The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 31, 1946, Image 2
Page 2 THE BATTALION THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 31, 1946 With The Corps By ALLEN SELF Aggie Sweetheart . . . Finally we’re able to announce the results of the Aggie Sweet heart selection, which took place the weekend of the OU game at Tessieland. She’s Miss Peggy Hendricks of Kilgore, quite beau tiful (even more than her picture attests), and has a sweet and pleasing personality. If you want further particulars on the Sweetie, ask Buddy Potter, CO of “C” Infantry. Just about every weekend you’ll find him leaving for Denton and one and only Peggy about three Friday afternoon in his ’46 Mercury. SMU Corps Trip . . . Col. Meloy, Bennie Zinn, Fred Hickman, Ed Brandt, E. C. Kobs, Joe Putegnat, John Heemann, and Jack Nelson left this morning for Dallas and TSCW to complete plans for the parade, football game, halftime festivities, and football dance. This morning they conferred with SMU officials and Dallas civic authorities. TSCW was the next stop, where the group met with Dean of Women Wooten. All during the past two weeks there has been hubhub in Heaven about the supposed outrageous conduct of the Tessies while on the campus for the TCU game. We can’t help but discount rumors of licentious immorality among Cadets and Tessies—there may have been some innocent contact of lips, but it wasn’t near as bad as they make out up there. The TSCW officials were even thinking of cancelling the joint corps trip because of the disres pectful conduct of their charges. And, in their righteous indigna tion, based on reports brought them by a small number of goody- goodies, they swarmed all over the Tessies in a general session of house meetings. We hope that some sort of un derstanding can be worked out be tween the Aggies who went up there today and the TSCW offi cials. We certainly don’t want the Tessies to be absent from the Dal las corps trip. And likewise, we don’t want TSCW officials to get a mistaken or narrow idea of what goes on down here on week ends. They may have some idea that since the restrictions at A & M on weekends are a little less inflex ible than they are in Denton, girls coming here face eternal perdi tion. Hardly possible. Aggies are still gentlemen when they’re with Tessies. And you’ll find exceptions to any rule when you look into corners and shadows. Even at TSCW . . . All Set for Arkansas Again the Corps will parade to the football game, but this time there should be no unauthorized persons in the Corps Section. Four husky cadets will be drawn from every outfit and stationed on each side of the section, one to a row. Then only dates will get through the gantlet—no more non-regs. 2300 seats, in a section running from the 35 yard line to the goal, should be plenty for the Corps to occupy. Veterans will be seated from the fifty to the thirty five, as will the band. Rice Weekend . . . There will be a formal Corps Ball, for cadets only, Friday night preceding the game in Sbisa, with the Aggieland on the downbeat. This is the first of its kind this year, and is sponsored by the sen ior class. The good old Aggie “T” will be formed for the Rice game during the half, according to Bill Rosser, head yell leader. This should be a grandiose spectacle this year, with the largest number of cadets since 1942, and with the great number of boots to fill up the front lines. Practices will be held in the afternoons of the week pre ceding. What’s Cooking THURSDAY, October 31 7:30 p. m. Ellis County A. & M. Club, Room 225, Acad. Bldg. 7:30 p. m. Laredo A & M Club. 7:30 p. m. Ft. Worth A & M Club, Lecture Room, Science Bldg. 6:30 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. Married Couples Badminton, DeWare Field House. 7:30 p. m. Land of the Lakes, Room 324, Acad. Bldg. FRIDAY, November 1 7:15 p. m. Rosary Devotion, St. Mary’s Chapel. 7:30 p. m. Graduate Club, As sembly Room, YMCA. SATURDAY, November 2 2:30 p. m. Texas A & M vs Arkansas, Kyle Field. 7:30 p. m. Free Stage Show, Guion Hall. * 8:00 p. m. Council Meeting, Asscoiation of Former Students. 9:00 p. m. All-College Dance, Sbisa Hall. SUNDAY, November 3 8:30 a. m. and 10:30 a. m. Cath olic Mass, St. Mary’s Chapel. 9:30 a. m. Council Meeting, As sociation of Former Students. 9:30 a. m. College Annex Cha pel Service. Rev. Norman Ander son. MONDAY, November 4 7:00 p. m. Ex-Navy and Mar ine Airmen’s, Club, Assembly Room, YMCA. 7:00 p. m. Student Engineers Council, Petroleum Library (2nd Floor, Petroleum Engineering Bldg.). 7:15 p. m. Rosary Devotion, St. Mary’s Chapel. 7:30 p. m. Astronomy Club at Physics Building. The guy who was all wood and a yard wide is now 50 per cent rayon, 30 per cent cotton and 2^ per cent shoddy. To The Board. . . (An open letter to the board of directors, meeting on the campus.) Dear bosses: We’re glad to see you meeting on the campus. We know you’ll be looking us over, and we hope you approve what you see. But we’ll have to put in this word of warning: we’re still “under construction.” We’re not in what we consider the best of shape, but we are conscious of our defects and and are working like the. devil to cure them. When most of the student body of A. & M. marched away to war, the pattern of life of Aggieland was shattered like a mirror. Now we are trjnng to put the thousands of pieces back together, and as we have 7,000 pieces, it is a huge puzzle-job. In a little while, perhaps in the next six months, life at Aggieland will show more resemblance to the traditional ways of Aggies. Till then, we hope that you—and all our other friends—will understand. Strike the Happy Medium . . . A sinister warning comes to all students from figures quoted by the Dean of Men’s office, stating that 12% of the freshmen who entered A&M in September have already dropped out of school. Many more are expected to quit when proof positive, in their midsemester grades, shows that their ability or the Aggie system keeps them from making the grade as collegiates here. Freshmen in the Cadet Corps have an especially rigor ous life to lead—running details, acting as room orderlies, learning important traditions of the A. & M. campus, and keenly competing with veterans for top grades. Every minute of their time is, and should be, filled with something to do. Utilizing the fish’s time is where discretion must be used by upperclassmen, who must not lose sight of the primary reason most are attending college—to become edu cated citizens. Everything else, including spirit, traditions, social activities, and football games, is subordinate to this aim. Now it’s true that a happy medium can be reached, put ting all of these other elements of Aggie college life in their proper place. But this can only be done by strict observance of and respect for a freshman’s time. The Scholastic Officer is charged with overseeing the academic well-being of his men. If he feels that a fresh man is being detailed too much, causing him to neglect his studies, it is his responsibility to see the CO, and recom mend that he be freed from detail duty, and that this time be used for study instead. It is his duty to check why a freshman is doing poorly in his work—discern whether it is from inability, laziness, or lack of time. A freshman should never leave A. & M. College be cause he doesn’t have enough time for studies. After all, there are 17 wide awake hours in a day—enough time, if apportioned correctly, and not spent running senseless, non sensical details, for anybody with an IQ of 110 to pass A&M work. Here’s what must be done if all the freshmen are not to bust out at midsemester. The freshman’s day must be so regimented that he devotes at least four hours a day in his quarters to study. More may be necessary, according to the individual case. But a fish’s study time must remain invio late, and it should be the duty and the privilege of the freshman to demand that this be strictly observed. The seniors in his outfit should see that time wasting details like counting the squares on the bottom of the swim ming pool, counting the window panes in some building, and other equally senseless assignments, don't take time that should be used in academic betterment. Let’s Make It Good. . . Let’s make this a week-end to remember and 1 be proud of. We don’t mean the football game itself, but the trim mings. A lot depends on what kind of yell practice we have this week, how students behave at the practice, at the game and at the dance. This is a test to see whether we veterans can behave ourselves voluntarily. As pointed out by Sid Smith, president of the Veteran Student Association, we like to be independent. We don’t want to be told what we can wear, when we can leave our holes, where or what we can eat. We’ve had enough of that sort of thing. But to keep our present veterans’ privileges* we have to prove this week that such independence hasn’t gone to our heads. We have to prove that the riotous behavior of two weeks ago was exceptional. Let’s be moderate. Let’s be considerate of the other fellow, and especially of our feminine guests. Retention of our privileges is worth more than one big binge. Just the way it read in the Grand Forks (N. D.) Herald’ '— and on page one! “Rudy York, the hero of Sunday’s 3-2 Boston win over the Cardi nals, slammed two practice PITCHERS into the left field seats,, re minding all of the 375-foot homer that broke up the opener.. The Battalion Office, Room B, Administration Building-, Telephone 4-6444, Texas A. & M. College. The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published weekly and circulated on Thursday. Member Associated GpUe6iate Press Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Subscription rate $4.00 per school year. Advertising rate* on request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Allen Self Corps Editor Vick Lindley Veteran Editor Chas. E. Murray, David M. Seligman Associate Editors U. V. Johnston Sports Editor Paul Martin — Assistant Sports Editor Jimmie Demopolus Art Editor Wallace J. Bennett Annex Editor Wendell McClure, Peyton McKnight Advertising Managers Gerald Monson ^ - Circulation Manager Ferd English, L. R. Shalit, Arthur Matula, Claude Buntyn, A. R. Hengst, Babe Swartz, Clyde H. Patterson, Jr., J. M. Nelson, Larry Goodwyn .... Reporters A1 Hudeck, Jack Herrington - Photographers TUESDAY, November 5 7:30 p. m. Kream & Kow Club, Creamery Lecture Room. Herman F. Heep and Borden scholarships to be presented. 7:30 p. m. A&M FFA Chap ter, Ag. Engineering Lecture Room. 7:30 p. m. ASME, ME Lecture Room. 7:30 p. m. Spanish Club, Room 103, Acad. Bldg. 7:30 p. m. Architectural Society, Physics Lecture Room. Speaker, Stayton Nunn, prominent Houston architect. 6:30 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. Mar ried Couples Badminton, DeWare Field House. WEDNESDAY, November 6 2:00 p. m. Newcomers Club, Sbisa Hall. 7:15 p. m. Rosary Devotion, St. Mary’s Chapel. THURSDAY, November 7 7:30 p. m. Lufkin A&M Club, Room 105, Acad. Bldg. 7:30 p. m. Marketing and Fi nance Club, Room 312, Ag. Bldg. Speaker, Lucian Morgan, Place ment Office. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR MUZZLED?? Editor, The Battalion: Herewith is a possible reason why some Aggies have resorted to writing personal commentaries of happenings associated with stu dent life at A&M and sending same to Texas newspapers for publica tion. Perhaps said Ag-gies would like to have said opinions brought to light, a feature which now seems impossible to accomplish in our own Batt whose policies are dictated by a few narrow minded persons. Take off the blinders and let’s get this school squared away. And while I am at it I would personally like to thank the Stu dent Council for deciding that they would “permit” veterans to wear parts of their service uniforms about the campus. We certainly appreciate this, boys. Thomas B. Motz, Veteran. GOOD RODEO! Dear Ed, Here is one feller who saw the 25th annual Aggie Rodeo and was mighty pleased. I have seen many of the Aggie rodeos and other shows around this part of the country, but the show on the 18th and 19th was one of the most en joyable. Good competition and real Aggie sportsmanship made it tops. I particularly admired the bull riding of Frog McMartie, but all contestants contributed to a grand performance. I thought some special mention ought to be given Jim Schwenke who really ran into some tough luck. The first night Jim was bitten on both legs while in the chute, and his horse reai’ed back and broke his spur. Later his rigging came off, throwing him for a loss, and on a re-ride Jim’s boot caught on the chute gate, ripped the boot wide open, and pulled him under the horse where he was kicked in the back, thigh, and ankle. After all this, he got up and asked for another horse! Loyd Reber, Bryan, Texas. VET’S BITTER BLEED Dear Editor,, After reading the various bits of editorial comment in The Bat talion of Oct. 24 r I feel it is high time someone went to* * bat for the veteran. Concerning the midnight yell practice you spoke of,. I was not present at this event, so I cannot speak from the viewpoint of an eyewitness. I do not question the DALACE ■ 2-887V Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. PHYLLIS HAVER in “THREE LITTLE GIRLS IN BLUE” Preview Saturday Night Sun. - Mon. - Tues. ROBERT YOUNG in “THE SEARCHING WIND” Wed. - Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. DANNY KAYE in “KID FROM BROOKLYN” fact that there was a bit of rough stuff going on, which is to be regretted. You state that “It is SAID that veterans were mostly to blame”. Now, my friend, just who said, who is qualified to say, and where do you get your information? Do you believe everything you hear? If you do, you can hear most any thing if you will listen for it. Because someone reported he saw some of the vandals dressed in civilian, means nothing. Before the war, I was ROTC cadet at NTAC, that very highly rated branch of A&M, and when I thought I could get away with it, I wasn’t above putting on civilian clothing, and neither were some of the cadet officers. All the evidence you have against the veterans, I feel sure is purely cir cumstantial — what you need is facts. Remember, too, that A&M is an old line military school, full of that old bitter military aristocracy long engrained in its system. The vet erans are the only major group of students on the campus who have the privilege of attending school here free from the shack les of a lot of dictatorial military regulations under which we have already served our time. From articles appearing in The Battalion almost every week, it is apparent that this freedom is re grettable on the part of the mil itarists here, and consequently any black mark they can give the vet erans is to their advantage. When the veteran’s freedoms are de creased, watch the number of vet erans decrease. They are not mar ried to this school. Concerning the Blue Honor Star which the Corps cherishes, all I can say is that if they have any thing on the ball, a few guys wear ing- khakis, cowboy boots, and over seas unit insignia won’t do them any harm. The inspectors’ eyes don’t need any magnifying glass es to discern between the two groups, either. NTAC won the star last spring under identical condi tions, so let the glamour boys go to work, and if they don’t win it, take the blame where, it belongs. To sum it all up in one senten ce, your editorial policy is rotten. Sincerely, Robert P. Kelly, ’47 Editor’s Note: Regarding the “WHO SAID . . .. ” 44 veterans and corps members said so, as per the “guest” editorial in last week’s B’att. PENNY’S SERENADE By W. L. Penberthy R1V0L1 THEATRE A. & M. College Annex THURSDAY and FRIDAY “SPIRAL STAIRCASE” — with — Geo. Brent-Dorothy McGuire SUNDAY and MONDAY ‘LETTER FOR EVIE T — and — “DEADLINE AT DAWN” TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY “TWO GUYS FROM MILWAUKEE” Jack Carson - Dennis Morgan GUION HALL THEATER Last Saturday the followers of football in our land were stunned by a number of so-called “upsets”. An unprecedented number of fav orites, many of which were unde feated and very much in the na tional limelight, were toppled by teams not con ceded much of a chance before the game. I don’t know that we should ever con sider it an up set when the „“un- derdog” defeats the favorite in a sport, because the very thing that makes sports so interesting is the uncertainty as to the out come of any contest. Anything can happen but gets in there and battles every second of the con test. In the accounts of the games last Saturday a very common statement “That the underdog re fused to believe the predictions made by sportswriters” was made. I feel that this is just another of the fine lessons we can derive from sports. We all face a lot of very difficult tasks, and our suc cess is pretty muchly determined by our attitude. I once heard it said of the men of a certain army Penny Annex-ations By Ike Ashburn, Jr. This past weekend Lower Slob- bovia (also known as the Air Field Annex) was deader than Tu’s spirits after the Rice game. The 41 refugees who stayed behind were a bit unhappy about the snack bar being closed Saturday and Sunday; but for a change the mess hall put out some r-e-a-1 meals. The Skips doubled as bus drivers and purchasing agents. The Annex Ex-Servicemen’s Club, was organized only two weeks ago, boasts a membership of 70% of the vets residing at the Annex. TSCW’s Serenaders will pro vide the notes for Saturday night’s dance at the lounge. Dancing will begin at 8:30. The dance is spon sored by the Ex-Servicemen’s Club. Only 300 tickets will be sold and those are available in Mrs. Milliard’s office in the lounge. Price is $1.20, stag- or drag. The three corps outfits, E Troop, G and H Batteries Field Artillery, are holding their own yell practices at the Annex. Silver Taps was observed at the Annex on Monday night. —“They were no braver than those of other armies, but they were just braver a little longer.” I have known a lot of good men who never attained and were not willing to pay the price in effort and perseverance. I have seen other men who had ar less abil ity go far because they had the confidence and the will to suc ceed which made it possible for them to overcome many obstacles. I don’t think we should call these “upsets”, they were merely reap ing the reward they so richly de served. l PIPES 500 Million Titters Sold . . .THIS IS WHY: * Reduces nicotine and tars * Filters flakes and juices * Improves tobacco aroma * Cools and cleanses smoke When filter is stained from tars ami nicotine, refilace with fresh one. -CAMPUS- Air-Conditioned — Opens 1 p.m. —4-1181 THURSDAY — LAST DAY (First Showing in This Area) It’s tfie most mfacl'ifev'ous and hilarious Situation in NOEL COWARD’S Blithe spirit in Blushing TECHNICOLOR. with ■ Rex Harrison • Constance Cummings Kay Hammond ..4 Margaret Rutherford It’s the motion picture event of the year! FRIDAY and SATURDAY Another “First” for College THURSDAY ONLY . . . “YOLANDA AND THE THIEF’ — with. — Fred Astaire - Lucile Bremer - Frank Morgan (in Technicolor) FRIDAY AND SATURDAY — Double Feature ‘LETTER FOR EVIE’ — with — John Carroll - Marsha Hunt Hume Cronyn “DEADLINE AT DAWN” Susan Hayward Bill Williams SUNDAY AND MONDAY iDfflNBMOMM -MACKCARSONI jOANL£SLIE-JANIS PAIGES.Z.SAKALC PATTI BRADY om*cc«€o e» DAVID BUTLER ommm. screen ten r> ounus Hortwut ««>*.». t_ ommon* TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY “BOYS RANCH” — with — Jackie “Butch” Jenkins - James Craig - Skippy Homeier NOTICE! Closed During the Game Open Immediately After Saturday Prevue Starts at 11:00 P. M. SATURDAY PREVUE — SUNDAY and MONDAY Paramount Presents iTHE SHEPHERD J pFTHE HILLSJ //*' Geoje/ot/s Tic/tM/coion also Merrie Melodies Cartoon Paramount News TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY This You’ve Gotta See!! Playing for the First Time in This Area