The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 15, 1946, Image 3

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On Kyle Field
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By U. V. Johnston
“How and when do I get a tic
ket for the Texas game?” This
question has been asked so many
times recently that it is rapidly
becoming a sore spot with many
of the officials. For students the
answer is simple: the tickets will
be issued on the Student Activi
ties books next SEPTEMBER.
However for outsiders it is an
entirely different question, in fact
it is OUT of the question, as all
of these tickets have been sold
for over a week.
Another problem that is
facing the married vets is
getting their wives into the
games without paying the
heavy tax of $3.00 per game.
Coach Norton has announced
that vets will be allowed to
buy the same books' that they
buy at the SAME price they
have to pay for their own.
This is very important to a
GI who is trying to go to
school on his $90 per month
—it can’t be done, but some
still like to kid themselves
and try.~
There have been many rumors
as to the number of Athletic Cou
pon books to be sold, all of which
are entirely erroneous. Some of
the rumors have limited the num
ber of books to 7,200, but the
coach put the quietus on these
stories this week when he said
that the limit is going to depend
on the demand. This means that
he will furnish books to everyone
who applies and pays.
There is only one game that
tickets are scarce for and this
is the game with Texas, at
Austin, but for this game
there will still be enough tic
kets for the students. A stu
dent will not be able to have
as many guests as in the past,
but there will be a ticket
for each student. These du
cats will cost the student
$1.20, and he will be allowed
to buy his tickets with a tic
ket that is provided for this
purpose in his athletic cou
pon book.
All in all the ticket situation
looks good for next fall—except
for outsiders attending the T. U.
game—as there are plenty for
everyone for all the games. This
may not last throughout the seas
on, but so far the only real heavy
demand has been for the T. U.
ducats. If you are planning to
take guests to any of the games
next fall it would be a good idea
to get these tickets as soon as
school starts next fall, for they
may not last long after the season
gets underway.
A word to the wise is suffi
cient, so get ’em early boys.
Yours truly has been asked by
the Texas University Student Pub
lications office to give them a story
for their first edition of the post
war “Ranger”, which is tb return
next fall. The story they request
is a very touchy one to the stu
dents, faculty, and ex-students at
this institution—“Who is going to
win the Turkey Day game and
why.” In answer to this request I
gave them a story on why we
want to win, but I did not say we
were going to win, as this is nei
ther the time nor the place.for si^ch
an announcement, for such an ar
ticle in the T. U. publication would
only give D. X. Bible more fuel for
his pre-game pep talks.
Tadpole Class of ’66
True Under Classmen
Of Present Day Era
Your real underclassman today
is not the Fish but the Tadpole of
the class of ’66 and ’67 who have
invaded the campus in their “Bircls-
eye” breeches and booties.
Some of these little fellows tear
ing down and putting together
their playthings are mechanically
inclined while others with their
sand pails and shovels have a trend
towards agriculture.
Their physical consists of climb
ing furniture, emptying drawers
and riding daddy’s foot. Little Tad
poles cannot be excelled in school
spirit. They turn out for all ath
letic events and carry on midnight
yell practice all their own.
Hub Moon, captain of last
spring’s baseball team is letting
his year old son, Gary, cut his
teeth on varsity’s old baseballs.
A. and M. is also raising its own
Co-eds and pin-up girls. Sweet
hearts any Aggie will be proud
Tadpoles are disciplined to re
spect upperclassmen and would ap
preciate a friendly, “Howdy”, as
you pas's them by.
Coach Norton Says,
“Changes Made”
When football training opens at
Texas A. & M. on September 1,
Head Coach Homer Norton plans
on instituting something new at
Instead of having teams desig
nated as the A team, the B team,
the C team, or the first, second,
third and so on team, eleven of the
thirteen center prospects have been
picked to captain the ten other men
assigned them as a team. Such
teams will be known by the name
of the center such as Arthur Mer
cer’s team, John Knight’s team,
Dick' Wright’s team, Jimmy Flow
ers’ team and so on.
Material for the other positions
will be spread out over the teams
planned with an eye to getting
somewhere near equal ability a-
mong those teams. They will scrim
mage each other daily and ulti
mately Norton figures the best
of the lot will stand out regard
less of whose team they are on.
Those marked men will be select
ed tentatively for the A squad
of 44 men which will be named on
Sept. 21, the day before the sea
son opens. All in excess of that
number will be turned over to
Coach Charlie DeWare for the B
Norton pointed out, however,
that assignment to the B squad
does not mean a player can not
move up and replace someone on
the A squad. He plans to hold the
A squad to 44 men.
Serving Aggies 19 Years
Two-Day Two Service
Service Stations
Joel English, Mgr.
Campus Cleaners
Old Lou is Back in Business
-I’m short of drawing instruments
slide rules and all books
Would Appreciate A Chance to
Buy Your Books etc.
Trade With Lou—He’s Right With You
In Aggieland...
Complimentary Photographs
Complete Amateur Equipment
It’s The
A.& M. Photo Shop
North Gate
Basketballers To
Travel Far, Come
Next December
The Texas Aggie basketball
team will hit the road early in
December on a tour which will
carry them to Albany or Troy,
N. Y., with stops on the way back
in Louisville and Lexington, Ky.,
Peoria, 111., and St. Louis, Mo., for
the five-game schedule, booked by
Coach Marty Karow.
The Cadets will leave here the
first week in December and meet
Siena College, of Loudonville, N.
Y., either at Troy or Albany, on
Dec. 9. Next stop is Louisville on
Dec. 10 against Morehead College
as half of a double header bill
with George Pepperdine College
meeting East Kentucky in the
other game.
The next game will be against
Bradley Polytechnic Institute at
Peoria, 111., Dec. 12 and that will
be followed by the St. Louis Uni
versity game at Lexington on Dec.
Coach Karow says Texas A. &
M. will have a better team than
last year but points out all the
other schools in the Southwest
Conference are stronger this year.
“We all are getting back some ex
perienced boys and that is bound
to make the teams better,” he
The conference schedule for A. &
M. will be announced at a later
, vAf ,
Boyd, Puryer first baseman, at bat in first inning as Bizzell goes
on to win 14 to 11.
Fish & Game Majors
To Hear Speakers
Majors in the department of
Fish and Game are scheduled to
meet at 7:30 p. m., Monday, Aug
ust 19, in Room 314, Animal Indus
tries Building, with G. Byron Win
stead of the Information Depart
ment, Tad Moses of the Experi
ment Station, and R. E. Callen
der of the Extension Service, who
will lead a discussion of the prob
lem of “Public Education in the
Wildlife Field.”
The problem is one that will
be met by every graduate in Fish
and Game who continues in this
field; the suggestions and sum
mary of progress that will be
brought out will be of major im
portance to everyone interested in
practical application of his know
The meeting will be open to any
one interested.
Coach Norton Sees
Two All-Americans
In Aggie Line-up
Coach Norton stated this after
noon that it was the opinion of
the coaching staff here that Tex
as University was the number
one contender for the Southwest
Conference football championship
for the 1946 season.
This does not mean that they
do not expect the Aggies to have
a very potent team, as the Coach
said that we were to have the
“best pair of tackles in the na
tion” here next fall. Coach Nor
ton said that other schools may
have one good tackle, but we have
two potential All-Americans in
Monte Moncreif and Leonard Dick-
^Coach Norton’s pick for his two
best backfield men includes one
pre-war player, and one who has
been around for a couple of years.
Bob Goode, one of last years stars,
shares the honors with Barney
Welch, a star on the 1942 team.
Goode led the conference in scor
ing last year and will be back to
try for a repeat performance this
year, and Barney Welch is the
only man to ever carry the ball for
A. & M. across the Texas goal
line in Memorial stadium at Aus
tin. In ’42 Welch was voted the
number one sophomore, and this
was also the year he carried the
ball across the T. U. goal line on
a 62 yard punt return.
There will be a Budget Hearing
for the Consolidated School for
the year 1946-1947 Monday night,
8:00 P. M., August 19, at the high
school gym.
Puryear <
4 '
Dorm No. 17
Dorm No. 15
Dorm No. 16
0 9
Dorm No. 12
Dorm No. 3
Dorm No. 1
Dorm No. 7
Dorm No. 9
Aggies Need Game
For “B” Opener
To Replace NAS
The football schedule for the
Texas Aggie B team is still shy
an opening game to replace the
one originally scheduled for Oct.
4 here with the U. S. Naval Air
Station of Banana River, Florida.
On the same day Banana River
canceled, Randolph Field booked
the Aggie Bees for the open Oct.
11 date. Coach Charlie DeWare has
six games contracted and another
tentatively with the Rice “B” team
if the Owls have sufficient ma
terial. The Aggies are holding Nov.
15 open for the Owls.
The Aggie B schedule: Randolph
Field at College Station Oct. 11;
TCU “B” at College Station Oct.
18; Baylor “B” at College Station
Oct. 25; Baylor “B” at Waco Nov.
1; SMU “B” at Dallas, Nov. 8;
Texas “B” at Austin, Nov. 23.
Assisting DeWare will be Wayne
Cure and Col. Frank Anderson,
Johnnie Frankie, who assumed
Manning Smith’s duties when
Smith resigned, will give any spare
time he has to the B team also.
Due to the shortage of New Ra
diators and as a Service to our
customers, we have added a Ra
diator Repair Department. We
specialize in Radiator Rodding,
which means that the tank is re
moved and rods ran thru the
tubes to thoroughly clean and
allow free water circulation.
Your Friendly Ford Dealer
We do expert
Let iu keep your car looking
good and running imoothly with
our expert washing and Certified
Mobilubrication. If the finish
has become dull, we can make
it gleam again with Mobilglocs
and Mobilwax.
Aggieland Service
Bobby Layne, T. U.
Star, Now Married
Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Krceger
have announced that their daugh
ter, Miss Carol Ann, and Bobby
Layne married on August 14.
Bobby Layne, who has been called
the number one athlete of the
Southwest Conference, is a junior
at tlje Universitv. and he still has
two years eligibility for varsity
competition. Layne says that he
will continue his education and his
athletic activities next fall, after
his marriage.
Puryear and Dorm 16 Lead
As Intramurals Near End
By Cliff Ackerman
The second half of the Intra
mural summer sports program is
in the home stretch and the league
leaders are being hard pressed
to stay out in front in the race.
No softball team has gone through
undefeated this half. In the Old
Area League its Puryear way out
ahead. They lost one game last
week to the stubborn Bizzell team
led by the pitching of “Andy” An
derson and the hitting of Over-
ton, Perry, and Wilson. The score
on this upset was 14 to 11.
In the New Area League Dorm
No. 12 took the high light by
coming back from their defeat at
the hands of Dorm No. 3 by beat
ing No. 3 10 to 6. Patterson was
the winning pitcher and Crouch
the losing pitcher. This game
put the New Area League in a tie
between No. 12 and No. 3.
In the Old Area Puryear came
back after their defeat by Bizzell
to blast their opponents and win
three games. Dorm No. 16 fell to
the score of 10 to 2. Schultz was
the winning pitcher allowing only
2 hits. The next victory was over
Dorm No. 17, but not until No. 17
played out in the 6th inning.
Firstbaseman Boyd led the hitting
for the winners getting 3 hits for
4 trips to the plate. Score 12 to
3. Puryear won their third game
of the week from the Milner team
by the count of 5 to 1. Milner
being the only team to hold Pur
year to a close score.
Dorm No. 17 is the wonder
team of the league. This team
is a threat to any team they play.
With a lot of spirit and some re
inforcements over last halfs team
they have scrapped themselves out
of the cellar to 5th place in the
league. Their first victory of the
week was over a much surprised
Mitchell team to the score of 14
to 12. Hard hitting by Huffines,
Johnson, and Galbreath led No. 17
to their victory. Next to fall un
der the spell was Dorm No. 16 to
the long count of 13 to 4. A wild
4th inning gave No. 17 the win—
9 hits for 10 runs. Steve is the
winning pitcher of these games.
McKenzie, the up and coming
young catcher for No. 17, is mak
ing they trip to Mexico with the
Aggies picked for that trip—nice
trip Billy and don’t let the Mexi
can League get you.
Bizzell is having to fight hard
for their position in the league.
After their win over Puryear they
won two more games, but lost one
to a much inspired Mitchell team.
Their first win was over Dorm No.
15 by a close score of 8 to 6. High
led the batting for the winners
getting 3 for 3.
Bizzell and Mitchell split their
two games. Mitchell taking the
first game 9 to 3. Lowes was the
winning pitcher and catcher
Drake led the batting for the win
ners with 3 hits for 4 trips to bat.
Bizzell won the second game by
a shut-out score of 9 to 0. An
derson gets full credit for this
victory being the winning pitcher
and also leading the batting with
3 hits for 3 trips to the plate.
Mitchell was victorious in their
game with Dorm No. 15 to the
score of 13 to 5. Secondbaseman
Blocker and fielder Lassiter led
the hitting for the winners.
Milner won over Dorm No. 16
with Jordan doing the pitching
to the score of 7 to 3. Catcher
Goodwin led the batting for the
winners getting 3 for 3.
In the New Area Dorm No. 12
held their position by defeating
Dorm No. 9 to the count of 14 to
5. Patterson was the winning
pitcher and Price took the batting
honors with 3 for 3. Their sec
ond win was over Dorm No. 1 by
the long score of 12 to 1.
Dorm No. 3 won three games
after their defeat by Dorm No. 12.
They outlasted Dorm No. 7 in a
close game 13 to 12. McGpwan
lost a hard pitching dual. Snave-
ly led the batting for the losers;
while Bordeau led for the win
ners. Next to fall was Dorm No. 1
in a shut-out game 11 to 0. Crouch
was the winning pitcher. Their
final victory of the week was over
Dorm No.- 9 by the score of 13 to
Dorm No. 1 came back this
week with plenty of fire to win
two games. First they outlasted
Dorm No. 7 by a score of 13 to 5.
Page was the winning pitcher.
For the losers Giblin led the bat
ting with 2 hits for 3 trips to the
plate. Their second win was over
Dorm No. 9 when they outslugged
them 14 to 5.
Cash or Trade on
New Ford Cars,
Pick-Ups and Trucks
Bryan Motor Co.
N. Main
Phone 2-1333
Last Spring when the various Book and Supply
Stores of the Community started building stocks for the
Fall Semester, official estimates indicated a top en
rollment of 7500 students. Our procurement was aimed
at that figure and on items that were available we are
in good shape to equip that number of students.
Recent estimates have boosted the possible
enrollment to 10,000. On a large portion of the books
and equipment used it is too late for us to get Septem
ber delivery of additional orders.
The situation can be materially helped by pre
sent students offering to sell back to the book stores any
books, engineering equipment, study lamps, biology
sets, etc. they do not need or do not want to keep.
The Exchange Store, College Book Store, Lou-
poFs Trading Post and the Student Co-Op are all offer
ing to buy these needed items. If you have one or more
books you can spare you will be making it possible for
an incoming student to be equipped by offering these
items to any of the above dealers.