The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 10, 1946, Image 1

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    Front Page Feature
The Batt Problem
Texas A*M
The B
See Page 3—
Town Hall Presents
Disciplinary System Now
Undergoing Modification
Dean Rollins and Col. Meloy Classify
Punishment Under Two Major Groups
Pictured above from left to right are the leaders of the Junior
Class. They are: Nathaniel “Jug” Leatherwood of “A” Battery
Coast Artillery, President; Jack Adams of “A” Troop Cavalry, Vice-
President; and Marvin Jones of “B” Battery Field Artillery, Secretary-
Action to Be Taken
By Dean or Military,
According to Offense
The entire disciplinary system
for the Cadet Corps of Texas A.
& M. is being revised.
According to John W. Rollins,
dean of men, there will be two
types of punishment under the
new system; punishment imposed
by a company commander and
punishment given after trial by a
student court.
For minor offenses such as be
ing out of uniform or creating a
disturbance in the dormitory, the
amount and type of punishment
will be set by the company com
mander. He can give demerits,
place one upon restriction, or he
can assign offenders a tour of
duty in the bull rinff. In any case
he fills out a charge sheet stat
ing the offense and what punish
ment is to be imposed upon the
This charge sheet goes to the
P.M.S. & T. and from there it is
sent to the office of the dean of
men where it is reviewed and
either approved, disapproved or
reduced in severity.
The trial by student court will
handle all major offenses such as
drinking intoxicants on the cam
pus, disturbing the peace and
possession of liquor or firearms
in the dormitories. This court will
have the power to suggest that of
fenders be dismissed from school
if thought necessary.
A table of maximum punish
ments for all offenses is now be
ing worked out by the Corps Coun
cil. This table will prescribe how
severe the disciplinary action shall
be for a military or “Aggie Way of
Life” violation.
Such a revision was considered
necessary to make sure that per
sonalities and prejudice do not in
terfere with the administration of
justice by unit commanders, and
in order that offenses will be pun
ished with the same relative se
verity by all organization com
In the past, most offenders were
given demerits and were required
to walk off all demerits over a
certain number in the bull ring. As
this was done on Saturday, it was
hardly possible to leave the cam
pus on a week end when bull ring
duty had to be done. Under the
new system there will be a bull
ring conducted by the Military
Science Department but under the
office of the Dean of Men.
Dean Rollins states that the
changte will take place as soon as
a few minor details are straight
ened out.
Academic Building
Again Littered With
That Pale TU Orange
On Tuesday afternoon the mo
notonous silence of the Academic
Building was shattered as if a
China closet loaded with cut glass
had dropped from, the heavens
above. It was merely an Aggie
architect heading from class laden
with fifteen bottles of paint. The
only jar of paint which “busted”
was Tu orange, and it ran in all
directions—in typical Tu style!
The guilty party held his head
in shame as he tried to mop up
his mess. At this time the architect
student can hold his head high and
say, “We can now literally walk
all over that Tu orange!”
Seniors W arned to
Order Miniature
Rings By Oct. 15
Mrs. Dell Bauer, senior ring
clerk in the Registrar’s office,
warns all graduating seniors who
want miniature rings for their
sweethearts to do so prior to Oc
tober 15, in order to insure de
livery in time for the winter sea
son social activities.
Miniature rings cost $2.14 this
year, all of which are the same
weight and finish. There is no
choice of selection as is the case
in ordering senior rings.
Although the deadline date for
ordering the smaller rings is Oc
tober 15, orders for senior rings
are sent to the factory on the
first of each month. The process
of receiving rings requires about
one month, while delivery on the
miniatures takes eight weeks.
October 20: 3 p.m., Strauss
Festival, Concert Orchestra, di
rected by Oscar Straus.
Nov. 6: Whittemore and
Lowe, Duo-Pianists.
Nov. 18: Lawrence Tibbett,
Famous American Baritone.
Jan. 15: Dr. Franz J. Polgar,
Hypnotist, last season’s hit, re
turned by popular request.
Jan. 28: Patricia Travers, Vio
Feb. 20: Donald Dickson, Pop
ular Radio Baritone.
Other attractions, including
the Sam Houston A Capella
Choir and Aggieland’s Singing
Cadets, will be announced later.
Week-End Western
Atmosphere Agrees
With Aggie Rodeo
Filing Deadline for
Events October 15;
Cowboy Garbs Obeyed
Tuesday, October 15 ,will be the
last day for persons wishing to
enter the Aggie Rodeo as con
testants, it was announced by
Prince Wood, arena and rodeo di
All contestants must pay the
entrance fee of $5.00 for each
night they plan to participate be
fore 6 p. m. on October 15. A rep
resentative of the Saddle and Sir
loin Club will be in the Animal
Husbandry library in the Animal
Industries building between 1 p.
m. and 6 p. m. on this date for
the purpose of collecting fees.
Contestants under 21 years of
age must secure a written state
ment for their parents releasing
the college of all responsibility in
case of injury to the contestant
concerned. This must be done be
fore final entry can be made, Wood
Aggies entered in the Saddle
and Sirloin Rodeo must sign a
waiver of responsibility before
they are permitted to partici
pate. The paper should be sign
ed in Room 207, Animal In
dustries Building, Mr. Gray’s
office. Boys under 21 must have
the consent of their parents.
It was also announced by Morty
L. Mertz, president of the Saddle
and Sirloin Club that the Com
mandant has authorized the wear
ing of western clothing by the Ca
det Corps on Friday, October 18
from retreat to reveille on Satur
day, October 19, and from imme
diately after the football game on
Saturday afternoon until reveille,
Sunday morning.
As of Monday afternoon, Octo
ber 7, there had been a total of
43 entries in the five events,
with 32 contestants participating.
In the calf-roping contest there
were 13 entries; 6 entries were
(See RODEO, Page 2)
So you want a place to live. . .
So you’re getting married during
the Christmas holidays and need
a home for two. . •. .
For the benefit of those mathe
matically inclined and for those
who are considering an investment
in a trailer house, the Registrar,
Chief of Housing, The Veterans
Administration, and the Dean of
Men put their heads together and
emitted the following figures and
It has been found that, as of
this date, A. & M. College of
Texas has the record enrollment
of 8632. Of this figure, 6281 are
veterans, and the remaining 2351
constitute the Cadet Corps. Un
married veterans living in college
dormitories total 3938, whereas
there are 485 married vets living
in apartments, dormitories, and
trailer camps. Day students num
ber <1379.
Married couples are now living
in Hart and Walton dormitories,
Project Houses, Bryan Field,
I Trailerville, Veterans Village, and
October 15 is Set
As Starting Date
For Annual Photos
Demopolus - Saunders,
Co-Editors, State
Longhorn Deadlines
Beginning October 15, pictures
will be taken for the 1947 Long
horn, it was announced by Jimmy
Demopolus and Harry Saunders,
co-editors of the yearbook. The
deadline for students having pic
tures made will be December 15.
Veterans can have pictures made
at the A. & M. Photo Shop be
tween October 15 and December
15. Coats and ties must be worn
for all pictures. Seniors should re
port to the Photo Shop at any
time until October 22. In the case
of all Corps members, blouses with
ties are required.
From October 23 to November
7 juniors will have their pictures
taken at the A&M Photo Shop.
Sophomores should report between
November 8-22. Freshmen will be
given from November 23 to Dec.
15 to have their pictures made
for the Longhorn.
A contest has been started by
the Student Activities Office in
order to obtain pictures for the
annual. Each month a five-dollar
prize will be awarded to the best
picture depicting life on the A&M
campus. AH pictures submitted
will become the property of the
Student Activities Office. Pictures
will be accepted in Room 3 of th2
Administration Building between
the hours of 8 and 5 each day.
The 1947 North American Wild
life Conference has been invited to
Texas by workers in the wildlife
field in Texas. Dr. W. B. Davis,
head of the Fish and Game de
partment of A. & M. announced.
the A. & M. Annex trailer camp.
Hart Hall will be eliminated from
this list at the beginning of next
semester, and Walton Hall is ten
tatively scheduled to be used for
single men again soon thereafter.
Perhaps you have noticed the
huge project just north of the Ad
ministration Building—the large
white buildings, which, for the
most part, are being transported
here from Foster Field in Victoria.
This project will house 466 cou
ples and will be furnished upon
completion in December. Each
building will accommodate four
couples. Applications have already
been taken and assignments made
for next semester.
Those who are losing faith in
the housing shortage are urged to
bear with us in this emergency.
There’ll be better days.
After all, if you think you’re
crowded here, you have only to
look at Tu in neighboring Austin
where enrollment has passed a
staggering 17,000!
Cash Prize Given
In Pic Contest
The Student Activities of
fice has announced that it will
offer a cash prize of five dol
lars each month for the best
picture depicting campus life.
Judges will be members of the
Longhorn staff an dofficials of
the Student Activities office.
All pictures will become the
property of the Student Activ
ities office and the decisions of
the judges will be final.
Course for Radio
Farm Directors Set
For October 18-19
Arrangements have been made
for the Radio Farm Directors field
day, which will be held on the
campus October 18 and 19, accord
ing to C. W. Jackson, Extension
Farm Radio Editor.
Approximately twenty persons
will attend the field day and will
arrive on the afternoon of October
17 for the two day meeting. Reg
istration on that date will take
place in the Student Center build
ing at the A&M Annex.
Building number T-356 will be
readied for occupancy by all mem
bers of the short course. Meet
ings will be in the Cabinet room
of the YMCA. The course will be
completed on Saturday, October
19 and all persons attending will
vacate their barracks by noon of
the next day.
Humble Broadcasts
A.&M.-LSU Battle
Saturday evening at 8:05, the
broadcast of the Texas A&M-LSU
game will start with Hal Thomp
son .and Dick Lyons at the mikes.
Game will be broadcast from the
LSU Stadium in Baton Rouge and
will be cai'ried over stations
KGKO, Dallas-Fort Worth; KXYZ,
Houston; KM AC, San Antonio;
KRIS, Corpus Christi and WTAW,
College Station.
At 7:50 p.m. Friday broadcast
of the game between SMU and
Oklahoma A&M will begin. Charlie
Jordan will do the play-by-play
and Jerry Doggett the color. Sta
tions carrying the game, which
will be played at Dallas, are WRR,
Dallas; KFJC, Ft. Worth; WACO,
Waco; and KTHT, Houston.
Saturday afte'rnoon, broadcast
of the Arkansas-Baylor tilt will
start at 2:20 with Kern Tips and
Alec Chesser handling the play-by-
play and color assignments, re
spectively. Stations airing this
contest will be WOAI, San An
tonio; WFAA-WBAP, Dallas-Ft.
Worth; and WACO, Waco.
Another broadcast will start at
the same time, 2:20 p.m. when
Texas U. tangles will Oklahoma
U. in the Dallas Cotton Bowl.
Charlie Jordan will be the play-
by-play announcer with Jerry Dog
gett relieving for color. Game will
be carried by KFJZ, Ft. Worth;
WRR, Dallas.
If You Think You Need A Tent
Then Visit Tu and Be Content
Battalion Printing
Plant Falls Thru;
College Press Buys
$10,000 Loaned by Student
Activities to Insure
Tri-Weekly Publication
Plans approved by the Student
Life Committee last week for the
purchase of a magazine and news
paper printing plant by Student
Publications to be set up in the
basement of Goodwin Hall, have
been canceled. The A. & M. Press,
college printing plant which has
been publishing the Batt weekly,
has bought the equipment instead,
and will continue printing the
This change means that editor
ial offices will not be moved to
Goodwin Hall, but will remain in
the Administration building. Re
quest for production of a tri
weekly newspaper by November 1
has been granted, with provision
for The Agriculturist and The
Engineer, technical journals, bi
Purchase of the printing equip
ment, costing $21,000, was made
possible by the use of $10,000 from
the Student Activities Fund, which
accrues from revenue on publica
tions and student entertainment.
Under the separate plant plan,
The Battalion had counted on tri
weekly publication by October 15,
but this has now been extended un
til November 1 by the A. & M.
Class of ’46 Elects
Terrell President
At Reunion Meeting
Trigg and Cooper
Serve as Vice-Pres.
And Sec.-Treasurer
At the first reunion meeting of
the Class of ’46 held recently in
the Chapel of the YMCA, Bill
Terrell of Navasota was elected
president. Terrell is a Chemical
Engineering major. Jim Trigg, an
Animal Husbandry major from
Bastrop, was elected to the vice
presidency. Secretary- treasurer
for the year will be J. N. “Red”
Miller of Orange, who is taking
Mechanical Engineering.
The question was raised regard
ing the appointment of a social
secretary to represent the Class
of ’46 in The Texas A ggie; how
ever, it was decided that more
thought should be given to this
important position. At a future
meeting of the class this vacancy
will be elected.
The next meeting - will take
place at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday,
October 22, Terrell announced. At
this time plans will be made for
a socail event to be held this se
mester. Also, a class representative
for the Student Council will be
chosen at this meeting. All mem
bers of the Class of ’46 are urged
to attend.
Texas A.&M. College cadets are
now taking flight training as an
accredited course. A. & M. Col
lege’s Easterwood Field is one of
the largest college-owned and op
erated airports in the United
States, and throughout thousands
of training flights, there has nev
er been a serious accident involv
ing a student.
Lindsey, Law and Williams,
Yates, Dickey Also Winners
Bindley Remains Batt Co-Editor;
Saunders Named to ’47 Longhorn
By Claude Buntyn
Sidney V. Smith of Bryan, ’44, was elected to lead the
Veterans Students Association for the fall semester, in
the Veteran election held Monday, October 7.
Other officers elected were:
Attention Veterans
Certified Thru SA
All veterans under Part VII,
who hold a letter of authoriza
tion from the San Antonio, V.
A., region, and who have not
previously reported to W. H.
Bailey, Ramp B, Hart Hall,
should do so their first vacant
Mr. Bailey, also announced
that Roy G. Yarn ell. Veterans
contact representative, will be
in Ramp B, Hart hall each
Monday morning and Thursday
afternoon. He will see all veter
ans who are concerned with the
following subjects: insurance,
G. I. loans, dependency claims,
surplus property information
and pension claims. All other
week days, excepting Wednes
day morning, he will see veter
ans at his office in the City
Hall of Bryan.
Veterans Advised
To Complete Leave
Pay Applications
Dietzgen Drawing
Set Orders Taken
On October 14-15
It has been found that there
are many ex-enlisted men who
have not applied for their terminal
leave pay due to the fact that
they do not know the procedure,
it was announced by the College
Veterans Advisor.
Students who are entitled to en
listed terminal leave pay should
submit their applications for same
as soon as possible. Forms may
be obtained from the post office.
A photostatic copy of the discharge
certificate must accompany the ap
plication, and this process can be
taken care of at the Registrar’s
office. There is a small fee for
this photostatic copy. Upon com
pletion of the form, it must be
notarized by Mrs. Marie Franck-
low, room 102, Goodwin Hall or
Mrs. Ruth Daniel in room 106,
Goodwin Hall.
According to information re
ceived from the Postmasters in
Bryan and College Station, there
are many veterans’ subsistence
checks that are not properly ad
dressed. In this matter veterans
are urged to call at the windows
of both post offices and see if
their checks are there.
On Monday and Tuesday, Octo
ber 14-15, a representative of the
War Assets Cooperation will be
in the College Exchange Store for
the purpose of taking veteran’s
orders for Dietzgen command
drawing sets. To be eligible for
a priority, a veteran must present
his final discharge papers and a
requisition card from the Veterans
Advisors Office.
If Your Story Is Missing
From the Batt, Here’s Why
This week the Battalion receiv
ed three times as many news stor
ies about life on the A. & M. cam
pus as could be printed in its four
news pages. (The two-page insert
went to press last week-end, and
was not available for timely news.)
As a result, out of every three
stories submitted to the Batt, only
one is printed here. Of the other
two, one may eventually get into
print, the other may be lost for
ever. So if you club meeting isn’t
reported, don’t blame the club sec
retary or the reporter who was
there. Under present circumstan
ces, we just can’t print all the
It was believed last week that
a solution had been found, in a
proposal that a new print shop be
set up and operated by the Stu
dent Activities office. This pro
posal was not approved in its en
However, the A. & M. Press has
given assurances that if an alter
nate plan which they proposed is
adopted, they will be able to start
printing two issues a week by the
first of November, and that by
Turkey Day they will be able to
resume their pre-war schedule of
three Batts a week. Not until then
will we be able to give an ade
quate picture of what goes on in
College Station.
Meanwhile, we once more ask
your forgiveness and forbearance.
LSU Sign Contest
Won by “A” Co. Inf.
“A” Company Infantry’s foot
ball sign, depicting an Aggie
standing in the yawning mouth of
the LSU tiger, won the sign con
test for this week, according to
Cadet Col. Ed Brandt.
Dick Reed, company commander,
will receive the $5 prize which is
given by J. E. Loupot each week
to the company painting the best
The winning sign can be seen
on the east side of Dorm 12.
John H. Lindsey, Vice-President.
Harold G. Law, Secretary.
Sam S. Williams, Treasurer.
Frank Yates, Parliamentarian.
Hugh Dickie, Jr., Sergeant-at-
Harry W. Saunders, Co-Editor
Vick Lindley, Co-Editor Battal
The new constitution was adopt
ed by a landslide.
Sid Smith, president, a Ch.E.
senior, was class president of the
junior class in ’43 and captain of
the Field Artillery Band the same
year. He made Who’s Who in ’43
also. Served 22 months in Europe
with the 102 Division of the Field
Artillery. Holds the Bronze Star.
John Lindsey, vice-president, a
senior in Eco., was a Cadet Maj
or on the Field Artillery Regiment
al Staff in ’43. He served 18
months overseas. Discharged as
a First Lieutenant* in the Field
Harold G. Law, secretary, is an
A. H, major. Served in the Infan
try in the European Theater. Holds
the Purple Heart and-the Infantry
Combat Badge.
Sam S. Williams, treasurer, ’45,
is an accounting major. Served
15 months in the European Thea
ter with the Field Artillery. Holds
the Purple Heart.
Frank Yates, parliamentarian,
is taking Pre-Law and a transfer
from Baylor. Served 13 months
with the Navy in the European
Hugh Dickie, sergeant-at-Arms,^
’44, is a Vet. Med. Major. Served"
46 months in the Army and in the
European Theater.
Harry W. Saunders, co-editor of
the Longhorn, ’44, is an Arch, maj
or. Was assistant editor of the
Longhorn in ’44. Served 22 months
with the Engineers in the Eur
opean Theater. Holds the Bronze
Star and the Purple Heart.
Vick Lindley, co-editor of the
Battalion, is a Physics major.
Previously studied at Texas Tech,
USLA, USC and the New Church
Theological School, Cambridge,
Mass. Seived three years in Naval
Aviation. Acting Co-Editor of the
Smith Asks Volunteers for
21 Key Posts
President Smith announced this
week that 21 important posts in d
the club are open as follows:
3 Veterans on Student Life d
4 on Veterans Advisory Council.
2 on Exchange Store Council.
9 on Veterans Council.
3 on Hospital Council.
Applicants are asked to file with
Joe Skiles in the Student Activities s
Office before October 16 at 5 p.m.
For a Quick Loan
Without Interest,
Get a Davis Buck
The Davis “Buck” Fund is now"
being operated by the Student.
Labor Office in Room 106, Good-,,
win Hall. The fund was started^
and has been built up by gifts;
from Aggies who have found a^
“small loan to be a big help” in^"
a pinch. There is no interest^
charge on loans. A small gift tor
the fund in addition to the re-L
payment is always appreciated.;
Those nickels and dimes will
quickly grow into dollars, making;-r
a greater number of loans possible.U
If you need a few dollars to !
help you through an emergency,;
stop by the Student Labor Office.;
Architects Meet
To Elect Officers
The Architectural Society in itsf e
second meeting of this semester,
held in the Physics lecture roomr
last Tuesday evening, October 1,
elected its new officers for the!
’46-47 season.
Bob Simpson, fourth year de
sign student, was elected pres-!
ident. Allison B. Peery was elect-j
ed vice-president and Donald Jar-Jen
vis is to become secretary treas-j A
urer. Sv
The Architectural Society hasfis
already heard in its first meeting, :e
Charlie Granger of Austin, one ofth
Texas’ progressive
Plans for this year
architects, y.
include the fa
annual Architect’s Ball, the tra-os
ditional costume dance that wil] m
start the spring social season next