The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 06, 1946, Image 1

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    Appointment of R. D. Lewis
At Ag Experiment Station
Announced By President
Without a head leader for over
a year, the Texas Agriculture Ex
periment station has appointed
as its director, Dr. Robert Donald
Lewis, according to an announce
ment made yesterday by President
Gibb Gilchrist. The new appoint
ment becomes effective September
1, 1946.
Dr. Lewis since 1940 has been
professor and chairman of the
Ohio State University department
of agronomy. He also has held the
third position of agent of the
division of cereal crops and dis
ease of the Bureau of Plant In
dustry, United States Department
of Agriculture.
Dr. Lewis is director of the Ohio
Seed Improvement Association, a
group considered the model state
organization for the entire coun
try and he also was adviser of the
seed industry and seed grower
committee on federal appropria
tions for improvement of legumes
in 1945-46. International crop im
provement committees of which
Dr. Lewis is a member include
those on general certification, red
clover standards, alfalfa standards
and seed standards for grasses.
Additionally, he served as chair
man of the American Society of
Agronomy committee on war and
postwar adjustments from 1942 to
Dr. Lewis was born in Wyalus-
ing, Pa., and took his B. S. in
agronomy in 1919 at Pennsylvania
State College. He received his
Ph.D. at Cornell in 1926 with his
major study in genetics and plant
3,031 Register For Term;
Top 1940 Record by 100%
Mrs. Ruby Bauer,
Ex-Wac, Is First
Woman GI Here
With 3,031 student enrolled, the
first summer term since pre-war
days began at A. & M. this week.
Of the total enrollment, 2,731 were
veterans of the war, and 1,200 of
them were newly returned from
military duty. Of the veterans
enrolled here last semester, 1,531
Mrs. Ruby A. Bauer, former pri
vate first class in the WAC, was
the first woman veteran to enroll
under the GI Bill. Mrs. Bauer,
from Paris, Texas, was in service
eighteen months. During the first
part of the war she was a para
chute rigger under Civil Service;
after entering the WAC she serv
ed in clerical work. She is taking
English and Landscape Art this
summer. Her husband, Benjamin
B. Bauer, is studying veterinary
medicine here.
Among other servicewomen reg
istered are Mrs. Don Early, Hazel
R. Davenport, Delmo R. Alford and
Lynn C. Atkins.
The number enrolled is believed
to set a new high record for sum
mer courses at A. & M. by better
than 100’%. The peak was reached
in 1940 when 1,457 were register
ed. In 1939 the figure had been
1,279, and in 1941, when war
clouds were clearly gathering, the
enrollment was 1,269. That was the
last regular summer session held
at the college, as by summer of
1942 the college was on its war
time speed-up program.
Registration for the first sum
mer term proceeded smoothly under
the new plan devised by R. L.
Heaton, registrar.
Aggieland Ork
Will Go to Yoakum
As Tom-Tom Band
The Aggieland Orchestra will
journey to Yoakum, Texas to play
for the first annual tomato festi
val to be held since the beginning
of the war.
Chosen as the official Tom Tom
Orchestra for the celebration, the
band will play for the Queen’s
Cornation, Queen’s Ball and two
other dances on June 13, 14 and
15. All the members of the Aggie
land Orchestra for the spring se
mester, 1946 will make the trip.
Model Airplane
Meet to be Held
Here Next Week
War-deferred since 1942, the
annual statewide model airplane
contest will be held June 14-15, ac
cording to Chris Groneman, acting
head of the sponsoring Industrial
Education department.
Both the meet and its director,
Rogers Barton, are approved by
the Academy of .Model Aeronaut
ics, Groneman said. Barton, a mem
ber of the college staff, is widely-
known as a model plane champion,
and at preent is engaged on re
search work in the subject.
Information on entering the
meet, at which appropriate cash
prizes will be awarded winners,
may be obtained either by writing
the Industrial Education depart
ment here or through model clubs.
There wilf be rubber-powered, free
flight gas-powered and control
line events in both junior and sen
ior divisions, as well as several
open events.
Veterans Club Invites New
Ex-Servicemen to Attend Group’s
First Summer Meeting Monday
Raymond Parrish, president of
the Ex-Servicemen’s Club, an
nounced yesterday that the first
summer meeting of his organiza
tion will be held next Monday nite
in its traditional meeting place, the
Assembly Hall. Meeting time will
be at 7:30 p. m.
The Ex-Servicemen’s Club, ac
tive throughout the last two se
mesters, plans a full program for
the summer terms. Possible topics
for discussion for next Monday’s
meeting are state and local poli
tics, campus activities and summer
Being the largest club on the
campus, the Ex-Servicemen’s Club
offers students who were members
of one of the services a contact
with the provisions of the G. 1.
Bill of Rights and the legislative
action pending for the benefit of
the “Forgotten men”.
The organization was recognized
by the Association of Former Stu
dents at its recent annual meet
ing as one of the most influential
clubs of the campd!. The elected
officers of the club were named
to the board of directors of the for
mer students association.
Expected to attend the first “va
cation” session meeting are four
ex-service women, one from the
Army Nurses Corps and three from
the Women’s Army Corps.
Parrish stated that so far defi
nite entertainment had not been
arranged for, but that every effort
was being made to have some form
of entertainment to follow the bus
iness session.
All ex-servicemen enrolled in A.
& M. College are automatically
made associate members of the
Ex-Servicemen’s Club, which is to
the veterans what the cadet corps
is to other students. However,
those who wish to take a more ac
tive part in the club may become
active members by paying the fif-
ty-cent summer membership fee.
Meetings are open to all veterans,
but the active members have the
right to vote for officers and on
questions which come before the
In order to operate in a truly
democratic fashion, the club has
representatives elected by each
dormitory and apartment area, who
are rather like city councilmen.
They are able to handle many
minor “griefs” which are constant
ly arising. This feature has play
ed an important part in making
the Ex-Servicemen’s Club a potent
part of post-war campus life.
Texas A«M
The B
. GoOega
Board Approves $16,404,884 Budget
For College and Branch Operation
Prof. Kirkbridge
To Be Observer
At A-Bomb Test
Will Go From Campus
To Bikini Atoll
Aboard Naval Flagship
Texas A&M College will have
an observer at Operation Cross
roads, the Bikini atoll atomic bomb
tests, in the person of Chalmer G.
Kirkbride, professor of chemical
Well-known as a chemical en
gineer and for his war work in
producing aviation gas and toluene
for explosives, Kirkbride will leave
San Francisco June 12 for the
Marshall Islands, aboard one of
the flagships of Task Force One,
the A-bomb test fleet. He will re
turn to the college in September.
Kirkbride’s invitation to attend
the tests as one of 20 non-partici
pating scientist-observers came
from Vice Admiral W. H. P.
A $16,404,884 budget was ap
proved by the board of directors of
A. & M. College at their annual
budget meeting, held on the cam
pus last week end. The amount
is the total for the main college,
extramural divisions and branch
The salary of Gibb Gilchrist was
increased from $12,000 to $15,000
annually. “The increase is a token
of appreciation for the splendid
work he is doing,” stated G. R.
White, president of the board.
The board changed the status
of W. W. Holzmann from acting
business manager to comptroller
of the college and its branches.
This action was taken to arrange
for the return to duty of Lt. Col.
E. N. Holmgreen, business mana
ger of the college who has been
on leave in the army for several
years, but who is expected to re->
sume his activities on the campus
July 15.
Future enrollments in the veter
inary school will be limited to 64
new students a year. Present
equipment will take care of only
that many students properly, al
though more were accepted on an
emergency basis during the war.
The board authorized establish
ment of a soil analysis laboratory
to be operated under direction of
the Division of Chemistry of the
Texas Agricultural Experiment
Station. On a nominal fee basis,
it is believed this service will be
self-sustaining, and when soil sam
ples are analyzed, the report and
the suggested soil treatment will
be forwarded to the landowner
through his Extension service
county agent, who will follow up
on the case and assist the owner
in carrying out the recommended
For the main college, the Texas
extension service, Texas agricul
tural experiment station and fores
try service the 1946-47 budget to
tals $14,174,781. Next in amount
is for Prairie View university, $1,-
125,496; North Texas Agricultur
al college, $3,543,534; and John
Tarleton Agricultural College,
More Housing
Gilchrist also received approval
of an appropriation of $150,000
for the college’s part of the ex
pense of adding 516 additional
housing units to be provided by
the federal public housing admin
istration for married veterans.
In his forecast of the enroll
ment for the September semester,
President Gilchrist stated there
probably would be housing ac
commodations for 6417 students in
dormitories and in housing units
under control of the college, and
an additional thousand quartered
in the Bryan-College Station com
The college expects to have
ready by September a total of 908
family units for married veterans,
Gilchrist stated. It was point
ed out that the faculty is listing
enrollment priority in the follow
ing order: First, veterans who are
former students of Texas A&M.;
second, veterans who are bona fide
Texas residents, and third, the
graduates of Texas high schools
in the upper half of their classes
High School Exams
It is planned to give special ex
aminations for Texas high school
graduates in the lower half of
their classes to ascertain their
ability to pursue college-level stu
Travel allowances of employees
of extramural divisions of the
college was increased to $5.50 per
diem. Others are limited to $4.
The board also authorized the
Flight Courses
Expenditure of $30,000 for planes
and instructors to give flight train
ing for veterans under the G. I.
Installation of a $17,000 outfall
sewer line, a $5000 electric line
to the southwest portion of the
campus to serve veterans and to
supply power for a lighted foot
ball practice field; $7500 to install
an air conditioned gage laboratory
with government equipment, value
at $125,000; a $24,000 addition to
the mechanical engineering shops
to house surplus machine shop
equipment furnished by the gov
An expenditure of $27,000 for
tennis courts, $10,500 for a con
crete outdoor dance slab, $8300
for sidewalks in the veterans vil
lage and $30,000 for improve
ments to the athletic plant.
The college construction and re
habilitation program is being fi
nanced from the university avail
able fund and for the current bi
ennium a total of $995,000 will be
available, of which $911,000 has
been earmarked for needed im
provements, it was announced.
Candidate Teague
To Be Guest at
Barbecue Tonight
Ike Ashbum to Be M. C.
At Country Club Event
Honoring Aggie Hero
Tiger Teague, more formally
known as Col. Olin E. Teague, will
be the honored guest at a barbe
cue dinner tonight at the Bryan
Country Club. The principal speak
er at the dinner will be Col. Ike
Ashburn. The event is scheduled
to take place at 6:30 and celebrates
the announcement by Teague that
he will run for the Democratic
nomination for U. S. Congressman
from the sixth Texas district.
Tiger Teague, an Aggie in the
class of ’32, was one of the major
A&M heroes in World War II. He
is still being treated at Brooke
General Hospital, Fort Sam Hous
ton, Texas for a leg wound that he
received while in combat, but has
Olin E. “Tiger” Teague
C. G. Kirkbride
Musicians in Demand . . .
Want to k Sing or Toot Horn?
Three Groups Seek Talent
Blandy, Task Force One command
er. He had been nominated as ob
server by the National Academy
of Sciences, acting upon recom
mendations from both the Ameri
can Institute of Chemists and the
American Institute of Chemical
Preliminary advices inform Kirk
bride, who joined the Texas A. &
(Continued on Page 4)
Final Review Is
Held Despite Rain;
219 Graduate
Rep. Sumners Warns That
Bureaucracy is Replacing
Traditional Democracy
Stormy weather failed to stop
the Final Review last week. Col.
lege officials, military officers
and the cadet corps stood in
pouring rain for the pre-com
mencement ceremony. An Aggie
tradition was upheld.
There were 219 graduates in
the class of ’47 who received their
diplomas in Guion Hall last I
Hatton W. Sumners, congres- 1
sional representative from the
fifth Texas district, warned the
graduates that they face no easy
world. “We have left you a heri
tage of confusion,” he stated.
“A governmental organization
which during our responsibility
has had its distinct characteris
tics changed from that of a de
mocracy to that of a bureaucracy
now operating from the top
downward instead of from the
tics changed from that of a de-
upward—as a democracy by its
nature functions.”
H. <C. “Dutch” Dillingham of
the Texas A&M College electrical
engineering department has been
named secretary of the Houston
section of the American Institute
of Electrical Engineers, it was re
vealed today. The Houston section
includes this part of Southeast
Professor T. A. Munson today
became acting head of the civil en
gineering department in place of
C. E. Sandstedt, who is vacation
Musicians and singei's are in
demand at A. & M. this summer.
Three organizations will be active
during the season, and if enough
talent turns out, some major pro
grams may be staged.
The new A. & M. Symphony or
chestra will hold its first rehearsal
Tuesday night in the assembly hall
at 7:00 p.m. All musicians in Col
lege Station, whether students or
not, are eligible. The college has
some instruments available; how
ever, those with their own instru
ments are asked to bring them.
The symphony is directed by Bill
Turner of the Student Activities
office, and musicians who would
like to join the orchestra are ask
ed to contact him in Room 5, Ad
ministration building, or come di
rectly to rehearsal.
The A. & M. men’s choir, known
as the Singing Cadets of Aggie
land, will meet Monday and Tues-
Development Fund
Has Biggest Year
The Association of Former* * * Stu
dents closed its 1946 fiscal year
May 31 receiving $78,566.80 from
8,500 donors through the Develop
ment Fund. This is the largest
contribution received from the
greatest number of contributors
since the fund had its beginning in
The association has reached its
two main objectives agreed upon
at the end of the 1945 fiscal year.
One was to place another $25,000
in the Gold Star Student Aid
Fund, which provides financial as
sistance for the education of child
ren of A&M men killed in the mili
tary service during World War II.
This makes a total of $50,000 now
in this fund. The other objective
was to present additional war
bonds to the college for the purpose
of building a Memorial Student
Center. With the 1946 contribution
of $48,000, this fund now has a
total of $234,000. Restricted gifts
amounted to $4,650, which is used
for purposes specified by the don
Number of Amount
Year Contributors Given
1943 6,277 $51,119.75
1944 7,404 63,780.78
1945 8,108 74,374.07
1946 8,500 78,566.80
day of next week at the assembly
hall at 5:00 p.m. both days.
Though the group bears the name
of “cadets”, all A. & M. students,
whether in the corps or veterans,
are eligible. Anyone interested in
choral singing is asked to see Mr.
Turner at rehearsal or in his of
It is expected that the Singing
Cadets will have several out-of-
town engagements this summer.
The Aggieland Orchestra, college
dance band, has several vacancies
this semester, and will hold audi
tions Wednesday night at 7:00 in
the assembly hall. Bill Turner also
conducts this group, and queries
can be made at his office.
For the benefit of new students:
the assembly hall, which should
not be confused with Guion Mall,
is the white stucco building, al
most hidden by trees, which stands
diagonally opposite the Y. M. C. A.
‘Mr. Chips of A. & M.’
Dallas News Writer
Calls Amb. Kyle
A new expression, “Mr. Chips
of A. & M.” was coined by Victor
Shofelmayer, agriculture editor
of the Dallas News, as a descrip
tion of E. J. Kyle, American Am
bassador to Guatemala and form
er dean of agriculture at this col
The expression referred to the
leading character in James Hilton’s
novel, “Goodbye, Mr. Chips,” who
spent a lifetime at an English boy’s
school and came to be an embody-
ment of the school’s tradition.
So completely has the old de
signation of “Dean” clung to Mr.
Kyle, that all during his tour of
Texas with a group of Guatemalan
agriculturalists he was never ad
dressed as “Mr. Ambassador” but
always as “Dean”.
********* ***
* *
* Friday, June 7 is the last day *
* for changing your schedule for *
* the first term of Summer *
* School. Courses dropped after *
* Friday, June 7 will carry a *
* grade of “F”. *
* F. C. BOLTON, *
* Dean *
Plan Conference
On Electron and
Ion Ballistics
EE and Physics Depts.
Cooperate In Graduate
Seminar This Summer
A summer conference on elec
tron and ion ballistics, especially
designed for research physicists
and engineers, will be held June
24-July 13, jointly-presented by the
electrical engineering and physics
departments of the college.
The conference will be divided
into two general parts, the first
half being devoted to electron mic
roscopes and other devices de
pending upon electron or ion beams
for operation, and the latter half
to the mass spectrometer and al
lied instruments. The college has a
Westinghouse mass spectrometer
in operation.
Two distinguished lecturers
have been obtained for the course.
They are Dr. Ladislaw Marton of
the Division of Electron Optics of
Stanford university, formerly with
R.C.A., who will preside over the
first portion of the conference,
and Dr. John A. Hippie of the
Westinghouse research laborator
ies, in charge of Westinghouse
mass spectrometer development.
The conference is of graduate
level, and all persons registering
will be assumed to have a back
ground of electron theory in order
that the daily two-hour lecture per
iod may be devoted to advanced
phases of the science. Four semes
ter hours of college credit will be
granted those completing the con
Wives to Elect
New Officers at
Meeting Tonight
Election of officers will be the
principal business at the first
meeting of the summer of the Ex-
Servicemen’s Wives Club tonight
at 7:30 in Sbisa Lounge. The bus
iness meeting will be followed by
the regular bridge social.
The following nominations were
made by the group at its May 29
meeting: President, Rowena Mc-
Gaughey, Jean Clark, Naomi Sim
mons, Margaret Kelso and Jean
Kernodle; Vice-President, Marjorie
Manning, Jackie McCarty and Ben
nie Hefner; Historian, Doris Voel-
kel and Helen DeBona; Reporter,
Katherine DeMontel, Alice Clark
and Joyce Cavender.
been granted a few days leave and
plans to use much of that time
A three time winner of the Sil
ver Star, Teague fought from Cher
bourg, across France, and into Ger
many before he was put out of
action by his third wound (Teague
is also a three-time father; two
boys and a girl). As battalion com
mander in the the 79th Infantry,
he spent 180 days in combat. Ac
cording to his friends, the last
(Continued on Page 4)
Army Engineers
Begin Classes
In C. E. Dept <
It was back to college this week
for 17 regular army Corps of En
gineers officers, who began a
year of special graduate work in
the civil engineering department.
All the student officers were on
hand for the opening classes ex
cept 1st Lt. Michell Goldenthal,
who was several days late due to
a delay in returning from over
seas duty in Germany.
Lt. Col. Lawrence Laurion, the
senior officer present, is in charge
of the group, which includes: Lt.
Cols. Edmund Kirby-Smith, Wins
ton C. Fowler, Guy H. Goddard,
Stanley R. Kelly, William A. Orr,
and Samuel R. Peterson; Majors
Robert D. Brown, Frederick Zit-
zer, Byron Kirkpatrick and Fred
erick J. Baker; Captains Edsel J.
Burkhart, Walter J. Hutchin, Ed-
mon L. Faust and Jesse Thomas,
Concession Requests
Must Be Made Before
Saturday This Week
All students desiring concessions
for the summer are asked to make
application at the Student Activ
ities offices before this Saturday.
The concession will be awarded
Monday, June 10. For those who
do not have a student employment
card, it will be necessary to make
application with the student labor
office in Goodwin Hall first.
Professor Norman F. Rode has
been chosen as counselor by the
A&M College student branch of
the American Institute of Electri
cal Engineers, it was announced