The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 20, 1946, Image 2

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    AGE 2
Your Medical Service ...
Recently some 60 students were required to take phy
sical examinations to participate in an approved college
course, Aero 221. A number of these students reported to
the hospital, inquiring as to the time they could have such
k an examination. They were instructed to contact physicians
at their own expense for such examinations. The additional
medical fee incurred varried from two dollars to six dollars.
During the past week there were three patients at the
hospital confined to the wards. This great number was for
one day only. The hospital is manned by one full time doc
tor, an assistant superintendent, two nurses on each ward
shift, two nurses on sick call, two technicians and various
administrative and maintenance assistants. Only when he
nurses are in doubt as to the proper treatment which should
be given does the doctor see sick call patients. ' He must
make his rounds to the ward, to see those patients confined.
Any medical service connected with courses of the col
lege and medical services benefiting the health of the stu
dents while attending A. & M. College should be rendered by
the college hospital.
Perhaps the doctor is overworked. We know there used
to be two doctors there, but now there are only some 3,000
students. Perhaps the hospital should be “put on the line.”
Your Answer . . .
He came, he spoke, and we sent him to Washington.
Many years ago, when a few of us were sophomores, and
many of us were “fish” and many more were still in high
school, the governor was invited to speak before the student
body at yell practice. Accepting the privileged invitation,
he mounted the “Y” steps, took advantage of his position,
held the gathering of the clan for over an hour with boring
figures and data concerning problems of little interest to
the stndents of Texas’ leading college. The majority of
students were them below voting age, and were not eligible
to affect his return to the capitol.
He later left Texas as Senator, while many of us were
in the service and handicapped either by slow mail or “sold
iers privileged to voice our opinion. In congress, like any
other senator who attends sessions, he has made good moves
. as well as bad ones.
The Battalion is not entering politics. It is merely pas
sing on to you the personal opinion of your senator. The
use of the “I” and “my” far surpasses the fact that he is
there to represent you, me—us. This is his opinion. Recently
the Ex-Servicemen’s Club telegraphed both Texas Senators
encouraging affirmative action on the OPA legislation. One
senator was out of the country at the time the vote was
i taken. The following reveals the action taken by the second:
“I consider the OPA an unconstitutional agency
and cannot therefore vote for it. It is my view that we
can work better to prevent inflation, disruption of our
economy, and for the protection of our citizens within
rather than without the framework of our constiution.”
signed W. Lee O’Daniel.
What Is Academic Freedom?...
Because hard-to-define academic freedom has become
an important issue in the Texas political campaign, those
words have been used and abused more than ever in the
past few weeks. T. U. stands censured for lack of academic
freedom; in the meantime some of the candidates for gov
ernor are—believe it or not—campaigning for office on the
^yjjQiylds..that 4 they are against academic freedom!
Bme ox' the politicians have written weird doctrines
Bxeir campaign speeches. Since these doctrines con-
h ^ Wiigher education, the Batt feels compelled to set
Bxt some of the facts now obscured by political somke-
Academic freedom means the right to search for truth.
It also involves the right to refuse to teach what is known
to be untrue, even when a political group in power desires
that truth be suppressed.
[ Academic freedom does NOT give a teacher the right
to proselyte for his ideological or ideosyncratic beliefs in
the classroom, as these politicians have intimated. It does
assure a professor of the right to describe, in appropriate
classes at appropriate times, what is going on in the world,
' even though we may not approve of such variant philoso
phies, To refuse to learn is to bury our heads in sand.
It is appropriate, in an economics class, to discuss the
Texas paradox—why the richest state should have so low a
iMedian per-capita income. (It was in this field that the
T. U. storm started.) It is appropriate, in a sociology class,
to discuss the moral collapse of many young people during
the war. Crime statistics will hardly make students ad
herents of free love.
rair Enough
The court decision in the Sweatt case (in which a
Negro sought admission to T. U.’s law school) seems to be
a fair decision which should satisfy all parties. The court
gives Prairie View six months in which to set up a law
school for Negroes. Only a beginning can be made in that
time, but it should open a new era for the school at Hemp
A Fighting Editor . . .
For years the Daily Texan and the Battalion have con
ducted a journalistic battle that resembled the athletic war
fare between T. U. and A. & M. Come next September, the
battle of words no doubt be resumed in full fury.
In the meantime, however, the Batt salutes the Daily
Texan for the fight it has been making in the name of acad
emic freedom and high standards. Retiring Editor Horace
Busby will long be remembered as a fighting editor.
Office, Room 5, Administration Building, Telephone 4-5444, Texas A. & M. College.
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of
Texas and the City of College Station, is published three times weekly and circulated
on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, except during the months of June, July and
August, when it is published weekly and circulated on Thursday.
Pbsocided Cr>lle6icrfe Press
Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, under
the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870.
Subscription rate $3.00 pec school year. Adrertising rates on request.
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City,
Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
H. O. "Hub” JOHNSON, JR. Co-Editor
VICK LIND LEY Managing Editor
U. V. JOHNSTON Sports Editor
WENDELL MeCLUBB Advertising Manager
KATHY WALLACE — - Reporters
•ALLEN SELF - Co-Editor
•On summer leave.
Vets Dance This Weekend
‘What’s the matter, bud, aren’t you an active member?’
By W. L. Penberthy
When Luke Patranella passed
away in Mexico City last Satur
day this community lost one of
its finest citizens.
Luke was the owner of the
grocery store that bears his
name, but he spent about as much
time in worthwhile community
activities as he did in the opera
tion of his business. He was not
only interested, but put his in
terest to work in an effort to bet
ter the community in every way
possible. He was active in such
organizations as the church, the
school, the scouts, the Chamber of
The honorary doctor of law de
gree was conferred on President
Gibb Gilchrist by Baylor Univer
sity at its graduating ceremonies
closing the 101st school year.
This week Southwestern also
awarded an honorary degree to
the A. & M. president.
(Continued From Page 1)
live in Hart and Walton is small
when compared to the total num
ber of married men wishing to go
to school here.
To us there are only two cours
es which the school could possib
ly follow: (1) Return Walton
and Hart to the great body of
students needing adequate living
conditions in September, or (2)
Convert all of the dormitories in
to apartments and “give the
boot” to all single men.
Our only desire is to have some
feasible reason advanced as to
why we should live under unde
sirable and detrimental conditions
when it isn’t necessary. Would
the benefits gained by such a
small number of students equal
ize the hardships that the greater
number of students would have to
endure ?
Sincerely, James Smith, Arthur
W. Smith, Wilbur S. Shea, Nixon
B. Schrader, Jr., Joyce E. Litlow,
Allen W. McCoy, Jesse E. Shivers,
Frederick B. Davis, Abner H. Po
sey, Jack D. Swatzell, John E.
Washburn, Wallace P. Robertson,
H. A. Staine, Sam S. Williams.
(It is planned that dorm 14,
which is not mentioned in the
above epistle, will house single
students come the Fall semester.
Walton and Hart will continue to
be married quarters. The follow
ing is recommended:
1. Attend the Ex-Servicemen’s
Club Friday night and air the prob
2. Recompute and see if, by
using the 146 rooms in Hart and
the 176 rooms in Walton, the
three-in-a-room problem would be
solved. That would mean that
some 966 rooms would be eased
of the new policy.
3. Look up the health record of
1937-39 when this was a require
ment and not a policy in the ma
jority of the dormitories.
4. Consideration be given to the
fact that the majority of the vets
occupying the two room conven
ient (?) apartments are in the
last three semesters and will soon
make room for other married
students, maybe you or your pres
ent room mate.
If you’re really hot on the sub
ject, there’s a lot you haven’t
brought out. The prefabs could
have been used to house single
men, the co-ops could have been
included in your report, and you
could have insisted that the “bull”
move out of Ross and return it
to single students—many of us
have lived there—and incidentally
—three in a room too.—Ed.)
Egg hunt he
Commerce, and any other organi
zation aimed at betterment of the
city. Any worth
while project that
was 1 a u n c hed
could count on
the wholeheart-
e d cooperation
and backing of
Luke Patranella.
Luke was very
much interested
in the youth of
the community
and got his great-
e s t enjoyment
from the Easter
staged annually
when thousands of eggs were col
ored and hid in the “Ravine” for
the little tots to find.
Luke’s idea of success was not
measured in the amount of world
ly goods one accumulated, but in
the extent to which one gained
the love and respect of his fel
low man. He once told me that his
father had impressed upon him
the importance of a good name,
and so the building of a good
name was his chief aim in life,
and no one can doubt that he went
the second mile in attaining this
Luke Patranella was most defi
nitely a part of this community
and one’s thoughts of College
Station were not complete if they
failed to include him. The finest
compliment I can pay him is to
say that I do not know of anyone
who would be missed by as many
people, of all ages and classes, in
as many ways and on as many oc
casions as we will miss our friend
Milkmen Wake
Students For
Early Classes
By Hub
“Milkman Keep Those Bottles
Quiet” . . . this is the new song
in th Project House and “Pre-fab”
area for two veterans who have
thought up probably one of the best
ways of making a little extra
money. . . . Jimmie Walker, ’40
and Ross Spradling ’43 are now de
livering A. and M. Creamery milk.
So, if your sleep is interupted by
the breaking of glass, it’s time to
get up and go to class anyway.
Congratulations to the post
ers of the warning signs
“Slow, Watch for Children”
along the road to Southside.
Now, how about a sign pr-
venting parking along this
road so one can see the child
ren and the grown-ups. This
road is one bottle neck being
as harrow as it is, but with
parking along the side and
college and construction trucks
passing at all times of the
day, things get pretty tough.
Is the $65 too small ? Can you
and the wife get by on the $90?
We know the answer to this one,
for if you’re spending like we are
you could use quite a bit more. Take
a look at that story you probably
passed up about the ROTC con
tracts last week. The new deal
i looks better than the one we had
six years ago.
Seems as though there are a
lot of new deals connected
the army. This past week Gen
eral Doolittle and his commit
tee turned their recommenda
tions over to the War Depart
ment. In general they have
decided that there should be
an improvement of officers
through a more careful selec
tion, better training, proper
assignment, promotion by se
lection and elimination of the
a general issuance of uniforms
to officers and enlisted men
alike; a retirement system
based upon shorter periods of
service; a reorganization of the
Inspectors General Depart
ment and a new pay scale,
one comparable to that of in
General Anderson’s plan, pre
sented to Reserve Officers last
week in Guion Hall, is the
answer to many veterans’ desire
for flying time and privileges. Of
course the War Department has a
purpose behind the plan; they’ve
never been known to organize any
thing without one—or have they?
But it will serve hundreds of ex
air force “flyboys” while here at
college as well as the veteran
airmen profs and residents of
Brazos County.
Classics and Swing Records
Enjoyed on A. and M. Campus
Let Us Solve Your
Discharge Papers, Diplomas — All Valuable Papers
An excellent stock of moulding to make frames for
everything worth framing.
Prices Right — Prompt Service
North Gate
— with —
Joan Leslie - Robert Hutton
“TARZAN and the
— with —
Johnny Weismuller
— Plus Second Feature —
Jack Benny - Don Ameche
— in —
— with —
Katherine Hepburn
Walter Huston
THURS. - Bargain Day
— with —
Randolph Scott
Ruth Warrick
Ellen Drew
by Ferd English
Alvino Ray’s newly established
orchestra has made a recording
of superb little jump tune en
titled SEPULVEDA. The world
famous boulevard is musically de
scribed by the lilting voice of Jo
Ann Ryan. On the back is an en
tirely different treatment of
“The Flight of the Bumble Bee”
entitled BUMBLE BOOGIE that
At The Movies
ZONS represents one-half of a
double feature showing at Guion
hall Friday and Saturday. Tar-
zan and his mate go deep in the
wilds to rescue their son from a
fanatic tribe of Amazons. Its
running mate is IT’S IN THE BAG
starring Jack Benny and Don
Ameche. The story concerns a
will for $12,000,000 that is hidden
in one of a group of antique
chairs that are sold. The track
ing down of the chairs makes good
At the Campus THE BLUE
DAHLIA, starring Veronica Lake
and Alan Ladd will be flashed
Sunday and Monday. The show
is of the highly adventurous type
that has made Ladd one of the
screen’s most famous tough guys.
Friday and Saturday they offer a
twin bill, Joan Davis and Jack
The Palace is featuring WALK
IN THE SUN starring the up and
coming actor, Dana Andrews. The
run begins with a midnight pre
view on Saturday night, and runs
on through Tuesday. Just another
war story.
Opens 1:00 P.M. — 4-1181
Paramount Presents
2 Big Features
No. 1
No. 2
Joan Davis
Jack Haley
also color cartoon
Plus Cartoon — News
LmrnSn PMdncw RO*EKI fEIXOWS • Directed b,-8AY WRIGHT
lcr»«. no, b, EDWIN HNWEV HUH
Cartoon — Short
features the Rey guitar backed
up by some very hot sidemen. The
new Rey organization is headed
somewhere, and it looks like that
somewhere is the top.
For the Harry James fans,
there is a new arrangement of
the oldy WHO’S SORRY NOW.
It features the trumpet of the
maestro and also a very good
vocal by Willie Smith. The bot
tom is a smooth arrangement of
SAID, warbled by Buddy di Vito.
Vaughn Monroe’s latest release
is a swingy number called WHO
who helps the Moon Maids put
the song across. The flipover is
IT’S MY LAZY DAY, a tune that
is definitely in the summer mood.
Both sides make good listening.
For sophisticates of the classi
cal school, Eugene Ormandy and
the Philadelphia Orchestra have
recorded Dvorak’s long-popular
work was written in 1892-93 dur
ing the composer’s sojourn in
America. It was inspired by a
pupil of Dvorak’s named H. T.
Burleigh, a competent Negro
singer and composer, who sang
spiritual and slave songs to his
teacher. The present perform
ance has been released by Colum
New record material is a viny-
lite plastic that eliminates sur
face noise, bounces without break
ing when dropped, is pleasantly
colored. Thus far its use has
been confined to four albums of
classical music. These albums
have come out under Victor label.
The Texas A. & M. Development
Fund accepts contributions from
ex-students for scholarships, re
search and special projects.
Jantzen. Jantzen practically
invented summer years ago
by dreaming up swim suits
to make you look wonderful,
feel wonderful while swim
ming and sunning.
These new Jantzens have in-
and - out - of - water glamour
plus freedom of action, thrill
ing new lines, marvelous new
fabrics . . . and brilliant new
colors. Priced 5.95 to 9.95
in sizes for all.