Page 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1946 Brazos A & M Club Hears Col. Meloy Describe System The doors of the Military De partment are always open and any cadet can come in and talk to the military personnel at any time, Col. Giiy S. Meloy, commandant and professor of Military Science, told the Brazos County A. & M,. Club Monday evening at the Bryan Country Club. Every branch of the armed ser vices that was on the campus prior to 1942 has now been reactivated, and in adition an air unit has been established, Col. Meloy said. A better deal is being offered those who sign up for R.O.T.C. in that not only the basic ration is allow ed, but these men also are furnis- ed several items of their clothing, including shoes. Modern combat equipment is coming in all the time, all new and much of it in the original crates in which it had been placed for overseas shipment, the speaker declared. Among the military department officers are seven Texas A. & M. graduates. Enlisted personnel to tals 32, of whom 19 are master sergeants, all with oversea exper ience. Eleven of them were offi cers up to the rank of major. One of the handicaps his department is working under is that there are no advance senior units now on the campus. All present cadet offi cers would be non-commissioned officers in normal times. Col. Meloy gave a detailed ac count of how discipline is handled by the Dean of Men with the as sistance of the Military Depart ment, and discussed the relations of his department with both single and married veterans now in school. He thought that if improvement continued on the plane of the im mediate past that Texas A. & M. College would soon have its Blue Star rating again. The club voted to have its an nual banquet and dance, held in cooperation with the Athletic Coun cil, on the night of Saturday, Jan. 11, 1947. Due to the advance in prices of all food items, tick ets will sell at $2.00, which will include both the banquet from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m., and the dance from 9:30 p. m. until midnight. Atten dance will be held to 900. The club voted to change its by laws to make its fiscal year from Jajnuary througfh; December, in stead of from August through July. It was decided not to- have a meet ing of the club in December. Ar rangements have been tentatively made for showing motion pictures of the Texas-Rice football game, which Rice won 18-13, at the Feb ruary meeting. Official Notices ELECTION NOTICE THE STATE OP TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION TO THE RESIDENT QUALIFIED PROPERTY TAXPAYING VOTERS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS : TAKE NOTICE that an election will be held in the City of College Station, Texas, on the 17 th day of December, 1946, on the propositions and at the places more particularly set forth in the election order adopted by the City Council on the 19th day of November, 1946, which is as follows: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, deems it ad visable and to the best interest of said City to submit to the resident qualified property taxpaying voters of said City for the purpose of constructing improvements and extensions to the waterworks system of said City; the proposition for the issuance of $50,000.00 of bands of said City for the purpose of constructing im provements and extensions to the sani tary sewer system of said City; and the proposition for the issuance of $16,000.00 of bonds of said City for the purpose of constructing improvements and extensions to the electric light system of said City; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: That an election be held in the City of College Station, Texas, on the 17 th day of December, 1946, at which election the following propositions shall be sub mitted to the resident qualified property taxpaying voters of said City, who own taxable property in said City and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, for their action thereupon: PROPOSITION NO. 1 Shall the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, be authorized to issue the bonds of the City of College Station, in the sum of $35,000.00, payable serially not to exceed twenty (20) years from their date, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed four (4) per cent per annum, and to levy a tax sufficient to redeem them at maturity, for the purpose of constructing improvements and exten sions to the waterworks system of said City, as authorized by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas. PROPOSITION NO. 2 Shall the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, be authorized to issue the bonds of the City of College Station, in the sum of $50,000.00, payable serially not to exceed twenty (20) years from their date, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed four (4) per cent per an num, and to levy a tax sufficient to redeem them at maturity, for the pur pose of constructing improvements and extensions to the sanitary sewer system of said City, as authorized by the Consti tution and Laws of the State of Texas. PROPOSITION NO. 3 Shall the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, be authorized to issue the bonds of the City of College Station, in the sum of $15,000.00, papable serially not to exceced twenty (20) years from their date, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed four (4) per cent per annum, and to levy a tax sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to re- dedeem them at maturity, for the pur pose of constructing improvements and extensions to the electric light system of said City, as authorized by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas. The said election shall be held at the following places in said City and the following named persons are hereby ap pointed election officers for said election: At the Southside Market Building, Ward No. 1, with F. R. Brison, as Presiding Judge, W. L. Hughes, as Assistant Judge, and Mrs. C. B. Godbey and Mrs. T. H. Terrell, as Clerks. At the Lukes Grocery Building, Ward No. 2, with E. H. Brock, as Presiding Judge, T. E. Rattan, as Assistant Judge, and Mrs. T. W. LeLand and Mrs. R. E. Shuggs, as Clerks. kll [OVER A M ERICA —CM ESTERf l EtO*IS> fOf S I Copyright 1946, Liggett & Myers Tosacco Co. At the A. M. Waldrop and Co. Build ing, Ward No. 3, with C. J. Gorzycki as Presiding Judge, Guy Boyett, as Assistant Judge, and Mrs. C. L. Gillispie and Mrs. Walter Johnson, as Clerks. The said election shall be held under the provisions of and in accordance with the laws governing the, issuance of muni cipal bonds by cities, as provided in the General Laws of the State of Texas, and only qualified electors, who own taxable property in the City and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, shall be qualified to vote. The ballots for said election shall have written or printed thereon the following: “FOR THE ISSUANCE OF WATER WORKS SYSTEMS BONDS AND THE LEVYING OF THE TAX IN PAYMENT THEREOF, AS SUBMIT TED IN PROPOSITION NO. 1.” “AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF WAT ERWORKS SYSTEM BONDS AND THE LEVYING OF THE TAX IN PAYMENT THEREOF, AS SUBMIT TED IN PROPOSITION NO. 1” “FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SEWER SYSTEM BONDS AND THE LEVY ING OF THE TAX IN PAYMENT THEREOF, AS SUBMITTED IN PROPOSITION NO. 2.” “AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF SEW ER SYSTEM BONDS AND THE LEVYING OF THE TAX IN PAY MENT THEREOF, AS SUBMITTED IN PROPOSITION NO. 2.” “FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM BONDS AND THE LEVYING OF THE TAX IN PAY MENT THEREOF, AS SUBMITTED IN PROPOSITION NO. 3.” “AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF ELEC TRIC LIGHT SYSTEM BONDS AND THE LEVYING OF THE TAX IN PAYMENT THEREOF, AS SUBMIT TED IN PROPOSITION NO. 3.” As to each of the foregoing propositions, each voter shall mark out with black ink or black pencil one of the above ex pressions, thus leaving the other as in- indicating his vote on the three proposi tions, respectively. A copy of this resolution and order signed by the Mayor of said City and attested by the City Secretary, shall serve as proper notice of said election. The Mayor is authorized and directed to cause said notice of the election to be posted at the City Hall in said City, and at each of the places designated for holding said election, for at least fifteen (15) full days prior to the date of said election. The Mayor is further authorized and rected to hi iblished in I shed in the jxas, and vi shed on the (2) successive weeks, the date of the ed an directed to have said notice of electio er pub le City of College Station, and which notice shall be pub- on blished in Battalion, a newspaper pub- of iotic< e day :eks pu lished in the City of Colla Texas, and which notice shall be pul lished on the same day in each of tv publication being not less than foi sen (14) full days prior to the date of PASSED 'AND APPROVED this the 19th day of November, 1940. Ernest Langford Mayor, City of College Station, Texas. ATTEST: N. M. McGinnis City Secretary. CLASSIFIEDS ATTENTION ENGINEERS: Get your engineers’ math chart at the Exchange Store, THE SCRIBE SHOP—Typing, mimeo graphing, drawing. Phone 2-6705. 1007 E. 23rd, Bryan. LOST: Small black leather zipper key case and also one key ring and keys. No tify John Lawrence, Phone 2-1631, Bryan. WANTED: Woman to care for nursery during morning church services. Apply to Reverend R. C. Terry, Methodist Church or Mrs. R. I. Hickman, 4-9369. LOST: Class ring 1946. Raised G on top. Owls on each side. Initials P. W. inside. Left Aggie Service Station. Notify Room 105, Dorm 4. LOST: A blanket with name Ben Giv ens sewn to the hem, from rm. 207- No. 8, the week-end of the Rice game. Finder please contact W. E. Hensley, 413-No. 15 to get your own blanket. SERVICE & Ex-SERVICE MEN—Dec. 31st is the last day to get Life, Time & Newsweek for $3.50 each per year. John son’s Magazine Agency at College Book Store, Box 284, Phone 4-8814. FOR SALE: 1946 Harley 61 OVH 9000 Mi. Performance guaranteed. E. C. Hodge, 106 Jersey, Across Drill Field behind Duncan. FOR SALE: Hunting Binoculars. Bausch & Lomb; 6 power, 30 m.m. Have been reconditioned and have coated optics. D. D. Dickerson, Rm. 415, Dorm. 15, Box 396. LOST: Tan trench coat at Rice game —North end of Aggie section. $5.00 re ward. R. C. Bass, Y.M.C.A. FOR SALE: Blue or green Parrokeets (Love birds) $5.00 a pair. Also, black and white female Pekingnese—one year old. $15.00. 706 E. 23rd. St. Bryan, Phone 2-5640. FOR SALE: 1938 Willys Deluxe Coupe. Clean car, good tires and motor, ex cellent gas mileage. Graff, Hart C-7 & B after 5 p. m. Fish & Game Plans Summer Field Trip Preliminary plans for the sum mer field trip were discussed at the semi-monthly meeting of the Fish and Game Club last Tuesday night. Dr. W. B. Davis, head of the Fish and Game department, announced that four credit hours would be offered for a six-weeks term in the field. Tentative arrangements are being made to combine the fish and game jour ney with field trips in botany and range management. It was estimated that the total expense of the course will be ap proximately one hundred and fifty dollars. Veterans are eligible un der the provisions of the G. I. Bill of Righs. Dr. Davi$ revealed that several out of state game departments had been contacted as possible areas for the trip and that the most likely are Idaho, Wjyoming, and Montana. The plan is to take over some field project being car ried on by one of these states in order to give practical field exper ience to graduate and under-grad uate students of fish and game. Rollins Addresses A&M Annex Veterans At the last general meeting of the A. & M. Annex Veterans Club, Dean J. W. Rollins of the Office of Student Affairs, discussed how past veteran’s experiences may have helped him in deciding to come to A. & M. He elaborated on the importance of building and maintaining a good record while at A. & M. and the importance of truthfulness regarding all matters. “As long as time exists, the re cord of every man who ever at tended A. and M. will remain on file, and fifteen or twenty years from now, some company may want to know the record of some particular individual made while attending A. & M., Dean Rollins stated. —CADETS— (Continued from Page 1) at the Faculty Banquet here on the campus. Also included on next season’s list is SHSTC at Hunts ville, John Tarleton and an engage ment in Beaumont as well as a Town Hall performance next Spring. , The Singing Cadets certainly are well on their way to become a State as well as an Aggie insti tution, as you can plainly see. ARMY SURPLUS Regulation 0. D. Wool Blankets $^95 We have made a special pur chase of “Army Surplus” 100% All-Wool 0. D. Blankets. They are class “B” reconditioned. These fine blankets are ideal for school or home use. Hunting 1 or camping trips. Buy several of these sturdy blankets that will give long wear and extra warmth. f llaldropd(o. “TWO CONVENIENT STORES” College Station — Bryan Bryan