The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 18, 1946, Image 1

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Dean-Emeritus Marsteller
Outstanding Veterinarian
Dr. R. P. Marsteller, who will
Become Dean Emeritus of the
School of Veterinarian Medicine
on September 1, has been a fami
liar figure on the A. & M. Campus
since 1905.
Dean Marsteller will act as
professor of veterinary medicine
and surgery at no reduction in
salary in recognition of his long,
faithful service to the college and
to the field of veterinary science.
Next year he will reach the age
of automatic retirement. His early
relinquishment of duties as head
of the school is due to ill health,
as the overload of wartime admin
istrative and teaching duties im
posed a severe strain upon his
physical reserves.
Dr. Marsteller came to A. & M.
immediately after he graduated
from Ohio State University in
1905. He served under the late
Dr. Mark Francis in the depart
ment of veterinary science with
the Texas Agricultural Experi
ment Station and taught classes
in the college division before the
School of Veterinary Medicine was
established in 1916. Dr. Francis
was the first dean and Mr. Mars
teller became his assistant.
Dr. Marsteller was elevated to
the deanship in 1937 after Dr.
Francis died and he has been
head of the school ever since. Un
der him the school has grown to
international renown and its
graduates in all parts of the world
In 1938 he attended the Inter
national Congress of Doctors of
Veterinary Medicine at Zurich,
Switzerland, at the personal re
quest of the late President Frank
lin D. Roosevelt. He appeared
on the program there and after
wards made an extensive tour of
Europe inspecting veterinarian fa
He is a member of the Ameri-
can Veterinary Medical Society,
member and past president of the
Texas Veterinary Medical Society,
American Association for the Ad
vancement of Science, Texas Pub
lic Health Association, American
Public Health Association, World
Poultry Science Association, Tex
as Academy of Science, Texas
State Teachers Association, The
American Remount Association,
Horse and Mule Association of
America, Research Workers in
Animal Diseases, and the United
States Livestock Sanitary Asso
ciation. In addition he has ap
peared in Who’s Who and Ameri
can Men of Science.
His writings include numerous
articles concerning diseases in
animals, as well as bulletins on
veterinary research, and a book
on Hog Cholera and Its Preven
Harry Boyer to Head College Group
Seeking Every Available Local Bed
Plans for an active campaign
to secure every available housing
accommodation were announced
this week in order to meet the
peak enrollment expected by col
lege officials in September.
A record-breaking enrollment
at the College will require the
largest teaching staff in history,
and housing is essential if an
adequate faculty is to be avail
The cities of Bryan and College
Station are to be canvassed in a
telephone survey seeking avail
able quarters for students and
teachers, it was announced today.
The telephone solicitation will be
in charge of Harry Boyer and a
staff of assistants who will list
every available space disclosed by
the survey.
Citizens of the community will
be asked to consider sharing their
residences with students or fac
ulty members, either for a limited
or unlimited period of time.
The telephone survey of pos
sible accommodations will be ex
panded to a house-to-house soli
citation if the need arises, it was
Property owners and residents
of Bryan and College Station will
be asked for the following de
tailed information by the tele
phone interviewers:
1. If they have a sleeping room
for one or more persons.
2. If they would be willing to
furnish one to three meals.
3. If they can provide sleeping
accommodations and kitchen priv-
4. If they prefer one man, two
men, a couple without children,
a couple with one or more chil
5. If a citizen would be willing
to make room for a student, a
teacher or a couple with the un
derstanding that they would care
for the property owner’s children,
chickens or perform other servi
ces of a similar nature.
6. If a resident would consider
sharing the home with a couple
in return for cooking, housekeep
ing or nursing services.
7. If a resident would consider
allowing a couple to remodel a
servant’s room or garage apart
ment in return for the privilege
of occupying the renovated quar
ters until the cost of conversion
is amortized.
In short, living quarters for
students and faculty members
never have been more important
to the success of the College pro
gram than they will be when the
Fall semester begins in Septem
ber, and it will be several months
before additional housing can be
provided by government agencies
and college officials.
To fill that gap, it is hoped that
the seriousness of the situation
will be met by public-spirited citi
zens who will share their homes
with College neople.
The telephone survey will begin
Thursday morning. In the mean
time, before your number is called
by the house-hunting solicitors,
Mr. Boyer will be glad to receive
calls from people who will coop
erate in the housing shortage.
Any information as to the lo
cation of living quarters . will be
deeply appreciated by Mr. Boyer
at 4-5014.
Shepardson Announces Start of Second
Session Annual Summer Cotton School
The second session of the 37th
Annual Summer Cotton School is
now in session here. Starting
last Monday, the course will last
until August 24, according to Dean
Charles W. Shepardson of the
School of Agriculture.
The course is under the direc
tion of Dr. L. G'. Jones, acting
head of the agronomy department.
The first session of the school
had 59 enrolled, including stu
dents from Sweden, Egypt, Mexi
co and six states of the United
States. This session closed July
“An increase in the interest
shown in cotton classing by veter
ans and other groups, and the
large enrollment in the first ses
sion, are making possible this
second term of the Cotton School,”
Dr. Jones said. “We are expect
ing about 25 for this second term.”
Students in the Summer Cotton
School receive a six weeks course
in cotton grading and classing,
What’s Cooking
Friday, July 19
6:30 Newman Club meeting in
new “Y” Report of the outing and
discussion of tentative plans for
summer semester will be made. All
Catholics are urged to attend.
7:00 Navy-Marine club meeting
in chapel of “Y” Monday.
Saturday, July 20
9:00 to 12:00 Free All-College
dance at slab sponsored by Student
Activities Office.
Monday, July 22
7:30 Fish and Game Club meet
ing Room 309 Animal Industry
Building. T. K. Chamberlain to be
the speaker.
7:30 Style and Foods group of
Veterans Wives Club at Sbisa.
as well as instruction in cotton
production and marketing. In
struction will be under the direc
tion of James M. Ward of the
farm labor bureau of the Texas
A. & M. College Extension Serv
ice, and college credit may be
obtained by those completing the
course. The Cotton School is op
en to the public and inquiries con
cerning enrollment should be ad
dressed to Dr. L. G. Jones, De
partment of Agronomy, College
Station, Texas, Dean Shepardson
Propose to Issue
$5,000,000 Bonds
For A. & M. College
Bonds of $5,000,000 for the bene
fit of A. & M. College would be
issued under a plan presented this
week by representatives of all
Texas .State Colleges, meeting in
Dallas. The bonds for A. & M.
would be secured by the perma
nent university fund shared by
this college and T. U.
The board of directors of A. &
M., meeting in Corpus Christi, ap
proved the suggestions for creation
of a separate negro agricultural
and mechanical college at Prairie
View and a negro university at
Houston. This plan has also been
approved by the T. U. regents.
The A. & M. Press Club held its
mid-summer supper meeting yes
terday evening at Sbisa Hall, and
discussed plans for fall issues of
The Battalion. H. O. Johnson, Jr.,
editor of the paper, led the discus
Texas A«M
The B
Ag. Graduates
Will Receive New
Sears-Roebuck Makes First
Endowment for County
Agent for A. & M.
Texas A. & M. College has an
nounced the inauguration of an
“agricultural leadership” program
consisting of a year of highly
specialized technical training for
graduates of this school who have
made outstanding records as
county agricultural agents.
The purpose of the program, as
Dr. Ide P. Trotter, the originator
of the plan, pointed out, is to in
crease the number of trained ag
riculture leaders as this field,
perhaps more than any other, has
suffered because of the war, and
will continue to suffer for lack
of trained leadership fpr several
years to come.
Dr. Trotter further pointed out
that as agriculture becomes in
creasingly technical and mechan
ized, higher standards of train
ing will be necessary. Agricul
ture will face a critical period of
readjustment unless steps are
taken to provide larger numbers
of trained leaders. Some of the
points of the program are to se
lect as many men as is possible
upon their graduation and give
them practical experience either
as county agents or as assistant
county agents. A few outstand
ing students will be chosen each
year for further professional
training at the institution of their
Funds for the program are ex
pected to be furnished by person
al contributions, and memorial and
commercial endowments. The
first endowment was contributed
by Eddie Condon and Cal John
son in behalf of Sears Roebuck
& Co. President Gibb Gilchrist
and Dr. Trotter received a check
for $7500 from them in Dallas on
July 8.
Munson Resigns
To Accept Dow
Chemical Post
Thurmond A. Munson, professor
of hydraulics, Texas A&M Col
lege, has accepted a position with
the Dow Chemical Company at
Freeport in the engineering divi
sion, and has reported for duty, it
was announced by Dr. S. R. Wright,
head of the civil engineering de
Mr. Munson returned to the col
lege last January after active mil
itary service at a Lieutenant Col
onel, having been granted leave in
He had been connected with the
civil engineering department of the
college since 1920, but was on a
one-year leave of absence in 1936
for duty as a Reserve Officer in
the C. C. C. organization.
Munson served as acting head
of the Civil Engineering Depart
ment during the first summer
term, prior to the appointment of
Dr. S. R. Wright to the position.
The temporary appointment was
made to fill the chair while C. E.
Sandstedt was on Vacation.
A native of Brazoria county, the
Munson family will reside at An-
gleton, friends were advised.
Practice reading all kinds of
graphs—A. & M. Handbook.
Lawrence Tibbett, famed star
of concert, radio, opera, and screen
will be on the A. & M. campus
November 18, 1946. Coming under
the auspices of Town Hall, the
rich baritone voice *of this fore- 1
most singer is to be presented for
the pleasure of all who appreci
ate the best in music.
Like all famous people, Law
rence Tibbett has acquired count
less stories or legends spun
around his life. He tells of once
failing to make a high school glee
club in “Glory Road,” his auto
biography. “I failed to make the
glee club the first year,” he writes.
“That was my first artistic set
back, for, encouraged by my
friends, I had expected to be wel
comed as God’s gift to the Man
ual Arts (Los Angeles) glee club.
It taught me a lesson. Never
since that day have I believed in
the praises of my friends. I wait
for the morning papers!”
Once he was fooled even by
this. During his second season
at the Metropolitan he was as
signed to the role of Ford in
Verdi’s “Falstaff.” The opera
had not been sung there in fif
teen years, and had some of the
company’s leading lights in the
cast. At that time Tibbett had
attracted no more than passing
When he finished Ford’s Mono
logue in the second act a cataract
of applause broke over the stage.
Col Ike’s Piano Sold
To Benefit Patranella
Memorial Fund
A piano originally purchased by
song lovers of Col. Ike Ashburn
“retreat” in the Brazos bottoms
was sold this week for the benefit
of the Luke Patranella Memorial
Seven years ago when Col. Ash
burn was executive assistant to th%
president of the college he built
a small cottage retreat on a
Brazos bottom farm and often in
vited friends of the college and
community there to join in an
evening of song and relaxation.
Some fifty or sixty of these guests
pooled funds to purchase a piano
to assist in tuning the voices and
keeping them in line.
This week, the last remaining
reminder of the retreat, the piano,
was sold by Col. Ike. The proceeds
went to the Luke Patranella Fund.
From the piano President Gibb
Gilchrist has taken a plate enscrib-
To Dear Old Ike
The County Squire
“We Love You Truly”
Sings the College Choir
Agricultural Staff
Resume Annual
Meets Here Monday
The first conference in several
years to be held by the Texas Ag
ricultural Experiment Station for
research workers of the main sta
tion, substations and field labora
tories will be held here July 22
to 24, inclusive.
Dr. R. D. Lewis, who takes over
the Station Director, September 1,
is slated to address the confer
ence the forenoon of Monday, Ju
ly 22. D. W. Williams, Texas A.
& M. Vice President for Agricul
ture, will immediately precede
Dr. Lewis’ address.
Entertainment of the three-
day program include a reception
at the home of President Gibb
Gilchrist at 8:00 p. m., July 22;
a Field Day, Tuesday, at the
Brazos Bottoms Field Laboratory,
including a noon barbecue, and
tours over the Feeding & Breed
ing Station and the Main Station
Agronomy Farm, and an inspec
tion at noon July 24 of the plant
of the Texas Planting Seed As
sociation in Bryan, including lunch
with the officers of that organi
Business programs will be held
in the lecture room of the Physics
Building forenoon and afternoon
of July 22 and the forenoon of
July 24. Seven specific problems
are scheduled for discussion on
the official program along with
individual problems of the various
substations which the station
workers themselves may care to
Immediately following the bar
becue during the Field Day, there
will be a discussion of the plat
work shown, then a summary of
the general discussion of the plat
work will be made by J. E. Rob
erts, superintendent of the Main
Station Agronomy Farm.
Last order of business will be
group and divisional meetings from
3:00 to 5:00 p. m., July 24, in
various offices at Station head
Out-of-town research leaders are
to be housed in Dormitory 2.
Tibbett and Scotti, the leading
star, came out together . . . then
Lawrence Tibbett
Scotti took solo bows. It was
not enough. Cries, stampings,
cheers and calls for “Tibbett!
Tibbett!” continued. The house
lights dimmed and the conductor
raised his baton for the next
scene, then lowered it again as
the storm grew. One of the or
chestra men slipped backstage
and pushed Tibbett out before the
golden curtain, while the lights
rose to a glow and the audience
roared its approval.
By actual timing it was the
longest ovation in Metropolitan
Col. G. S. Meloy
Now Acting Head
Of Military Dept
Col. Welty on Terminal
Leave Preparatory to
Army Retirement
Col Guy S. Meloy, Jr., of the
United States Army has been
named acting professor of mili
tary science and tactics for A. &
M., succeeding Col. Maurice D.
Welty, now on terminal leave pre-
ceeding retirement.
A graduate of the Military Acad
emy of West Point in 1927, Col.
Meloy served with distinction in the
European Theatre of Operations
during World War II. , As acting
PMS&T, Col. Meloy will serve as
a member of the executive com
mittee and has been asked by
President Gibb Gilchrist to assume
chairmanship of the Sanitary
Guy S. Meloy compiled an out
standing record as Chief of Staff
under Major General Andrew D.
Bruce at the Tank Destroyer Cen
ter at Camp Hood, Texas, and as
Chief of Staff of the 103rd In
fantry Division in the European
Theater of Operations. His most
recent assignments before War
Department orders were issued
sending him to Texas A. & M.
were Chief of Staff of the Air
borne Center and control officer
of Ground Force Board Number
One for airborne ground aircraft
and the air support service test
section at Fort Bragg, North Caro
While overseas, Colonel Meloy
was awarded the U. S. Army
Commendation Ribbon, the Legion
of Merit, and the Bronze Star with
oak leaf cluster. He is qualified
to wear the Combat Infantryman’s
Badge and the Gliderman’s Badge.
His division in Europe, a part of
the 7th Army, is famed for hav
ing captured the Brenner Pass,
Axis stronghold and scene of
many Hitler-Mussolini meetings.
Colonel Meloy brings with hjm
to Aggieland his wife and three
young sons who will make their
home in College Station during
his tour of duty at the college.
Architect Students
Commended by
Rural Pastors
Voicing their approval for the
contemporary trends in rural
church design, delegates to the
Rural Church Conference held here
last week showed great interest
in a group of Rural Churches de
signed by second and third year
students in the Department of Ar
Following a short introductory
speech by Professor William W.
Caudill, each student explained
his own particular design and
answered qestions regarding the
design. Third-year Architecture
students participating in the con
ference were Harold L. Albright,
Palestine; ack D. Harrington,
Auston; A- D. Sakellarion, Albur-
querque; second-year students
were J. D. Cowan, Dallas; J. G.
Blandford, Port Arthur; J. O.
Chenault, Waco; R. B. Fryer; C.
R. Jones, Tulsa; A. B. Perry, San
Antonio; H. L. Price; Ft. Worth;
P. Y. Spillman, Lancaster; E. R.
Watson, Dallas; F. A. Zimmer
man, Dallas.
history up to that time. The rec
ord shows that the curtain was
held for sixteen minutes.
Tibbett was elated, of course
. . . and a little stunned. The
next morning the first paper he
grabbed was the New York Times.
He turned excitedly to the music
page . . . but there was nothing,
not even a mention of the per
formance. His anticipation, his
high hopes turned to crushing
disappointment. He folded the
paper, turning back to the front
page . . . and there it was! The
revival and his show—stopping
delivery of the Monologue had
made the front page of The
Since then his success has
mounted steadily, and his growth
as an artist has matched the pace
of his popularity . . . until today
he is America’s favorite baritone.
For the benefit of all hepcats
you might be interested in Mr.
Tibbett’s explanation of singing
“in the groove.” Opera singers
originally used the expression
which is not an exclusive jive
term. The swing addicts bor
rowed “in the groove” from the
Metropolitan Opera House. The
expression is a technical term
used by opera singers to indicate
that the tones are well placed in
the mouth and throat. Can any
body beat this one?
In any event music lovers, yes
even hepcats, can look forward to
the performance of Lawrence Tib
bett at Guion Hall next fall.
All-College Dance
Saturday Night
At The Grove
An admission-free all-college
dance will be sponsored by the
Student Activities office at the
grove on Sat., July 20, from 9:00
till 12:00 P. M.
Music will be furnished by
Bill Turner and the Aggieland
orchestra and cold drinks will
be available.
Smokeaters Eat
Sbisa Chicken
At Banquet
503 Fire Fighters Spend
Week in Training On
A. & M. Campus
Smokeeaters attending Texas
A. & M. College’s annual Fire
men’s Training School stopped
fighting hypothetical fires at 6:30
Tuesday evening and gathered in
Sbisa Hall for an old-fashioned
banquet of fried chicken with all
the trimmings. There were ap
proximately twenty guests and
visitors besides the 503 registered
trainees who enjoyed good food
and remarks by Dr. C. C. Hedges,
head of the department of chem
istry and director of the fire
fighter’s school.
School Chairman H. R. Brayton,
chemistry professor at Texas A.
& M., conducted a short resume
of progress made in enrollment
over the past few years and it
was indicated that there was an
increase of 41 members over 1945
with a definite reduction in mili
tary personnel participating.
Representatives of practically
every fire station in the state
were entertained by Waco’s popu
lar band leader George Tipton
who brought a group of perform
ers to the campus for this par
ticular occasion. Included in the
program was lovely Wanda Row-
ton, blues singer *deluxe, who
brought smiles of appreciation
from the crowd. All of the old
songs that the boys liked enough
to demand repeated encores, were
songs sung by Mrs. Merle Butler,
Waco’s outstanding soprano. Tip
ton’s pianist, Gene Meriweather,
started many a hook and ladder-
man’s brogan shoe tapping with
his tunes played in Boogie Woo-
gie style.
The Fireman’s Training School
will complete the work for this
year on Friday, according to Dr.
Hedges, and plans are being for
mulated for next year’s school
when art even greater number of
enrollees and instructors are ex
Fish Days Relived
By Brazos County
A&M Graduates
Fun and frolic reminiscent of
their Fish years were enjoyed
Tuesday night by about 175 form
er students of Texas A&M at the
annual stag party of the Brazos
County A&M Club which was held
at the Fin Feather Club. A bar
becue supper was served by a
crew under Jay Penniston, super
visor of sussistence of the col
In a short business session, W.
P. Carmichael, club president, ap
pointed several committees to
conduct business for the organi
zation and to report back to fu
ture monthly meetings. Tad
Moses, W. W. Scott and J. D.
Prewit are a nominating commit
tee to select a slate of officers for
the coming year. C. N. Heilscher
heads a committee to look into
the matter of serving food at each
monthly meeting.
The club adopted a resolution
of gratitude to Leon Ortega of
Mexico City, Texas A&M student
in the class of 1920, for assist
ance given in getting the body of
the late Luke Patranella out of
Mexico so speedily in order that
he could be buried at College Sta
tion. A resolution of condolence
to Mrs. Patranella also was adopt
ed. President Carmichael will an
nounce later personnel of the
committees to carry out the con
sensus of the club on these two
Gratitude was expressed by the
club for the assistance given the
annual stag barbecue by Walter
Wipprecht, George Steffan, and
others, and for the committee on
arrangements headed by W. N.
(Flop) Colson.
Don A. Hennessee, former
member of the A&M College Li
brary staff, sailed July 5 on the
“Marine Serpent” for Tokio to
take charge of an army post li
brary for the next year or so. Mr.
Hennessee resigned his position
in the State Library at Sacramen
to, California, where he has been
since his discharge from the Army
last November, to go to Japan.
Lawrence Tibbett, Star of Radio and Opera,
To Please All Music lovers At Town Hall
Zinn the Veterans
Friend Named Asst.
Dean of Men
To Continue as Veterans
Advisor as Well as
Varner’s Successor
The appointment of Bennie Zinn
as the new Assistant Dean of
men, with additional duties as
Veterans’ advisor, was made yes
terday. He will assume his new
duties on September 1st.
Zinn is a graduate of A. and
M. He received his B. S. in 1926
and his Masters in 28. After
leaving school he was a teacher
at Temple High School until 1940
at which time the Texas National
Guard was called into active serv
ice.. During the war Zinn served
with the 6th Division and was lat
er transferred to the 83nd Air
Borne Division and was dis
charged with the rank of Lt. Col.
He came to A and M as Veter
ans’ Advisor in August last year
and has held that position since, j
The office of the Assistant Dean
of Men had been previously oc- (
cupied by Durwood B. (Woody)
Varner who has been recalled into I
the army to do special research
work at the University of Chica
go in the field of Agricultural
Ralph White Wins
Burpee Scholarship
Ralph H. White of Harlingen,
agricultural student at Texas A.
& M. College, has been selected
as the most outstanding junior
student of the year in horticulture
and was awarded the Burpee
Scholarship of $100, according to
Dr. Guy W. Adriance, head of the
horticulture department.
The W. Atlee Burpee Company
of Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Cali
fornia,'- nationally known seed
growers, set up this annual award
for the junior student who exhib
its the most knowledge and best
academic accomplishments in his
horticultural work. The money is
applicable toward his senior year
of student at Texas A. & M. Col
White’s home is in Harlingen
and he has had vast practical woik
in vegetable growing in the Rio
Grande Valley.
T. K. Chamberlain
Fish & Game Club
Speaker Monday
At a meeting of Fish and Game
majors and their friends to be held
in Room 309, Animal Industries
Building, Monday, July 22 at 7:30
p.m., T. K. Chamberlain of the
Division of Wildlife Research,
Fish and Wildlife Service, United
States Department of the Interior,
with headquarters at College Sta
tion, Texas, will discuss some fish
ery problems with which he is
Mr. Chamberlain recently has
been associated with the River
Basin Survey Project of the Fish
and Wildlife Service, in course of
which he has covered a consider
able amount of territory in the
southwestern United States. He
has also been interested in plans
for developing fish production in-
farm ponds, a subject of very live
interest indeed throughout the
State of Texas. Most recently Mr.
Chamberlain has just returned
from an official conference in New
Orleans, Louisiana, at which fur
ther plans for cooperation between
the Fish and Wildlife Service and
the U. S. Engineers in the control
of water hyacinth were considered.
Reference will be made to pro
duction of fishes in ponds in China,
where it is reported that over 3,-
000 pounds of fish may be produc
ed in a single year from an acre of
water surface.
Billy Welch is President of the
group which has been meeting
through the summer period, and
A. K. Sparks is secretary.
“Burning* Plane”
Rescue Is Shown
By Army Group
Today the Seventeenth An
nual School for Firemen, now in
session, gave a demonstration on
“Aviation Emergency Reserve
Equipment,” by burning a plane
on the drill field.
The spectacular demonstration
was put on by a team from the
Army Air Forces Flying Training
Command at Randolph Field and
was under the command of Lt.
Col. B. R. Ferrel and the supervis
ion of Chief Snyder of the Ran 7
dolph Field Fire Department.
The demonstration was divided
into two parts. The first part
was a demonstration of the res
cue of a person from a burning
plane. The second part was the
extinguishing of the fire. The
plane used for this demonstra
tion was the fuselage of a
wrecked P-45. It had been sat
urated with 300 gallons of oil
and 600 gallons of gasoline.