The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 31, 1946, Image 1
Pick the Winners and See A&M Beat Tu Free VOLUME 46 Tens A«M The B alion COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 31, 1946 Two Down and Four To Go For SWCrown NUMBER 9 Regulations On Vets In Uniform Are Reaffirmed Permission to Wear NM Good Only Off Campus; No Patches or Boots Because of confusion on the campus due to veterans wearing parts of the cadet uniform, a meet ing was held Monday night, Oct. 28, with members of the Dean of Men’s Office, Col. Guy S. Meloy, Jr., some members of the Student Council and the present officers of the Veterans Student Associa tion. This group reaffirmed tem porarily the recommendations of the Student Council about uniforms as adopted last April. Highlights of these recommen dations were: The cadet uniform, with NM insignia, may be worn by veter ans only off the campus. Khaki or serge may be worn on the campus by veterans, if all in signias are removed. Campaign hats may be worn only if cords a.'re stripped off. Boots may not be worn by veter ans unless they are taking mili tary Science and are academically classified as seniors. No permission has ever been given to veterans not in the corps to wear ROTC patches or Army ratings. Although the Dean of Men’s Of fice has been lenient towards what veterans wear on the campus, severe measures may be taken in the near future if the situation is not improved. Any violation of the wearing of any part of the cadet uniform will be handled by the Dean of Men’s Office. The military department will turn over names of violators to the Dean of Men’s Office for disciplinary action. Recommendations That all veterans, while on the campus, be permitted to wear any part or all of the Army uniform, provided all insignias including rank and collar insignias be removed. Also no hat cords would be worp on campaign hats. NM Off The Campus That while traveling off the campus, veterans would be permitt ed to wear the AMC on the right collar with the NM on the left (See REGULATIONS, Page 6) Interviewing Hindu Works in Reverse Damoo Dhotre, Hindu animal trainer and star of Sparks Circus, turned the tables on a Battalion interviewer when the circus played in Bryan this week. Dhotre asked more questions about A&M than the interviewer did about animals. The circus came to Bryan Sunday morning, and as the performers had the day off, they had a chance to see some of the surrounding country. Rhotre found himself driving through the A&M campus and was amazed at the size of the place, the beauty of the build ings, and the great number of ROTC uniforms. So the interviewer found himself telling about A&M, its place in the life of Texas, and the record of its graduates in the war. After an hour the reporter remembered his mission, learned that Dhotre is a Hindu, now an American citi zen after three years in Uncle Sam’s khaki, that he handles leop ards and panthers as casually as we handle house cats, and that he and Mrs. Dhotre are now raising in their trailer a week-old leopard cub born in Conroe while the cir cus was there. 'Let Me Call You. .. ” Sweetheart Peggy Hendricks Is Aggie-SMU Corps Trip Honoree Here she is, folks, at last! Peg gy Hendricks, blond senior beauty from Kilgore and TSCW, was the choice of twelve delegates from the senior class on the special se lection trip October 4. Miss Hendricks, a senior bacter iology and laboratory diagnosis major, formerly attended Kilgore Junior College. At TSCW she has been a Redbud princess three years, Aggie Sweetheart nominee for two years, class beauty nomi nee, and is now vice-president of her class. Traditionally, the Sweetheart, a TSCW girl, is honored by the Ag gies at the annual TSCW—A & M Corps Trip, which is on alternate years in Ft. Worth and Dallas. This year on Nov. 9 in the Cotton Bowl in Dallas thousands of stu dents from the two schools will Silver Taps Held For Montemayor Silver Taps were held at 11:00 o’clock, Monday night, October 27, for Francisco I. Montemayor ,Jr. of Laredo, who was killed in an car accident near Belville early Saturday morning. Montemayor was born on June 12, 1928 and was member of the field Artillery band. He was nine teen years old, a junior, member of the class of 1949. Also killed in the accident was L. W. Carter, a resident of Dallas. Three soldiers stationed at Fort Sam Houston, who were in the car at the time, were injured. Monemayor was buried Monday afternooon, October 27 at 5 o’clock in Laredo. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Monte mayor of Laredo. DRUNKS OR NO DRUNKS Students Favor Out-of-Town Yell Practices at All Costs There have been ma,ny com plaints of late concerning the ad visability of keeping alive the tradition of holding midnight yell practices in front of a downtown hotel the night before an out-of- town football game. The riot in San Antonio and several incidents at Baylor seem to give the argu ment some weight. With the view in mind of settling the question in the minds of students on the campus, the Battalion this week posed the question: “Do you think out-of-town yell practices should be continued, and if so, should any changes be made in the present procedure?” Eddie A. Pauler, class of ’45, now living in Dorm 15, was def inite h y< “Jokes at the yell practices should be kept moderately clean,” Pauler said, but he hastened to add, “not too clean. Adequate police protec tion in the blocking of streets, which can be arranged by the yell leaders, would prevent any such incidents as occurred in San An tonio,” Pauler said. John Grady Wilson, Sophomore in “B” Battery, Field Artillery, takes a slightly different view from Pauler, stating that “mid in his opinion that, come — or high water, midnight ell practices should continue. night yell practices should certain ly continue, as long as they’re two Aggies in town to hold one, but believe that some of the stuff that goes along with them, such as wildness caused by drunkeness should be toned down. “As for the jokes, Wilson was to the point. Dirty jokes in the presence of women have no place at yell prac tice, midnight or otherwise.” Wil son reiterated, however, that if it’s a choice between midnight yell practices complete with drunks and dirty jokes or no midnight yell practice at all, he wants the form er. Wherever there’s an Aggie there should be yelling,” Wilson concluded. C. G. Thompson, instructor in the Economics department also fell in with the opinion that mid night yell practices should contin ue. Said Thompson, “The Corps should remember, however, that when they hit a town in force, they should consider themselves as guests and act accordingly. At times, the Corps is a little too wild for the good of the school’s name, but I definitely favor the continuation of midnight yell prac tices. More advance publicity should be given the general public as to the time, place and purpose (See YELL PRACTICES, Page 6) stand at attention when Miss Hen dricks, escorted by Cadet Col. Ed Brandt, walks on the field between halves of the game to receive a gargantuan bouquet of roses and a kiss from Brandt (representing the whole Corps) while the Aggie Band plays “Let Me Call You Sweetheart” and TSCW’s Alma Mater. Miss Hendricks and Ed Brandt will sit in a reserved section at the game, along with the eleven other girls who were nominees. During the rest of the school year, this group of twelve nomi nees will represent A & M at other college and university activities. Nominees who will be honored are Misses Helen Bell, Frankie Lenert, Kappy Reeve, Jane Blan chard, Kathryn Tice Blankenship, Margaret Ann Browning, Norma Walker, Hilda Harkness, Patsy Jo Jones, Laura Sessions, and Mar tha Snow. Contest Started For SWC Winners All of the armchair coaches get the chance of their lives during the next three weeks of play in the conference, so if you think you are good at picking the win ners and the scores of the same join in on the fun. Starting this week and running through the week of the Owl-Aggie battle the BATTALION will sponsor a con test whereby the winner will take himself and his date to the Thanksgiving day game in style or, if they choose, they can pre sent their family with the two tickets and sit with the corps themselves. To play in the contest all you have to be is an Aggie and be a good enough crystal gazer to pick the winners along with the scores throughout the next three weeks of conference play. Only students are eligible to compete and only one coupon can be filed by each student duing any one week. The Batt comes out each Thursday, and the coupon will be in it and it will have to be filled out and returned to the Batt office or pla ced in the mail by five o’clock Friday afternoon. This only gives one day but it is necessary in or der to facilitate the tabulation of the standings so get on the ball and get those coupons in tomor row. BADMINTON SESSIONS FOR MARRIED COUPLES The Physical Education Dept, has announced the formation of a recreational program of badmin ton for married students. Trying to answer the needs for this group for diversion along these lines, a recreational schedule is being es tablished. All couples are invited to attend these meetings on Tuesday or Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 at the De Ware Field House. FRIDAY YELL PRACTICE WILL BE BROADCAST The special Texas Aggie Yell Practice Friday night at 7:00 will go on the air at 7:15 over the Arkansas Airwaves Network with KXLR, North Little Rock, Arkan sas, originating the broadcast and with George Mooney at the mike in front of Goodwin Hall. JKpmcrmm, 1843 Oh, somewhere in this fav ored land The sun is shining bright; The band is playing some where And somewhere hearts are light; And somewhere men are laughing, And somewhere students shout; But there is no joy in Aus tin— The mighty Longhorns fiz zled out. Harvey Elected Prexy of Student Engineers Council Junior Members From Each Campus Society Named for This Term Quinton C. Harvey of Texarkana has been elected president of the Student Engineers’ Council, it was announced today by Dean of En gineering Howard W. Barlow, in whose home the election meeting was held Tuesday night (Oct. 15). John Pittman of Baytown was named secretary-treasurer, and J. R. Latimer of Fort Worth was chosen as managing editor of the Texas Engineer, student technical publication. Members of the Council, purpose of which is to discuss with the dean of engineering problems aris ing in the school and make recom mendations when necessary, are chosen from each department of the school. President of the stu dent chapter of the individual en gineering societies is automatic ally a member. A junior represen tative is elected by each society, and the dean has the option of naming a third representative from each department. Many of the current members originally were chosen to hold of fice before war caused suspension of the Council in 1943, and will serve out their terms on the reviv ed Council. In addition to being named man aging editor of the Texas Engin- See HARVEY, Page 6) Press Fails to Find Battalion Printers Tri-weekly publication of the Battalion appeared to be as far away as ever this week as the original time set for expansion expired. Publication of at least two issues a week had been scheduled for November, but lack of manpower in the A. & M. Press makes it impossible for them to meet that date, or to set any other. A. & M. remains, therefore, the only school of its size in the country trying to get by on a small weekly newspaper. Most schools of this size pub lish daily journals; others, like A. & M. before the war, find a tri-weekly adequate. Publication of the Agricultur alist and Engineer is also made doubtful by the situation. The necessary equipment is now on the campus, but the necessary printers are nowhere in sight. Eleven File for Vet Committee Places Eleven candidates for Veterans’ representatives on four student committees had filed with the Stu dent Activities Office by noon, Wednesday, October 30. Election of these representatives will be held Thursday, November 7, in the rotunda of the Academic Build ing. STUDENT LIFE COMMITTEE (3 vacancies) Blankenship, Benjamin T. — Sen ior, CE; Houston, Texas. Bruce, A. D. (Dave) Jr. — Sen ior, B & A; Temple, Texas. Coolidge, Joel B. — Senior, LA; Houston, Texas Howard, Eugene F., Jr. — Senior, Business; El Paso, Texas. STUDENT COUNCIL (4 vacan cies) Buntyn, Claude — Junior, Ag. Eco.; Temple, Texas. Manley, D. F. — Senior, EE; Har lingen, Texas. Poole, John T. — Sophomore, Ind. Ed.; Port Arthur, Texas. EXCHANGE STORE COMMIT TEE (3 vacancies) Courtade, E. D. — Freshman, Hor ticulture; Waco, Texas. Finck, N. E. — Senior, ME; St. Charles, Missouri. Matula, A. J., Jr. — Sophomore, LA; Houston, Texas. HOSPITAL COMMITTEE (3 \ro 'npipc V Hord, E. D. — Freshman, Ag. Ed.; Winters, Texas. Weekend Entertainment to Be Spirited By Music of Aggieland and Serenades Dances Following Aggie-Razorback Grid Tilt Slated On Campus and Annex; Aggieland Jamboree in Guion MAJOR GENERAL Percy W. Clarkson, deputy commander of the Fourth Army, hands Ed Brandt Jr. his commission as Cadet Colonel in the first of 170 cadet commission presentations in Guion Hall last Thursday night. Class of ’47 Will Honor Penberthy In Formal Retreat At a formal ceremony tonight, the Class of ’47 will present to the College the Penberthy Intra mural Athletic Message Center and the Court of Honor honoring our Mr. W. L. Penberthy. The pro gram will be at formal retreat, at which time Melvin A. Pruitt, Vice-President of the Class of ’47, will present the gifts. President Gibb Gilchrist, as the representa tive of the college; will accept the gifts and Mr. Penberthy will de liver the expression of thanks. The program will start a little earlier than the regular mess for mation. The Corps will assemble at 6 p.m. and the ceremony will begin at that time. Aggieland’s gold star intramural managers of this war will also be honored tonight. These men are Kyle Drake, ’43, Jack Nagle, ’43, Bill Trodlier, ’45, S. W. Lipscomb, ’40, J. P. Olsen, ’42, and A. F. Ride out, ’44. The officers of the Senior Class of ’47 were Robert L. King, pres ident; Melvin A. Pruitt, vice-pres ident; Hilton Hall, treasurer; and L. B. Wardlaw, social secretary. Eighty CE Students Make Field Trips In Early November Eighty civil engineering students will make field trips to the Burnet- Llano section early in November, according to Prof. A. A. L. Mat hews, associate professor of Geol ogy. The first group will leave the campus the afternoon of Novemr ber 2, spend the first night in Austin, and the other two nights in Llano, returning to the College November 5. The second group will leave College Station early November 8, and return late No vember 10. Professor Mathews has been con ducting field excursions into this area for geological studies for several years. He says that this year more than half of his students will be war veterans. Due pri marily to the effectiveness of these trips and other work of similar nature, A&M now requires all civil engineering students to take geol ogical courses. In speaking of the Lower Colo rado River Authority project, Prof. Mathews said that the ar rangement of the Buchanan, Inks and other dams along the Colo rado River and their use, form an ideal example for dual purpose of flood control and hydro-electric power. He thinks that all civil engineers having anything to do with either type of structure should study the over-all project, Prof. Mathews is hopeful that those interested in geology make studies in their chosen field. Class Sections Will Be Observed at Game Class sections in the Cadet Corps section, which will extend from the thirty-five yard line north to the goal line, will be strictly observed, according to a senior class decision. Freshmen: Rows 1-15. Sophomores: Rows 15-25. Juniors: Rows 25-32. Seniors: Rows 32-40. Any violation is punishable un der Student Court or company punishment. W.T.A.W. “Coffee Club” Actually Serves Java And Donuts on Program Want some free coffee? Want some free doughnuts? If so, you may get them at radio station WTAW located on the third floor of the Administration building. All you have to do is to be present for the program “Coffee Club” presented from the studio of WT AW Mondays through Fridays from 6:15 to 7:00 p. m. In addition there is music, in terviews,. and plenty of laughs on this program with Dick Gottlieb as master of ceremonies. Other programs to be heard over WTAW are “The Breakfast Club” with Don McNeill, heard from 8:00 to 9:00 a. m. Mondays through Fridays, a drama program for the ladies, “Ethel and Albert”, heard at 1:15 to 1:30 p. m., Mondays through Fridays, and a musical request program “Parade of Mel ody Merchants” heard at 3:30 p. m. Mondays through Fridays. News can be heard daily from 7:00 to 7:15 a. m., 12:00 to 12:30 p. m. and again at 1:00 to 1:15 p. m. with Walter Kiernan in his own distinctive style as news commen tator. Starting Monday, November 4, the faculty in the School of Arts and Sciences will present a pro gram “The College Speaks”. This program can be heard Mondays through Fridays at 5:15 p. m. The first speaker on this program will be L. B. Keel of the English de partment who will speak on “Eng lish in Today’s World”. Women Teachers at A&M Total Nine A. & M. now has nine women teachers in the School of Arts and Sciences, according to Dean T. D. Brooks. The English depart ment has five of them, Mathemat ics three, and the Physics de partment one. Those teaching English are Miss Grace Fitzwilliams, Miss Clara Carson, Miss Margaret Lemmon, Mrs. Mary Higbee, and Miss Sallie Burke. In the Mathematics de partment are Mrs. A. A. Blum- berg. Mrs. Lindell Morris, and Miss Carloine Mitchell, and Miss Catherine Henderson constitutes the entire female Physics faculty. Never a dull moment in the Ad ministration Building! The other day telephone conversations and radio broadcasts were crossbred. A person ’phoning to the Ad Building could hear WTAW broad casts on the wire. But Wednesday afternoon weird, muffled voices, echoing through the halls appeared to be coming from the subterranean passages. The elevator was stuck! Electric pow er failure caught the car and its occupants between the basement and first floor a few minutes af ter 5:00 o’clock. And who were the accupants?—None other than Carleton Adams, architect for A. & M., J. T. L. McNew, vice-pres ident of engineering, AND our Prexy! “Mr. McNew and I had been of fered rides home by Mr. Gilchrist,” reported Mr. Adams. “We got in the elevator on the second floor, with President Gilchrist at the controls. The lights went off and Music, and plenty of it, moves onto the local amuse ment scene close oh the heels of the A.&M.-Arkansas foot ball game Saturday with two dances and a jamboree hold ing - the spotlight Saturday night. The Aggieland Orchestra will provide the melody for free jam boree at Guion at 7:30 p.m. and also for the all-college dance that runs at Sbisa Hall from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. In addition, a dance will be held at the Bryan Field Annex Satur day night with the music being provided by the T.S.C.W. Serena- ders All-Girl Orchestra. Three hundred tickets for the dance will go on sale at the Annex Satur day at $1.20, stag or couple. Tickets for the all-college affair at Sbisa will go on sale at 8:30 p.m. Saturday night, and college authorities have promised that two cashiers will be on hand to handle the expected crowd of tick et-seekers. Ducats will go for $1.50, stag or drag. For the Guion Hall Jamboree, Aggieland director Bill Turner has arranged a full program, featur ing a new arrangement of the old favorite “Begin the Beguine”. A piano duet by Jug Leatherwood and JVIarvin Brown, plus a musi cal quiz and the vocalizing of Boyd Rogers, Nell Arhopolus and Robert Williams complete the of fering. Seven Scholarships To Be Awarded to Kream & Row Khib Herman F. Keep scholarship awards will be presented mem bers of the A&M College Kream and Kow Club by the donor of the scholarships at the next reg ular meeting of the club at 7:15 p. m. Tuesday in the creamery as sembly room, it was announced by Dr. I. W. Rupel, head of the dairy husbandry department. Mr. Heep advised Dr. Rupel that he would be on hand to make the scholarship awards to the six win ners, each winner to receive $100 and each second place to gain a $50 award. Prizes will be award ed on the basis of work in the freshman, sophomore and junior classes. It is hoped that Joe Ridgeway also will be on hand Tuesday even ing to award to $500 Borden scholarship, Dr. Rupel said; if Mr. Ridgeway cannot attend, it is believed someone from the Borden organization will be here to make the award. Legion of Merit Awarded ’39 Grad Captain Charlton J. Wimer, a 1939 graduate of A. & M., has been awarded the Legion of Merit by Brig. Gen. Lewis C. Beebe, chief of staff of the Fourth Army. Captain Wimjer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wimer of 4319 Ver sailles, Dallas, is a veteran of Cor- regidor, for which the medal was awarded. The citation stated that Wimer, an observer of the air warning service, by his obtaining evaluation and transmission of approaching Japanese planes, was a conspic uous contributor to the effective ness of the defense offered by Corregidor and its outposts. At present Captain Wimer is on ter minal leave. the thing stopped. After a series of yells, lighting matches to neu tralize darkness, pushing buttons, and pulling levers, a reply came down the shaft, ‘Who’s that mon keying with the machinery?’ This inquiring voice came from the col ored janitor.” An unknown person was sent to summon aid, returning with the de sired answer, “A fellow is work ing on the transformer, and if the power is turned on it will burn him up.” To this remark which floated down the elevator shaft, Mr. Gibb came back with, “Burn him up!” Around 5:30 the power was again turned on and downward flight was resumed. “It became dark and mighty warm in the cage”, mused Mr. Adams. “We removed our coats and obtained some relief by forc ing the door open about three inches and holding it with our feet.” The Architect, The Engineer, And The Boss Cuss and Discuss