The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 24, 1946, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 24, 1946 6 ASCE Man Sent To Kansas City National Parley The student chapter of the ASCE sent six members to the na tional convention, which was held in Kansas City October 13-17. Mar shall Amis, J. W. Jammesrly, C. D. Muir, R. L. Nichols, J. E. Wir- shing, and Charles Yantis repre sented A. & M. at the convention, with Mr. J. T. L. McNew and Dr. S. R. Wright serving as senior ad visors. The local chapter has planned a full program for the 1946-47 school year. On October 15 at 7:30 p. .m The City Plant En gineer for the city of Dallas, pre sented an interested discussion on “City Planning and Zoning”. A. & M.’s chapter is the largest in the history of the college, hav ing 175 active members of which 65% are veterans. M. Drahn Jones, a senior from Dallas, elected president; Marshall Amis, a Fort Worth senior, is serving as vice-president; secre tary is Loren H. Stiles, a junior from Celina, and William C. Ely, a junior from Mineral Wells, is filling the treasurer’s position. Dr. S. R. Wright and professors Carl E. Sandestedt and Spencer J. Buchanan are serving as sponsors for the society. Billingsley Heads Ellis County Club R. L. Billingsley was elected president of the Ellis County A. & M. Club at their first meeting of the semester. The 23 members present elected D. W. Springer, vice-president; J. F. Evans, secre tary-treasurer; W. D. Yarbrough, reporter; and B. J. North, social chairman. The club discussed plans to adopt a constitution and apply for a charter. Billingsley requests that all students from Ellis Coun ty attend the regular meetings held on the first and third Thurs day nights of each month. Marketing-Finance Club Reorganizes At the first meeting of the Marketing and Finance Club, held Wednesday night, October 0, Pap Frierson was elected president for the remainder of this semester. Howard Hicks will serve as vice- president; Dudley Terry, secretary treasurer; and Bill Taylor, report er. Mr. Barger, who is faculty spon sor for the club, stated that plans are being made to have outside speakers for forthcoming meet ings. Pap Frierson announced that all forthcoming meetings will be held on the second Thursdays of each month. Kream and Kow Klub Hears Discussion On Mexico Farming At a recent meeting of the Kream and Kow Klub, R. G. Mar tin gave an interesting speech on the student trip to Mexico. His main topic concerned some of the things observed about agriculture in the Rio Grande Valley of Tex as and in southern Mexico. Mr. Martin said, “The first stop on our trip was at some of the Rio Grande farms. They are large tracts of land owned by men interested in promoting the latest modes of farming. These tracts are divided into small farms, each of which employ a tenant to do the actual work, and in return he receives a share of the profit. The landowners want graduate agriculture students to work on these farms, thus setting high examples for non-college grad uates.” The group then went to lower Mexico to observe the extensive amount of irrigation farming car ried on in that section. The speak er used pictures of the large re servoirs and canals used in this farming method to supplement his talk. Next on the program was Earl Edwards, freshman at A&M, a member of the judging team who won first place at the national dairy judging contest held at Columbus, Ohio, and sponsored by the National Jersey Association. AG ADMINISTRATION CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Byron Frierson was elected pres ident of the Agriculture Adminis tration Club which held its first regular meeting Wednesday night, October 9, 1946. The first meeting dealt mainly with the reorganization of the club for the coming semester and the election of club officers. Twen ty-seven members attended. Other officers elected were Ho ward Hicks, vice-president; Dud ley Terry, secretary and treasurer; and Bill Taylor, reporter. J. W. Barger and R. L. Hunt were the faculty members present. Dr. Bar ger was elected faculty sponsor. Frierson stated that the regular meetings would be held on the first Tuesday of each month, and that an outside speaker would be engaged for the next meeting. We couldn’t understand why son was constantly falling out with his girl friend until he said that she was always willing to kiss and make up — and he liked that. Whiskey has wrecked more homes than water has wrecked ships. Gillespie Elected Navarro President George 0. Gillespie was elected president of the Navarro County A. & M. Club at a meeting on Thursday evening, October 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the Academic build ing. Other officers elected were E. H. Anderson, vice-president, and Mickey Edwards, secretary- treasurer. Acting in the absence of the president, Edwin Anderson acted as the chairman and notified the club that at the next meeting, a sample constitution would be pre sented to the group; from it, the club’s constitution will be formed. It was decided that regular meet ings will be held every Thursday night at 7:30 in the Academic Building. Animal Husbandry Group Hears Grist Dr. E. A. Grist, Extension Service Veterinarian at A. & M., spoke to a group of Animal Hus bandry students during a seminar session, Monday evening, October 14. His subject was sanitation and disease control as related to the cattle industry of Texas. He also outlined the general services of the Federal and. state government in regard to disease control and sanitation and its benefits to the cattle busines. —PROMOTION— (Continued From Page 3) Sergeants John McConnell, George Gra ham, Staff Sergeants Victor Krauskopf, James Kunkel, Johnnie Henderson Hen derson, Jack Dibrell, Floyd Grona, Victor Shulze, Dick Polk, Jamie Kothman, Thomas Eklund, Billy Nichols, Aubrey Kothman. Corporals Joe Nagy, Phil Sheets, James Day, Oliver Grote, James Stegall, Billy Russell, John Diller. COMPANY D, INFANTRY Captain Herschel Wood. First Lts. James Jones, William Freeman, Thomas Justiss. First Sergeant Henry Ellis. Technical Sergeants C. H. Hardy, Joel Moor. Staff Sergeants Jaseper Jones, Frank Dyer, Frank Hill, R. M. Edmondston, Joe Leedi- ker, Ben Timberlake, Stephen Roberts. Corporals William London, William Park, Arthur Flores, William Garrison, James Greek, Alfred Fowler, John Dieb. SECOND BATTALION INFANTRY HEADQUARTERS STAFF Major Edwin Daniels, Captain Tommy Blackstone, First Lt. Jesse Hargis. Technical Sergeants Bobby Neill, Chas. Davis. COMPANY E. INFANTRY Captain Norton Higgins, First Lts. Bil ly Smith, James Taylor, William McDan iel. First Sergeant Edward Hinkle, Techni cal Sergeants Ralph Merriwether, Wil liam Garfield. Staff Sergeants Frank Baca, John Cobb, Thadeus Goodwyn, Char lie Rhymes, Arthur Hegi, Alton Brown, Rex Michel, Vit Janda, William Kiel, Pat Brown. Corporals Donald Heoten, Riley Epps, Gordon Parkhill, Leland Stew ard, Arch Jacobson, Bruce Wallace, Len- nie Spann, Jr. COMPANY F, INFANTRY Captain Henry John. First Lts. Julio EVEN A CAVE-DWELLER could shop for his household: Trailer- Dwellers, Roomers, Lucky Small-House Holders find Canister Sets, Knives, Place Mats, Folding Irons, Cooking Herbs, Kitchen Mirrors, Ash Trays, Bev erage Sets, Cork Coasters, Laundry- Bags, Ivy Planters, Cactus. All at . . . Coulter's 114 S. Main — Bryan Opening EVERY Evening Mailing Service HI when you smoke PHILIP MORRIS I! m 0^1 ettes* 30 $£222 < ec °^ g ^ u>ho srno^ CLEAN, FRESH, PURE Aimka’s FINEST Cigarette.' There’s an important difference in Philip Morris manufacture that lets the FULL FLAVOR of the world’s finest tobaccos come through for your com plete enjoyment—clean, fresh, pure! That’s why the flavor’s ALL yours when you smoke Philip Morris! That’s why Philip Morris taste better —smoke better—all day long! No wonder that with millions of smokers everywhere, k Philip Morris is America’s FINEST Cigarette! pHILIPMORR Brazos ROA Meets State Instructors Hoyt Hughes Orch. To Play for Xmas. Dance of SW Club The Brazos County Association of Reserve Officers met on Tues day evening, October 8, and heard several featured speakers from the state reserve districts. Col. G. S. Meloy, Commandant of A. & M., gave a brief account of the ROTC units, stating that attempts are being made to place more respon sibility on the cadet officers. President E. N. Holmgreen then took charge of the meeting. By acclamation, Robert Page was elected vice-president of the as- socication. The date for the Re serve Officers’ dance, to be held in Sbisa Hall, wilt be February 8. Colonel J. P. Wheeler, district in structor from Houston, gave a short speech, then introducing Colonel H. E. Fuller, state senior instructor from Austin. Col. Fuller gave an account of the reserve officer training which will take place in the near future. He con tinued by saying that the army still needs officers, either in the reserve or in the regular army. Casas, Lee Thompson, Thomas Eubanks. First Sergeant Gus Vletas. Techanical Sergeants Bobby Williamson, James Nelson. Staff Sergeants William Stanzel, Victor Weifel, Jack Watson, Benjamin Sustr, Joe Clont. Corporals J. A. McCul- ly, Robert McJilton, John McGee, John Hambright, James McLemore, Marvin Simmons, Bennie Stafford, John Orr. ' COMPANY G, INFANTRY Captain Donald Hudman. First Lts. Thomas Howell, Albert Stevens, Leslie Layne. First Sergeant ■ Joe Mears. Technical Sergeants Bobby Neill, John Berry. Staff Sergeants Leland Tate, Thomas Crouch, John Walker, Sidney Cook, Clarence Mur- phrey, Carlos Zuniga, Miguel Morrison, Jacob Russell, Frank Dibrell, Billy Wor ley, John Lincoln. Corporals John Wal lace, Billy Watson, Arthur Wright, Billy Webb, Earl Wyatt, John Davis, James Garrison. VETERANS COMPANY NO. 2 Captain R. N. Lehman, Jr. First Lts. R. J. Conrad, T. B. Goldman, R. L. Powell. First Sergeant H. B. Smith. Techanical Sergeants H. D. McMillan, L. V. Daven port. Staff Sergeants J. L. Hallmark, A. W. Blackstock, R. W. Huff, G. G. Trot ter, B H. Jeanes, C. S. Nesom. ARTILLERY REGIMENTAL STAFF Lt. Col. John C. Heeman, Major John H. Cochrane, Captains Dale M. Wilker- son and James E. Mortensen. Master Sergeants Raymond N. Horany and Nathaniel R. Leatherwood. Technical Sergeants Herbert C. England and Wil liam I. Morrow. Staff Sergeants Noonan A. Prince and John P. Stanford. Cor porals Burton W. French and Ollie B. Stephens. FIRST BATTALION ARTILLERY BN HQ STAFF Major Joe P. Mueller, Captain Mar vin Lehman. First Lieutenant Obediah T. Welch. Technical Sergeants Robert L. Bowman and David Barnett. BTRY. A FIELD ARTILLERY Captain Glenn L. Bell. First Lts. Geo. B. Garrison, Pete L. Scamardo, and Frank N. McMillan. First Sgt. Jack A. Krueger. Technical Sergeants Thomas R. Parsons Arthur R. Crixwell,Homer E. Acevedo, Reuben E. Koenig, Billy G. Bockman, Minos E. Miller, Jack F. Morgan, Edward B. Rowland, Bruce D. Holman, Benny E. Tillison, and Arthur Edelstein. Cor porals William A. Birdwell, Randolph W. Barker, Jimmy D. Bell, Floyd H. Black burn, Doyce R. Black, Robert L. McGlas- son, and Robert Q. Blakeney. BTRY. B, FIELD ARTILLERY Captain Robert W. Martin, 1st Lts. George M. Wilson, Howard R. Owens, and Clarence M. Howell. First Sergeant Mar vin L. Jones. Technical Sergeants Dan D. Stedham and Jack R. James. Staff Sergeants Robert E. McDonald, Richard N. Butts, Paul J. Gaskill, Herbert M. Walne, James L. Jolley, James F. Desmuke, P. A. Coleman, Wm. A. Mitchell, Ben W. Smith, Wm. T. Carpenter, and Millard A. Peters. Corporals John G. Wilson, Ed ward G. Hodges, W. P. Henry, W. T. Kaufman, Kenneth C. Hudgins, J. N. Holland, and Lawrence C. Goodwyn. BTRY. C, FIELD ARTILLERY Capt. Chas. T. Spence, 1st Lts. Howard W. Borne, Robert S. Swinney, and Wm. S. Halcomb. 1st Sgt. Fred L. Hughes. Tech nical Sgts. Frank R. Hardin, and Davis E. Horne. Staff Sgts. Lee M. Duggan, Roy L. Garner, Jerrel E. Taylor, Herbert K. Davis, Jerry Fineg, Augustus L. Hardy, Harold Z. Zeitman, Carl E. Olsen Jr., Richard D. Howe, and Chas. R. Horton. Corporals John J. Luther, Oliver M. Bar ker, Jethro B. Rochelle, Homer C. Os borne, Joe H. Pate, Guy B. Daniel, and Chas. E. Phillips. BTRY. D, FIELD ARTILLERY Capt. Don B. Farrel. 1st Lts. Robert C. Oualls, T. A. Thornhill, and Joe A. Kavanaugh. 1st Sgt. Robert M. White. Technical Sgts. David L. Fort and John H. Richardson. Staff Sgts. Geo. O. Rich ardson, Clifton W. Key, Albert Metcalfe, Eddie D. Zimmerman, Robert M. Ken- nelley, Gilford W. Koopmann, Royal Hines, Richard M. Love, Albert S. Pugh, Paul W. Wood, and Louis M. Hardy. Cpls. Bil lie G. Hightower, John N. Liles, Curtis E. Timmerman, Marvin S. Mixon, Rudolph K. Jahn, Arthur E. Seybold, and James A. Davis. SECOND BN ARTILLERY BN HQ STAFF Maj. Simon D. Davidson. Capt. Ray mond L. Portlock. 1st Lt. Warren A. Gilbert. Technical Sgts. Milton E. Lind ner and Raymond A. Hennig. BTRY E, FIELD ARTILLERY Capt. Vernon G. Hill. 1st. Lts. Luther B. Aultman, Wm. A. Buchanan, and Fred Holste. 1st Sgt. Jas. C. Hayes. Tech nical Sgts. Joe C. Dickson and Jas D. Seymour. Staff Sgts. John W. Thompson, Royce F. Faucett, Harvard J. Smith, Fat Burnett .Hyatt Cheek, Joe W. Atchisson, Thos. M. Bailey, Howard G. McMillan, Sam- AGGIES! We offer you our complete facilities to wash and grease your own car . . . 750 COMPLETE TIRE & BATTERY SERVICE Texaco Service Station No. 2 1214 So. College Road Operated by Veterans of World War II Hoyt Hughes and his orchestra will play for the annual Texas Ag gie dance, sponsored by the South west Texas Club of A. & M. Col lege, to be held at Uvalde, Decem ber 28, 1946, in the American Le gion hall. Everyone is invited to attend. The tickets which are to go on sale in the near future are priced at $2.50. At a regular Wednesday meet ing it was decided that every man from a town represented in the Southwest Texas Club would sell tickets in his home town and be responsible for that area. Ev- eryong from Southwest Texas is urged to come to the next regular club meeting to be held in the Y. M. C. A. on Wednesday night at 7 p.m. A full representation is needed to help draw up plans con cerning the annual dance and other activities of the club. uel M. Marshall, Raymond D. Coulter, and Jammy H. Curtiss. Cpls. Frank N. Bog- gus, John K. Finegan, Tom D. Benefield, Roy L. Blanton, Jas A. Burrus, Jerry W. Esser, and Donald D. Fitzgerald. BTRY. F, FIELD ARTILLERY Capt. Arthur B. Haws. 1st Lts. Jimmy C. Hartt, Vernon R. Schmidt, and Joe Pettit. 1st Sgt. Jas. C. Winkler. Techni cal Sgts. Matt J. Boska and Herbert A. Garter. Staff Sgts. Rob L. Goode, Morton Shefts. Wm. B. Hilliard, and J. D. Hampton. Cpls. Jas. E. Kirkland, Robert C. Holmes, Ren R. Glimp, Everett J. Bradt, Brooks B. Bradley, Jack A. Quiery, and Edwin R. Daniels. BTRY. G, FIELD ARTILLERY Capt. J. L. Nichols. 1st Lt. Wm. Ken dall. 1st Sgt. Eddie L. Greene. Technical Sgt. Johnny Hammonds. BTRY. H, FIELD ARTILLERY Capt. Jere Lewis. 1st Lts. S. J. Stovall, A. C. Zamerra, and B. M. Kennedy. 1st Sgt. Eddy Pela. Technical Sgts. Joe Seale and Neal Stites. Staff Sgts. Aaron Schwartz, Dan Ragsdale. BTRY. A, COAST ARTILLERY Capt. Edward D. Bateman. 1st Lts. John F. Kelso, Wm. A. Gilbert, and Richard K. Epps. 1st,Sgt. Arthur N. Hartman. Tech nical Sgts. Jos T. Moore and Jerry B. Hartgraves. Staff Sgts Guy A. Baber, Donald R. Newsom, Wm. C. Lonquist, Geo. D. Norman, Geo. A. Whitten, A. S. Barrada., Cpls. Jim Stephens, Wallas H. Cox, Edwin E. Coker, Donald E. Jarvis, Don D. Decker, Robert R. Smith, and Jas. F. Davis. COMPOSITE REGIMENTAL STAFF Lt. Col. Donald Nelson, Jr. Major James Demopulos. Captains Charles Trickey, Fred Thurmond, Joseph Moody. Master Sergeants Clyde Patterson, Gene Lewis. Technical Sergeants Gene Sum mers, Arnold Walkow. Staff Sergeants Joe Swindle, Marshall Lasswell. Corporals Me- bane Stafford, George Yowell. FIRST BATTALION COMPOSITE STAFF Major Burke Summers. Captain Scott McNeill. First Lt. Joe Dickson. Technical Sergeants Stephen Moore, Joe Clarke.. TROOP A. CAVALRY Captain Bill Rosser. First Lts. John Copeland, Joe Weatherford, Albert Hluza. First Sergeant Charles Harris. Technical Sergeants Thomas Keeter, John Morgan. Staff Sergeants David Wiley, John Abney, George Brown, James Williamson, Robert Mahone, Joe Glass, Henry Thuem, Harold Leach. Corporals Ned Burson, Paul Hodges, Charles Schmidt, Sidney Calame, Robert Ford, Robert Storrie, William Burns. TROOP B, CAVALRY Captain Harry Reger. First Lts. Charles Thoma, Joe Hilliard, Charles Tate. First Sergeant Jack Adams. Technical Sergeants Johnson Strickel, William Stephens. Staff Sergeants Norton Lovell, Albert Busch, Charles Moseley, Robert Warneke, Donald Humphreys. Willie Kranjer, James Morris, Franklin Randell, Marshall E. Laswell, William Fuller, Wil liam Wallace. Corporals Delmar Libby, William McCord, Wassar Irby, Jack Tur ner, Edward Kruse, Joseph Gruy, Scott Wylie. TROOP C. CAVALRY Captain Lewis Hammett. First Lts. Gerald Hodges, Walter Arbuckle, Richard Lea. First Sergeant Horace Murray. Technical Daniel Boone. Staff Sergeants Albert Lewis, Hal Ewing, Faul Wells, Charles Goof, Edgar Gray, Bob Small, Robert Cone, Thurman Kennedy, Donald Waldrip, Jim Wilson. Corporals Aubrey Sprawls, Howard Minyard, John Reeder, Henry Remschel, Jack Scott, Ellis Russell. TROOP D, CAVALRY Acting Captain Charles Thoma. First Sergeant William Kruse. Technical Sergeants James Edgar, Robert Standley. Staff Sergeants Robert Gault Edwin La- Forge, Beau Wilson, Wame Hallmark, Robert Colglazier, Jack Currie, Calvin Reese, Paul Koomey, Ruffus Cachry, J. C. Welpman. Corporals Rupert Hall, Robert Bradley. James Page, Jafck Milholin, Chas. Glass, J. D. Franz, Cecil Stubblefield. TROOP E, CAVALRY Captain Harrell Foitik. First Lt. Leon Pollard. First Sergeant Russell McGowen, Tech nical Sergeants Hugh Shelton, Fogle Clark. Staff Sergeant William Storther. SECOND BATTALION COMPOSITE STAFF Major A. O. Hamon. Captain David Crawford. First Lt. Claudio Ortiz. Technical Sergeants James O’Connel, Edward Poynor. COMPANY A, ENGINEERS Captain Owen Cecil, First Lts. Wal ter Norris, Charles Stamos. First Ser- BETTER SAVE WITH STATE FARM INS.! Your investment in a new car is not complete until you've safeguarded it with adequate insurance — and State Farm can help you save on both in surance and finance costs — so your car will cost less. At very reasonable cost, under State Farm’s famous "More for Your Money” insurance plan, you can get our broad- coverage policy. Join the 1,250,000 policyholders now under State Farm Mutual pro tection and save with safety. U. M. Alexander, Jr. '40 Rm. 5 Casey-Sparks Bldg. North Gate - 4-7269 Agent for STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY (World's largest) Hem* Office Bloomington, III. A&M Judging Team Back From Mo. National Contest W. E. Berry, H. G. Law, M. G. Duncan, Wl. A. McClure, W. T. Magee, and W. P. Sayles composed the livestock judging team, which represented A&M in the American Royal Livestock Judging Contest at Kansas City on October 19, ac cording to W. M. Warren, judging coach. There were 35 agricultural schools competing for trophies in each livestock class and for th£ high team trophy. In 1941 A. & M. won the percheron horse trophy, and this event must be won two more consecutive times in order to take over permanent posses sion. Charlie Love, assistant coach, accompanied the team to Kansas City. Livestock exhibits were judged at Oklahoma A&M and at the Ralph Smith Farms at Grain Valley, Mo., before continuing to Kansas City. geants Roy Gilliland. Technical Sergeants Robert Branson, Joseph Cox. Staff Ser geants James Woodley, George Sherwitz, Ralph Hughes, Theodore Clegg, Irving Statman, James Lewis, Arnold Dickin son, Benno Walters, John Firebaugh. Cor porals Keith Slaughter, Stephen Kunkel- burg, John Kay, James Summers. COMPANY B, ENGINEERS Captain Ralph Lunsford. First Lts. Joe Carter, Joe Cauthen, William Mennas. First Sergeant Joe Richardson. Technical Sergeants Justin Weatherly, Sammy Black. Staff Sergeants Joe Wirsching, Sammie Bateman, George Muller, Harry Dedman, Robert Clauch, Rennie Ellis, James Thur mond, Elmer Jones, Edwin Jones, Glenn Stinnett, Wesley Haskins. Corporals Chas. Estes, Lawrence Sexton, Jackie Hedge, Gene Wiggins, Robertson Bruce, Walker Williams, Elmer Elkins. COMPANY C, ENGINEERS Ci.ptain Billy Bowden. First Lts. Bill McCormick, John Sheiander, Max Ploeger. First Sergeant Robert Hyde. Technical Sergeants Carl McIntosh Donald Sawyer. Staff Sergeants Robert Bridges, James Humphries, George Weatherston, Clyde Bryant, Patrick Marks, Robert Holmes, Braxton Westmoreland, Percy Anderson, Arnold Baron, Charles Luther, J. H. Emer son. Corporals Norman Schatzman, N. D. Lowary, Richard Taylor, Garland Whisen- hunt, Robert Coon, Robert Shepherd, Ster- mon Wells. VETERANS COMPANY NO. 1 Captain R. B. Mayes, First Lts. C. W. Mattox, R. K. Morris, J. W. Barnett. First Sergeant R. L. Shannon. Technical Sergeants J. F. Evans, B. M. Cooley. THIRD BATTALION COMPOSITE STAFF Major B. F. Broyles. First Lts. J. W. DeHaas, G. K. Grogan. Technical Sgts. J. T. Miller, F. H. Sparks. COMPANY A, CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE Captain Robert Hustin. First Lts. Geo. Knox, Earl Snavely, Clanton Harrison. First Sergeant Don Hodges. Technical Sergeants Gordon Lawson, William Leusch- ner. Staff Sergeants Donald Bird, Claude Latta, Thomas Griffin, Robert Locke, Wil liam Wheeler, Marvin Locke, Jack Ward, Frank Marcoulides, Herman Wyatt, Kelsie Roach, Elo William, Andrew Huddleston, Reed Beck, Donald Barrett, Thomas Smith, Murray Carter, Gus Wueste. COMPANY A, QUARTERMASTER CORPS Captain Everett Shindler. First Lts, Robert Moore, Jose Torres, Andrew Moore. First Sergeant Whitney Wilson. Techni cal David Hamden, Donald Corley. Staff Sergeants Rober Bradford, Jack Andrews, Robert M. Lindheim, Julian Torres, Olin Canon, Melvin Craig, Thomas Davenport, Paul Breeden, Jarol Sahol, John Hardin. Corporals Albert Hartstock, Bobby Lewis, Charles Parker, Bob Thomas, Cole Town- ley, Thurmon Martin, B. W. Hink. COMPANY A, ORDNANCE Captain Jack Slack. First Lts. Alfred Munster, Edgar Von Rosenberg, Victor Prassel. First Sergeant James Berry. Technical Sergeants Billy Swango, Royal Harris. Staff Sergeants Guy Norfleet, James Gat- ton, Thomas Banta, Teddy Hamilton, Thomas Wise, James Grigsby, William Agerton, Walter Hull, Martin Keough, James Morgan. Corporals John Smith, William Stade, William Hampton, Wayne McLaughlin, Sam Sayers, Louis Quam, Carl Hall. COMPANY A, SIGNAL CORPS Captain Dean Denton. First Lts. Don ald Shuhart, Harry Auvermann, Fred Thurmond. First Sergeant Elmo Livingston. Tech nical Sergeants Robert Hollowell, Roy Neely, Staff Sergeants Randolph Blumberg, William Evans, Donald Miller, Ben Scholl, Robert Rogers, Joe Reuss, Robert Taylor, James Jones, Jack Thompson, Malcolm Helms, Horace Coswick. Corporals Rich ard Baker, Robert Scoggins, Wallace Langston, Paul Bowdoin, Rancis Lenger- field( Bruce Hartel, Harold Dungan. yx) Million filters Sole! . . .TH/S IS WHY: | * Reduces nicotine and tars I I * Filters flakes and juices 1 | * improves tobacco aroma 1 I * Cools and cleanses smoke | When filter is stained from ' I tars and nicotine, refrlace | I with fresh one.