The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 10, 1946, Image 4

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BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council
of the City of College Station, Texas:
That the following regulations govern
ing sub-divisions are hereby adopted:
Application by the owner, or his auth
orized ' representative, for approval of a
plan of sub-division of land shall be
made in writing to the City Planning
Commission of the City of College Stat
ion, Texas. The Plan of subdivision shall
be such as to meet the minimum require
ments as detailed herein under Section
A preliminary plat shall be submitted
for examination; and to receive consider
ation at the next subsequent meeting of
the commission, shall be filed with the
N. Gate — Phone 4-4444
Secretary of the Commission not less
than five days prior to such meeting.
Previous to submission of a prelimi
nary plat, subdividers are invited to dis
cuss with the Planning Commission or
its staff preliminary studies or sketches
or problems.
Tentative Approval
After reference of the preliminary
plat to the technical adviser of the
Commission for review and report as to
street and lot layout, and other features
of the plan, and as to compliance with
these regulations, and after such negot
iations with the applicant for changes in
the plat as the Commission may deem
advisable, the Commission shall, within a
reasonable time, pass upon th6 prelimin
ary plat as originally submitted or modi
fied and, if approved, shall express its
tentative approval, and if disapproved,
shall express its disapproval and its
reasons therefor.
If such action be one of approval, such
appoval shall not constitute a final
acceptance of the plat and shall not be
noted on the plat, but shall be deemed
merely an expression of approval of the
layout submitted on the preliminary plat.
The final approval of the final plat for
record will be considered only after the
requirements outlined herein under Sect
ion C shall have been fulfilled.
Preliminary Plat
Three copies of the preliminary plat
shall accompany the written applicat
ion submitted to the Commission. The
plat shall comply with the provisions,
contain the information, and be accom
panied by the material required under
the provisions of Section D, and as may
be required by the Commission in pur
suance of such provisions.
Final Plat
The final or record subdivision plat
shall be prepared and submitted to the
Commission in triplicate by the owner
of the property or his authorized repre
sentative within one year after the
approval of the preliminary plat; other
wise the approval of the preliminary
plat shall become null and void unless
an extension of time is applied for and
the application is granted by the Com
The final plat shall comply with and
shall contain the complete data as re
quired under Section E, and shall be ac
companied by such other data or mater
ial as is described in Section E. Three
reproductions of all final or record plats
and of the index sheet, if any, shall be
All forms, such as endorsements, dedi
cations and certificates, insofar as requir
ed to be entered on the plat, shall be in
accordance with the standards of the Com
mission, as on file in the office of its
Rev. R. L. Brown, Pastor
9:45 a.m. Sunday School 6:15 p.m. Training Union
10:50 a.m. Morning Worship 7:15 p.m. Evening Worship
Secretary and except where otherwise re
quired or permitted, shall be signed by
the owner of the property. The duplicate
and triplicate of the final plat shall con
tain all signatures, endorsements, dedicate
ions and certificates and shall be left
with the commission for its files or trans
mission to other departments.
The following shall be considered as
minimum requirements and will ordinarily
be varied by the Commission only under
the conditions and circumstances set forth
in these regulations.
1. Conformity to Official Plan or Map
Subdivisions shall be in harmony with
the master plan and / or the official map
of the city.
2. Relation to Adjoining Street System
In so far as the master plan or official
map does not indicate the size, location,
direction and extent of a street, and sub
ject to the regulations hereinafter specif
ied regarding definite minimum widths,
the arrangement of streets in a subdivision
shall provide for the continuation of the
principal streets in the adjoining subdivis
ions, or of their proper projection when
adjoining property is not subdivided, and
shall be of a width at least as' great as
that of such existing streets. A. Where, in
the opinion of the Commission, topo
graphical conditions make such continuan
ce or conformity impracticable, or B. in
cases where the Commission itself adopts
a plan or plat of a neighborhood or area
of which the subdivision is a part and this
plan or plat provided coordinations with
the street system of the city different
from that of said continuations or pro
jections of existing streets and the sub
divider’s plat conforms to such neigh
borhood or area plat or plan of the Com
mission, the Commision may approve the
subdivider’s plat.
Where the plat submitted covers only a
part of the subdivider’s tract, a sketch of
the prospective future street system of the
unsubmitted part shall be furnished and
the street system of the part submitted
shall be considered in the light of ad
justments and connections with the street
system of the part not submitted.
Where a tract is subdivided into lots of
an acre or more, the commission my re
quire an arrangement of lots and streets
such as to permit a later resubdivision in
conformity with the street requirements
specified in these regulations .
3. Access
There shall be no reserve strips controll
ing access to streets, except where the
control of such strips in definitely placed
in the city under conditions approved by
the Commission. - The subdividing of the
land shall be such as to provide each lot,
by means of either a public street or
way or permanent easement, with satis
factory access to an existing public high
way or to a thoroughfare as shown on
an official map or master plan.
4. Street Widths
The minimum width for main thorough
fares shall be as shown on the city’s
master plan or official map shall, when
not indicated on such master plan or
offical map, be not less than sixty (60)
feet; for minor streets, fifty (60) feet;
and for local service streets not over
four hunded (400) feet in length, forty
(40) feet. These widths shall be measur
ed from lot line to lot line. In cases where
the typography or other physical con
ditions make a street of the required mini
mum width impracticable, the Commiss
ion may modify the above requirements.
A half street along adjoining property
may be approved.
5. Rounding Street Corners
Whenever necessary to permit the con
struction of curbs having a minimum rad
ius of 25 feet at street corners with
out curtailing the sidewalk to less than
normal width, the property line at such
street corners shall be rounded or other
wise set back sufficiently to permit such
construction. Normally the radius on the
property line shall be not less than ten
(10) feet. Larger radii may be required
by the Commission, when, in its opinion,
such design is advisable.
6. Easements
Except where alleys of not less than
llttle suit dress
°t soft W00l> ih black skir[ a ^
COntra ^ with the bright red jacket-top.
button cuffs, clever torso darts and a
of fresh white collar, all 1
clever bra* buckle fastenings,
: h Oi ^ s |*35°0
Jr. Dept., 2nd Floor
fifteen (16) feet are provided for the
purpose, the Commission may require ease
ments, not exceeding six (6) feet, on
each side of all rear lot lines, and on
side lot lines where necessary or, in the
opinion of the Commission, advisable, for
poles, wires, conduits, storm and sanitary
sewers, gas, water and heat mains or
other utility lines. Easements of the same
or greater width may be required along
the lines of or across lots where necessary
for the extension of the existing or plan
ned utilities.
If in the opinion of the Commission the
most suitable and reasonable locations
for any of the utilities, such as sewers,
storm drains, water and gas pipes and
electric pole lines and conduits, which are
likely to be required within a subdivis
ion, either for the service thereof or for
service of areas in the surrounding territ
ory, do not lie wholly within the streets,
including alleys if any, shown upon the
plat, the commission may require,in so
for as reasonable, provision to be made for
the location of such utilities on routes else
where than within said streets, either by
the dedication of public easements for the
same as part of the plat or by the filing
of supplementary instruments which v^ill
adequately protect the public interest in
the proper location of said utilities.
Streets designed to have one end per
manently closed (Culs de sac) shall be pro
vided at the closed end with a turn-around
roadway having a minimum radius for the
outside curb of at least thirty (30) feet.
8. Grade of Streets
Street grades shall not exceed five per
cent for main thoroughfares' and five
per cent for minor streets; nor be less
than one half of one per cent at the gut
ter. Variation from these grades may, how
ever, be permitted by the Commission
where advisable to adjust to topographi
cal conditions.
9. Intersection Angles
As far as practicable, acute angles be
tween streets at their intersections are to
be avoided, and where a deflection angle
of more than ten degrees in a street line
occurs at any point between two inter
secting streets a curve of reasonably long
radius is to be introduced.
10. Block Lengths
Interesting streets shall be so laid out
that blocks between streets lines shall be
not more than twelve hundred (1200)
feet in length; except that where, in the
opinion of the Commission, extraordinary
conditions unquestionably justify a de
parture from this minimum, the Commiss
ion may require or permit greater distances
between street lines. In blocks over six
hundred (600) feet in length, the Com
mission may require, at or near the middle
of the block, a public cross walk not less
than fifteen (16) feet in width for foot
11. Block Widths
The widths of blocks preferably shall be
such as to allow two tiers of lots, unless ex-
he '
the Commission, such as to render this re-
lirement undesirable.
ceptional conditions are, in the opinion of
12. Lot Arrangement
In all quadrangular lots, and so far as
practicable all other lots, the side lines
shall be at right angles to straight street
lines or radial to curved street lines. An
arrangement placing adjacent lots at right
angles to one another shall be avoided
where practicable.
13. Lot Sizes
The minimum dimensions for residence
lots shall be such that in no case shall
a residence lot contain less than > Five
thousand square feet (5,000). Corner lots
shall have such extra width as will per
mit the establishment of building lines in
both streets. Where alleys are shown, the
Commission may limit the depth of lot
for the purpose of preventing future alley
lots or buildings or my require the es
tablishment of building lines along the
alley adequate for the conversion of such
alley into a minor street.
14. Building Restrictions
If the subdivision does not lie within the
force and effect of an existing zoning
lission may require
provision for minimum front, side and
read yards.
15. Neighborhood Unit
These regulations concerning minor and
local street and court widths, dead-end
streets, block lengths and widths, and
the size of lots, may be modified by the
emission in the case of a plat for a
new town or other large tract of land
which provides a community plan with
a building-development plan and recreat
ional or other community open spaces
adequate, in the opinion of the Commis
sion, for the circulational, recreational,
light and air needs of the tract when fully
developed and populated and which pro
vides for such legal restrictions or other
legal status as will assure the carrying out
of the plan in its entirety.
16. Tree Planting
The planting of street trees is optional
with the subdivider, but if done, planting
plans in duplicate must be submitted to
the Commission and receive its approval
before planting of street trees is begun.
17. Public Open Spaces
Where a small park or other neighbor
hood recreational open space shown on an
official map or on a plan made and
adopted by the Commission is located in
whole on in part in the applicant’s sub
division, the Commission may require the
dedication or reservation of such open
space within the subdivision for park,
playground or other recreational purposes,
in those cases in which the Commission
deems such requirement to be reasonable.
1. Final Approval
The Commission will consider approval
of the final plat for record only after
monuments have been installed in accord
ance with the specifications given here
under and after there shall have’ been
filed with the Commission.
A certificate from the City En
gineer that all streets shown on
the plat have been graded and im
proved and sewerage and water
utilities and facilities have been
installed in accordance with the
city’s specifications; or
An assessment petition, approved
by the city attorney, whereby the
city is put in assured position to
make these improvements and in
stall these utilities and facilities at
any time and without cost to the
city ; or
A duly completed and executed
bond, certified by the city attorney
as valid and enforceable by the
city and in an amount and with
surety satisfactory to the Commiss
ion, securing the making and in
stallation of these improvements,
utilities and facilities within the
period fixed by the Commission;
A certified check, drawn on an
approved bank and available to the
city and adequate for the complet
ion of these improvements utilities
and facilities.
2. Monuments
Monuments shall be placed at all
block corners, angle points, points of
curves in streets, and at such intermedi
ate points by the Commission. The monu
ments shall be of such material, size and
length as may be fixed as a standard by,
or approved by, the Commission.
1. Scale
The scale of the preliminary plat is
optional but shall not be smaller than
two hundred (200) feet to one (1) inch.
2. Information to be Shown
The preliminary plat shall show:
(a) The location of then existing prop
erty lines, streets buildings, water
courses, railroad, utilities and other
similar features.
(b) The names, locations, widths, and
other dimensions of proposed
streets, alleys, easements, parks,
and other open spaces, reservat
ions, lot lines, building lines and
(c) The approximate location in the
adjoining streets or property of
existing sewers and water mains,
culverts and drain pipes, electric
conduits or lines proposed to be
used on the property to be sub
divided, and invert elevations of
sewers at points of proposed con
(d) The title under which the pro
posed subdivision is to be recorded,
with the names and addresses of
the owner and the technical author
of the plan; and a notation stat
ing the acreage.
(e) The names of subdivisions immedi
ately adjacent; also the location
and names of adjacent streets and
other public spaces on immediately
adjoining properties.
(f) All parcels of land proposed to be
dedicated to public use and the
condition of such dedication, if any.
(g) When requested by the Commiss
ion, contours at vertical inter
vals of not more than five (5)
feet where the slope is greater
than ten per cent and not more
than two (2) feet where the slope
is less than ten per cent. Ele
vations shall be marked on such
contours based on a datum plane
arppoved by the City Engineer.
(h) Date, north point, and scale.
(i) When required by the Commiss
ion the preliminary plat shall be
accompanied by profiles showing
existing ground surface and pro
posed street grades, including ex
tensions for a reasonable distance
beyond the limits of the propos
ed subdivision; typical cross-sect-
ions of the proposed grading,
roadway and sidewalks; and pre
liminary plan of proposed sani
tary and storm water sewers
with grades and sizes indicated.
All elevations shall be based oh
a datum plane approved by the
City Engineer.
(j) The preliminary plat shall be
accompanied by a plan indicating
the use of the lots proposed by
the subdivider whether for one-
family dwellings, multi-family
housing business or industrial pur
poses, and copies shall be sub
mitted of the proposed documents
or instruments whereby the use,
building line, open space and
other restrictions are proposed by
the subdivider to be imposed.
1. Drafting Standards
The final plat shall be drawn upon
tracing cloth to a scale of not less
than 100 feet to an inch; provided that
when more than one sheet is required,
and index sheet of the same size shall
be filed showing the entire subdivision
on one sheet with block and lot numbers.
2. Data Required on Plat
The final plat shall comply with and
shall contain the data specified in the
(a) The lines and names of all pro
posed streets or other ways or
easements and other open spaces
intended to be dedicated for pub
lic use or granted for use of in
habitants of the subdivision ; also
lines of all adjoining streets.
(b) The length of all straight lines,
deflection angles, and radii, arcs
and central angles of all curves,
along the property lines of each
dimensions along the lines
of each lot, with the true bear
ings and angles of intersection
which they make with each other
and also any other data neces
sary for the location of all build
ing lines proposed to be improved
by the subdivider. If more con
venient, calculated bearings may
be used instead of angles.
(c) Suitable primary control points,
approved by the City Engineer,
or descriptions and “ties” to such
control points, to which all di
mensions, angles,
similar data given
shall be referred,
shall be shown in
mals of a foot.
(d) The location of all permanent
(e) The names of all subdivisions im
mediately adjacent; or when ad-
adjoining property is not a re
corded subdivision, the names of
the owners thereof; and the
book and page where adjoining
subdivisions on tracts are re
(f) Date, title, north point and scale.
The title shall include the name
of the subdivision under which
it is to be recorded. The north
point may indicate either the
magnetic or true north and shall
be so designated on the plat.
(g) The boundary of the subdivided
tract, with courses and distances
marked thereon. Such boundry
shall be determined by survey in
the field, which shall be balanced
and closed, made by a qualified
engineer or surveyer and certifi
ed to be correct.
3. Other Data Required
(a) All required forms such as endor
sements, dedications and certifi
cates. ,
(b) The final plat shall be accompan
ied by the following: A certifi
cate of title showing the owner
ship of the land to be in the sub
divider or his principal or other
applicant for approval.
(c) Pofiles of streets showing grades
approved by the City Engineer.
Such profiles shall be drawn to
city standard scales and elevat
ions shall be based on a datum
plane approved by the City En
(d) If the subdivision does not lie
within the force and effect of an
existing zoning ordinance, a plan
showing ’ the proposed use, yard,
area and other restrictions on
each lot within the subdivision;
and a statement of the provis
ions and instruments whereby
bearings and
on the plat
All dimensions
feet and deci-
such building lines, minimum
yard and use restrictions will
be imposed.
For the purpose of these regulations,
certain words used herein are defined,
as follows:
Plat—The map, drawing or chart on
which the subdivider’s plan of subdiv
ision is presented an which he suomits
for approval and intends in final form to
Master Plan—The comprehensive plan
made by the planning commission or
other official planning organ which in
dicates the general locations recommend
ed for various functional classes of pub
lic works, places and structures (streets,
parks, public buildings, etc.).
Official Map—The map on which the
planned locations, particularly of streets
are indicated with detail and exactness
so as to furnish the basis for proper
ty acquisition or building restriction.
Building Line—A line on a plat indi
cating the limit beyond which buildings
or structures may not be erected.
Passed and approved this the 12th day
of Sept., A. D. 1946.
Ernest Langford, Mayor
Approved: N. M. McGinnis, City Sec’ty
(Continued From Page 3)
ficate of commendation from the
Navy Department.
On the basis of their experience
with GIs, Whittemore and Lowe
are including’ in each appearance
of their present concert tour a
group of numbers they found to be
most popular with service person
nel. In all, they now have a reper
toire of 175 numbers in their own
arrangements, of which seventeen
are of the popular school.
(Continued From Page 3)
dollars to the winner. Mona’s
friends knew that she could sing
and dared her to compete. Mona
was terrified at the idea but at
fourteen fear vanishes promptly
in the face of a “dare”. So she
marched up and sang—“Reaching
for the Moon”—an auspicious and
significant title. And the moment
the audience burst into enthusias
tic applause and the manager
presented her with the prize, Mona
decided to be a singer.
The decision was easily made but
the realization was hard won. To
begin with, the depression hit the
country and there was no money
in the Paulee family for vocal les
sons. Jobs were difficult to find—
almost impossible when you were
an inexperienced girl. But Mona
found one in a bakery and poorly *
though it was—twelve dollars a
week—she stuck to it in order to
pay for the lessons she needed. ^
Miss Paulee’s activities have
not been confined to opera. She
has appeared as soloist on the Ford
Hour, the Coca Cola Hour, the
Columbia Broadcasting System’s
“Invitation to Music”, “The Music
America Loves Best” and on
“World of Song”. On the last-nam
ed program, featuring former win
ners of the “Metropolitan Opera
Auditions of the Air,” Miss Paulee
was guest soloist four times—three
in less than two months.
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