The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 27, 1946, Image 4
PAGE 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 27, 1946 —OPEN LETTER— (Continued From Page 2) ASTP students must feel that they are unwanted here at Aggie- land. This feeling has always been the case when someone was out of place. This doesn’t mean that every army man schooling here is out of place nor does it mean that such a program shouldn’t be located here. It does mean that each man should look himself over and judge for him self as to whether or not he is treating his fellow man—student and instructor—right. To make Aggies of these men would be quite a job with the liv ing arrangement the way it is or ganized. But to make decent men is not an impossible one, merely a different one. Pleas have gone out time and again for rightful sharing of the walk and road. An attempt has been made to restore the “howdy” habit here on the campus. In some departments, rest rooms which were opened for conven ience of the students have been brought up for discussion to de cide as to whether or not they should be closed and locked again —for sanitary sake. Recently in one, a small sign was posted re questing that all students assist in keeping the room clean. Be neath the sign someone has scrawled “Yea Tulane.” Does this look like the work of jan Ag gie? The ASTP students are not in foreign countries. Perhaps Texas is “foreign service” to some of them, but Texas is still in the United States. There must still be abidance by the general rule that we were put to while in Eng land, France, Australia, India, China and many other countries. Observe rules of decency. Respect public property. To the ASTP students—you are not lower than anyone else on the campus merely because you are still in and we are out, because you are in uniform and we are not, or because you are not an Ag gie and we are. We wore the uni form proudly for many years and through many strange lands. Join us in making this campus a good one, a friendly one. RAINEY CLUB MEETS AT Y.M.C.A. TONIGHT The Rainey-for-Govemor club will meet at the Y. M. C. A. chapel at 7:30 tonight. Opening of an of fice will be discussed. AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH College Station Services Y. M. C. A. Assembly Room (Second Floor) Service Schedule for Sunday, June 30: 6:00 p.m.: Sunday School and Bible Class 7:00 p.m.: Divine Worship Service A Cordial Welcome to Worship With Us is Extened to All. The College Station State Bank Extends a Cordial Invitation to the residents of the Brazos County community and to the student body of Texas A, & M. College to attend its . . . FORMAL OPENING FOR BUSINESS JULY 1, 1946 Safety deposit boxes are scheduled for delivery on or about September 1. Reserva tions will be accepted begin ning July 1. Member Federal Reserve System and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation COLLEGE STATION STATE BANK Offering a Complete, Modern Banking Service Directors H. E. Burgess R. B. Butler W. Lamar Fly L. G. Jones S. A. Lipscomb Joe Skiles R. W. Steen f llaldrop&fo. “TWO CONVENIENT STORES’’ COLLEGE STATION BRYAN Water Polo Teams To Be Formed night at seven. Heard on WTAW Regular Schedule WTAW Monday Through Friday A. M. 6:00 6:16 6:25 6:30 7:00 7:15 7:16 7:15 7:30 7:65 8:00 9:00 9:25 9:30 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:30 10:45 10:46 11:00 11:30 11:46 12:00 P. M. 12:16 12:30 12:35 12:46 1:00 1:16 1:30 2 :00 2:30 3:00 3:15 3:30 4:00 4:00 4:15 4:15 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:15 6:30 6:45 6:00 6:00 6:15 6:30 6:30 6:30 7:00 A. M. 6:00 6:15 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 9:00 9:15 9:30 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:30 P. M. 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:30 2:00 3:00 4:00 4:05 4:15 4:30 4:45 5:16 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 Texas Farm and Home Program Front Page News and Markets (Wed. and Fri.) Kazmeier Reporter Sun Up Club Martyn Agronsky (Mon., Tues., Wed.) Morning Melo dies. (Thurs.) Rotary Club (Fri.) Something to Read Tik Tok Time Gems for Thought Breakfast Club My True Story News and Betty Crocker (Except Tues.) Between the Lines (Tues.) Songs of Geo. Byron (Mon.) The March of Faith Breakfast in Hollywood Kellogg Home Edition (Tues., Wed., Fri.) The Woman’s World (Mon., Thurs.) Ted Malone Glamour Manor It’s Pleasing to the Ear George Barnes Octet Baukage Talking News Rhythm Round Up Farm Fair At Your Request John B. Kennedy Ethel’ and Albert Bride and Groom earce and ;s. Be Se Excursions in Science de i A1 Pearce and His Gang Ladies, Be Seated Try V Find Me Parade of Melody Merchants (Mon.) Brazos Valley Farm and Home (Thurs.) Rev. Van Sickles (Mon.) Folk Music (Thurs.) Musical Interlude (Mon., Fri.) Rev. W. J. McDaniel (Tues.) Keys of Faith (Wed.) Church of Christ (Thurs.) Church Women Hop Harrigan Terry and the Pirates Sports Round Up Jack Armstrong Folk Rythms Headline Edition (Sat.) Dark Venture Raymond Swing (Mon., Wed., Fri.) The Lone Ran ger (Tues.) So You Want To Lead a Band (Thurs.) How Do You Pronounce It? Melodies at Eventide SATURDAY Texas Farm and Home Program Sun Up Club Martyn Agronsky Mario Janaro Musical Novelty Group Paul Harvey—News Wake Up and Smile Excursions in Science Buddy Weed Trio Junior Junction Chester Bowles Earle Wilde Johnny Thompson—Song Salesman Bible Messages To Live in Peace The American Farmer Hill Toppers Melodies to Remember Piano Playhouse Musical Showcase Duke Ellington Saturday Concert News Summary Good News Jimmy Blair Harry Wismer Parade of Stars Correspondence Around the World Green Hornet Dick Tracy Famous Jury Trials Gang Busters Classified THE SCRIBE SHOP. Typing, mimeo graphing, drawing. Phone 2-6705, 1007 E. 23rd, Bryan. On July 2nd all one half price sub scriptions to Readers Digest will cease. Make your subscription now to take advantage of this offer. JOHNSON MAGAZINE AGENCY North Gate, Box 284 or phone 4-8814. FOR RENT—Room with bath, private entrance. Phone 4-7434. WANTED—Young couple, no children, desperately needs apartment or home to stay in. Wife willing to do housework, care children, etc. Man is painter, paper hanger, carpenter, veteran! We work for you in payment. Man to attend A. & M. College. Contact T. W. Wadsworth, 415 E. Lee, Weatherford, Texas. LOST—Shaeffer Lifetime Pencil. Name Wesley L. Fielder engraved. Gold band around middle. Please return Room 422, Dorm 15. LOST—Green Shaeffer Fountain Pen. Lost Thursday. Appreciate return. N. A. McLain, 106 Bizzell. FOR SALE—Odd furniture, stuffed chairs, table, sofa. Phone 4-7919. FOR SALE]—Solid Oak library desk. Small piece inlaid linoleum. Dietz end Darrell St. or box 2167, College Station. FOR SALE—Lot 22 in Block 3 in Col lege Hills for sale. Close to East Gate and Highway 6. Abstract goes with lot also house plan designed for lot if desired. Size of lot is 50 ft. x 132 ft. Facing south. Box 2388, College Station. Official Notices July 4 is one of the regularly scheduled holidays for the clerical staff of the Col lege. F. C. BOLTON, Dean. As provided in the College Calendar, classes will be suspended on July 4. F. C. BOLTON, Dean Veterans Fees for 2nd Summer Term Veterans who plan to attend the 2nd summer term may secure fee waiver slips from Veterans Advisor and pay fees every day 1 July to 6 July. Registration for cur rently enrolled students will be on 6 July. Veterans Record Cards Every veteran who has not filled out a Veterans Record Card will please fill out one when he reports for the waiver slip for his fees for the 2nd summer term. BENNIE A. ZINN, Veterans Adviser. Notice to Students With Vehicles It has been necessary to RESTRICT the small lots near the classroom buildings against parking of student vehicles. Only those students who have a special permit, because of a physical handicap, should try to use these lots. Driving to class is im possible because of the number of vehicles involved. Your co-operation in this matter will be appreciated. FRED HICKMAN, Chief Campus Security. Architecture Society Attends Austin Meet Members of the A. & M. Archi tectural Society are attending the meeting of the Texas Society of Architects in Austin, Texas, today. The theme of the Austin confer ence is school planning and de sign. The conference is a three day affair, and the speakers con sist of many noted architects of national reputation. Among them will be Richard J. Neutra, of Los Angeles, nationally famous school planner; Henry Wright, editor, Architectural Forum, New York City; Douglas Haskell, associate editor, Architectural Record, New York City; and Alden B. Dow, Midland, Michigan, prominent de signer of schools in the north. The interest shown by members of the Architectural Society in this conference is typical of their general policy of supplementing class work by out-of-class educa tional activities. VETS DANCE AT SBISA PLAN A REPEAT Saturday night at Sbisa the vets tripped the light fantastic with their drags to the music of the Aggieland Orchestra. In spite of the heat the dancers gathered fast and about 600 attended. Another dance is scheduled by the Veterans club to be held in July, along with several other en tertainments. All who have not yet joined the ex-servicemen’s club are invited to do so and par ticipate in the summer activities. Mrs. Eloise T. Johnson, special ist in family life education for the Texas A. and M. College Ex tension Service, will spend June 26-27 in Chattanooga, Tennessee, at the Southern Rural Health Conference, Director Ide P. Trot ter has announced. A: M. 9:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 9:00 8:00 9:30 10:00 11:00 12:00 P. M. 12:30 12:55 1:00 2:00 2 :30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:15 5:30 6:00 7:00 7:15 SUNDAY This Week—News Familiar Melodies Shiloh Gospel Singers Coast to Coast on a Bus Lutheran Hour Organ Melodies Familiar Melodies Music by Master Composers College Avenue Baptist Church Warriors of Peace Sammy Kaye’s Serenade Your Sunday News Extra Old Fashioned Revival Hour Board of Missing Heirs Right Down Your Alley Darts for Dough Counterspy Stairway to the Stars Sunday Evening Party Drew Pearson Monday Morning Headlines Quiz Kids Ford Sunday Evening Hour Walter Winchell Louella Parsons tfST lOWS 9ALLIE B,CLARK AOrf GRILL SPECIALIZING ! N STEAKS HOME COOKED FOODS MfiS.SAUJf B. CMRK,0*Nffi ' NORTH CrATP -NOTICE-- During the months of July and August the Saturday closing hour of 1:00 p.m. will be observed. AGGIE CLEANERS and SMITH’S CLEANING and PRESSING North Gate —LETTERS— (Continued from Page 2) at A. & M., I roomed with two other students in Puryear. We were not uncomfortably crowded. It was a bit unhealthy; I caught the measles. Men who were liv ing two to a room had the measles also. I guess the measles “bug” couldn’t count. I believe that keeping a dormitory clean has more to do with healthful condi tions than an extra man to a room. In regards to education, a third person will not be detrimental if you are sincere in getting an edu cation. I have found out that a blarring radio, a fuse-blower, or a friend insisting on going out to Uncle Ed’s was far more detri mental. I am so thankful for getting through 51 months active duty and having an opportunity to attend a school that has done as much as possible under the existing cir cumstances that I can not “bleed” at how it is being run. I feel that most single veterans I know would stay three to a room if it meant the difference of us married men staying in school or having to drop out. Sincerely (Name withheld at writer’s request.) WOMEN FLYERS TO MEET The Womens Pilots Club of Texas will meet in Bryan on Sat urday and Sunday. A luncheon will be held at 1:00 p.m. Saturday at Maggie Parker’s Dining Room, a barbecue at 6:00 p.m. at the Fin- feather club. Drive in — Auto Repairs Lubrication & Gas Service It’s Convenient Aggieland Service Station “At the East Gate” Soft little rayon dress sweetly ruffled around the neck line. It has the fluid fit that idealizes your young curves. Yellow and aqua sprinkled with white flowers. Sizes 9-15. $6.80 Other Junior Dresses from $4.95 to $14.95 BRYAN SELECT YOUR CHILD NEEDS YOUR HELP IN SELECTING HIS FIRST POLICY THE LIFE INSURANCE WAY is practising foresight and thrift represents a long term transaction. It is im portant therefore, that you give your child the benefit of your knowledge of the purpose and advan tages of the various forms of policies. YOU WILL ALSO WANT HIM to profit by your experience and judgement in selecting a company that is ably and soundly managed. THE KNOWLEDGE THAT YOU helped your child select his first policy and company will always be a pleasant reminder to him of your interest in his future welfare. The policy will be tangible evidence of your fore sight in his behalf. BY HELPING YOUR CHILD lay the cornerstone of his insurance estate, you will have the assurance that he is laying the right foundation for a successful financial career. CENTRAL TEXAS DIVISION COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS FORD MUNNERLYN, ’26, District Manager ASSOCIATES Sidney L. Loveless, ’38 Harry Hooker, ’35 M. M. (Rip) Erskine H. E. Burgess, ’29 Ray Smith THE AMERICAN GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Houston, Texas COLSON & COMPANY AGENTS W. N. (Flop) COLSON INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Over Aggieland Studio Phone 4-1132 — Res. Phone 2-7679