey ed to Rice and were caught are wondering when they will hear the last of it ... . Only 17 more shop ping days ’til Xmas ... It looks like Mrs. HILLIARD is planning a Christmas party in the lounge. , . . Those good-natured SKIPS on our bus run. . . . Why not put that cowbell in the trophy case? . . . . Wonder who borrowed my cowboy boots about a month ago? (Editor’s Note: Ashburn, use the Classified section at 3c per word.) . . Some guys have been using “Lower Slobbovia” as a return ad dress. (No wonder the Post Office is complaining!) PENNY’S SERENADE By W. L. Penberthy The Veterans Administration has obtained an additional 1,600,- 000 books from the United States Armed Forces Institute to add to the 600,000 other surplus books still available to schools and c o 1 - leges for their veteran-students, VA announced this week. TRUvART DIAMONDS | To it* very depth*, o Tru-Art diamond ring bears out that Tru-Art Quality is Higher jThan Price! We offer a brilliantly varied .selection — each the best quality your money !can buy I SANKEY PARR JEWELER 111 N. Main—Bryan In watching the outstanding performers in the different sports, I am continually impressed by one thing; namely, that these men, to the casual observer, seem to be executing the skill in the same manner as other performers. How ever, when the performance of these experts is closely analyzed, it is always found that they are doing a little something extra that isn’t done by the average perform ers. I have spent many hours watching outstanding coaches dis- c u s s their method of teaching skills, and they invariably go into very minute detail in explaining Hedgpeth Named Assistant A. & M. Business Manager Kenneth D. Hedgepeth has been appointed assistant business man ager of A. & M. College, effective December 1, it was announced by E. N. Holmgreen, business man ager. He was transferred from the Fiscal department where he had been assistant auditor. A native of Gatesville, Hedg- peth attended Baylor University and North Texas State Teachers College prior to his coming to the College in 1938. REPAIR SERVICE — 60 Day Guarantee — Aerials and Parts for Sale Auto Radios Our Specialty AL’S RADIO SERVICE At LOUPOT’S CHRISTMAS FOR EVERY MAN IN THE FAMILY WE SUGGEST- — AT — College Station’s Newest Clothiers Leon B.Weiss Next to Campus Theater these little extras. <■ The ability to add a little something extra gives me a big thrill, because it is this ability that permits one to become great in a sport. The same ability can give us ad ditional pleasure in our every day lives. It is the little extra things we do, “beyond the call of duty” that give us a real thrill by mak ing our fellow man a little hap pier. This is mighty well brought out by the following verses by Sydney J. Burgoyne: The thing that really matters is the “something else” you do, Besides the getting dollars all your whole life through. It’s just the touch you’re giving to others day by day, The sunshine that you scatter all along your way. The kindly deeds you’re doing when someone needs a friend: The service that you render, the helping hand you lend. It brings the joy that’s lasting which money cannot do— To know that someone’s gladness is just because of you! Opens 1:00 p.m. Ph. 4-1181 Thursday—LAST DAY Jane Russell — In — “YOUNG WIDOW” FRIDAY arid SATURDAY “Ghost Breakers” _ With — Bob Hope Paulette Goddard SATURDAY PREVIEW SUNDAY and MONDAY “BREAKFAST IN HOLLYWOOD” (A First-Run Picture) — Plus — Disney Cartoon — News :Queen Theatre: SUNDAY-MONDAY and TUESDAY Randolph Scott — IN — “HOME SWEET HOMICIDE” BRYAN, TEXAS PREVIEW SAT. NIGHT, SUN., MON., TUBS., WED., and THURSDAY Ingrid Bergman and Gary Grant in “N0RT0RI0US” FRI. and SAT. Gary Cooper — IN — “THE PLAINSMAN” FRIDAY and SATURDAY Double Feature “PURSUIT TO ALGIERS” _ With — Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce “RIDERSOF THE DEAD LINE’ Featuring William Boyd