The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 26, 1946, Image 2

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Page 2
It \s Bonfire Tonight. . .
Tonight on the Drill Field will be staged the annual
lighting of the Aggie Bonfire. This is a culmination of
school spirit that has been building up since the beginning
of football season. Here will be touched off the potential
vigor of support for “the” team. Speeches from the Yell
Leaders, the football Squad, and the coaches will add to our
determination to have a victory in Memorial Stadium.
We attend this affair just as we come to yell practice
to give our spirit a boost — for a little more ambition to
fight harder. Just as we perform the yells and songs in
unison so should we be united always.
A. & M. is noted for its display of spirit both on the
losing and the winning end of a fight. It takes a long time
to build up a reputation like exists at present, but a few iso
lated and seemingly unsignificant acts can change that score
considerably. We are behind that football team to a man
and we are behind its coaches because only by full coopera
tion and support can we hope to win.
Distasteful Booing. . .
Football crowds as a rule are rather unmanageable, and
conduct is not always in keeping with the rules of sports
manship and courtesy. A few weeks ago, at the SMU-Texas
game over in Austin, the Tu student section roundly booed
Governor-elect Jester when he attempted to make a money
raising speech for a veterans’ memorial. Raucous catcalls
and boos crescendoed when he mentioned the Texas Regents.
Now that sort of booing may be considered rather un
mannerly, but it was an expression of political sentiment
more than anything else. It is a well-known fact that most
university students opposed Jester and his policies through
out the primary elections this summer.
But the demonstration of booing which attended one of
our own Aggie quarterbacks as he ran onto Kyle Field to
substitute in the fight against Rice is one of the worst ex
amples of sportsmanship yet viewed on the playing field
this season. Sometimes players of the opposing team who
slugged, kicked, or otherwise unfairly maimed one of the
Aggie battlers deserve a sound booing by all followers of
the great sport of football. If he’s done something wrong,
he certainly should not be bidden farewell with cheers.
However, when a player being sent into the game by
the coach to try to overcome a not-to-close lead, he needs
every bit of verbal encouragement he can get to put that
extra punch into running, passing, or tackling, which often
means the difference between victory and defeat. Express
ing disapproval by booing before the poor fellow has even
tried just doesn’t make good sense, much less good sports
manship. Perhaps just that smattering of sulky boos kept
him from summoning a little more push in the pinch.
He’s a game and smart youngster, this quarterback who
got. booed. More than likely he wasn’t discouraged, but he
certainly wasn’t encouraged. Maybe Some of the boos were
for the coach, but he didn’t know that.
Let’s keep disapproving sentiments to ourselves. Boo
politicians if you like, but don’t boo one of our own Aggies
when he comes to fight for us.
39 Hospitalized Former Students
of Both Schools Won't M/ss Game
By Billy G. Welch
Thirty-five Aggie-exes and four
T.u.-exes, all patients at San
Antonio, will not miss the tradi
tional Turkey Day football game
this year at Austin.
Lt. Ollie B. Livingston ’43, also
patient at Brooks General Hos
pital when he is not attending
classes at A. & M., submitted the
request for the tickets to Presi
dent Gibb Gilchrist. Mr. E. L.
Angell, assistant to the President,
was largely responsible for get
ting action on the request. Presi
dent Gilchrist suggested that the
T.u. exes be given tickets as a ges
ture of friendship between the two
Aggie-exes who will see the A.
&. M.-T.u. game through this ac
tion are: Col. Edwin E. Aldridge
’16; John C. Bray ’41; Lt. William
B. Brown ’43; Capt. John R. Ben-
even ti ’41; Lt. Dick Churchill ’44;
Col. Martin E. Collis ’17; Major
John S. Coleman ’27; Dale F. El
liot; Col. George J. Eppright; Lt.
Robert P. Forrest ’45; Lt. Jake
R. Fritsch ’43; Major Oscar H.
Frazier; Lt. David H. Gower ’45;
Lt. Col. J. K. Gibson '25; Major
Clarence J. Hutson; Capt. Harry
L. Hoag ’22; Lt. Stewart D. Her-
vey; Lt. Herman K. Henry ’25;
Lt. Dan L. Jackson ’28; Major S.
N. oJhnson ’43; Lt. Thomas R.
Lutner ’43; Lt. John B. Longley
’43; Capt. Claude Levett ’43; Lt.
John F. Lyons ’44; Major Charles
P. Mueller ’17; Lt. Col. Voncent
A. McCollough ’36; Lt. Yawmon T.
Murphy ’39; Lt. B. J. Merrill ’43;
Major Walter Roberts ’38; Lt. Bill
Robinson ’42; Lt. Tom Sparks ’42;
Lt. Col. Harry E. Werner ’23;
and Lt. R. B. White ’42.
The T.u. exes are S-Sgt. W. E.
Fleming ’36; Pfc. Robert N. Ba-
ruk ’45; Major Eugene W. Gates,
and Major Wolford G. Lowell.
Two of the Aggies will be un
able to make the trip. Lt. A.
Sladovnik ’41 cannot make the
game because his injuries are too
severe. Capt. W. M. Rutherford
’41 was transferred from Brooks
General Hospital.
With The Corpsl
Trouble Brewing
There will undoubtedly be troub
le with the Teasippers when we
go over there tomorrow—there al
ways has been. They are particu
larly bitter this year because of
the extreme amount of publicity
that has been given cases of Aggie
painting sprees by the Daily Tex
an, official organ of the student
But after all, it’s the same old
stuff that happened in 1944, ex
cept then they were particularly
wrought up over references made
to their sex tendencies, and they
couldn’t give that much publicity.
But they’re bitter, and if you
don’t want the hell beat out of you
and your cap stolen and placed
on top of some frat house, stay in
groups, and big ones too.
Of course, there’s no sense in
going out looking for trouble, be
cause if you do you’ll always find
it. But there’s also no sense in
taking any kind of sass from them.
The best policy is to try not to
start anything you can’t finish
with what you have on hand. If
you are so foolish as to be alone
when jumped, try to talk them out
of it, and if that fails, yell “Old
Army” and start swinging—or
Rumor has it that an attempt
will be made by the ‘Sips to dis
rupt our parade Thursday morn
ing by throwing orange peels, rot
ten eggs, and other objectionable
substances down upon us from the
buildings along Congress Avenue.
Perhaps the best move in such a
case would be to have five or six
from the rear rank of every outfit
fall out and join forces with the
law in restraining the zealous
young men.
Stay Away from Trashfire
There’s no need thinking up
brilliant schemes of burning Tu’s
pile of rubbish—they’re not even
going to start building it until 5:00
Wednesday afternoon. At that
time, the frat boys will haul or
ange crates from behind their
houses, pile them into their conver-
ibles and shag out for the bonfire
site. However, someone might ac
complish the deed if they desired
to run a cordon of state police,
which will surround the kindling.
Student leaders at Texas have
agreed that they will urge their
followers to stay away from our
midnight yell practice if we will
keep away from their bonfire. So
just let them have their fun—then
we’ll have ours.
At the Game
They’re predicting over at the
Forty Acres that the football
teams may have to wait it out on
the field while Aggies and Tea
sippers battle in the stands. Sure
ly therq’s no need of any such
thing as this. Nothing resem
bling a riot in the stands has oc
curred since the time a student
was killed with a lead pipe at the
Baylor game some eighteen years
In 1944, no fighting went on in
the stands. Everyone was too in
terested in the outcome of the
game. And this is as it should be.
In the words of another writer
in this issue, let’s leave the head
cracking to the football teams on
the gridiron.
A headline in the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin recently pro
The Battalion
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of
Texas and the City of College Station, is published bi-weekly and circulated on
Tuesday and Friday afternoons.
Pbsoaoted Gr>lle6icite Press
Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, under
the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870.
Subscription rate $4.00 per school year. Advertising rates on request.
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City,
Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Allen Self
Vick Lindley
David M. Seligman
Charles E. Murray .
U. V. Johnston
Paul Martin
Jimmie Demopolus
Wendell McClure, Peyton McKnight
Gerald Monso:
Gerald Monson
Ferd English, L. R. Shalit, Arthur Matula, Claude Buntyn,
Babe Swartz, Clyde H. Patterson, Jr., J. M. Nelson, Li
A1 Hudeck, Jack Herrington
Corps Editor
Veteran Editor
..Tuesday Associate Editor
Friday Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
Art Editor
Advertising Managers
Circulation Manager
A. R. Hengst,
arry Goodwyn Reporters
ASME Plans Field
Trips For Spring
A business meeting of the A S.
M. E. was held in the Mechanical
Engineering lecture room Tuesday
November 19, 1946, and a motion
to have a page of the Longborn
reserved for the society was made
and carried.
Charlie Slover has been appoint
ed to plan an inspection trip to
Dallas and East Texas, and E. C.
Brown has been appointed to plan
a similar trip to the Houston area;
both trips are scheduled for the
The next regular meeting will
be held Tuesday, December 3, in
the Chemical Lecture room when
the engineering societies will hold
a joint meeting to hear Mr. W. W.
Finlay of the Guiberson Corpor-
atin speak.
"Texan” Editor Derides Acts
Of Vandalism by Both Schools
By Bill Noble
“Texan” Editor
The oldest gridiron rivalry in
the Southwest is coming in for its
usual play next Thursday when the
University of Texas clashes with
Texas A&M College in Austin. It
is the sort of rivalry that has
been—often at the same time—one
of which both schools are proud
and one that has degenerated to
the depths of vandalism and pure
It is with the idea in mind of
doing away with the sordid part
of this rivalry that students from
both schools met last year at Col
lege Station to try to iron out
the difficulties. Entertained royal
ly by the Aggie hosts, the Univer
sity delegation came away highly
pleased with the groundwork the
two schools had laid.
Again this year the students got
together, this time at the Uni-
veisity. The A&M delegation pro
fessed eagerness to bring the
horseplay to a halt. Needless to
add, the University students
voiced agreement. Both schools, of
course, had in the past been guilty
of acts of which neither could be
Unfortunately both student bod
ies are far too large to handle
effectively without destroying
something precious to both—^indi
vidual freedom. Neither delegation
could vouch for all their student
members. No one expected them
So it is that we must always
expect a few from each school to
commit acts that neither college
could possibly condone, whether
these be painting episodes or gang
But condoned or not, these events
accomplish little more than placing
another black mark against the
respective institutions and making
of the vaunted rivalry something
of a mockery.
Certainly the Corps or the gen-
eVal student body at A&M has
little of which to boast when a
willful and ill-advised few dash
over to Austin to deface public
property Certainly the students
of the University can not be proud
when a few pepped-up students
try to break up an Aggie pep
rally or gang a corpsman.
None of this displays good
sportsmanship in the least.
Whether the keen rivalry be
tween the two schools is to remain
on a high plane or sink to the
depths of childish horseplay de
pends not on the student leaders
or the deans or anyone else in a
position of authority. Rather it
depends on the individual students.
If thejr prefer to cover both
schools with red paint, mud, and
bad publicity, while giving the lie
to the idea present-day college
students are more mature than
their fathers were, that is up to
Actually it is a desecration to
the ex-students of both schools
who gave their lives in the past
two wars when an ill-advised and
thoughtless few attempt to des
troy what little dignity is left to
the oldest rivalry in the confer
It is hoped that the score will
be settled by the men on the team,
not by the thirteenth man who usu
ally manages to botch the job
Memorial Jinx, Heralding Dana's
Last Stand, Rises in Smoke Tonite
Keeping up with this mechan
ized age is the building of the
main drill field bonfire. Two trac
tors, a crane, three semi-truck-
trailers, numerous trucks and
jeeps, and many hours of labor
and watchful waiting constitute
the making of this pre-Turkey
Day tradition.
And tonight at 7:30 it will go
up in smoke! Tomorrow night at
7:30, it will still be smoking, and
when we return from the holidays,
a charred plot of the drill field
will remain of the Tu jinx.
According to head yell leader
Rosser, Coach Norton, his assis
tants, and several members of the
team will spark the highlights of
tonight’s yell practice.
Since last Monday, small stacks
of lumber have accumulateo a-
round the drill field—telephone
poles, trees, and other inflamables.
Freshmen, seniors, vets, and any
others who go to school here do
nated their spare time to this 60-
odd-foot-high fire. But the- dili
gent work did not commence until
Saturday. Then’s when everyone
was working in earnest. The
crane actually made working a
pleasure; trucks were scampering
out to Fish Lake in search of
timber; frat houses were gaily
painted with orange and white
paint, with familiar Greek slo
gans on the walls. (By the way,
one darkie couple claimed their
frat house with a photograph as
evidence of possession!) Saturday,
Sunday, Monday, and into today
work has continued.
Guards were posted at East
Gate, at North Gate, at South
Gate—just any old gate had at
least half a dozen night watchmen.
And it was suicide for an autoist
to zoom through the blockade.
Sticks, baseball bats, or just fists
would have shattered a once-good
Thirty or forty miniature fires
dotted the drill field, and a “Halt,
who goes ? ” was heard at the
sound of approaching footsteps.
Walkie-talkies, connected from
East Gate to the bonfire site, were
operating nightly.
And still no Teasippers moles
ted the eager Aggies!
After tonight, what ? What
evidence will there be of so much
effort?—Well, there’ll be the
burning of the Memorial jinx.
We’ll have the Thursday score as
proof of untiring school spirit. And
in the center of Memorial Stadium
there will remain the smoldering
Tu eleven. . . .
Thursday will be Coach Dana
X.’s last gridiron performance.
May it also go up in smoke!
Finlay to Address
Engineering Clubs
W. W. Finlay, Vice President and
General MJanager of the Guiber
son Corporation of Dallas will
speak Tuesday night, December 3rd
to a joint meeting of all engin
eering societies. Mr. Finlay is
widely known as an engineer and
speaker; his topic will be “National
The meeting will be held at 7; 15
in the Chemistry Lecture Room.
The public is cordially invited to
attend this meeting.
Big Spring Holds
Holiday Dance
Members of the Big Spring A
& M. Club have decided to hold
their Thanksgiving dance on the
night of November 29, in celebra
tion of the Turkey Day Game. The
dance will be co-sponsored by the
Aggie Mother’s Club of Big
Spring, who have arranged for
the music by Johnny Nickelodeon
and his orchestra.
Students of other colleges and
universities spending the holidays
in and around Big Springs are cor
dially invited. There will be no
cover charge for the dance.
The Houston Club held a short
business meeting Thursday eve
ning to make final preparations
for a dance over the Thanksgiving
The Houston A&M Mothers Club
will hold a matinee dance on Sat
urday afternoon November 30 from
2 to 5 at the YMCA for all Aggies
from Houston and Harris County.
Music for the dance will be fur
nished by Kit Reid and his or
The club also took into consider
ation the proposal by the TSCW
Houston Club, that both groups
sponsor a joint dance during the
Christmas holidays.
We’ve repeatedly told the daugh
ter that we would like for her boy
friend to be the kind of a man
who keeps his object in life before
him at all times. Now we can’t
complain when he calls on her sev
en days a week.
By Pete Tumllnson
Whatfs Cooking
TUESDAY, November 26
7:30 p. m. Bonfire, Main Drill
Field, v
7:30 Rural Sociology Club. Of
ficers from Texas Prison System
and chief probation officer of Har
ris County speaks.
7:30 p. m. Student Branch of
Institute of Aeronautical Sciences,
Petroleum Lecture Room.
7:30 p. m. Sophocles’ “Oedipus
Rex”, Auditorium, College Annex.
MONDAY, December 2
7:00 p. m. Accounting Society.
7:00 p. m. Ellis County Club.
TUESDAY, December 3
7:00 p. m. Grayson County A&M
7:00 p. m. Rio Grande Club.
7:30 p. m. ASME, Chemistry
Lecture Room.
Opens 1: p.m. — 4-1181
“National Velvet”
M. G. M.’s Superb
Production in Technicolor
Mickey Rooney
Anne Revere
Closed during the
game—Open about
5:00 p. m.
“Dragon Seed”
Hollywood Revel-ations
By Harry Revel
Hi’ya Aggies . . . The scene was
a local veteran’s hospital ... a
show had just been concluded and
the audience (mainly neuro-psy
chic cases) were applauding and
whistling their thanks . . . one of
the Gray Ladies walked over and
whispered “seated out there
amongst the boys is a world-re
nowned man whom I’m afraid
must remain anonymous for the
time beihg . . . he’s a mental case
. . . but he’s one of the biggest
names in the music field . . . and
his presence here would undoubt
edly solve a big mystery . . ”,
by the time Yours Truly started
to scan the faces of the patients,
the majority of them had left for
their respective wards . . . could
this mysterious anonymous patient
be GLENN MILLER? ? . . . Credit
IRVING BERLIN with another
immortal song as great as his
BLESS AMERICA . . . from the
comes the delightful THE GIRL
THAT I MARRY and it’s already
climbing to the top of the Hit
Parade . . . but when the show is
long forgotten THE GIRL THAT
I MARRY will live-on and on . . .
and don’t overlook a ditty that’ll
always be sung by vaudevillians
at benefits . . . THERE’S NO
NESS . . . also a Berlin inspiration
. . . . LOU COSTELLO has prob
ably the largest collection of
16 mm. sound movies which he
keeps in air conditioned vaults . .
these he rents out to friends, the
proceeds of which go to his pet
charity, the COSTELLO FOUN
MGM’s new singing star is prob
ably one of the hardest working
gals in Hollywood . . . after a
strenuous morning’s work before
the cameras, her lunchtime period
is taken up with singing lessons
under the apt guidance of the
studio coach . . . the WALT DIS
NEY STUDIOS are going to turn
out several 100% live action pic
tures apart from their usual quo
ta of cartoons next year . . . J.
ARTHUR RANK, the British mo
vie mogul, is sending a gorgeous
hunk ow feminine pulchritude ov
er here by the name of MARCIA
EATON . . . her first picture will
be VIOLENCE, a Republic Studio
special . . . FRANK SINATRA
and his NANCY plus an entire ra
dio entourage left by a special
coach on the CHIEF for New York
City to open an engagement at the
say his latest picture IT HAP
smasheroo . . . they often change
the titles of American pictures
when shown in Britain . . . the
funniest change of them all took
place when a Warner Brother pic
ture some time ago called HAL-
LELUJA, I’M A BUM became
simply because Hallelujah is con
sidered a Biblical term and there
fore sacriligious, and the term
“bum” in England means some
thing you sit on ... so long . . .
see you next - issue.
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