The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 10, 1946, Image 5

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Page 5
Aggies Tackle LSU Tigers in Baton Rouge Sat
• •
• •
On Kyle Field
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• •
Odell Stautzenberger again help
ed his cause along for All-Con
ference honors Saturday in the
game with the Sooners. He start
ed in the game with Tech the
week before and continued in his
climb Saturday. , Stautzenberger
threw the block that cleared out
th efirst of the opposition to
Flanagan in his 72-yard touch
down run and he was also in on
most of the plays that held the
Sooners when they were on our
goal line.
Stautzenberger has played very
consistent football in all three
of the games the Aggie have play
ed thus far in the season and if he
continues to play this brand of
ball he is a cinch for All-Confer
ence. It is even possible that he
could make an All-American dream
New Name
New Building
New Merchandise
Every Aggie is cordially
invited to inspect'College
Station’s Newest Clothiers.
Military and Civilian Cloth
ing and Furnishings. New
arrivals daily.
Next to Campus Theater
The Aggie student body
was taken care of in the usual
way last Saturday afternoon
at Norman at the A&M-O. U.
football game. The corps was
seated on the goal line and
as high up in the stands as
possible. I understand that it
is necessary on out-of-town
games to seat the corps at the
top of the stands as they stand
up throughout the game; some
of the other schools object to
this practice, but that is no
excuse for placing them on the
goal line. If the team is going
to play most of its games on
the road, as it does, the stu
dents who follow the team
should at least be furnished
with decent seats when they
get to the game.
There were quiet a few mistak
es in the officiating of the game
in Norman last week end that were
very visible from the press box.
We are not saying that the Aggies
would have won the game had the
officiating been more accurate but
they could have made it look some
what legal.
On several instances the Soon
ers would draw a fifteen yard
penalty and the referee would use
his SHORT legs and step off only
13 or possibly 14 but on the other
hand when the Ags lacked five
yards for a first down and they
drew a five yard penalty for off
sides it would be noted that after
the referee had finished stepping
off the penalty the Aggies would
be at least one yard behind where
the series of downs started and
sometimes as much as two yards.
These were not isolated cases as
the whole press staff commented
on them at different times and
toward the end of the game the
sport writers were checking the
officials very closely on this type
of error.
Another very bad mistake the
officials made came early in the
second quarter when the Ags
had a third down with two need
ed for a first. They went into a
huddle and the side line marker
showed that it was third down,
then they came out of the huddle
the marker had been changed and
it then showed fourth down.
Another huddle was called immed
iately and a kick ordered. This
made the Aggies kick on third
down when they only needed two
for a first. This one time may not
All-Conference Bound
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“I also purchase all manner of things for the Bell Tele
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$2,000,000,000 in full swing . . . I’m busier than ever.
“Remember my name ... it’s Western Electric.”
Western Electric
mgtx Lir^i
James Carl Winkler, 210 pound
Aggie guard, has one letter and
three years to go. Hailing from
Temple, Winkler is an Animal
Husbandry major and has had
experience as both guard and tack
le, making All-District in high
Now in his second year at A&M,
he goes out for both football and
Weldon Odell Stautzenberger,
Aggie guard from San Antonio
who, after three years with the
Marines during which time he
took part in the Guam, Bougain
ville and Okinawa campaigns, has
enrolled in A&M from NTAC and
is a first string guard with four
years of eligibility left.
Also a member of the track
team, Stautzenberger made All-
District in high school and was
All-Conference at N.T.A.C.
Closing Second’s Field
Goal Wins For Sooners
The Ag-s lost for the second
week in a row this week when
they went down to the highly
favored Oklahoma team by the
score of 10-7.
The Sooners scored their touch
down in the second quarter when
McNabb of OU blocked Barney
Welch’s kick and Trotter of OU
recovered on the Aggie five. The
Aggie line held for three downs
then Mitchell carried the ball
through the left side of the line
for the score. Wallace of OU then
kicked the extra point and the
score was Sooners 7, Aggies 0.
The Aggie score came early in
the second half. Flanagan took a
37 yard kick from Davis of OU,
and ran it 72 yards for a TD
Stautzenberger, Aggie guard,
have meant anything in this
game but it could have been the
winning or losing play.
I have not checked with
Coach Norton on this but it is
my opinion that the referee
who handled Saturday’s game
will never handle another for
the Aggies.
Here I go again on trying to
pick them. So far this season my
batting average is close to nill
but I keep on trying.
To start things off I take
the Aggies over LSU. To some
this sounds foolish but on the
basis of the improvement
shown during the week before
the Sooner game I am stick
ing with the Aggies. Texas
Christian over Miami, Texas
over Oklahoma University,
Rice to best Tulane, Arkan
sas to floor Baylor, Oklahoma
A&M to bury SMU, and the
romping Red Raiders to re
main undefeated when they
take on Tulsa.
threw the block that started Flan
agan on his jaunt, then some
fancy running and excellent down
field blocking tied the ball up at
The game then see-sawed from
one end of the field to the other
till late in the fourth quarter when
the Sooners returned Hollmig’s 32
yard up-wind punt back to the Ag
gie 25. On the first play Shefts
tossed Royal for an eleven yard
loss. The next play Royal took
the ball on a reverse and was
knocked out of bounds by Flana
gan on the Aggies 6 after a
thirty yard run. The Sooners then
had a first down with goal to go
on the Farmer’s six, but the Ag
line held them for only a one yard
gain for two attempts, and then
a five yard penalty for too much
time in the huddle set them back
making it third down on the Ag
9. Wallace then kicked a field goal
from the Aggie nine with only
forty seconds left in the game.
The Aggies took the ball on
their own twenty but only had
time for two more plays before
the time ran out ending the game
10-7 in favor of the Oklahoma
By Cliff Ackerman
Plans for placing the Intramural
Athletic Program in the hands of
Intramural Departmental Mana
gers selected from Sophomore and
Junior students has been announc
ed by C. G. “Spike” White, Di
rector of Intramural Athletics.
The Departmental Manager Plan
was in operation at A&M up until
the war at which time it had to
be discontinued. Under this plan,
student departmental managers
actually operated the Intramural
Program under the supervision of
the director. They officiated
games, arranged athletic schedules
and took care of all Athletic equip
All students who are interested
in helping operate the Intramural
Program should attend the meet
ing to be held for prospective man
agers on Monday, October 15 at
5 p.m. in the Intramural Office.
Entries for the Intramural open
handball tournament are due in
at the Intramural Office on or
before Monday, October 14th. Sin
gle and doubles, single elimination
matches will be played and any
student of A. & M. may enter.
Play will start October 21st and
awards of Official Sterling Intra
mural Metals will be made to the
Class A basketball is moving
along nicely with stars burning up
the hardwoods of the courts and
new outstanding players are com
ing to the front daily.
Playing a very hot game the Vet
eran Village team held on to a 3
to 0 lead in the last quarter of
their game with Dorm No. 11 and
sparked by Nesbitt and Parrish
won the game 11 to 6. Stevens led
C Field in the scoring to win over
“B” Cavalry. Playing an overtime
period Hains made a goal to give
“F” Field the edge over “D” Inf.
14 to 12. Andrews took the scor
ing honors when he scored 14
points in “A” Quartermaster’s
won over “G” Inf. 20 to 14.
Flag Football
“F” Inf. took two fast games
from “C” Eng. as Cavitt kept his
team going t oa 15-5, 15-2 victory.
McMillan led “E” Field to a
hard fought win over “A” Quar
termaster 17-15. In a close match
Barnett led his team to a victory
over Dorm No. 16 by the scores
18-16, 14-16, 15-10.
the A&M-Okla-
Okla. U.
Statistics of
homa U. game:
3 First Downs
8 Net yds. rushing 205
79 Farward pass, yardage 86
15 Farward pass, attempted 12
5 Farwards Completed 3
3 Interceptions by 1
27.4 Av. yardage by punts 34.5
31 Yds. lost on Penalties 139
Final score 10
L. S. U.
Baton Rouge
Texas A.&M.
Texas U.
Oklahoma Univ.
New Orleans
Texas Tech
Miami, Fla.
T. C. U.
Okla. A.&M.
S. M. U.
Would you
make a good
announcer 1
It may sound easy over the air,
but it’s really a tough, tiring, nerve-
racking business. You have to spout
as many as 600,000 words in a football
season, and heaven help you if your
tongue slips! In today’s Saturday Eve
ning Post, Pete Martin tells you just
how tricky a job it is; he gives you a
fascinating play-by-play description of
ace sports announcer Byruin Saam in
action. Be sure not to miss this lively
article in the new Post.
He Talks a Wonderful Touchdown
Aggies Journey to Baton
Rouge For Fourth Game
Texas Aggies - LSU Tigers Stage
Eighteenth Match Saturday, Nov. 12
This week the Aggies face a highly optimistic LSU
eleven fresh from a 13 to 6 win over Mississippi State and
a 7 to 6 win over Rice on a muddy field. A. & M., in prev
ious years, has won nine of the seventeen games played
with LSU and tied two.
Ag B Team Loses
To Owlets 13-6
In a hard played, evenly match
ed game at Kyle field at 3:00
o’clock Friday afternoon, the Rice
Owlets trimmed the Aggie Bs
with a score of 13 to 6.
Rice, with an admittedly good
team, trailed the Aggies all dur
ing the first half in which the
Cadets with a seriese of rushes
and passes had things pretty much
their own way.
After a series of fast plays
that put them well up into pay
territory Beesley, Aggie quarter
back, carried the ball over with an
end play to put the Aggies ahead
6 to 0.
Toward the end of the third
quarter, a quick kick by Beesley
was blocked and recovered by
Strain of Rice on the Aggie 24
yard line. After that a double re
verse play featuring Owlets New-
bill and Barker carried the ball
over to pay dirt, the T. D. being
made by Barker and making the
score 6-6.
In the fourth quarter a pass
from Newbill to Worrell put Rice
on the Aggie 24 and a double re
verse by Reininger, Shirocky and
Burt payed off, giving the Owls
an additional six points. A well
placed kick then gave them a lead
of 13 to 6 with four minutes to
Aggie B - Randolph
Match Canceled
The game between the Texas
A&M “B” team and Randolph
Field that was scheduled for Octo
ber 11 at Kyle field has been can
Coach Homer Norton received
a telegram Wednesday morning
Coach Bernie Moore’s Tigers
have made a creditable record thus
far this year with two wins in two
games against tough opponents.
They have back with them 9 of the
eleven ’45 regulars plus twenty-
two former lettermen.
Sparked by Jim Cason, Gene
“Red” Knight and Y. A. Tittle, a
product of Victoria, Texas, the
Tigers have been rated eleventh
in the nation by Paul Williamson
as compared to thirty-first for the
Aggies. However, according to sev
eral commentators, including Bill
Stern, the Aggies are in a better
than ever position to stage a
comeback that would put them
again up toward the top of the
The starting linp-up for the
Tigers will be Clyde Lindsey and
Abner Wimberly at the terminals,
Walter “Piggy” Barnes and Fred
Land at the tackle posts, Russ
Foti and Wren Worley at the
guard positions, and Sheldon
‘•'Buck” Ballard at the pivot. The
backfield will include Gene “Red”
Knight at fullback, Ray Coatesta,
left half, Don Sandifer at right
wing, and Y. A. Tittle under the
T at quarter.
The probable starting line-up foi
the Aggies will be Howell at left
end, Dickel at left tackle, Staut
zenberger at left guard, Gary at
center, Winkler at right guard,
Moncrief at right tackle, Higgins
at right end, Hallmark at quar
terback, Welch at left half, Goode
at right half and Scott at fullback.
The medical profession is the
only one that works continually
+o destroy itself.
that stated in effect that the
commanding general of the flying
training command expressed his
regrets but due to military neces
sity, the game between the Aggie
“B” team and Randolph field
must be canceled. The telegram
was signed by the commander of
the AAFTS.
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the comfort
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comfort, plus fine tailoring and
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Come in and see the fine selection
we have in Jackets, Sport Coats,
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