The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 17, 1946, Image 6

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    Page 6
• Replaceable filter in new
Frank Medico Cigarette Holders,
fillers the smoke.
• Cuts down nicotine.
• Cuts down irritating tars.
• In xephyrweight aluminum.
• Special styles formen and women.
• $2 with 10 filters, handy pouch
and gift box.
— - ■ ■* ^ ' u’<'-'’■‘j*' 1 ' * :j
(Continued From Page 1
members and six students—three
cadets and three veterans. The
Hospital Committee will work in
cooperation with the Hospital staff
in devising sound operational pro
cedure and in establishing logical
policies. The Committee will make
.recommendations on matters that
will enable the Hospital to render
more effective and efficient ser
vice to students requiring medica
tion or needing examinations.
The Corps Council:
The Corps Council at present
consists of the Cadet Colonel, one
Regimental Commander, one Com
pany Cmomander from each Regi
ment, President of the Sfenior
Class, President of the Junior
Class, President of the Sophomore
Class and President of the Fresh
man Class. The membership of
the council may be changed upon
recommendation of the council and
approval of the Dean of Men.
The Corps Council will discuss
any matters pertaining to the Ca
det Corps and make recommenda
tions as to desired action. The
recommendations will be submit
ted to the Senior Class for appro
val to the Dean of Men. The
Corps Council shall be particularly
interested in such matters as the
Student Court, student govern
ment, discipline, academics, stu
dent clubs and organizations, re
creation and improvement of
school standards, facilities and
Veterans’ Council:
The Veterans’ Council will con
sist of nine veterans elected by
the veterans enrolled in the Col
lege. This Council will function
exactly in the same manner as the
Corps Council except that it will
College Station^ Newest Clothiers
Genuine Beaver Shortcoats
Regular $55.00 Value
’ $2/51!
Men’s Furnishings
Civilian and Military Clothing
Next Door to Campus Theater
Regulation Uniforms
We have a complete stock of Regulation
Officers Blouses . . . Slacks . . . Pink
Slacks . . . Fish Serge Slacks . . . Flight
Cap and Overseas Caps.
Green Elastique Blouse $37.50
Green Elastique Slacks (high back) $16.50
Pink Elastique Slacks (high back) $16.50
“Fish” Serge Slacks (high back) $10.50
Soph. Flight Weight Caps $ 7.50
Stetson Hats $ 9.00
All-Wool Green Gabardine Shirts $12.50
O. D. Wool Serge Shirts $ 9.00
Two Convenient Stores
College Station — Bryan
Information About
Batt Circulation
Those married veterans living
in Hart and Walton Halls, the
trailer areas, and project areas
who have not presented their
Battalion cards are requested
to mail them to the Student
Activities immediately. Circula
tion to this group is assigned
to Paul Martin who must have
these cards to effect delivery of
the paper. If there are any in
this group who have turned in
their cards and still are not re
ceiving their Battalion, please
drop a line to the Battalion Of
fice to notify the circulation de
Circulation of the Battalion
in the single veteran dorms is
charged to the house masters.
They are receiving compensa
tion from the Student Activities
Office to deliver the Battalion
to each student’s door. All com
plaints are to be turned in to
The mailing list of the Bat
talion was incomplete and de
layed due to the failure of the
A. & M. Press to set up the
addresses but should now be
ready for full distribution.
The Editors.
discuss matters pertaining to vet
eran students and recommenda
tions will be made directly to the
Dean of Men.
Student Council:
The Student Council will con
sist of four members selected by
the Corps Council from its mem
bership, four members of the Vet
erans Council selected by the
Council from its membership, and
one non-military non-veteran stu
This Council will discuss and
solVe problems pertaining to both
the Cadet Corps and the non-mili
tary group. Most problems brought
to the Student Council will come
to it from the Corps Council or
from the Veterans Council.
Student Court:
The Student Court is composed
of six classified Seniors, one clas
sified Junior, one classified Sopho
more, and one classified Fresh
man. The Court will be selected
by the Military Science Depart
ment and will operate under its
The Court will try such discip
line cases for cadets charged with
violation of the rules and regula
tions as established in the Student
Court manual. Minor offenses are
handled by the unit commanders
while more serious offenses are
handled by the Student Court and
a Faculty Discipline Panel.
The Student Court is establish
ed for the purpose of teaching-
proper military court proceeding
and for the purpose of giving the
cadets a fair, and impartial trial
for the violation of the rules and
regulations. The Court is charged
with the responsibility for trying
violations of all rules established
under the Student Court manual.
(Continued From Page 5)
Charlie DeWare, Aggiei “B”
string Coach, has made several
changes in his opening line-up.
The opening line-ups will be as
Texas A&M: Pollock, le; An
drews, It; Carter, Ig; Guly or
Knight, c; Brown, rg; Holmes, rt;
Voiding, re; Wallace, qb; Boswell,
Ih; Anderson, rh; Andricks, fb.
TCU: Charles York, le; Richard
Henderson, It; Frank Seinkewisz,
Ig; Keith Harshbargar, c; Don
Ross, rg; Frank Baker, rt; Bob
Jones, re; Bill Sweet, qb; V. R.
Quinlan, Ih; Jimmy Hunt, rh; John
Mettauer, fb.
y>o Million Vliters Sold
* Reduces nicotine and tars
* Filters Hakes and juices
* Improves tobacco aroma
* Cools and cleanses smoke
)Y / beu filter is stained from
tars and nicotine, replace
with fresh one.
I; Sj
V-, : V
FOR SALE—New Junior Slacks 26-29,
Cheap. Also New Blouse, size 36R. See
Holman, Rm. 85, Leggett.
FOR SALE—Officer’s Blouse, size 40,
$25.00, Rm. 211, Dorm 7.
FOR RENT—Room for single person or
working couple. 4-8899.
FOR SALE—Jr. Blouse (worn but few
times) size 36 or 37. Cap, 2 pairs slacks,
1 wool shirt, Sam Browne belt. Call
LOST—One flight jacket on October 3
around the New Area. See Alves, Rm.
217, Dorm 11.
FOR RENT—-2, nice bedrooms to single
teachers or veterans. Located just off
campus. Phone 4-8669.
WANTED—Stenographic work. Experi
enced typist will do theses, term papers
and miscellaneous typing work. Write
Vivian Taggart, P. O. Box 5558, College
FOR SALE—Senior boots, with spurs
and chains, size 9 1 /., 15% calf. Khaki and
pink boot pants, waist 30. John P. Baker,
Apt. 30Y, Veterans Village.
LOST—One black plastic dog leash,
probably in front of the A. H. Pavilion.
Call 4-4684.
FOR SALE — Junior-Senior uniform,
blouse, size 36, short coat, size 36, cam
paign hat 6 7/8, boots size 8, LL Decitrig
Duplex slide rule. See Mushaway E-5 Hart.
FOR SALE^—Justin Custom made Sr.
boots, size 8C. Pink breeches and O. D.
breeches, 30 waist, all practically new.
Two Wright and Ditson, gut strung ten
nis racquets and tennis net practically
new. J. W. Page, 328 : Milner Drive.
Old Violin for sale, Antonius Stradi-
varius Cremonentis Faciebat Anno 1713.
See Frank Krc, Jr., West 19th Mumford
Highway, Bryan after 5:00 p.m.
Will buy car radio. Y. B. Johnson,
18-H Vet. Village.
FOR SALE—Unused officer’s green
blouse, size 38 and trousers. Project House
1-A, R. G. Parker.
House trailer for sale. 26 foot Liberty
trailer 1942 model with 12'xl2' winterized
porch. Excellent condition. A. & M. Cam
pus Trailer Space H-l.
THE SCRIBE SHOP. Typing, mimeo
graphing, drawing. Phone 2-6705, 1007 E.
23rd, Bryan.
FOR CHRISTMAS—Grre a subscrip
tion to their favorite magazine. Johnson’s
Magazine Agency at College Book Store,
Box 284, Phone 4r8814 or see Paul Person
11-318 or Victor Schultz Co. C Infantry.
Seventh Pet Show
Slated for Thurs.
The seventh annual Pet show
sponsored by the A&M Consoli
dated School Mothers and Dads
Club and the first four grades of
the school, will be held Thursday
evening, Oct. 24 at six o’clock in
the Animal Husbandry Pavilian on
the A&M Campus, it has been
announced by Harry Boyer, chair
man in charge.
Supper, consisting of hot ham
burgers, hot dogs, hot coffee and
bottled drinks will be served at
six o’clock and judging of the pets
will start at 7 o’clock.
Many pets besides dogs are
shown at the exhibit, including in
past years, horses, goats, cats,
chickens, and other fowls, skunks,
fish, foxes, and in fact any pet
that a child wishes to show.
Subject: Dance Accommodations for Ladies
Eo: All Students
1. In compliance with the request of
the Committee in charge. Dormitory 6
will be used to provide accommodations
for visiting girls attending the rodeo and
dance on FRIDAY night, 18 October 1946
and SATURDAY night, 19 October 1946.
2. Students having guests will be as
sessed a charge of $.75 per guest to cover
cost of matron, maid service, and other
incidental expenses. Refunds cannot be
3. Guests staying in the dormitory must
be in not later than 1:00 A.M. SATUR
DAY and 1:00 A.M. SUNDAY. Guests
must check in with the matron upon their
return to the dormitory after the rodeo
dance. When reservations have been made
for the guests, they will not be permitted
to check out until departure for their
homes. This will be done with the matron.
Escorts will be held strictly accountable
for compliance with these instructions.
(Paragraph No. 3 of Memorandum No.
11, dated 8 October 1946, is changed to
read the same as this paragraph).
4. Cadets living in Dormitory 6 must
vacate their rooms by 1:00 P.M., FRI
DAY 18 October 1946.
5. From 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. students
having guests will prepare the rooms for
reception of guests. Students will furnish
linens, towels, etc. Escorts will be held
responsible for all equipment and sup
plies in rooms. •
6. Guests will be admitted to their
rooms at 4:00 P.M. FRIDAY 18 October
1946, and must be vacated by 11:30 A.M.
SUNDAY. Luggage will be removed from
the rooms and the doors locked promptly
at 11:30 A.M. The College cannot be
responsible for persona! property of any
guest or student. <
7. Room assignments may be made by
students living in Dormitory 6 who wish
to reserve own room at 8:00 A.M. WED
NESDAY, 16 October, in the PLACE
MENT OFFICE, Room 126, Administra
tion Building. Other students may reserve
rooms beginning at 8:00 A.M. THURS
DAY, 17 October 1946.
J. W. ROLLINS, Dean of Men.
Ass’t. Dean of Men.
Annex Veterans
Elect Officers
In a special meeting of the Texas
A&M Annex Veterans’ Club Wed
nesday afternoon temporary of
ficers were elected to serve for a
period of one month or more if
necessary to get the club started.
When the membership drive is com
pleted and the club is fully or
ganized a general election will be
held for the purpose of electing
permanent officers. The following
temporary officers were elected
yesterday afternoon: John Laufen-
burg, president; Howard Bun-
baugh, vice-president; Glenn Peter
son, secretary; and William Brown,
A membership drive committee
was elected (all the names of
which were not available) to get
the membership campaign under
way and to formulate plans for
the first dance of this club to be
held on November 2, 1946. An invi
tation to the veterans on the cam
pus in the corp and to 5-5 per
sonnel is extended to join this
club. Membership dues are dol
lar ($1.00) per semester.
Special for Ex-Servicemen—LIFE or
TIME $3.60 per year. Johnson’s Magazine
Agency, Box 284, College Book Store. Phone
FOR SALE—Lot for better type home
in South Oakwood on Jackson between
Pershing and Lee. Bob Cherry % Agricul
tural Experiment Station.
WANTED—Band musical instruments.
Any kind. Tom Sweeney, 2-7225.
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Copyright 1$M6, Liccnrr & Myers Tobacco Co.