The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 13, 1946, Image 1

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    Get the Habit
Texas AaM
rVfM . Th
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Major General Anderson
Tells Of Air Reserve Plan
Assistant Chief Air Staff Informs
Reserves Flying Unit Needed Here
Major General Fred L. Ander
son, Jr., Assistant Chief of Air
Staff-Personnel and former Com
manding General of the Eighth
Bomber Command and Chief j>f Op
erations of the United States Stra
tegical Air Forces in Europe, ap
peared before the Brazos County
Chapter of the Reserve Officers
Association last Tuesday night to
discuss the air reserve and its pur
Following a six-hour flight from
Washington, a tour of the campus
and a quick review of the facilities
of the college, General Anderson
spoke to over four hundred re
serve officers interested in the air
force in peace as in war.
The general pointed out that
late developments in aircraft had
made all cities neighbors and all
industrial and military installa
tions vulnerable in case of an at
tack. Small maps were passed to
members of the addience from
which could be seen that Chicago
is about 500 miles closer to Berlin
across the North Pole than by
way of New York, and that Tokio
is some 2,700 miles closer by this
route than by normally traveled
routes. These routes, it was point
ed out, are closed to ground and
naval forces but unrestricted to
air forces.
Air Reserve Plan
Establishing the need for units
that are well trained and that can
be called on to quickly supple
ment the regular flying organiza
tions, General Anderson presented
the plan for the air reserve.
In general the plan proposes
that the Active Reserve will in
clude 17,500 combat crew pilot
officers, 5,000 staff and administra
tive pilot officers, 27,500 non-pilot
officers and 120,000 enlisted per
sonnel who will receive indivi
dual proficiency training through
an annual period of 15 days active
duty and frequent progress train
ing periods throughout the year.
No training is contemplated for
the Inactive Reserve.
General Anderson stated that,
“It is proposed that training will
be conducted for the Air Reserve
at 130 Air Reserve bases distrib
uted throughout the United States
on a basis of population density.
For flying training, it is planned
to use, initially, AT-6’s, AT-ll’s
and P-51 type aircraft.”
Texas Bases
The first bases will commence
operations June 15 with a number
to bring the total to 40 opening
on July 1. Texas bases will be
located at Houston, Fort Worth,
Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, El
Paso, Amarillo and Waco.
General Anderson assured the
179 reserve officers who are in
terested in the organization of a
unit here at Easterwood airfield,
College Station, that he and Colo
nel Monro Mac Closky, Assistant
A-3 in Charge of Reserve Officers
and National Guard Training who
accompanied him, would make
known to the commanding general
the immediate needs of such a
Reserve Promotions
Colonel Mac Closky told those
officers looking forward to promo
tion that attendance at Reserve
Officer classes, completion of ex
tension courses, completion of the
15 days active duty and the satis
factory completion of from four
to fifteen hours flying time each
month would be the basis of ad
Mrs. Taibenhaus
To Concentrate
On Hillel Club
Mrs. Esther H. Taubenhaus,
Tracy Herbarium assistant since
1937, has resigned effective June
30 to assume less strenous duties
as executive director of the A. &
M. Hillel Foundation. Mrs. Taub-
enhous assisted her late husband,
Dr. J. J. Taubenhaus, in organiz
ing this foundation about 25 years
ago for the benefit of Jewish stu
dents attending Texas A. & M.
Mrs. Taubenhaus holds a bach
elors degree in psychology from
Ecole Normale of Paris, France,
and a masters in philosophy from
Columbia University. She also ful
filled the requirements for a doc
torate from Columbia except final
submission of her thesis. She holds
membership in the American Asso-
(See TAUBENHAUS, Page 4)
Margaret Kelso
New President
Of Vets Wives
Club Plans Activities
For Summer Term; Will
Hold Barbecue Tuesday
New president of the Ex-Ser
vicemen’s Wives Club is Margaret
Kelso, wife of Rex Kelso, Petrol
eum Engineering student.
The Kelsos, who come from Fort
Worth, are living at Bryan Field
village, with their four-year old
son, Larry.
Mrs. Kelso was active in club
work while in Kilgore High School.
Others officers elected by the
women’s group include Lois Gun
ter, vice-president; Jean Clark,
Secretary; Peggy VanHorn, Treas
urer; Joyce Cavendish, reporter;
and Helen DeBona, historian.
The foods group and the style-
fashion group of the club will con
tinue their activities through the
The club held a Get-Acquainted
Tea on June 11 in the lounge of
Sbisa for all wives on the campus.
Approximately 150 guests regis
tered. The retiring officers stood in
the receiving line with the
newly elected heads. Mrs. Gibb
Gilchrist, Mrs. Dick Miller, Mrs.
J. S. Mogford, Mrs. George War
ner and Mrs. E. R. Alexander as
sisted in serving at the dining
A demonstration barbeque will
be held Tuesday at the home of
Mrs. J. S. Mogford, 214 Lee Street,
at 7:00 p. m. Those in attendance
will learn how to prepare a picnic
and how to prepare a barbeque—
and then will eat one. Registra
tions for the barbeque may be
made through Jean Clark, Hart
E 13-14. The group will meet at
Sbisa at 6:45 p. m. and those with
cars are asked to bring them.
Regular bridge sessions are held
at Sbisa every Thursday evening.
College Station
Bank to Open In
Middle of June
Chalk up another first for the
College Station area: when the
College Station Bank opens for
business sometime this month, it
will be the first commercial bank
to operate in pre-fab huts!
The bank, organized by College
Station citizens, had just approved
plans for a modern banking house
to be erected on New Sulphur
Springs Road next to the Student
Coop, when the Civilian Build-
Administration restricted all non
Quarter of a Million Dollars Plan
Announced by Construction Head
Plan to Go Into Effect In Fall;
Air ROTC Under Consideration
Colonel M. D. Welty, Comman
dant and PMS and T, announced
this week that the War Depart
ment had approved a postwar pol
icy concerning the Reserve Of
ficers Training Corps which makes
provision for military training in
two divisions, the Junior ROTC at
approximately the secondary school
educational level, and the Senior
ROTC at the junior college and
college level.
The Junior ROTC and the ele
mentary course of the Senior ROTC
will provide only general military
training. The advanced Senior
ROTC will be of a specialized
branch type, designed to qualify
selected students for reserve com
missions in the several branches
of the service, such as Infantry,
Field Artillery, and others.
Air Corps
At present, there are no Air
Force ROTC units, establishment
of which will require legislative
action. Colonel Monro Mac Closky,
who accompanied General F. L.
Anderson, Jr. here Tuesday and
who is a member of the A-3 Staff
of the Army Air Forces, stated
that Texas A. and M. College was
being considered as one of the col
leges to be assigned an Air Corps
ROTC unit.
Advanced Course
The advanced course will consist
of a minimum of five hours of for
mal instruction per week for two
\ - j f ;
Smith Resigns As
Local City Manager
The resignation of Lloyd D.
Smith as city manager of College
Station was announced yesterday
by Mayor Ernest Langford. Smith,
who was formerly a member of
the city council, served as city
manager since December 1, 1942.
He has recently organized the
Smith-Turner Company, dealers in
hardware hardware and furniture,
whose business will be located in
the new building now under con
struction near the north gate of
the city of College Station.
The A. & M. College museum
was founded seven years ago.
academic years of 32 weeks each.
The summer camp period will be
of eight weeks duration instead
of the present six, if legislation
permitting the extension is enacted.
The advanced course will be con
ducted only at civilian and military
colleges and universities offering
four-year courses or longer lead
ing to a degree.
Land Grant colleges which have
required military training may
continue this requirement with the
War Department encouraging and
assisting. However, all students
will not necessarily be formally
enrolled in the ROTC and eligible
for its proposed emoluments un
less they meet prescribed require
ments. The War Department will
seek passage of enabling legisla
tion to grant emoluments to stu
dents in the elementary course of
the Senior ROTC of 66 cents per
day plus uniforms, and to increase
the emoluments to students in the
advanced course to 66 cents plus
$1.25 per day. The advanced stu
dents would be required to buy
their own uniforms. Institutions
desiring to provide a distinctive
type of uniform or individually
tailored uniforms for the Junior
ROTC or the elementary Senior
course may draw commutation in
lieu of issuance of Government uni
forms in an amount set by the
Quartermaster. Students at ROTC
summer camps will be furnished
the neCf^ry field-type uniforms.
Minimum requirements for a
reserve commission will include the
successful completion of four years i
education at the college level and
the successful corapetion of the
Senior ROTC course. The student
also must have reached the age
of 21 before he is granted a com
mission. For a commission as a
First Lieutenant in a professional
branch, such as the Medical Corps,
the candidate must have received
his professional degree.
Effective Sept., 1946
The new program will go into
effect with the start of the fall
term of 1946. The present ROTC
program will be absorbed into the
new program insofar as practic
able. To date there has been no
definite assignment of advanced
units to the college.
Vets Plan Free Dance
And Membership Drive
(A&MC) More than a quarter-
million dollars worth of construc
tion and building rehabilitation
work is to be done at A. & M.
College this summer, it was an
nounced Tuesday by T. R. Spence,
manager of the college construc
tion program.
Expenditures will total $281,182
in preparing and furnishing 512
more apartments for married vet
eran students, installation of sew
er and electric lines, three new
warehouses, laboratory ‘expansion
and additional tennis courts.
Contracts already have been
awarded to C. L. Andrews of
Bryan for concrete floors for
three 40 by 100 foot Quonset huts
which will be used as warehouses
by the building and college utili
ties department, for new sidewalks
in “Vets Village” near Kyle field,
and for 12 new tennis courts. An
drews’ $53,007 contract also calls
for extension of “The Grove”,
outdoor concrete dance slab, to
twice its present size.
Another award of $13,675 has
gone to the Construction Special
ties Co., Dallas, for asphalt tile
floors in Law, Puryear and Le-
gett dormitories, in the college
hospital basement and in a new
manageipent engineering labora
The college plans to spend
$150,000 to prepare the old polo
grounds, northeast of the traffic
circle on the Sulphur Springs road,
for building of 500 veterans’ apart
ments by the Federal Public Hous
ing Administration. The college
will install utilities and provide
furniture for the units.
A sum of $24,000 has been ear
marked for expanding the mech
anical engineering shops by closing
in two long ventilating bays, which
will increase shop space consider
ably, and another $7500 will go to
remodel the shop building to pro
vide air-conditioned housing for a
gage laboratory which will be op
erated by the college for the Army
Ordnance department.
A new power line will relieve the
electrical load at Kyle field, where
the athletic department plans to
install lights for night work on
a practice field. Another $8000
will be used to build laboratory
and office space for the range
management department in the
Agricultural Engineering building.
A Students’ Rainey-for-Gover-
nor club will be formed this eve
ning at a meeting called for 7:30
at the Y. M. C. A. The meeting
is open to students only: veterans,
their wives and members of the
cadet corp.
housing construction.
Authority was received, however,
for erection of the concrete and
steel vault, which is the heart of
a bank’s operation. The vault is
now being completed, but it will be
surrounded by temporary pre-fab-
ricated buildings of the type known
to the Army as Texas huts and to
the Navy as Dallas huts. They are
being set on a concrete slab. Even
tually this temporary construction
will be removed and the permanent
bank building erected.
By Red Bennett
Who dunit? Did some ambitious
student in the chem lab do it? Did
a gas main break again ? Who
stunk up this place last Sunday?
People around the campus that
day will remember a pungent odor
floating over the grounds, boiling
over the tops of the buildings and
pouring into houses through doors
and windows.
Remember a couple weeks ago
when people were waking of a
morning to find that a mysterious
hand with a gigantic paint brush
had repainted several houses dur-
New Head of Ag.
Exp. Station Is
Research Leader
Dr. Robert D. Lewis, whose ap
pointment as the director of the
Texas Agricultural Experiment
Station was announced last week,
is one of the outstanding agri
cultural research scientists of the
country. His work has been done
both under college sponsorship and
under the U. S. Department of
Agriculture.^His outstanding work
has been on cereal seeds.
Dr. Lewis was born in Wyalxt-
sing, Pa. November 4, 1897, and
took his bachelor of science de
gree in agronomy in 1919 at Penn- |
sylvania State College. He receiv
ed his doctor of philosophy degree
at Cornell University in 1926 with
his major study irj v> 'en^tics and
plant breeding. Minor studies were
in plant physiology and agronomy.
He remained at Cornell on the
teaching staff until 1930 when he
became professor of agronomy and
secretary-treasurer of the Ohio
Seed Improvement Association.
Dr. Lewis has served on many
faculty committees of Ohio State
University and was chairman of
the graduate school committee on
training and research in coopera
tion with the Ohio Agricultural
Experiment Station and was in
itiator of the Ohio Field Crop Im
provement Endowment Fmid in
Dr. Lewis began his teaching
and research activities in 1917 as
a student assistant in the soils
laboratory of Pennsylvania State
College, became an instructor in
1919, and became a University Fel
low in Agriculture at Cornell Uni
versity in 1922, served as assist
ant in plant breeding at Cornell in
1923 and was from 1924 until 1926
an instructor in plant breeding
doing research, teaching and ex
tension work until he became an
assistant professor of plant breed
ing extension at Cornell in 1926.
Research work now underway
will prevent Dr. Lewis from as
suming his new duties until Sep
tember 1, President Gilchrist an
nounced, but he plans to visit
College Station as often as pos
sible prior to that time.
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis have two
sons, Charles Milton Lewis now
in the U. S. Navy and William
Mason Lewis a junior in high
ing the night. The general opinion
was that the wind had blown the
gas from a new well being drilled
over toward Madisonville, and was
sweeping the countryside in a
wave of new colors. But the “well-
people” denied that their gases
could do such a thing.
And now this new thing; could
it be a new kind of warfare? Has
the war department discovered a
new weapon and unleashed its
fury on the campus of A. and M.
for a test? In the future, will the
people run around waving a fan
with one hand and holding their
nose with the other? Or maybe it
Ag Scholarships
Presented to A&M
By Jesse Jones
$50,000 Fund Will Provide
For Ten or More Students
Each Year for Ten Years
A $50,000 endowment to provide
scholarships for agricultural stu
dents at A. & M. was presented to
the college last week by Jesse
Jones of Houston, former R. F. C.
head, and his wife. Announcement
was made Saturday in Houston at
a meeting between Mr. Jones,
President Gibb Gilchrist, and G. R.
White, president of the board of
directors of the college.
Stated Mr. Jones in a letter to
the college:
“I have had a feeling for a
number of years that too many of
our young men were being educat
ed away from the farm, and it is
our expectation that scholarships
from this fund will be awarded
to young men who are interested
in the study of agriculture and re
lated fields, and who would expect
to return to the farm.”
The money will be issued to
agriculture students over a period
of ten years, and it is expected that
more than 10 awards will be made
each year. No repayment will be
required; however, any repayments
that are made will be added to the
fund for future students.
Mr. Jones, banker and publisher
of the Houston Chronicle, has long
been considered a friend of A. &
M. College, and has stated that he
considered it to be one of the
greatest institutions of Texas. He
and Mrs. Jones have made ,two
other donations of Scholarships re
cently; $50,000 to TSCW, A. & M.’s
“sister school” at Denton; and
$25,000 to Prairie View, the negro
school which is administered by
A. & M.
J. H. Quisenberry
Named Head of
Poultry Dept.
Dr. John H. Quisenberry, A. &
M. graduate in ’31, will become
head of the college department of
poultry husbandry when he re
turns from Hawaii this fall, ac
cording to announcement by C. N.
Shepardson, dean of the school of
agriculture. Dr. Quisenberry is now
on leave from A. & M. as head of
the poultry department at the
University of Hawaii, is director
of poultry research in the Hawaii
Agricultural Experiment Station,
and is building a modern poultry
research plant there.
Professor Henry Duncan Reid,
head of the poultry department
since 1923, has reached the age
for modified service, and is being
relieved of administrative duties
to devote more time to visits over
the state with poultry flock own
ers, hateherymen and others. His
radio program has made his voice
well-known throughout the state,
and the new arrangement will
make it possible for him to ex
pand his broadcasting activities.
Pending Dr. Quisenberry’s re-
will be more convenient to pur
chase a gas mask from the army
surplus stock. Instead of the post
man tipping his hat and saying.
“Good Morning”, he will lower his
mouth-piece and whisper, “Beastly
day, don’t you think?”
The chemistry building is still
standing in its proper place, so the
terrible stink must have come
from somewhere else. The local gas
company denies they had anything
to do with it. Maybe the truth will
disclose its self someday. In the
meantime people can only look
at one another and say, “This
place sure stinks!”
A dance as Sbisa Hall, free to
active members of the Ex-Ser
vicemen’s Club, will be the first
big social event of the summer
season, it was announced Monday
night at the June meeting of the
club. The Aggieland Orchestra will
furnish the music, and The Wives’
Club is cooperating in staging the
During the remainder of this
week, a membership drive will be
The following telegram was sent
to the president of the student
body of Texas University yester
day afternoon:
Mr. Jim Smith:
In view of the present aca
demic and political upheaval
in our state schools, it was re
solved at the last meeting that
the Ex-Servicemen’s Club of
Texas A. & M. College extend
its most sincere support to
your cause in your fight for
academic freedom and high
scholarship standards.
Ex-Servicemen’s Club
Texas A. & M. College
Raymond Parrish, Pres.
Robert F. Kachtick, Sec.
staged by the club. Although many
veterans now in school have been
registered as active members; it
is hoped to raise the total.
Pointing to accomplishments of
i the club during the past semester,
speakers at the meeting pointed
; out that committees had a large
■ part in securing an improved
method of registration, and issu-
i ance of books, as shown in the mew
procedure for the first summer
term. The club also has commit
tees now working for improve
ment of mess-hall conditions, hos
pitalization procedure, and on get
ting telephone facilities for dor-
. mitories that have none. The club
was active in setting up and main
taining the veterans’ lounge in
Sbisa Hall, and is making plans
for a larger and better lounge in
American Legion Hall when the
pre-fab living area is completed.
Several major social events are
planned by the club for the sum
Yates was elected sergeant- al
arms for the club.
Plans were made at the meeting
for election of new prepresenta-
tives from dormitories and areas
now without representation in the
club council. Some of the men
previously elected are not in sum
mer school, while other areas have
not yet made any selection.
Future summer meetings of the
Ex-Servicemen’s club will be held
in Sbisa Hall rather than in the
Assembly Hall. Cooling fans and
a loud-speaker system will be
available in the new meeting place.
"This Place Sure Stinks"