The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 03, 1946, Image 1

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    Pay Raise For Faculty
To Be Effective Sept. 1
New Scale Made Public at Faculty
Meeting; Higher Standards Cited
A revised salary budget representing an average in
crease of 16 percent over present salaries was announced
today to the faculty of the Agricultural and Mechanical
College of Texas.
The new salary brackets established for the teaching
division, for the first time, put Texas A. & M. College salary
levels nearer the average of all similar educational institu
tions, according to Dean of the College Frank C. Bolton,
who has made an exhaustive study of the subject.
The . increases become effective
September 1, coincident with be
ginning of the 1946-47 fiscal year,
and are in line with a recent
statement issued by the Board of
Directors and administrative of
ficers “in recognition of their re
sponsibility for maintenance of
adequate facilities and a well
qualified staff,” President Gibb
Gilchrist said in making public
the statement, which follows:
“It shall be the policy of the
Board of Directors and the ad
ministrative officers of Texas A.
& M. College to strive continuous
ly for adequate compensation for
its staff;
“To achieve higher academic
standards by selecting only those
well qualified to its staff and by
expanding our facilities for test
ing, counseling, student place
ment and orientation to the end
that those admitted to classes may
have reasonable certainty, with
proper application, to profit by
college work;
“To maintain the physical facili
ties of the college so that they are
always adequate to the current
“To study continuously the
needs of the college so that plans
for its development may be pro
jected as far into the future as
sound judgment dictates is pos
“And to determine all things
feasible to bring to full realiza
tion the stated objectives of the
A. & M. College of Texas to the
end that the product of the Col
lege—its graduates—is second to
none in abilities and training.”
“The Board of Directors and
administrative officers are deter
mined to keep this institution in
the forefront by making it at
tractive to good men whom we
need on our staff, and to retain
men sought by other colleges and
industry,” Dean Bolton said.
Housing Committee Plans for A. & M.’s
Largest Enrollment; Dorms Assigned
Should Ease by Xmas
According to Records
A housing plan to accomodate
A&M’s largest enrollment has
been approved according to E. L.
Angell, the president’s admins-
trative assistant. The plan is the
one revealed to the Ex-Service
men’s Club last Friday night.
To answer the very popular cry
of no three-in-a-room, it is shown
that of the 2360 rooms on the
campus, not including rooms in
Hart and Walton Halls, only 520
will be used initially to house
three students. These rooms are
located in dormitories 14, 15, 17,
Bizzell, Leggett, Milner, Mitchell,
Law and Puryear Halls.
Angell pointed out that between
the beginning of the Fall semes
ter and Christmas that approxi
mately this number of students
will resign from college. This es
timate is based on records of the
Registration Office.
Corps Halls
The corps will be assigned ac-
Texas A*M
The B
comodations for approximately
1728 persons, utilizing dormitories
2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. This
assignment is based on the plan
ned acceptance of approximately
1000 high school graduates who
will be assigned to the corps.
- Community
It is estimated that some 1500
students will live in the surround
ing communities, Bryan, College
Station, and possibly Navasota
and Hearne.
Vets’ Apartments
Walton and Hart Halls will re
main veterans’ apartment halls.
The pre-fab village and the co
op apartments will also house vet
eran students and families as will
the newly planned village to be
constructed on the old cavalry and
mounted field artillery drill field.
This new project is to contain
500 units.
Students assigned to these un
finished units will be required to
live at Bryan Army Air Field,
which the planning committee
recommended be requested from
the government, until their as
signed apartments become avail-
(See HOUSING, page 4)
Discussion Group
Will Be Formed
On Monday Night
Meetings Open to All;
Plan Weekly Schedule
For Fall Semester
The A. & M. campus discussion
group, founded to keep students
abreast of developments in the
world, will hold its first forum
Monday night at 7:30 at the Y. M.
C. A. The topic, “Are We Get
ting a True Education?” will be
threshed over by four separate
groups, each led by three instruct
ors and three students. Those at
tending will be divided into the
smaller groups so that everyone
will have a chance to contribute
to the discussion.
The discussion group has been
founded by a committee from the
Ex-servicemens’ Club, but it is
planned to organize it as a sep
arate campus activity in the near
future, as there is no intention to
limit participation to veterans.
All students and faculty mem
bers are welcome to all meetings,
including the first one Monday
It is planned that the discussion
group will meet in seminars simi
lar to the first one on Monday
night each week for three weeks,
and then invite some nationally-
known speaker to appear for a
lecture. However, the group may
not get into full operation until
the fall semester.
New Post
Where Is Aggie Spirit? . . .
The following guest editorial was submitted by eight students,
and expresses what the Battalion feels about present conditions on the
In the last issue of the Battalion there was voiced, and
rightfully, opinions of three groups of people here on the
campus. A returning single student, a returning married
student, and a wife of a married student. This does not,
however, represent all the groups present. At one time this
campus was noted for “the Aggie spirit.” It is true that we
had a 2% who came here to school for their own selfish
reasons, but the bulk of the exes of Aggieland did leave their
bit but to be added to the heritage of Texas A. & M.
Today we are divided. That 2% has grown with the
abolition of certain customs that were just as much part of
this school as the water tower mentioned last week. I need
not mention any of these customs, but they started off by
meeting strangers until there were no strangers left.
Then, the college was run by the student body, and
those students learned more than a professor or a textbook
can impart. The stabilizing influence of the senior class
saw to it that the school was being run along traditional
lines and kept so, for the future Aggies.
Now the classes are just being shoved along haphazard
ly like boy scouts with their advisor. It is true that students
need advice in some matters by older people, but very few
are experiencing the effect of learning to make their own
dcisions as far as their campus activities are concerned.
Other colleges and universities are composed of a self
governing student body at the present time, and there is
no reason that the Aggies are not mature enough to start
making their own way here and now. There was no dean
of men, but there were plenty of men on the campus.
There was a blue book. It did not intimidate the stu
dents, but it did outline a few good moral points that Ag
gies were expected to live up to. There was no signing of the
Basic Policy. The basic policy was expressed in the spirit
of the school, something stronger than a “bunch of jumbo”
that is about as clear as the Brazos river, and is a threat
and a millstone around the students’ necks. I do not suggest
that the governor be taken off the engine and let run wild,
but that the students be their own governors once more.
The Corps has been split into the military and the non
military. Later the non-military has been split into the
veterans and non-veterans. The veterans have been split into
the married and single groups. The married veterans have
been split into those fortunate enough to have student hous
ing and those that do not have an apartment furnished by
the school.
The strength that was once Aggieland’s has now
waned. There is evidence that opinions differ on the rights
of different classes, groups, and sub-groups, so the students
are not able to handle their affairs personally because they
have been split up into powerless little protective unions
fighting each other, while new bureaus are being set up
to run things that are rightfully their own right to do.
If nothing is done to remedy such a situation, the fame
that was once Aggieland’s will be tarnished beyond recogni
Architecture Society
Attends Conference
At Texas University
Last week the Architectural So
ciety invaded the campus of Uni
versity of Texas to attend the
School Plant Conference held
there Thursday, June 27. Present
at the conference were some of
the nations outstanding school ar
chitects and other members of the
building profession. The students
attended only the second day of
the conference which was set aside
for the archiect’s views on the
school problem.
Classroom environment, includ
ing natural lighting, artificial
lighting, acoustics and sanitation
were discussed Thursday morn
ing; the Architect’s Contribution
to the School Building program
was the theme of the afternoons
Highlight of the day was the
informal “bull session” with Ar
chitect E. J. Kump of San Fran
cisco and L. P. Perkins of Chica
go enjoyed by all members of the
Society who attended the confer
Dr. S. R. Wright
S. R. Wright Now
Permanent Head
Of C. E. Department
Only Holder of Four
Degrees from A. & M.
Receives Appointment
Dr. S. R. Wxdght has been ap
pointed head of the Civil Engin
eer’s Department, according to
Dean H. W. Barlow of the School
of Engineering. Dr. Wright will
succeed J. T. L. McNew, who up
on his return from the service
was made vice-president in charge
of engineering.
Dr. Wright, who has been act
ing head of the Civil Engineering
and Municipal Sanitary Engin
eering Departments for the past
four years, is believed to hold the
record for attendence at A. & M.
He has registered for 20 regular
sessions and eight summer terms.
During most of these terms he
was a full time teacher in the
college and was enrolled for a
limited number of academic hours.
He is the first and only man to
receive four degrees from this col
lege, having been awarded his
Bachelor of Science Degree in
1922, Master of Science in 1928,
Professional Degree in Civil En
gineering in 1931, and in June of
this year became / one of the few
to receive a doctor of Philosophy
The new head of the C. E. De
partment, who now makes his
home in Bryan, is well known
throughout the state for work in
municipal engineering and utility
rate problems and was located for
a number of years in the cities of
Fort Worth and Waco.
Expect Big Crowd
At Dobie Lecture
Friday Night
J. Frank Dobie, “cowboy his
torian,” is expected to draw a large
audience to Guion Hall when he
lectures Friday night at 7:30. The
talk, sponsored by the Ex-Service
men’s Club as part of a program
for bringing noted speakers to
the A. & M. Campus, is open to
Professor Dobie recently
returned from England, where
he was guest lecturer at
Cambridge University during the
war years. For many years pre
viously he was a professor at Tex
as University and known as an
exponent of the Southwest way of
life. His books about old Texas
were coast-to-coast best-sellers,
and he was awarded to the Pulit
zer Prize for one of them, “Coro
nado’s Children.” More recently
books about his experiences as a
Texan in England have had wide
Time of departure of buses
leaving College Station for the
Fourth of July celebration has
been changed. The first bus
will leave from behind Sbisa at
4:45 P. M., the second at 5:00
Court House 4:45.
The picnic and barbecue are
to be held at the American Le
gion Post Hall and Park located
on the Madisonville highway.
Everything is free, but is re
stricted to active members of
the veterans’ club, their wives,
children and dates. Member
ship cards will be on sale at the
Register Saturday
For Second Term
Of Summer School
Registration for the second j
summer semester by those now in
school will be carried out this
Saturday afternoon at Sbisa Hall.
The same procedure will be used
as was in effect at the beginning
of the first summer session, ex
cept that the order of names will
be rotated slightly.
Those whose surnames begin
with A, B, C, D, will register from
1:00 to 2:00, those beginning with
S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, will en
roll from 2:00 to 3:00. From 3:00
to 4:00 all whose surnames begin
with L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, and
from 4:00 to 5:00, E, F, G, H, I,
J, K.
Classes will begin Tuesday, Ju
ly 16 as scheduled and all veter
ans are asked to be sure that they
turn in their book requisitions to
the Exchange Store.
It is expected that by the end
of the summer term arrangements
will be made for fall registration
before students leave on vacation.
R. L. Manly, ’42
Elvin V. Svoboda, ’45
James C. Rowland, ’45
Nathan I. Mitchell
Albert F. Burnett, ’45
John Lewy, Jr., ’43
W. F. Huddleston, ’46
Milburn M. Kothmann, ’46
H. A. Thomas, associate profes
sor of electrical engineering, will
represent Texas A. & M. College
at an electronics conference to be
held at the AAF Air Material
Command at Wright field, Dayton,
Ohio, July 8-12.
Guion Hall Will
Get New Seats
It has been announced by Tom
Puddy, manager of Guion Hall,
that customed designed, tilt back,
leather and velour upholstered
seats have been ordered for the
center section of the theater and
are expected to be delivered the
latter part of July.
New Physics Class
Will Help Vets
Short On Credits
Six-Hour Transfers Can
Meet A. & M.’s Ten-Hour
Requirements In Session
Because physics requirements
for A. & M. students in engineer
ing and the physical sciences are
heavier than those in many col
leges, and because many veteran
students h^ve passed physics
courses with only six semester
hours of credit, the Physics De
partment is offering a new special
make-up course during the sec
ond summer session. Applications
for this special class will be made
during the registration pei’iod this
Physics 223 is a four-hour course
consisting entirely of classroom
work, with some demonstrations.
The entire field of general phy
sics will be covered in an intensive
review with emphasis on those
more advanced phases of the sub
ject not usually presented in the
shorter college courses.
This course makes it possible
for former AST students and oth
ers who have had physics courses
carrying six or more credits in
some other college to satisfy the
ten semester-hour requirement of
A. & M. with only one semester’s
additional work. Math 104
(Analytics), or its equivalent, and
at least six semester hours for
college physics are prerequisite for
the course.
Single Vets Drop
Plea to Remove
Married Couples
Report of Committee
Eases Tension Over
At the third of a series of spe
cial meetings held by the Ex-
Servicemen’s Club a resolution
calling for removal of married stu
dents from all campus dormitories
was withdrawn. During debate on
the resolution a report from the
college housing committee was
presented by the veterans com
mittee on the matter, stating that
only 500 rooms would be affected
by the three-in-a-room policy next
fall. Several pre-war Aggies,
now back on the campus, told of
living four-to-a-room in Hearne
or Navasota and commuting to
classes here before the war.
About 1,000 veterans and their
wives were present at the two-
hour session, constituting the
largest attendance at any meet
ing to date.
The cafeteria committee re
ported that they are still in con
sultation with college officials
concerning prices charged at the
college cafeterias. Officials from
the college are reported-to be in
vestigating operation of the meal
departments in othelr state col
Bennie A. Zinn, college veterans’
advisor, addressed the meeting
and discussed the policies of the
office he directs.
Many Ags Among
Those Named for
Regular Ranks
Forty-five Aggies were named
by the War Department on July
1 to receive permanent commis
sions in the regular army. Most
of the officers named are now in
the service, but hold higher tem
porary commissions than the regu
lar commissions that they re
ceived. The list included:
Capt. Joe F. Lichnovsky, V. C., Cuero,
’42; 2nd Lt. Edwin C. Adams, CAC,
Corpus Christi, ’44; 1st Lt. Walter S.
Rector, A. C., Houston, ’39; 1st Lt.
Stockton D. Brns, CAC, Louise, ’35; 1st
(See MANY AGS, page 4)
Rusty Now In Training For
Appearance as Aggie Mascot
I'll n ip
Place Winners in
Architect Summer
Project Named
This week the third year stu
dents in the Department of Ar
chitecture have completed their
first big project of the summer.
The problem included presenta
tion drawings for one of the lead
ing national architecture maga
zines, Progressive Architecture,
(Pencil Points). The building
presented was the Brazos Coun
ty Health Unit designed recently
by Senior Students in the Depart
ment under the direction of Pro
fessor Ernest Langford. The
editor of the magazine had ex
pressed the desire for suitable
drawings to be included in a fu
ture issue of the magazine.
A presentation by Bob Simpson
was awarded first place, second
prize going to Irvin Gewertz and
third to Collier Campbell.
mere were no newsmen or
cameras. There wasn’t even a
papa to walk the floor when this
gal was born in January 1946.
She didn’t even know she was
supposed to have a papa to walk
the floor. Probably papa didn’t
even know he had children, be
cause papa was a dog, and dogs
don’t worry about how many chil
dren they have. But this puppy
didn’t need a papa, she made her
own way in the world, meal-
hounding from door to door out
at Bryan Field village, wagging
her white-tipped tail at everyone
who passed and winning approval
by chasing sticks for anyone.
When this little dog faces the
other way it looks as though
someone had dipped a paint brush
in a bucket of brown paint and
slapped her as she passed by. As
a result, people started calling
her “Rusty.”
Little did she know that some
day she would become the mascot
of the Texas A. & M. Cadet Corps.
But when she found out that she
had the chance to receive more
prestige than any dog in the
United States, she came out to
the campus and campaigned for
herself. She walked with the
freshmen in the streets, met the
upperclassmen on the sidewalks
and completely familiarized her
self with the campus that was to
be her permanent home. And in
the student elections, Rusty re
ceived 487 votes in her favor to
only 32 against her.
Rusty is now living on the
campus, orienting herself with the
duties that will become hers this
fall. At meal-time in the morning,
Rusty can usually be found around
Duncan Hall learning the finer
points of meal-hounding and wag-
ses. But when the sun starts
sending her hottest rays down,
she looks for a cooler spot in one
of the dormitories.
Come fall, and Rusty will real
ly discover what being mascot to
the Texas Aggies will mean. With
the beginning of the fall semester,
she will be taken in charge by the
members of the Aggie band—she
will learn to prance in true ma
jorette fashion, and will be fitted
to a wardrobe of the sportiest
thing in maroon and white blan
kets. Seeing that she is proper
ly groomed and attired when she
ventures forth in state is a prime
function of the head yell leader
at Texas A. & M.
Most students have heard or will
legends, about Rusty’s famous
predecessor, “Reveille.” How she
had the run of the campus, the
mess-halls and dormitories, how
she traveled all over the south
west and appeared in the motion
picture, “We’ve Never Been
Licked.” Many will remember
her heading the 220 piece Aggie
band on parade, and her pet aver
sion for T-model Fords.
People who remember Reville
and have seen Rusty will recog
nize the similarity between them,
even to the white tip on Rusty’s
tail. It seems that the days of
the T-model Ford are almost past,
and Rusty may never learn to
recognize one when it passes, but
she will no doubt follow Reville’s
ging her tail at everyone who pas- remember the stories, now almost 1 footsteps ( in' other ways.
Rearrange Offices
In Ad. Building
Offices of Business Manager E.
N. Holmgreen have been moved
from the first floor of the college
administration building to suite
217 on the second floor, quarters
formerly occupied by Dean of Ag
riculture E. J. Kyle. On Mr.
Holmgreen’s staff are C. D. Own-
by, assistant business manager,
and Miss Hazel Hearn, secretary.
Offices of the A. & M. Devel
opment Fund occupy the adjoin
ing quarters, with W. Henderson
Shuffler in charge. Offices of
Architect Carlton Adams also ad
join the business manager’s new
W. N. Holzmann, comptroller,
who acted as business manager
during Mr. Holmgreen’s military
service, has returned to his form
er offices adjoining the Fiscal de
Offices formerly occupied by the
Business Manager are now those
of Benny A. Zinn, Veterans’ Ad
visor of the College.
Steen Announces
$7300 Expenditure
By Com. Chest
Expenditures from the College
Station Community Chest have
amounted to over $7,300 this year.
Dr. Ralph W. Steen, committee
chairman, reported last week. The
statement of expenditures was
approved by the Community
Chest committee at a meeting
called by Steen to consider gener
al measures for next fall’s cam
Steen said that contributions in
1945 and 1946 from the A. & M.
College staff, College Station
business firms, residents and oth
ers had totaled $8,897.06. Cost
of conducting the fund-raising
campaign was $45.60, Steen said.
Total expenditures to date have
amounted to $7,336.60. The un
expended balance, including the
balance on hand from the 1944
campaign, amounts to $2,439.33, he
The complete report of expen
ditures from the College Station
community chest this year are as
County hospitalization, $50;
American Red Cross, $2,700; Local
Hi-Y fund, $30; Brazos County
Girl Scouts, $800; National War
Fund, $1,000; Brazos County Boy
Scouts, $1,100; Tubercular fund,
$100; Flower fund, $11; World
student service fund, $250; Moth
er’s Club, A&M Consolidated
School, $200; Bryan & Brazos
County Chamber of Commerce,
$900; March of Dimes,-$50; Crip
pled Children’s fund, $100; Print
ing and general Clerical expenses,
At the meeting, the committee
discussed ways and means of lim
iting next fall’s budget require
ments. Because of the balance
on hand and the fact that several
items probably will not appear
in next fall’s budget, requests for
individual contributions probably
will be considerably decreased,
Steen said.
“The College Station Communi
ty Chest is anxious to assume its
share in the county relief pro
gram and yet make the budget re
quests as light as possible on in
dividual contributors,” Steen said.
“The committee sincerely ap
preciates the support of Texas
A. & M. College staff members
and College Station people on last
year’s campaign,” he stated.
Members appointed on the
committee include;
C. W. Crawford, J. H. Milliff,
S. L. Frost, H. E. Burgess, Fred
Hale, J. G. Gay, J. W. Rollins, J.
D. Prewit, F. I. Dahlberg, W. W.
Wallace and Dr. Steen.
A detailed study of one of the
most elusive of Texas’ wild game,
the pronghorned antelope, is be
ing undertaken in the Davis Moun
tains by Helmut K. Buechner, M.
S. graduate in Fish and Game
from Texas A. & M. He was re
cently awarded a fellowship under
the Texas Cooperative Wildlife Re
search Unit and his headquarters
have been established at Alpine.
In addition to this work, he has
been admitted to candidacy for
the degree of Doctor of Philoso
phy in the graduate school of A.
& M.
Aberdeen - Angus
Assn. Field Day
Here Draws 125
More than 125 persons attended
the Aberdeen- Angus Association
Field Day held here Friday, June
28, under supervision of the ani
mal husbandry department.
The college Aberdeen-Angus
herd was inspected and the de
partment, headed by F. I. Dahl
berg, exhibited three superior herd
sires, five fat steers, four two-
year old heifers, and thirty cows
with calves by their sides.
Accompanying the members of
the association and their guests
were many of their families and
in addition to witnessing a very
successful field day, there was
social gathering after adjournment.