The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 20, 1946, Image 1

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    Texas A«M
The B
, Coflege
“Pinafore,” Musical Show,
To Be Staged in Summer
The most ambitious musical- I compete with their Starlight op-
dramatic production ever to be erettas in quality if not in quan-
staged at A. & M. will be presented | tity,” stated Turner. “Consider-
this summer by the Aggie Play- | ing the talent known to be around
ers, the Singing Cadets and the the college and vicinity, we should
new A. & M. Symphony orchestra.
“H. M. S. Pinafore,” the Gil
bert & Sullivan light opera, will
be staged by the three groups dur
ing the latter part of the sum
mer. Forrest Hood, director of
the Aggie Players, will stage the
production; Bill Turner, director
of the Singing Cadets and the
Symphony, will be musical direct
or, and Vick Lindley will act as
technical advisor.
In order to stage this gay, rol
licking musical about the British
Navy, the groups will need tal
ents of many kinds and in large
quantity. Singers, musicians,
costume-creators, painters, elec
tricians and carpenters will be
needed by the dozens. Therefore
the producers have invited resi
dents of Bryan, College Station
and the surrounding country to
join with the college students and
faculty in making this a memor
able production.
“As we will be able to concen
trate on this one production, we
hope to show Dallas that we can
be able to do so, if singers and
musicians will turn out in large
enough numbers.”
The statement was seconded by
Hood, who staged the successful
performances of “You Can’t Take
It With You” and “Junior Miss”
during the spring semester.
“H.M.S. Pinafore” has been on
the All-Time Hit Parade for more
than seventy years. It holds a
world’s record in that it has
never been off the boards during
all that time. Descendents of the
original D’Oyle Carte troupe are
still presenting Pinafore in Lon
don, the United States or Aus
tralia. The only interruptions
have been short breaks during
World Wars I and II. Some of
the music is heard over the radio
almost every week—which is
something after seventy years!
No date for casting has yet been
set, hut applicants are asked to
see Mr. Hood in the English de
partment, Academic Building, or
Mr. Turner, Room 5, Administra
tion Building.
Single Vets Bleed At News
Of Three-in-a-Room Plan
Editor of the Batt:
As single veterans and as stu
dents of this institution we feel
that we have a legitimate cause
for complaint. We refer to the
plan of placing three men to each
room in the coming Fall semester.
Speaking from a purely per
sonal standpoint, the rooms which
we occupy are not of adequate
size for three men. There are
many rooms on the campus which
could not possibly accomodate
three persons. In respect to
those rooms which are adequate
size to enable three men to exist
therein (exist as distinguished
from living comfortably), we
would like to know how the school
could consider it just and fair to
sanction crowded living conditions
for a great number of single stu
dents in order that a very small
number of married students may
live in the comfort of a two-room,
completely equipped apartment ?
We wish to make it clear that
we do not have a single complaint
against the married man as such.
We think it highly commendable
that so many of the married men
are continuing their education,
and we think it commendable that
this institution has aided these
men in their efforts. Under the
conditions existing during this
past semester (and which will no
doubt continue until September of
this year), no one could possibly
object to the utilization of a
great amount of space by a few
married men. There were enough'
dormitories to do this without
working a hardship upon anyone.
In September the situation will
be different. If Walton and Hart
Halls are not returned to their
original dormitory status, three
men must occupy one room. The
rooms now occupied by one mar
ried student could accomodate
four students in September. If
Walton and Hart are withheld from
the single students, six of us
must occupy the same or less
space than is needed to house one
married student.
This school was founded for the
express purpose of contributing to
the education of as many Texas
boys as is possible.
The crowded condition that
would result from three students
living in a single room would be
detrimental to the health and
education of those who must ne-
dure those conditions. Most of us
have spent enough time standing
in line for a shower; why should
we be forced to endure this and
other results of crowded living
conditions when it is unnecessary?
We do not agree that it is a
wise practice to discriminate
against the single students in
such a manner, and we are in
doubt as to whether it is fair to
furnish some married men with
apartments when only a small per
centage of married men who
wish to attend A&M can be
served in this way. It is definite
ly a fact that the percentage who
(Continued on Page 2)
Camera Club Gets
Dark Room, Studio
The Texas A. & M. Camera Club
has been reorganized and is be
coming active in campus affairs.
A well-equipped dark room has
been set up in the basement of
Guion Hall and a studio upstairs
is nearing completion. The group
plans to include a refrigeration
unit which will enable color de
veloping in the near future.
A print-of-the-month is being
selected at the last meeting of
each month, and in the coming
semester a Campus Print Salon is
being planned. Attention is al
ready focused on shots suitable
for the ’47 Longhorn as the club
is working in cooperation with the
publication staff.
A picnic was held for the mem
bers of the club and friends re
cently. Other social affairs are
on the club schedule.
To foster interest in the photo
graphic arts is the purpose of this
organization. In line with that
purpose Charles S. Nesom, presi
dent, announces that all students
who are interested are invited to
join the club. Meetings are held
the second and last Wednesday of
the month at 7:30 o’clock in the
basement of Guion Hall. !
Dr. Taylor Heads
Food Storage Talk
The June conference of the staff
of the Texas Agricultural Experi
ment Station which was held
last week at the Texas
Agricultural Experiment Station
featured a symposium on the pre
servation, canning, dehydration
and quick freezing of food, and the
storage of eggs and-meat.
Dr. Walter P. Taylor was in
charge of the confernce, with Dr.
Sylvia Cover, H. M. Reed, C. W.
Carter and Fred Hale discussion
leaders of the conference subject
The mother of John Darrell
Stuckenburg, ’40, who was killed
during the war, has made a pre
sentation of $10 to the Student
Aid Fund in memory of her son,
who was one of the Aggies hon
ored by Silver Taps during the
San Jacinto Day ceremonies this
Marine-Navy Air Club
There will be a short meeting of
all Navy and Marine air person
nel in the “Y” Chapel, Saturday,
June 22, at 1 p. m., according to
an announcement made yesterday
by the club president.
Aggie Art Harnden, who won
the 400 meter event at San
Antonio last week, and who will
compete in the national AAU
meet in Milwaukee.
Educators Have
Triple Agenda
For Conference
Public School Officials
Meet Here June 18-20;
Dean Brooks Directs
The three-in-one Texas A. & M.
Recreation Center
Planned in Honor
Of Patranella
Establishment of a Luke Patra
nella Recreation Center in connec
tion with the A. & M. Consolidated
School was agreed upon by a meet
ing of the committee in charge of
the fund, it was announced today
by W. L. Penberthy, chairman.
When the memorial fund reach
ed $500 almost immediately in re
sponse to the announcement, sev
eral questions arose and a special
meeting was held Tuesday evening
to answer those questions.
Mrs. Elsie Patranella, who ar
rived in College Station Tuesday,
was consulted by Mr. Penberthy
and she was greatly pleased by
the committee’s action in urging
the popular College Station groc
er’s friends to forego sending flor
al offerings, and contribute to the
memorial fund.
Mrs. Patranella further advised
Mr. Penberthy that she felt sure
her late husband would want any
memorial to be located at the
A&M Consolidated School where
children of the community in whom
he was so intensely interested
could enjoy it.
Mrs. Patranella added that she
would prefer to have Luke’s
friends contribute to the Memorial
Fund in lieu of other expressions
of sympathy.
College Educational Conference,
consisting of the 10th Annual Tex
as School Administration Confer
ence, the 21st Annual Conference
of County Superintendents and
County Supervisors of Texas, and
the 3rd annual Conference of Junior
College Executives ends today.
T. D. Brooks of the School of
Arts and Sciences directed the
G. B. Wilcox, head of the psy
chology-education department, es
timated that between 200 and 300
teachers and other associated with
the fields of teaching were pres
Feature of the County Superin
tendents conference was a dis
cussion of “Post War Challenges
to Education” by Dr. Paul Quillian
of Houston. Dr. Doak Campbell,
president^of the Florida State Col
lege for Women, formerly execu
tive secretary of the American
Association of Junior Colleges,
took as consultant in the Junior
College Conference.
The Texas School Administration
conference covered such subjects
as Texas School finance, items
needed for a constructive legislative
program, what’s next in the use
of evaluation criteria, improvement
of teacher education, and school
Educational obligations to the
United Nations Organization were
considered by the Junior College
executives, as well as the Harvard
report on “General Education in a
Free Society”. Problems of vete
rans, and the evaluation of Army
training courses were also dis
The County Superintendents
course included an address of
welcome by President Gibb Gil
christ on Tuesday morning, June
Symphony Still
Has Openings
For Musicians
The A. & M. Symphony, directed
by Bill Turner, met for the first
time last week. Seventeen mu
sicians signed up for membership.
The group could still use several
more violin players, an oboe play
er, a flute, two trumpet players
and others. The organization is
open to anyone interested in play
ing in a symphony organization.
The college has several instruments
which are available. If interested
contact Bill Turner in the Student
Activities office or come to the
Assembly Hall next Tuesday night
at seven o’clock to rehearsal.
Mr. Turner also announced that
eighteen students have signed up
for the Singing Cadets but that
more are needed. This group is
open to all students and meets in
the Assembly Hall on Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
at 5 p. m. An entirely new reper
toire, except for traditional Aggie
songs are being rehearsed for the
A. & M. Male Chorus.
At the meeting it was decided
that the Memorial will manifest
itself in the form of a Recreation
Center in connection with the school
which Luke loved so dearly, Pen
berthy said. This center eventually
will include a skating slab, tennis
courts, an outdoor swimming pool
and other facilities for the build
ing of our youth into good citizens,
Penberthy added.
“We do not anticipate being able
to finance all of these things with
the contributions to this fund”,
Mr. Penberthy pointed out. “But
we should make a good start and
with finances from other sources
the center should be completed in
a reasonable time.
“Contributions will be received
at Luke’s Grocery, Black’s Phar
macy, South Side Food Market,
Madeley’s Pharmacy, Casey Con
fectionery, George’s Confectionery,
(Continued on Page 4)
A cub fox is missing from
the home of Mrs. A. A. Eberle,
employee of the Farm Exten
sion Service, who resides at
College Station. The fox was
under observation for rabies in
accordance with a doctor’s in
struction. It had formerly bit
ten the four year old son of
Mrs. Eberle.
Anyone knowing the where
abouts of a cub fox is asked
to contact Mrs. Eberle at the
Extension Service or at her
home, the second house north
of the Church of Christ.
Bunting Resigns
Local School Post
The resignation of W- D. Bunt
ing as Supt. of the A. & M. Con
solidated School was announced
earlier this week by E. E. Brown,
Chairman of the school board.
Mr. Brown states that the school
program has grown and prospered
under the guidance of Mr. Bunt
ing during the past five years.
Mr. Bunting took over the school
situation when it was in debt to
the amount of $14,732 on open
accounts operating on a budget
of $48,215 with a per capita ex
penditure of $55.90. During Mr.
Bunting’s tenure the budget out
lay has increased to $77,324 and
the outstanding indebtedness has
been reduced to approximately
$8,000 at the present time. While
making this reduction in indebt-
e d n e s s expenditures in the
amount of $21,787.17 have been
made on equipment, furniture and
other items of capital outlay. At
the same time the percapita ex
penditure on current expenses has
been raised to $75.41.
It is in view of his candidacy
for the office of County School
Superintendent that he is tend
ing his resignation thus releasing
the A. & M. Consolidated school
board from its obligation to ful
fill a contract for 2 more years
which Mr. Bunting now holds.
Buzz, Buzz: Not Bees
But Model Planes at
Statewide Meet Here
Be ready to duck at an instant’s
notice, any time during the next
week end. Or maybe you’d better
wear a helmet. For the air around
the campus will be filled with
buzzing miniature airplanes, tak
ing part in the statewide model
airplane contest, the first since
1942. The Industrial Education
Department is the sponsor.
The polo field will be the center
of activities.
Both the meet and its director,
Rogers Barton of the college staff,
have been approved by the Acad
emy of Model Aeronautics.
All types of flying models will
compete— rubber-powered, gas-
powered free-flight and gas-pow
ered control line.
$500 in cash prizes will be dis
tributed to winners in the various
events, which are divided into
junior (under 16 years of age) and
senior classes. Free flight events
are scheduled to take place be
tween 1:00 and 5:00 p. m. Satur
day, and control-line competition
between 1:00 and 5:00 p. m. Sun
day. In two open events (unclas
sified) prizes will be awarded for
workmanship and appearance.
The classified awards are for
speed and endurance.
Rainey Club is
Organized by
Students Here
Students desiring to take an act
ive part in the current political
campaign last week organized the
Students’ A. & M. Rainey-for-
Governor Club at a closed meet
ing in the Y. M. C. A. (Under
state regulations a club active in
the cause of a particular political
candidate may meet on state-
owned property if the meeting is
closed except to members.) First
activity of the club was to assist
in making the arrangements
which brought Dr. Homer P.
Rainey to speak in Bryan at noon
The club is governed by a steer
ing committee which includes U.
V. Johnston, chairman; Harold
Borofsky, executive secretary,
Vick Lindley, recording secretary
and Sam A. Nixon, chairman for
corps activities.
Contrary to an impression
which has grown up on the campus,
the Rainey club is not sponsored
by the Ex-Servicemen’s Club,
which has no connection with the
political group. The Rainey club
is open to all students, veterans
or cadets, as regular members, and
to other College Station residents
on an advisory basis. Veteran
students’ wives are considered in
the same category as students.
Next meeting of the club is
scheduled for a week from to
night, Thursday, June 27. The
place will be announced next
The club is considering estab
lishment of Rainey headquarters
somewhere in College Station.
The odd geography of College
Station, however, presents cer
tain difficulties.
Interim activities of the club
include encouragement of radio
parties to listen to their candidate,
distribution of pamphlets and
Outside Course In
Flight Training Is
Not Approved by VA
Bennie Zinn, veterans advisor
for Texas A. & M. College, has
announced that, according to a
provision of the Servicemans Re
adjustment Act, any veteran now
attending school under the bene
fits of the bill may not be en
rolled concurrently in any flight
course also under the G. I. Bill,
outside the college.
However, a veteran may take
flight training as a part of his
college course. Should any eli
gible veteran wish to take flight
training while on vacation or not
attending school, he may do so by
notifying the Veterans Adminis
tration. This will not necessitate
transferring academic credits.
Vets Will Dance at Sbisa;
Club Members Drag Free
A dance, the first big social
event of the season, will be giv
en by the Ex-Servicemens club
Saturday night, June 22 from
nine till twelve in Sbisa hall, it
is announced by Ike Ashburn, Jr.
chairman of the entertainment
Music will be furnished by the
Aggieland orchestra under the
Daton of Bill Turner. Efforts are
being made to provide refresh
ments and it is hoped that blower-
fans will be available.
Admission will be free to active
members of the organization and
their wives or dates. An active
member is any veteran who holds
a membership card and has paid
the club dues for the current se
mester. Any veteran who is not
an active member may gain ad-
mitance by purchasing a member
ship card from either the dormi
tory representative, the secretary
of the club, Edward C. Buntyn, or
the representative at the en
trance of the dance.
Pete Hardesty, Vice-President
of the club announces that in con
junction with the Wives club, the
vets are planning a number of
social engagements for the se
mester. A Bar-B-Q will be given
at the American Legion hall in
Bryan on the Fourth of July.
Bus service will be provided for
those who lack means of trans
portation. This will be followed
by a watermellon feast and an op
en air dance at the grove.
The Ex-Servicemens club is also
planning a dance for the latter
part of July with a big name band
but nothing definite is known as
to which band it will be. All vet
erans attending A. & M. are iri a '*
vited to join the club and partici
pate in the activities.
Brooks States “Looking at America”
Series to Provide Graduate Studies
Recognizing that a four-year
course in technical engineering
fails to acquaint graduates with
the social and cultural aspects of
present day life, the college will
offer a series of post-graduation
studies, “Looking At This Ameri
ca,” designed to guide the stu
dent toward a better understand
ing of the broader aspects of life
in the post-war world.
In announcing inauguration of
the post-graduate studies, Grad
uate School Dean T. D. Brooks
said the search for the solution
of the problem has been nation
“Our answer is a planned list
of courses that look primarily at
present day America, and what
made it that way,” Dr. Brooks
stated. “It has been found im
possible to give more than a com
plete technical engineering course
to students in the four years al
located to such study. Therefore,
it is our hope that our graduates
will avail themselves of the op
portunity to continue their edu
cational processes after gradu
Successful completion of the
initial offerings in the “Looking
At America”’ studies after the
graduate accepts full-time em
ployment will lead to award of
the degree of Bachelor of Philo
sophy, Dr. Brooks announced.
Eight departments of the col
lege have completed outlines of
courses which may be selected for
study toward the Ph. B. Degree.
Initial offerings are available in
the departments of Agricultural
Economics, Economics, English,
Geography, Geology, History, Pe
troleum Engineering and Rural
The entire “Looking At Ameri
ca” course should be completed
in two to three years by an em
ployed graduate, it is believed.
Five courses offered by the De
partment of English cover reading
in the work of American writers
from Colonial days to the 1870
period, a study of American lit
erature for fifty years following
the Civil War, outstanding for
eign writers who have influenced
American readers and writers,
modern plays of America and
reading in the contemporary
drama of England and Continent
al Europe and contemporary
American novels from 1920 to
The influences of geographic
environment and political geog
raphy are courses which delve
deeply into geographic factors in
history and society Ipu^
lands, and pros'ent day sor—
political problems of nati
cause of geographic factoi
Development of America,
ery and geologic factors i,
(Continued on Page 4)
Vets Mess Hall Committee Reports
At Special Meeting Tomorrow Night
Three In a Room Policy
To Be Discussed; Fourth
Of July Party Announced
Raymond Parrish, president of
the Ex-Servicemen’s Club, has
called a special meeting for to
morrow nite, to be held in the
annex of Sbisa Hall, the old mess
hall. A report, will be heard from
the committee appointed to in
vestigate and to make arrange
ments with the mess hall staff for
the betterment of preparation and
distribution of food.
Also confronting the organiza
tion is the newly announced policy
of the housing chief to assign
three students to each room in
certain dormitories for the Fall
The meeting, due to be a short
and brief one, will be bettered by
use of the public address system
and fans for the convenience ol
those attending.
Further announcement will b<
made regarding the bar-h-CTii
picnic planned for the Fourth o
July here on the campus.
Local Corn Experiments Made to
Improve Resistance of Texas Grain
Increased resistance of Texas
corn to the ravages of drouth,
heat, insects and disease may re
sult from research to be conducted
here on corn varieties introduced
from Guatemala. Dr. R. G. Reeves,
corn investigations scientist for the
Texas Agricultural Experiment
Station, has just returned from a
two-months study of corn produc
tion in the Central American Re
public which, with Peru, is regard
ed as ,the original habitat of all
corn now grown throughout the
Dr. Reeves selected seed from
corn grown in over 200 areas of
Guatemala. These included cr.-n
grown in areas representing the
extremes in rainfall and drouth,
from the lowlands and the high
lands, long-season corn which at
tains maximum growth and mini
mum fruit, and short-season corn
more similar to the plant under
Texas natural conditions.
Two Phases of Tests
Research to be conducted by the
Texas Agricultural Expriment Sta
tion -with these com samples is
planned in two main phases, Dr.
Reeves said. Some of these corns
will be crossed with standard Tex
as corns with the hope that the
progeny will carry greater resis
tance to natural hazards. Intensive
inbreeding also will be conducted
among the Guatemalan corns with
the hope of establishing entirely
new varieties with wider adapta
tion especially in areas of Texas
not now considered good com
growing regions.
Com has played a much more
important role in the lives of our
neighbors to the south than it has
in this country, Dr. Reeves said.
The civilization of the once great
empires of the Aztecs in Mexico,
the Mayas in Yucatan and Central
America, and the Incas in Peru
were founded largely upon corn.
Dr. Reeves estimated that even
today corn provides full 90 percent
of the diet of the Guatemala Ind
Dr. Reeves’ Qualifications
When A. and M. College decided
to conduct research on com intro-
ducted rfom its nativity, Guate
mala was chosen instead of Peru
on account of the voluntary hy
bridization that has taken place
there through the centuries with
relatives of com which are known
to be resistant to drouth and heat,
as well as to insects and diseases.
Guatemala also had a booster in the
person of American Ambassador E.
J. Kyle, former dean of Agricul
ture of the Texas A&M College.