The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 22, 1946, Image 1

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    Aggie B-Shorthorns
Tangle Saturday
Texas A*U
The B
Kyle Field ‘Bonfire’
Page 2 Editorial
Mona Paulee To Appear on Town Hall Tonight
Wednesday Fire Destroys
Kyle Field’s Scoreboard
Unidentified Vandals Believed To Be
Aggies on Rampage; Damage Over $2500
Vandals, presumably from A. & M. itself, struck with
swift suddeness about two Wednesday morning, pouring
gasoline on the wooden portion of the Kyle Field scoreboard
and sending all inflammable parts up in bright flames.
Included in the damage was thet
timeclock, which is rented from
Western Union, valued at approx
imately $2,500. The extent of the
damage has not yet been deter
mined, but it is probable that no
repair can be made.
Campus security officers dis
covered the blaze at 2:10 Wednes
day morning, immediately noti
fying the volunteer fire depart
ment. Efforts to quench the blaze
proved unsuccessful. All that re
mained at dawn Wednesday morn
ing was the metal framework.
Only evidence found at the scene
of the crime were two large cans,
ostensibly used to carry the gas
oline used to start the blaze.
Fred Hickman, chief of campus
security, stated that he had no
evidence in addition to the cans,
but expressed the opinion that, the
arsonists were A & M students.
The Athletic Department an
nounced that it had on hand an
electric scoreboard, but that it was
not put up this year because of
failure to secure the necessary ca
ble to connect the board with the
controls in the press box.
Taminent Institute
Sponsors Contest,
‘Industrial Peace’
$3,000 in Prizes for
Students; To Promote
Constructive Thought
“Roads to Industrial Peace” will
be the theme of the annual Tami-
ment Social and Economic Insti
tute essay contest, which offers
$3,000 in cash prizes. Their will
be a first prize of $1,500; a second
prize of $750; and three third pri
zes of $250 each. “The purpose
of this award is to stimulate col
lege students to constructive
thought on matters of social and
economic importance ...” said
Louis Waldman, chairman of the
essay committee.
The rules of the contest are as
1. All undergraduate college
students are eligible. A contestant
may submit but one essay.
2. The length of the essay
should be between 5,000-8,000
3. No manuscript will be ac
cepted unless typed, double-spaced,
on one side of the sheet.
4. The contest closes April 25,
5. Send manuscript immediately
upon completion to Tamiment In
stitute Contest, 7 East 15th St.,
New York 3, N. Y. In submitting
manuscript, the author should
type full name, college and home
address, telephofte number and
name of college on a separate
sheet of paper clipped to the es
say. The manuscript will be co
ded by the Institute to insure
anonymity. Manuscripts must be
original, unpublished works.
6. Prize winning essays will be
announced and the prizes award
ed at the 1947 June Conference
of the Tamiment Institute at Camp
Tamiment, Tamiment, Penna.
The contest will be judged by
Henry Hazlitt, Editor Newsweek
Magazine; Algernon Lee, Presi
dent, the Rand School of Social
science; Selig Perlman, Professor
of Economics, University of Wis
consin; Sumner H. Slichter, Pro
fessor of Economics, Harvard Uni
versity; Ordway Tead, Editor,
Harpers & Brothers, publishers.
Agronomy Society
Sends Delegates to
Nat’l Omaha Meet
George Rivers and Bob Moore,
senior and junior representatives
respectively, represented the Tex
as A. & M. Agronomy Society at
the National Convention of Agron
omy Societies held at Omaha, Ne
braska, November 19-21.
The pair was accompanied by
Professor Richard C. Potts, Dr.
Carl E. Furgeson, and Dr. Roy L.
Donahue of the A. & M. Agron
omy faculty. Enroute they stop
ped at agricultural colleges to
get new ideas for better methods
of improving land.
The committee is leaving Oma
ha today and plans to visit Lin
coln, the capital of Nebraska, on
the return trip. They will return
to College Station Monday night,
November 25.
Turkey, Dressing, and
Trimmings on Menu for
Tuesday Evening Meal
“Turkey, dressing and all the
trimmings are on the menu of
the A&M College mess halls for
the evening meal, Tuesday No
vember 25,” announced J. G. Pen-
iston, supervisor of subsistence.
Menu for the Thanksgiving din
ner is the same for cafeteria and
cadet corps methods of feeding.
A cafeteria-style meal will cost
about seventy-five cents.
The official menu being served
is as follows:
Fresh Fruit Bowl
Celery Hearts
Lettuce & Tomato Salad
Roast Young Turkey
Giblet Gravy
Corn Bread Dressing
Cranberry Sauce
Candied Yams
Birdseye Green Peas
Hot Rolls & Butter
Hot Mince Pie
Coffee — Milk
Four Bees Play Final Saturday
<§V. Stare ken.
Six Departments to
Offer Extension
Courses Next Term
Extension courses for student’s
wives and anyone else interested
will be taught on the A. & M. cam
pus during the spring semester by
the following departments: Edu
cation and Psychology, English,
Geography, Landscape Art, Mo
dern Languages, and Rural Sociol
In general, the plan of each de
partment is to offer any course
for which their is sufficient de
mand. The following courses (and
perhaps others) will be offered if
enough students show interest in
Rural Sociology—201 and 315.
Modern Languages—Beginning
French, German, and Spanish.
Landscape Art—102 and 415.
Geography—201 and 303.
English 212.
Education and Psychology—
whatever is requested.
The registration fee is $5 per
semester hour, or $15 for a three-
hour course. These are not cor
respondence courses. Classes will
meet on the campus and will dif
fer very little from those of reg
ular students.
Announcement will be made
about January 15 concerning time
and place of meeting for the
classes. You are invited to tele
phone or call at the office of the
department in whose courses you
are interested.
English faculty members and
students will present Sophocles’
play, “Oedipus Rex”, on Tues
day evening, November 26, at
the Bryan Air Field annex audi
torium. Admission will be free.
Directors for the program are
H. Altschuler. L. J. Martin, and
Harrison Hlerth. Students and
residents of College Station are
invited to attend the play.
Meloy to Address
Brazos A. & M. Club
The program of military instruc
tion at A. & M. will be discussed
Monday at 7:30 p. m. before the
Brazos County A&M Club by Col
onel Guy S. Meloy, Jr., comman
dant and professor of military
science and tactics. The meeting
will be held at the Bryan Country
Fred Hale, club president, sta
ted that other business will be
discussed, and has requested a
good turn-out of former students
of A&M residing in Brazos Coun
ty. A preliminary Report from
the committee arranging the an
nual banquet given jointly by the
club and the Athletic Council, hon
oring the participants in football
and cross country at A&M.
Pre-Meds and Dentists
To Hold Banquet Dec. 7
A banquet will be held by the
Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental So
ciety on December 7, 1946 at 7:15
p. m. in Sbisa Hall. Dean Elliott
of the University of Texas Dental
School will be guest speaker. Dan
cing will follow the banquet.
Armchair Quarterback Can't
Predict Score on Past Games
By Bill Strait
For the grandstand and arm
chair quarterbacks who might like
to give the A. & M.-T.u. game a
bit of serious contemplation based
on comparative scores, here is
something to think about.
Both of these teams have play
ed all the conference teams and
one mutual non-conference oppo
nent, and the scores appear even
ly matched overall. Here is the
way the two teams came out:
& M.
Oklahoma U.
Texas completely swamped Ar
kansas at the beginning of the
season, but went on to lose to
Rice, whereas Arkansas won over
Rice on a wet field to cinch the
title. The rest of the games
stacked up comparatively well, es
pecially after the Aggies settled
down to a tight defense and the
right combination.
The Farmers were looking up
against Rice last Saturday until
the last quarter when Rice sud-
1 denly seemed to gang up and take
advantage of the breaks to bat
ter their way to a convincing vic
tory. The Aggies’ one consolation
was the fact that the Horned
Frogs hit their stride at last to
roll back the undaunted Bobby
Layne and company to a sound
14-0 trouncing. That sort of
turnabout did not add to the vis
ions which Coach Bible had ear
lier this fall.
The odds between A. & M. and
T.u., which were about five to one
a few weeks ago, are just about
even now. While the Longhorns
have steadily fallen off, that Ag
gie eleven has been improving as
a result of long hours of drill and
plenty of well-known perseverance.
It is not unlikely that Texas U.
will be favored slightly by the
big-time dopesters, but they are
certainly not infallible, as weekly
reports state. Win, lost, or draw,
you can bet there will be a tre
mendous crowd of Aggie support
ers—and win, lose, or draw, we
are behind you, old Army—1Q0%.
For the benefit of those arm
chair spectators and judges, the
Batt is sponsoring a contest in
picking the outcome of the Tur
key Day game,
instructions can
Four members of the Aggie
Bees will play their last games at
Alamo Stadium against the Texas
Shorthorns Saturday. They are:
A. J. Mercer, center, (top left.)
Ed Sturcken, end (top center).
Sturken, from Kenedy, lettered as
a tackle in 1942.
Bill Andrews, tackle, (top right)
An Amarillo lad, Andrews was on
the squad in 1941-42. He served
forty-two months in the Air Corps.
Charles (Scooter) Yeargain,
hails from Dallas, lettered in 1944
and 45.
c. d. ovmby Named Metropolitan Opera Star
S Manager Performance Begins at ;8
C. D. Ownby, assistant business
manager of A. & M., has been ap
pointed business manager of ath
letics, it has been announced by
the college athletic council this
week. P. L. Downs, who now holds
this position, has been named sec
retary of the athletic council.
Ownby has been assisting Downs
during the football season, while
Downs- has been holding down both
jobs. Since the athletic depart
ment has several improvements of
athletic facilities under way, the
job of secretary now requires a
full-time man.
Downs, a former member of the
Board of Directors, was on that
body at the time Kyle Field was
built. Ownby, formerly business
manager at John Tarleton College,
was with the soil conservation ser
vice from 1935-43 before coming to
A. & M. as assistant to the busi
ness manager.
Aggie, Texas Groups
Confer on Vandalism
Seeking to control the expected
cases of sabotage between rival
groups of A. & M. and Texas stu
dents, a committee of representa
tives from both schools conferred
in Austin Monday.
Members of the group included
Ed Brandt, cadet colonel; John
Heemen, lieutenant colonel of the
artillery regiment; Joe Putegnat,
lieutenant colonel of the infantry
regiment; Joe Mueller, major of
an artillery battalion; and W. G.
Breazeale of the dean of men’s of
.From the university were Jim
Smith, student president; Bill No
ble, Texan editor; George Hopkins,
chief justice; H. D. McElroy, stu
dent vice-president; Red May;
Fred Ossana; Colonel G. E. Hurt,
band director; and four deans,
Charles Durham, Edward Martin,
Charles Clark, and Jack Holland.
In the meeting all were agreed
that destruction of property was
uncalled for in rival visits of a sub
versive nature that take place be
fore each Turkey Day game. It
was said that the rivalry between
ASCE Hears Report
On National Meet
The Student Chapter of the
American Society of Civil Engi
neers met recently in the CE lec
ture room, at which time Bill
Hammersly presented a summary
of the National Convention held
in Kansas City. Dr. S. R. Wright,
civil engineering head, who also
attended the convention, reported
that A. & M. was the only student
chapter from Texas with repre
sentatives at the Kansas City
In the business session which
followed, W. W. “Doc” Greif and
Henry Gilchrist were elected sen
ior and junior associate editors to
“The Engineer” staff. These men
will represent the ASCE on the
magazine staff.
It was decided that a banquet
will be held on December 17 in
Sbisa Hall, to which outstanding
engineers from all points of Texas
will be invited. Student chapters
from neighboring colleges have
been invited, and a large turn-out
is expected. Tickets can be ob
tained at the CE office.
Plans were also made for par
ticipation in Engineer’s Day, with
Marshall Amis and David W. Ho
gan to head the Civil Engineering
portion of the show.
where in this issue.
A Good Question
Was it accidental or intention
al?—that is the question. Tuesday
afternoon at 4:30 in front of the
gym at Bryan Field Annex, there
was an automobile accident. It
was not just an ordinary smash-
up due to the positions of the per
sons concerned.
The two unfortunates were
Theodore Kudenka, who cooks in
the mess hall at Bryan Field, and
August Koenning, a student who
eats at the mess hall. When the
cars hit, Mr. Kudenka’s vehicle
was turned over and he was thrown
through the window, while Koen-
ning’s auto was badly dented. Nei
ther of the men were hurt, so there
were no hard feelings.
But it does seem strange. Could
A coupon and I the “accident” have been a subtle
be found else- means of revenge for past mal
treatment in the messhall ?
the schools was only a very short
distance from “trash”, and a short
step away from the line would put
these activities in a bad light.
Ways and means to bring ac
tions such as this to a halt were
discussed. It was unanimously
decided that all offenders caught
on either campus would be held in
the respective dean’s office pend
ing disciplinary action. Cadet
Colonel Brandt stated that the
Corps would handle the cases
which involved its own members.
University members were asked
to merely turn ever “raiders” that
they caught to proper authorities
and not to continue their practice
of beating them with various im
plements. This sort of play re
sulted in the hospitalization of an
Aggie in 1944. Members from the
University in turn requested the
same treatment for offenders from
that school.
Yell practices were to go undis
turbed in both schools it was
agreed, and each group of repre
sentatives promised to do all they
could to effect this decision. Pre
game activities planned at the
conference put all on good terms
in the beginning and helped to
smooth out succeeding discussions.
The half-time ceremony will con
sist of a dedication to the ex-stu-
dents of the two schools who lost
their lives in the war.
The group had hopes that un
fortunate litigation could be avoid
ed this year. This was the second
such conference, the first being
held last year at the request of
Aggie leaders who wanted to see
vandalistic activities brought to a
Warren Undergoes
Lung Operation
William W. Warren, instructor
in the animal husbandry depart
ment, left college Wednesday, No
vember 13, to undergo a lung oper
ation at the McKinney hospital in
Mr. Warren, who was to be head
of the livestock judging team, will
be replaced in that office, during
his absence by F. I. Dahlberg, act
ing head of the animal husbandry
After being examined at the Mc
Kinney hospital last week, Mr.
Warren was informed by the lung
specialist that a lobe of one of
his lungs was infected and that
it should be removed. The lung
specialist further stated that the
infection was probably caused by
tropical fungus growth.
Mr. Warren expects to return
to college in approximately three
Camera Club Offers
Two Photo Prizes
A three-dimension camera, val
ued at approximately fifty dollars,
donated by the A. & M. Photo
Shop, is being offered as first
prize for the best photograph of
the month in the Camera Club’s
photo contest slated for Monday
at 7 p. m. in the basement of Guion
Second prize will be a cigarette
lighter, donned by Dobyne’s Jew
Everyone interested in photog
raphy can enter the contests upon
payment of dues to the Camera
Club and attendance at one meet
ing monthly.
Bait’s ‘Pony Express’
Breaks Down While
On Semi-Weekly Jaunt
Songs America Loves Will Highlight
“Carmen’s” Guion Hall Entertainment
Coming- to the stage of Guion Hall tonight on Town
Hall’s fourth program is Mona Paulee, Metropolitan opera
star. The performance will begin this evening at 8 o’clock.
This is Mona Paulee’s first visit to A. & M.
Mona Paulee first attracted attention in 1941, when
she won the Metropolitan Opera Auditions of the Air. That
♦-was her first appearance in the
music world,* and since that time
she has completed three seasons at
the Met. She won the auditions
honor despite the fact that she
contracted bronchial pneumonia
during the semi-finals.
During the fall of 1944 and
spring of 1945, Mona Paulee sang
the title role in the Columbia Con
cert production of “Carmen”. The
show toured the country, winning
for her wide acclaim from opera
critics. It is believed by many
music writers that Mona Paulee
will soon take this role at the Met.
Mona Paulee has often appear
ed on such radio programs as “Mu
sic America Loves”, “World of
Song”, and “Pause That Refresh
es”. She has also sung with the
New York Philharmonic Orchestra,
the Tacoma and Waco Symphony,
and the Toronto Promenade.
On tonight’s program Mona
Paulee will sing, among others:
“She Never Told Her Love”, by
Haydn; “Nicolette” by Ravel;
“The Wind” by Theodore Chanler;
“May Night” by Brahms; and
“This Day Is Mine” by Harriet
This season Mona Paulee is
making only short concert engage
ments at various cities throughout
the country. She is flying with
her husband.
Mona Paulee is quite attractive.
She is small in stature, and has
grey eyes and black lustrous hair.
The Battalion’s Pony Express
broke down this week while de
livering copies of the Batt to the
Bryan Air Field Annex. Paul
Martin, who doubles as assistant
sports editor and a circulation
man, and U. V. Johnston, sports
editor, were on their semi-weekly
way to the Annex with Tuesday’s
papers when Martin’s so-called
“blue bolt” ran out of gasoline.
The two sports writers got in a
little cross-country practice hiking
back to Bryan for some of this
precious fluid.
Like the postal service, the boys
delivered, despite the odds. The
bundle of Battalions reached the
Annex an hour late, but in plenty
of time for distribution according
to schedule.
Vacancies in Civil
Service Now Open
The U. S. Civil Service Commis
sion has announced that there will
sitions of Purchasing Officer and
Junior Professional Assistant in
the near future.
Positions of Junior Professional
Assistant are open all over the
United States at the grade of P-1,
$2,644 per year. Persons taking
this written examination may
choose one or more options from
among the following fields: Ar
chives, Chemistry, Economics,
Geography, Mathematics, Metal
lurgy, Physics, Statistics, and Tex
tile Technology. Sample examina
tions may be obtained from the
local postoffice.
Purchasing Officer positions will
be filled in various Federal agen
cies in the State of Texas, and the
salaries range from $3397.20 to
$4902.00 per year. There will be
no written examination for ap
pointment to this position, but ap
plicants will be chosen on a basis
of their training and experience.
Applications for this position must
be on file with the Fourteenth Re
gional Office of the U. S. Civil
Service Commission, 210 South
Harwood Street, Dallas 1, Texas
not later than December 16, 1946.
Williamson Fans,
Here’s An Offer!
Feeling psychic ?
Well, here’s your chance to join
the ranks of Williamson and other
sports writers. All you have to
do is guess the results of the A.
& M.-Tu Turkey Day game ... by
quarters. And the only prerequis
ite is that you must be enrolled at
A. & M.
There are six prizes waiting for
the closest guessers. These prizes
have been donated by local mer
chants, and winners will be given
their choice of the prizes in the
order of their ranking in the con
The Student Co-op has donated
a tennis racket; Jones’ Sporting
Store, a golf bag; The College
Shoe Repair Shop is giving a
hand-tooled belt; Caldwell Jewel
er’s, a spur tie clasp; three khaki
shirts is a gift of Smith’s; and the
Student Activities Office is sacri
ficing a one-month pass to Guion
Deadline for submitting your
completed blank is Tuesday, No
vember 26, at 5 p. m. Contest
blanks may be found in this issue
of The Battalion, and they should
be placed in the ballot box in the
Student Activities Office. Only
one blank is allowed each student.
In the event any student submits
two or more forms, he will be
eliminated from the competition.
A. & M.’s Horticulture Society
will hold its annual horticulture
show on December 10 and 11, 1946,
Joe Skiles, manager of Student
Activities, has announced.
It will be held in the annex of
Sbisa Hall from 8 a. m. to 9 p.
m. on both of those dates.
of Carmen.
Fifteen Schools to
Be Represented at
Presbyterian Meet
Guion Hall Service on
Sunday Will Conclude
Three-Day Convention
Over 100, young Presbyterians
from 15 Texas and Oklahoma col
leges will attend the Presbyterian
Student Association Convention to
be held on the A. & M. College
campus November 22,23, and 24.
Speakers for the meet include
Reverend Blake Smith, guest
speaker from the University Bap
tist Church in Austin; Reverend
Raymond Partlow, Lubbock; Chap
lain Frank Neff Jr., San Antonio;
Reverend Harry M Moffett, Aus
tin; Reverend J. J. Copeland, Den
ton; and Miss Carolyn Stowell,
who is touring American Presby
terian college groups prior to lea
ving as a missionary to Brazil.
Opening of the meeting will take
place this evening with a banquet
in Sbisa all. After the banquet,
the Reverend Copeland will speak
on “Implementing the Social Gos
pel with Individual Standards”.
Tomorrow morning the Reverend
Moffett will discuss “Implement
ing the Gospel in Domestic Rela
tions”; Reverend Partlow will talk
on “Implementing the Gospel in
International Relations”. At 2
o’clock Saturday afternoon, Rev
erend Blake Smith will speak on
“Porch Swing Worship”. Sunday
morning, prior to the main worship
hour, Miss Stowell will address
•the students. Chaplain Neff will
preach on “The Kingdom of Hea
ven” at the regular Sunday ser
vice, to be held this Sunday in
Guion Hall.
Colleges to be represented will
be: Rice, TCU, SMU, TU, Uni
versity of Houston, San Marcos
Academy, Austin College, SHSTC,
Texas Tech, West Texas STC, Am
arillo College, Oklahoma Presby
terian College, and Trinity Col
The Business and Accounting
Societies met in a joint session in
the YMCA chapel Tuesday even
ing. Speaker for the evening was
H. L. Kidd of the English depart
ment, who gave a discussion on
parliamentary practices and pro
cedure, designed to help both clubs
carry out future meetings in an
orderly fashion.
Immediately following Mr.
Kidd’s talk, the two societies met
separately and held short business
meetings to discuss plans for hav
ing the clubs’ pictures put in the