The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 24, 1946, Image 3
1 THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 24, 1946 THE BATTALION Page 3 Cadet Corps Promotion List Announced Damoo Dhotre, Hindu Trainer, Will Perform in Bryan October 28 Staff and Non-Commissioned Ranks Okeyed by Military Dept. President and Dean of Men Approve New Cadet Positions, Effective October 8th CORPS STAFF Colonel Ed Brandt, Lt. Col. Allen Self, Majors Joe Coddou, Naud Burnett, Ernest C. Kobs, George Cavitt, Philip Kosub. Master Sergeants James Tittle, Ray Golden, Billy Vaughan, William Brown, Asa Holleman. INFANTRY BAND Captain Larry Mangold, First Lts. Alvin Kennedy, Ed Loflin, Richard Alves, Roy Borgfeld, Hall Mullins, Paul Allen. First Sergeant Robert Barzak, Techni cal Sergeants Edward Anderson, Richard Nichols, Troy Prater, Jack Westbrook, Staff Sergeants James Green, Louis Clark, Monroe Johns, Albert Field, James Duke, John Hoch, Jim Wheeler, Charles James, Joseph Golden, Harold Roberson, Fred Forste, Cloyce Terrell. Corporals Roland Johnson, Elden Golden, Larry Kinard, William O’Donnely, Robert Hur ley, John Killebrew, William Hawes, Glenn Torrence. Antonio Larroca. FIELD ARTILLERY BAND Captain William Dixon, First Lts. Everett Semands, James Cooper, Curtis Erek, John Stiles. First Sergeant William LaRoche. Tech nical Sergeants Billy Polasek, Stanley Vrla, Arthur Byall, David Howell. Staff Sergeants Charles Eckert, George Molteni, Boyd Hopkins, Glenn Emmons, Clifton Bolner, Clarence Prim, Francisco Monte- mayor, Ross McCready, Thomas Knox, Everett Griffin, Billy J. Bertram, Donald Whitley, James Ulmer. Corporals George Edwards, David Gravey, William Smith, James Simpson, Walter Wendtland, Rob ert Grosser, Carl Whyte, Floyd Blount, James Wilkinson, Robert Conine. INFANTRY REGIMENTAL HEAD QUARTERS STAFF Lt. Col. Joe Putegnat, Major Shannon Jones, Captain Newton Cole. Master Sergeants Norman Luker, Boyd Rogers. Technical Sergeants Robert Can ning, William Menger. Staff Sergeants Sammie White, Thomas Lyles. Corporals Chester Bell, Cecil Miller. FIRST BATTALION INFANTRY HEADQUARTER STAFF Major Keyword Hosch, First Lts. Roy Tipton, Hubert Bender. Technical Sergeants Frederick Greer, John Wier. COMPANY A, INFANTRY Captain Richard Reed, First Lts. Olen Loffer, John Drozd, Weymon Crochet. First Sergeant Sam , McKenzie. Techni cal Sergeants, Guinn Fergus, Daniel De- gan. Staff Sergeants Major Inman, Char les Mattel, Leonard DuPuy, Kenneth Har mon, James Goodwyn, Paul Ferguson, Claude Smith, Thad Finelon, Charles Fidler. Corporals William Alexander, John Walker, Charles Ashley, Bill Ellsworth, Gerald MacManus, William Allen, David Babbitt. COMPANY B, INFANTRY Captain Sam Kelsey, First Lts. James Jones, Jack Russell, Alton Bailey. First Sergeant Henry Pate. Technical Sergeants Arnold Wiegand, Joseph Doaks, Staff Sergeants Malcolm Bostwick, Wil liam Spurlock, Clyde Little, Bernard Hirsch. Corporals Stewart Chapman, Elvis Chapman, Thaddeus Choate, Bobby R. Brown, Ralph Collins, Emory Curry, Aaron Charles. COMPANY C, INFANTRY Captain Oliver Potter. First Lts. Rob ert Swann, William Whitsett, Mertz Tay lor. First Sergeant John Eckert. Technical (See PROMOTION, Page 4) SPECIAL OFFER Tj 8x10 Picture worth $3.50 Xln Nice Folder for Bring this ad with you and save $1.00. This offer is not good in December. AGGIELAND STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHS of DISTINCTION Serving Aggies for 26 Years JOE SOSOLIK, Proprietor AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS ELECT CLARK CHAIRMAN For the first time since 1943 the Automotive Engineering So ciety met and elected officers for the current year. Terry Clark, a senior majoring in mechanical en gineering, was elected chairman; Steve Dedman, vice-chairman; and Bob Sanders, secretary-treasurer. David Crawford and Terry Clark were elected delegates to repre sent the Society of Automotive Engineers at the Engineering Council meetings. It was decided to hold all fu ture meetings on the fourth Tues day of each month at 7:30 p.m. All engineering students are urged to attend these regular meetings. CUTPOW /V/COT//V£ * Replaceable filler in new Frank Medico Cigarette Holders, fillers the smoke. • Cuts down nicotine. • Cuts down irritating tars. • In zephyrweight aluminum. • Special styles for men and women. • $2 with 10 filters, handy pouch and gift box. L S. M. FRANK & CO., INC., NEW YORK 22 ^ : ; X'.j'j • • >■ *- CLUBS New Deadline for All Club Reports Attention of all club reporters is called to a new deadline for all campus group reports. Write-ups on club activities or plans must be turned in to the Battalion office type written not later than 2 p.m. Friday pre ceding publication date. This rule will probably apply also when bi-weekly publication is begun. The Battalion is now makinj; a concentrated effort to give space to those clubs who are having meetings and activities of interest to the student. As has been stated before we are sorely lacking in space and it is because of this that the Batt’s news coverage is not as com plete as it should be. The Editors. Muehlhause Heads Bell County Club Edwin H. Muehlhause of Belton was elected president of the Bell County A. & M. Club for the com ing year in a meeting held Thurs day night, October 10, in the Academic Building. Thomas E. Eubank of Temple was elected vice-president; Millard A. Peters, secretary-treasurer; and John T. M,. Cox, program chairman, all of whom are from Temple. Approximately 35 members at tended the first meeting. Plans for dances to be held in Temple October 26 and during the Christ mas holidays were discussed. Vet Medicine Assn. Dr. Roy T. Dickinson, ’31, of Dallas, spoke at a meeting of the Veterinary Medicine Associatipn in the Vet Hospital, held Tuesday evening. Introduced to the group by Dr. R. D. Turk, Dr. Dickinson spoke on the “Business Practices of the Veterinarian”. He emphasized the fact that neatness and cleanliness are important in order to establish a successful business. Dr. Dickin son then discussed the method of setting up a business, setting forth the rates which are reasonable to charge for services rendered. ! i Announcing... Weldon L. Maples, ’43 from Fort Worth has joined the Central Texas Division of the American General Life Insurance Company. Weldon lettered at guard in 1941 and 1942. He has a B.S. in Econom ics, is married; served with the 84th Division and received the Purple Heart and Combat Infan tryman’s Badge. We welcome him and Mrs. Maples to the commun ity. He has an office over the Ag- gieland Studio at the North Gate. Central Texas Division COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS FORD MUNNERLYN, ’26, District Manager ASSOCIATES... Sidney L. Loveless, ’38 H. E. Burgess, ’29 Weldon I. Maples, ’43 Harry Hooker, ’35 Ray Smith M. M. (Rip) Erskine Colson and Company AGENTS W. N. (Flop) COLSON INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Over Aggieland Studio Phone 4-1132 — Res. Phone 2-7679 THE AMERICAN GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY HOUSTON, TEXAS The Arrival of a New Member to the Staff of Ford Munnerlyn's Agency * 1 Kiwanis to Sponsor Scout Troop No. 112 The College Station Kiwanis Club became the official sponsors of Boy Scout Troop No. 112 Tues day as Scout Commissioner E. K. Beckham presented the charter to Club Vice-President, Joe Sorrels, at the regular Kiwanis luncheon meeting. A delegation of Kiwanians officially installed the committee men and scout masters for the troop at a parents’ night meet ing in Hensel Park. Tuesday’s meeting was featur ed by a group of musical perform ers who were accompanied by Mrs. H. K. Stephenson. Tom Leland, an Aggie student, played two songs without words by Hauser on the cello. Mrs. Bob Hale, a veteran student’s wife, played “Songs My Mother Taught Me” on the flute, and Mrs. William A. Libbie, also a veteran student’s wife, played “Dark Eyes” and “Souvenir” on the violin. Arch Society Hears Houston CP&L Man H. G. Hrivnatz, lighting engi neer for the Houston Power and Light Company, was guest speaker at the Architectural Society meet ing held Tuesday evening, October 15. A brief summary of the fun damentals of lighting illustrated by sound slides was the main sub ject of Mr. Hrivnatz's speech. Two kodachrome movies on the im portance and techniques of light ing in the home and retail estab lishments were then presented. In a short business meeting a forthcoming project of the society was discussed, in which an archi tectural exhibit is planned to be presented first at TSCW and then circulated by the Extension Serv ice at various county fairs through out the state. The exhibit will con sist of recent projects of the Architecture Department and So ciety. Denton County Club At the second meeting of the Denton County A. & M. Club, held Thursday night, J. L. Juf- fines was elected president. Jim Heath will serve as vice-presi dent; George Doris, secretary; Fred Thurman, treasurer; and Ray Rector, reporter. There are 25 men eligible to join this club; however, only 22 were present. Juffines requests all students from Denton County to attend the next meeting, since several social events have been planned. SONIA, the leopard displays his affection toward DAMOO DHO TRE as they will appear in the Sparks Circus at the Bryan show- grounds on October 28. A personification of the circus’ international scope is found in Damoo Dhotre, the celebrated Hindu wild-animal trainer, to be seen with the famous Sparks Cir cus when it appears in all its pre-war glory at the Bryan Show- grounds, South Main Street, on Monday, October 28. Damoo was an eager lad of 10 when he joined Sheller’s Royal Circus in Poons, India, the city of his birth. There was nothing around the circus which young Damoo did not learn to do. He became an acrobat and aerial ar tist; as a trick cyclist he set some sort of record by spanning a 33- foot gap in mid-air on a bicycle. But it was in animal training that Damoo found his true place. He learned to work with all sorts of animals, wild and domestic. Damoo Dhotre traveled through out the Orient—in India, Burma, Ceylon, Indo-China, the Malay States, and the Dutch East Indies. In 1939 he went to Europe and be came a trainer for the great Al fred Court. Soon thereafter he came to the United States, and during his three years in Uncle Sam’s Army, Damoo attained full citizenship. The cats Damoo presents were trained in French, but since com ing to the U. S., “they have become bilingual”, states the Hindu. He is as proficient in English as his native language and has become an American for keeps. Every time we spin a yarn the wife knits her brows. A scientist maintains that it isn’t the eyes that reveal one’s thoughts, but the lower part of the face. Meaning the mouth, of course. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. R. L. Brown, Pastor A Hearty Welcome to Everybody — SUNDAY SERVICES — 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 6:15 p.m. Training Union 10:50 a.m. Morning Worship 7:15 p.m. Evening Worship ONE BLOCK FORM NORTH GATE 01 ...the worlds Id’: most wanted pen • People everywhere know and cherish the Parker “51”. American pen dealers have named Parker the most-wanted pen—rating it ahead of all other well-known makes com* bined. • Today, although still scarce, a few more 51’s are being shipped than heretofore. You should see your dealer soon—and early in the day. • Here is a pen made to highest standards of precision. Its unique hooded point starts writing instantly, smoothly. For the tip is a ball of micro-polished Osmiridi- um. • Only this pen is designed for satis factory use with Parker “51” Ink that dries as it writes! • Three colors. SI2.50; $15.00. Pencils, $5.00; $7.50. Sets, $17.50 to $80.00. The Parker Pen Company, Janesville, Wis consin and Toronto, Canada.