The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 01, 1946, Image 3

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On Kyle Field
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Smith Resigns to
Operate Grocery
Manning Smith, Assistant foot
ball coach and head tennis coach,
resigned Tuesday, effective Aug
ust 1, to take over the manage
ment of the grocery store that he
Manning Smith
purchased from the estate of the
late Luke Patranella.
Coach Norton made the an
nouncement late Tuesday after
noon after Smith had closed the
deal for the store. Coach Norton
stated that he deeply regretted
the loss of Smith, and that John
nie Frankie will assume Smith’s
duties for the 1946 season.
Coach Norton brought Smith to
A&M in 1934 when he came here
as head football coach- Smith
had played under Coach Norton
at Centenary where he made Little
All-American. Since coming to
Aggieland, Smith has .served in
the capacity of tennis coach, as
sistant football coach, and assist
ant basketball coach. He served
in the Merchant Marine during the
war, and only returned for duty
here last fall.
Indians Take Over
Second Half Lead
The Indians and the Yankees
played their second game of the
last half of the College Station
softball league against each other.
The game was played on the Col
lege Park diamond last Wednes
day afternoon, July 24. Webb
Jay, pitching for the Yankees, al
lowed the Indians 7 hits for their
3 runs. Barlow pitching for the
Indians let the Yankees hit 10
times for their 6 runs. The long
est hit of the game was a home
run for the Yankees by Chas.
Smith in the 3rd inning. Magee
knocked out a double for the In
The Pirates routed the Cubs by
a score of 8 to 2 last Wednesday
afternoon on the College Park
diamond. Karow was the winning
pitcher, allowing the Cubs to hit
5 times. Barlow pitching for the
losing team allowed the Pirates
to hit 13 times. There was one
double play in the game; Hensel
to Lyon for the Pirates in the
4th inning. There were no extra
base hits.
The Indians playing their third
game of the last half of the seas
on was credited with their sec
ond win when they defeated the
Giants Monday afternoon on the
College Hills diamond, by a score
of 14 to 13. Carroll was the win
ning pitcher taking over from
Vincent in the third inning with
the Indians 7 runs behind the
Giants. Prewit, Jr. was the los
ing pitcher. The Indians walked
14 times and got 6 hits for their
14 runs. The Giants walked 7
times and got 10 hits for their 13
runs. The Indians got 2 home
runs, Vincent in the 2nd inning
and Prewit, Sr. in the 6th, and 2
doubles. The Giants slugged 2
triples and 2 doubles.
An aerial view of the campus with an arrow pointing to the
proposed golf course. This area is now pasture land, but it has all
the necessary requirements of a golf course.
The Brazos originally was known
as the Rio de los Brazos de Dios
—River of the Arms of God.
Cpl. Wade B. Colbert, former
Aggie student, recently spent
eleven days furlough time at
Baguio, Luzon, Philippine Islands’
summer capitol.
It’s done a grand job all year . . . give it
two days for needed repairs in our shop.
Your Bryan Ford Dealer
Bryan Motor
PHONE 2-1333
By U. V. Johnston
No one will doubt that Aggie
land needs a golf course. Sure,
we need a lot of things, but we
do wonder why this college has
operated for over 70 years, dur
ing which time athletics have be
come an important part of the
student program, and yet a golf
course has never been built. No
one is to blame. No one has de
liberately snubbed the student who
wants to walk three or four miles
in the blazing sun just to see how
few times he can swat a little
rubber ball with a piece of iron
on the end of a steel pole. Some
how, we just never got around to
Golfers can now sit up and
take note, for something is
going to be done about it. No,
you will not be putting on a
re-modeled drill field within
the next few weeks—not even
for some months, and never a
drill field—but according to
those in ye administration
building, within a year’s time
something definite will have
been done toward providing
the local divot diggers with a
Byronic (Nelsonic) play-
You are saying, “Yes, I’ve
heard that song before,” and it is
true. You have heard that song
before, but always remember, be
fore the World’s finest symphony
becomes beautiful music, it must
be rehearsed many times. That
is what must be done when div
ing into the construction of some
thing as complicated as a golf
course. It isn’t just a pretty cow
pasture which is kept mowed; it
isn’t something that will pay for
itself; it isn’t something we who
play golf want done hastily and
possibly hap-hazardly. Here are
the more important items which
must be chewed on before you
putt your first putt:
1. Approximately 150 acres of
mistake: once-
suitable terrain is the first
2. Approximately $50,000 as
an initial investment, followed
ever so annually by $15,000
maintenance costs.
One would think that with the
land and the money, we need only
begin. Yes, we do begin—begin
figuring out the what’s, where’s,
how’s, and Who’s of your course.
The “Where” is first: Where
are you going to put an 18-hole
golf course on the college
grounds? The logical answer is
south and east of the Adminis
tration building, but the Ag school
has invested a lot of time and
money over a good many years
developing that spot to suit their
purposes. Until suitable facili
ties for their needs are provided,
they should not be asked to move
to make way for something whch
is, to say the least, not essential.
Another where, and a big one is
where is the $.50,000 coming from.
Appropriations by the college
from its funds is one answer;
flush former students will no
doubt help. One other tiny
“where” is where are we going to
get the thousands of gallons of
water each summer necessary to
keep the course in condition.
Water is short in almost all com
munities in the summer—and golf
is played in the summer. We
haven’t an answer for that one,
The big “what” is: what sort
of golf course do you want?
A very easy course would suit
the dubbers but bore the golf
ers; a difficult course would
suit the golfers but exasper
ate the dubbers. So we must
have a 18-hole “middlin’’
course so that most people
could enjoy it.
The “how” is: how are we go
ing to meet that $15,000 annual
upkeep cost. Green fees, without
without doubt, and perhaps a se
mester membership card. As the
staff should include a profession
al golfer-manager, lessons could
be had, not free, but at nominal
rates—lower than the $5 to $10
an hour some city clubs charge.
Clubs could be rented, or checked
out as is other athletic- equip
The “who” is: who is going
to operate the course after it
is built. Our vote goes to the
athletic or physical educa
tion department with a pro
fessional golfer as full-time
manager and instructor.
These questions must be an
swered, not hurriedly, however,
and only after adequate study by
men interested in deriving the
best for our needs and our money.
Only one alternative is of
fered in place of a college con
structed and operated course.
Until such time as a college
course can be provided, the
college could make a deal
with the Commissioners of the
City of Bryan, who have
charge of the Bryan Play
ground course. Details could
be worked out whereby the
student could purchase semes
ter membership cards at a
rate appropriate to student
means. Responsible city offi
cials, speaking unofficially,
indicate that such an arrange
ment could be very readily
worked out.
Either way, the fact remains
that from March until Novem-
Your pictures are only as good as
your photo equipment will produce.
North Gate
Puryear Hard to Catch
In Intramural Softball
The Intramural softball pro
gram went into full swing this
past week with plenty of good
games and of course some run
aways. The softball league is
playing under a new rule now and
it has met with approval. The
ruling is’that any team that has
a scoring lead of eight runs any
time after four innings have been
played will be the winner of the
game. The game will terminate
under these conditions, but not in
the middle of an inning.
In the Volleyball League, there
was only one game played. Dorm
No. 15, volleyball champs of the
last six weeks, defeated Dorm No.
17 in two fast games, 15 to 8, 15
to 4, behind the heads-up play
ing of Ritchey and Janosksy.
In the Old Area League the Pur
year team has been victorious in
three games. In their first win
they beat Bizzell 15 to 7. The
following day, they ran away
from Dorm No. 16 to the long
score of 26 to 5. Milner was the
next victim to the score of 9 to 1.
Milner won two games behind
the pitching of Brandis. They
outslugged Bizzell in a hard bat
tle 8 to 6. McMann made a sen
sational catch in this game, tak
ing time to wipe his hands off be
fore making the catch. Milner,
on the following day, beat Mitch
ell 9 to 6. Pitcher Lowes for
Mitchell got a homerun in the
5th inning to drive in two runs.
Bizzell outlasted Dorm No. 15
by the score of 6 to 4. High,
leftfielder for Bizzell, led the hit
ting field by getting 3 hits for 4
trips to the plate.
Dorm No. ,15 beat Dorm No. 17
9 to 1 in a short fast game. James
and Yarbrough of No. 15 each
got a homerun.
In the New Area League, Dorm
No. 3 stepped out in front by
beating last six weeks’ softball
champs, Dorm No. 12, to the tune
of 10 to 2. The winning pitcher
was Dickson who held No. 12 to 4
hits. Shortstop Russell led the
batting for the losers getting 2
for 3, while shortstop Bowen led
for the winners, with 3 hits for 4
trips to bat. In their other wins
ber, it is golf time. We need a
course of our own, and if we
kfeep our fingers crossed, in the
next year or so we will have one.
If administration officials say a
whing-ding-dilly of a golf course
is included in plans for expanding
college facilities, and golfing stu
dents remind them from time to
time of those plans, we should
have an Intercpllegiate National
champ wearing maroon and white
in 1948.
they defeated Dorm No. 9 21 to
11 with Neumann pitching for the
winners. Their next victory was
over Dorm No. 1 by the score of
8 to 5.
Dorm No. 12 was victorious in
two of their three games. Dorm
No. 1 was their first victim to
the score of 9 to 2. The second
win was over Dorm No. 7 by a
score of 12 to 7.
Dorm No. 7, behind the pitching
of McGowan, beat Dorm No. 9.
Swimming Added to
Mural Activities
The Intramural department has
taken on a swimming meet along
with its many other activities.
This meet has been planned for
the 15th of August but it may have
to be run off in two nights as in
terest is expected to run high.
The events in this meet will in
clude The 400 foot four man re
lays, 100 foot back stroke, 200 foot
breast stroke, 300 foot free style,
300 foot three man medley relay,
and diving events.
Spike White has asked that all
entries be in early, so that plans
can be made early.
Golf Tourney Gets
Record Support
The duffers and golfers turned
out enmasse last week to start off
the second half golf tourney with
a total of thirty-four entries.
Each golfer is placed in a flight
that is made up of golfers of ap
proximately his own calibre. This
will lead to a very successful tour
ney as everyone will have an
equal chance in his own flight.
Cure Made Ass’t
To Coach DeWare
Wayne Cure, outstanding tackle
of the 1942 Aggie football team,
has been appointed assistant
coach of the “B” football squad
and will be line coach under De-
Wayne Cure
ware. He will assume his new
duties at the beginning of the
1947 football season.
In addition to lettering in foot
ball, baseball, and track at Sey
mour High School, Cure has three
grid letters from John Tarleton
Junior College and made All-
Conference there. He played at
A. & M. during the 1941 and 1942
seasons as both guard and tackle.
His football career was interrupt
ed at this point by the war, dur
ing which he served as an Infan
try officer.
Before leaving for service, Cure
was majoring in Agriculture and
minoring in Animal Husbandry.
Find an interest in every sub
ject—A. & M. Handbook.
A Complete
Phone 4-1188
East Gate
Attention G. I. Wives
Between 75 and 100 extra employees will be needed
by the Veterans Advisor and The Exchange Store to
assist in handling the peak load of Fall Semester Reg
istration. Past experience in both departments indicate
wives of veteran students are highly adaptable to this
The Veterans Advisor will need approximately 50
extra employees on August 17 and September 7 and 9 to
issue book requisitions. Requirements: Legible hand
writing, a fountain pen and ability to follow simple in
structions. Those interested apply to Mr. B. A. Zinn,
Veteran Advisor, before August 10.
The Exchange Store will need extra sales people,
file and billing clerks, etc., beginning about August 15.
Previous sales experience not necessary, but desirable.
If interested apply to Mr. Robert B. Barham, Personnel
Supervisor, Exchange Store before August 10.
Rate of Pay Tenure
Per Hour Ox/V Temporary