The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 20, 1946, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
What’s Cooking
Friday, June 21
5-9:30 p. m. Architect-Ex-Serv-
icemen’s Clubs’ display, Veterans
Lounge, Sbisa Hall.
7:00 p. m. Newman Club meet
ing, New “Y.” Discussion to be
held regarding Bryan picnic.
7:30 p. m. Ex-Servicemen’s
Club Special Meeting, Sbisa Hall
Annex. Discussion to be held on
“three in a room” policy and re
port of mess hall committee.
Saturday, June 22
1:00 p. m. Navy-Marine Air
Club meeting, “Y” Chapel.
1-5:00 p. m. Model Airplane
Meet, Polo Field.
9:00 p. m. Ex-Servicemen’s Club
dance, Sbisa Hall. Aggieland Or
chestra playing for affair. Mess
hall due to be air conditioned by
supplimented fans.
Sunday, June 23
1-5:00 p. m. Model Airplane
Meet, Polo Field.
Monday, June 24
7:00 Style and Fashion Group
of Veterans’ Wives Club, Veterans’
Lounge, Sbisa Hall. A display
and demonstration of Beauty
Counselor Cosmetics will be pre
sented. r
Tuesday, June 25
8 p.m. Kiwanis Club Dance open
to public, Grove.
Monday, June 24
7:30 p. m. Fish and Game Meet
ing Room 309, Animal Industry
Building. Marion Tools will talk
on Opportunities in the Field.
B-C Symphony to
Perform Next Week
The Bryan-College symphony
orchestra will present its second
concert of the summer at 8:15
p. m. on the evening of June 27
in the auditorium of the Stephen
F. Austin High School, according
to Claude Guthrie, its conductor.
An interesting feature will be
Prokofieff’s “Peter and the Wolf,”
narrated by Bill Guthrie. Other
composers whose music will be
heard are Busch, Gershwin, Liszt,
Herbert, Tschaikowski, and
Tickets, fifty cents each, are
available in College Station at
Varners and the Aggie Record
Luke Patranella
Dies in Mexico
Luke Patranella, proprietor of
Luke’s Grocery at the East Gate,
died last week in Mexico City of
a heart attack, while on vacation
with Professor and Mrs. J. J.
“Mr. Luke,” as he was gener
ally addressed, was one of the
best known business men in Col
lege Station, and his annual Eas-
ter-egg hunts for children were a
big event of the spring season.
A memorial, of undetermined
nature, is being planned by Col
lege Station residents.
THE SCRIBE SHOP. Typing, mimeo
graphing, drawing. Phone 2-6705, 1007 E.
23rd, Bryan.
FOR SALE—1939 LaSalle, good condi
tion. Call 4-6157.
Wanted: Medical Laboratory technician,
5 and one - half days a week, no night
or Sunday work, salary depends on ex
perience. Contact Student Activities
On July 2nd all one half price sub
scriptions to Readers Digest will cease.
Make your subscription now to take
advantage of this offer. JOHNSON
284 or phone 4-8814.
FOR SALE—New radios, O. P. A. ceil
ing $29.55. One record player $27.95.
McKenzie, F-2, Walton.
LOST—Schaefer lifetime fountain pen
with name U. V. Johnston engraved on
gold band. If found notify Battalion Of
FOR SALE!—Small house, second on left
on Madisonville Highway. E. R. Morrison.
Official Notices
Any student who normally expects to
complete all the requirements for a
degree by the end of the 1946 Summer
Session of school should call by the
Registrar’s Office NOW and make for
mal application for a degree.
H. L. Heaton
Will all graduating seniors who wish
to use the facilities of the Placement
Office please meet with me in Room
202, Goodwin Hall, Monday, June 24, at
7 p. m. to start preparations for sum
mer placement work. Please be prompt
—the meeting will be short.
Actg. Director
Placement Office
Each candidate for the Master of Science
degree who expects to complete the re
quirements for his degree in the current
term of summer school should present to
the Dean of the Graduate School his com
pleted thesis, approved by the head of his
major department, on or before June 29.
AH candidates for degrees at the end
of either term of the summer school should
file notice of their expectation with the
dean of the Graduate School without delay.
They should also file complete course of
study if they have not already done so.
T. D. Brooks,
Dean of the Graduate School.
Always the Latest
In Phonograph Records
Quick, friendly service . . .
Two lovely, sound-proof
Listening booths for your
listening pleasure
“and t-h-e-n
We have a few players left
—the most beautiful tone
quality imaginable . . .
from $39.95 to $69.95
‘T never dreamed it was so
easy to put up
Ready-Pasted Wallpaper”
. . . Says lovely songstress HILDEGARDE
No Tools—no paste—no fuss—no muss. JUST DIP
STICK IT ON. Millions of people are following this
smart Hollywood lead. Choose from many lovely pat
- - - also
TRIMZ Cedar Closet paper gives closets that rich
look . . . that clean smell of real cedar wood!
“Next to the Post Office” Bryan
Next to the Post Office
Who is Dr. Homer P. Rainey? Texas reactionaries call Dr.
Rainey a devil with horns. What is he really?
Homer Price Rainey is a Texas-born farm boy who worked
his way through Austin College, played professional base
ball, was an Army private in World War I, and who was
known as one of the country’s leading educators.
In 1944 he refused to allow reactionaries to dictate policies
of Texas University, and for his honesty he was dismissed.
The rest is Texas history, still being made.
Ask for the pamphlet “Who is Homer P. Rainey?” This fas
cinating story will tell why you should - - -
Ex-GJ Pianist on
WTAW Program
Eugene List, former GI pianist
who achieved world fame when he
played at the Potsdam conference
for President Truman, Winston
Churchill and Marshall Stalin, will
be heard over WTAW this Sun
day at 6:00 p. m. as soloist on the
Ford Symphony hour.
Monday Through Friday
A. M.
6:00 Texas Farm and Home Program
6:15 Front Page News and Markets
6:25 (Wed. and Fri.) Kazmeier Reporter
6:30 Sun Up Club
7:00 Martyn Agronsky
7:15 (Mon., Tues., Wed.) Morning Melo-
7:16 (Thurs.) Rotary Club
7:15 (Fri.) Something to Read
7:30 Tik Tok Time
7:55 Gems for Thought
8:00 Breakfast Club
9:00 My True Story
9:25 News and Betty Crocker
9:30 (Except Tues.) Between the Lines
9:30 (Tues.) Songs of Geo. Byron
9:45 The Listening Post
10:00 Breakfast in Hollywood
10:30 Kellogg Home Edition
10:46 (Tues., Wed., Fri.) The Woman’s
3 Week Poultry
Short Course to
Commence Tuesday
Beginning June 24 and continu
ing through July 12, the A. & M.
College of Texas will present a
three-week poultry husbandry
short course under the supervis
ion of E. D. Parnell, acting head
of the poultry husbandry depart
ment. This course has been pri
marily designed for training of
flock-selecting and pullorum test
ing agents for chicken and turkey
flocks, and in addition it will of
fer training and information for
hatcherymen, poultry breeders
and others engaged in the various
phases of chicken and turkey pro
Kiwanis Dance
The Grove will once more be
covered with shuffling feet next
Tuesday night when the Kiwanis
club entertains with a free dance.
According to the Kiwanis Recrea
tion Committee, the dance will be
held from 8 to 10:30 p. m. Fami
lies and friends of the Kiwanis are
(Continued From Page 1)
formation of soils and water sup
ply will occupy students who elect
one course in Geology, and a non
technical study of mineral re
sources in another will give a
wealth of data on this subject.
United States foreign policy,
how this country became a major
10:45 (Mon., Thurs.) Ted Malone
11:00 Glamour Manor
11:30 Polka Playhouse
11:45 George Barnes Octet
12:00 Baukage Talking
P. M.
12:15 News
12:30 Rhythm Round Up
12:35 Farm Fair
12 :45 At Your Request
1:00 John B. Kenaedy
1:15 Ethel and Albert
1:30 Bride and Groom
2:00 A1 Pearce and His Gang
2:30 Ladies, Be Seated
3:00 Excursions in Science
3:15 Try ‘n’ Find Me
3:30 Parade of Melody Merchants
4:00 (Mon.) Brazos Valley Farm and
4:00 (Thurs.) Rev. Van Sickles
4:15 (Mon.) Folk Music
4:15 (Thurs.) Musical Interlude
4:30 (Mon., Fri.) Rev. W. J. McDaniel
4:30 (Tues.) Keys of Faith
4:30 (Wed.) Church of Christ
4:30 (Thurs.) Church Women
4:45 Hop Harrigan
5:00 Terry and the Pirates
5:15 Sports Round Up
5:30 Jack Armstrong
5:45 Folk Rythms
6:00 Headline Edition
6:00 (Sat.) Dark Venture
6:15 Raymond Swing
6:30 (Mon., Wed., Fri.) The Lone Ran
6:30 (Tues.) So You Want To Lead a
6:30 (Thurs.) How Do You Pronounce It?
7:00 Melodies at Eventide
nation and American political in
stitutions are the courses offered
by the Department of History in
the series of post-graduation
“Social Problems and Social
I Disorganization” is the course of
fered by the Department of Rur
al Sociology and is described as
“an antidote for a society that
has known how to wield a police
man’s club on the outside of
skulls much longer than it has
paid attention to influencing the
processes that go on inside the
An economic and sociological
study of American Agriculture
treats of the broad economic and
social problems of agriculture and
the place agriculture fills in the
national economy.
Comparative economic systems
and the “isms” are studied in the
Department of Economics course
in the series. Students will learn
A. M.
6:00 Texas Farm and Home Program
6:15 Sun Up Club
7:00 Martyn Agronsky
7:15 Mario Janaro
7:30 Musical Novelty Group
7 :45 Paul Harvey—News
8:00 Wake Up and Smile
9:00 Excursions in Science
9:15 Buddy Weed Trio
9:30 Junior Junction
10:00 Chester Bowles
10:15 Earle Wilde
10 :30 Johnny Thompson—Song Salesman
10:45 Bible Messages
11:00 To Live in Peace
11:30 The American Farmer
P. M.
12:30 Hill Toppers
12:45 Melodies to Remember
1:00 Piano Playhouse
1:30 Musical Showcase
2:00 Duke Ellington
3:00 Saturday Concert
4:00 News Summary
4:05 Good News
4:15 Jimmy Blair
4:30 Harry Wismer
4:45 Parade of Stars
5:15 Correspondence,Around the World
5:30 Green Hornet
6:00 Dick Tracy
6 :30 Famous Jury Trials
7:00 Gang Busters
the differences between capital
ism, fascism, socialism and com
munism and the economic prob
lems peculiar to each of the sys
Aspects of the petroleum in
dustry including historical de
velopment, exploration, produc
tion, transportation and refining
of petroleum, and the natural gas
and natural gasoline industries
will he studied in the course of
fered on this subject.
Students will be expected to
read books prescribed, and to dis
cuss with the instructor by letter
each book as it is completed. It
is planned to have all prescribed
books in the college library for
students who do not wish to pur
chase them. Other departments
of the college probably will offer
courses if demand for the “Look-
Architect Club
Organizes for
Summer Terms
At its first meeting of the sum
mer last week, the Architecture
Society set up a streamlined pro
gram for the summer session.
Held at the new home of Profes
sor and Mrs. W. W. Caudill, the
meeting served a dual purpose—
organization for the society and
house-warming for the Caudills.
Tentative plans were made for
architectural exhibits of interest
to the general public, the first
one to be established soon in the
Main Library. Student problems
in housing, schools, and indus
trial architecture as well as free
hand drawing are to be included
in various showings.
Member participation is to be
stressed in each meeting of the
summer. Chairmen have been
appointed for the second and last
Tuesdays in each month, and with
a selected committee they will
work out programs of visiting ar
chitects, panel discussions, and
other points of interest to the
members of the Society.
New officers for the Society are
Harold Jordan, Dallas, President;
Jay Cowan, Dallas, Vice-presi
dent; Charles Crawford, Bryan
Fish & Game Club
Plans New Series
Of Lectures
A series of meetings for Fish
and Game majors, and others in
terested in conservation, is to be
inaugurated during the current
and following summer session.
Topics have been chosen from the
suggestions of students that are
of special interest at the present
time, and moderators who are au
thorities in their fields have been
invited to speak.
The meetings are to be held in
the nature of round table discus
sions in room 309 of the Animal
Industry Building at 7:30 p. m. at
two week intervals. The first of
these meetings will be held on
June 24 with Marion, Toole of the
Texas Fish and Game Commis
sion and Walter P. Taylor of the
Texas Cooperative Wildlife Re
search Unit, speaking on “Some
Opportunities in the Wildlife
Field.” Those majoring in this
department are urged to attend
and all interested visitors will be
Architects, Vets
To Sponsor Show
On Housing
The A. and M. Architecture
club and the Veterans club will
sponsor a display of model houses
in the Veterans lounge of Sibisa
hall Friday evening between the
hours of five and nine' o’clock.
Realizing that all the men now
on the campus are or will be in
terested in building a home in the
future, the clubs have arranged to
have experts in the housing field
on hand to answer questions. All
persons interested are cordially
invited to attend the display and
ask questions on the planning,
cost, materials and design of the
houses to be displayed. Bring
the wife along and get a look of
the abode of 1956.
A: M.
7 :30 The Christians Hour
8:00 Familiar Melodies
8:15 Shiloh Gospel Singers
8 :30 Coast to Coast on a Bus
9:00 Lutheran Hour
9:30 The Southernaires
10:00 Music by Master Composers
11:00 College Avenue Baptist Church
12:00 Warriors of Peace
P. M.
12 :30 Sammy Kaye’s Serenade
12:55 Your Sunday News Extra
1:00 Old Fashioned Revival Hour
2 :00 Board of Missing Heirs
2:30 Right Down Your Alley
3:00 Darts for Dough
3:30 Counterspy
4:00 Stairway to the Stars
4:30 Sunday Evening Party
5:00 Drew Pearson
5:15 Monday Morning Headlines
5:30 Quiz Kids
6:00 Ford Sunday Evening Hour
7:00 Walter Winchell
7:15 Louella Parsons
Suntan Gabardine
Suntan Tropical Worsted
Limited Supply
Cleaning and Pressing
N. Gate — Ph. 4-4444
ing At America” series warrants, The Student Personnel Office
Dr. Brooks said. was established June 1, 1943.
It is
and to fill
Is the purpose of our existence. May we
serve you Aggies with our complete
stock of College Supplies.
Visit Your Store Often
The Friendliest Place on the Campus
“Serving Texas Aggies”
Local Housing for
Student Vets to
Be Eased by Smith
A construction experiment which
will provide housing for veteran
students of A. and M. will com
mence soon, itwas announced last
week by T. L. Smith, Jr. ’98.
The development, to be known
as Smith’s Circle, will be made up
of two large buildings constructed
of concrete and shaped in the form
of semi-circles, the two buildings
together forming a circle. The cir
cle will contain forty apartments.
The project is to be located on.
twnty acres of land recently pur
chased by the Smith Builders, one
half mile north of the Post Office
on Main Street of College Station.
Each apartment is to be of the
utility type and is to contain a bath
with shower and a small efficiency
kitchen. The units are to be fifteen
feet wide at one end and ten feet
at the other and approximately
thirty feet long. It is planned that
they will rent for $35 a month,
furnished with all utilities paid.
It is the plan of the builders to
utilize veteran labor, paying eighty
cents an hour.
(Continued From Page 1)
any of the Bryan banks, or mail
to any member of the committee.
“Checks may be post-dated over
a period of a year, if any person
desires to contribute in a series
of monthly gifts.
“We have been getting a fine
response to this worthy fund, and
have an opportunity to build a
living and useful memorial to a
fine citizen.”
Members of the committee in
clude: Keith Aldrich, Frank And
erson, Harry Boyer, John Bravenec,
Hershel Burgess, Satch Elkins,
Gordon Gay, Fritz Hensel, Sam
Hopper, Doc Lipscomb, Ford Mun-
nerlyn, Dough Rollins, Carl Tish-
ler, Spike White, Joe Woolket, and
Byron Winstead.
(Continued From Page 3)
lent all around ball for Dorm No.
17. Dorm No. 16 was victorious
by winning two out of three
games from Dorm No. 3. Roug-
agnac was the outstanding player
for Dorm No. 16 with his sharp
Dorm No. 16 won their second
game when Harvey led the team
to a victory over the grandpas of
Dorm No. 17 by the scores 15 to
2 and 15 to 4. Dorm No. 9 was
the winner over Dorm No.’ 15 by
taking two games 15 to 13 and 15
to 2.
It took one game for set-up men
to find the right height for “tail-
man” Dawson of Dorm No. 9, but
after that it was easy going.
Both teams handled the ball well.
Law Hall, Dorm No. 9, and Dorm
No. 15 will be hard to beat for top
honors in the volley ball league. -
Grandstand play of the week—
In the game between Mitchell and
Milner, right fielder Reynolds of
Mitchell caught the only fly ball
coming his way with one hand.
Some new cars are now
being built . ; ; but we
don’t know just when
there will be enough to
go around.
Keep your present Ford
in dependable condition
;;; you’ll get more satis*
faction from driving it
s; : it will be a safer car
i.; it will be worth more
on a trade-in; Bring it
“back home’’ to us reg
ularly for inspection;