The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 03, 1945, Image 3
4* -i I 1'HURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 3, 1945 THE BATTALION Page 3 '■*. 4. y * «, • i 4 *i * . ^ * * » * i * i ♦ 4 • m b 4 nieTMT/ON? By J. E. Everett At the Palace Thursday through unday “Keys To The Kingdom” till be playing. This picture stars regory Peck and Thomas Mit- jiell. “Keys To The Kingdom” is i)th Century-Fox’s screen version j; A. J. Cronin’s dramatic novel Keys To The Kingdom”: Gregory Phone 4-1166 s d ”i s ll on . 9c & 20c Tax Included Box Office Opens at 1 P.M. Closes at 8:30 FRIDAY and SATURDAY Double Feature Preston FOSTER • Victor McLAGLEN Lois ANDREWS * Kent TAYLOR Directed by Robert Florey • Produced by Lee Marcus • Screen Play by Crane Wilbur and Jerry Cady • Original Story by CraneWiJbur Also Latest News t Featuring Walter SHAN - Lon MtCMLISlER I Jeanne CUIIH - Charlotte HEMD Also Musical TUBS. - WED. - THURS. Bing Crosby Rise Stevens added attractions: “Fury In the Pacific” Filmed by U. S. Navy Latest News . . . Cartoon Peck plays the lead as the ascetic priest who takes his missionary responsibilities seriously. Much of the story is laid in China. LOWDOWN: A very good pic ture. “So Proudly We Hail” will be playing at the Guion Hall for the last time Thursday. With an all- star cast, this picture tells of a group of Army nurses on Corregi- dor during the first phases of our war with Japan. One of these nurses, Claudette Colbert, falls in love with an American officer and collapses into a stupor when she learns he is killed on Mindanao. She does not recover from the stupor until she is returned to the United States. LOWDOWN: A fair picture. Playing for tne last time Thurs day at the Campus will be “Prin cess and The Pirate”, starring Bob Hope and Virginia Mayo. The picture is a comedy adventure story in technicolor, giving a new twist to the old pirate’s tale. Bob Hope, as a phoney pirate, is pitted against a stormy ocean and a vil lainous buccaneer. Hope finds ro mance with a runaway princess, experiences a savage battle with brigands and covers himself with glory. ' LOWDOWN: See it!!!! The double feature playing at Guion Hall Friday and Saturday will be “Forest Rangers” and “Roger Touhy.” The latter fea ture stars Preston Foster, Victor McLaglen, and Lois Andrews. The picture is the biography of one of the last gangster members of Chicago’s lawless era. The former picture stars Fred MacMurray, Paulette Goddard, and Susan Hay ward. This picture tells the story of a forest ranger who falls in love with a city girl and of the local belle’s jealousy. There are also some very good scenes of a forest fire. LOWDOWN: A good program— see it!! On at the Campus Friday and Saturday is the double feature “Passport to Destiny” and “Crazy House”. The first picture stars Elsa Lanchester and Gordon Oliver. The show relates the ad ventures of a girl believing she is guided by the “magic eye” of an English scrubwoman and pre- ampu\ Opens 1 P.M. — 4-1181 AIR-CONDITIONED THURSDAY, LAST DAY SAMUEL GOLDWYN j»resen€s BOB HOPE .^V VIRGINIA MAYO Releoud Uuoueh 8KO RADIO PICTURES, INC also Color Cartoon Sports Short Two Days of Double Feature FRIDAY and SATURDAY Fun in Berlin “CRAZY HOUSE” —starring— Olsen and Johnson Martha O’Driscoll Cass Daley SUNDAY and MONDAY ^^StDOEDliK IMARKlAGt " w&« PRIVATE AFFAIR He’s Here Again!! “BUGS” BUNNY — 3 Days — TUBS. - WED. - THURS. “LOST IN A HAREM” Also Cartoon and Short Aggies Enjoy Corps Ball After Muster Ceremony A large crowd attended the corps ball held recently after the Muster ceremonies in Guion Hall. In the upper picture a few of those attending are shown lounging on the band stand. Bottom right: An Aggie and his date get away from it all on a campus bench. Bottom left: Bill Harper and Gordon Harrigan are just wondering whether or not they should take advantage of the young lady’s sly wink and tag in. Oh yes, Harrigan and Harper are seniors; the young lady’s partner is a freshman. By L. H. Calahan ONE YEAR AGO General: David Seligman, Pres ident of the Press Club, announces club plans for summer semester . . . Donald F. Johnson high man in class of 1944 with 2.45 grade point tending to be deaf and dumb, go ing to Germany to shoot Hitler. The second feature stars Olsen and Johnson, the mad-caps of the stage. This movie mad-house is comprised of girls, gags, five name bands, plenty of hep-cats, music, and nonsense. LOWDOWN: A pretty good deal. At the Palace Sunday will be ‘Salty O’Rourke”. Starring Alan Ladd and Gail Russell, it tells the story of “Salty” acquiring a won der horse and the only jockey who is able to stay aboard it, tough young Stanley Clements. Just before the big race, a pretty young school teacher, Gail Russell, pro vides romantic complications which almost upset Ladd’s plans to win the event and best the crooked gambler. LOWDOWN: Worth seeing!!! Sunday at Guion Hall “Home In Indiana” will be playing, starring Lon McCallister, Walter Brennan, (See DISTRACTIONS, Page «) Wed. - Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. “Keys of the Kingdom” — with — Gregory Peck Sun. - Mon. - Tues. “Salty O’Rourke” — with — Alan Ladd average . . . Dr. T. D. Brooks to be principal speaker at graduation exercises. Sports: “L” Company wins In tramural swimming meet, C. E. Bishop wins two firsts . . . T. U. wins Little Conference Meet here, Bill Terrell wins two mile run for Aggies . . . Steve King starred for Aggies in high jump, javelin, pole vault and broad jump in track meet. Playing: Joan Blondell and Dick Powell at Guion in “I Want a Divorce”. Mickey Rooney in “Girl Crazy” at the Canipus. FIVE YEARS AGO: General: New Campus Theater to open tonight . . . Bob Nisbet takes Batt Editor's job . . . Bill Becker heads Press Club for coming se mester . . . Skeen Stanley and Bill Beck named Junior yell leaders . . . Colonel Moore to leave A. & M. at end of present semester. Sports: Aggie pistol team Na tional Champs . . . S. M. U. meets Aggies on Kyle Field today. Bumpers expected to hurl for Ma roon and White . . . Aggie track- sters leave for Austin to run in Little Conference Meet. Playing: Jean Parker in “Sons Of The Navy” at the Campus. “Jamaica Inss” with Charles Laughton at the Assembly Hall. TEN YEARS AGO: General: Karl White named chairman of Engineer’s Day fes tivities . . . Mother’s Day cere monies to be broadcast by WTAW & KTSA . . . Aggie Band to play in concert for visiting mothers . . . Ed Mears named chairman of Sen ior Prom. . . . John Mogford wins artnual P. L. Downs oratorical award. Sports: Aggies to meet T. U. in final game of season, Jake Mooty expected to start for Aggies. . . . Nine Aggies listed on all-confer ence baseball team . . . Ed Wicker stars in Austin meet . . . Jim Cage leads Aggies in golf meet with Rice Saturday. Playing: “Go Into Your Dance” playing at the Palace, and “The Last Gentleman” is featured at the Assembly Hall. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO: General: J. E. Ballenfant killed enroute to Houston to attend track meet . . . D. P. McNeel, captain of R. V.’s to present medal to PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Fly are now residing at 505 Francis St., College Hills, the former T. 0. Walton, Jr. residence. Mr. and Mrs. Fly are former residents of Hous ton. Mrs, Joe Skiles and son have returned from a ten day visit with her parents in Bryson. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Douret, Al exandria, La., were campus visitors over the week-end. Mrs. Jack Orrick, Beaumont, was on the campus to see Cadet Jack Orrick. E. R. Eudaly of Fort Worth was a campus visitor Saturday and Sunday. Miss Marjii McNeill, Beeville, was here to see her brother, Cadet Scott McNeill. Lt. Col. Frank A. Lowry, Camp Robinson, Ark., was seen on the campus Saturday and Sunday. Stopping at the Aggieland Inn for the week-end were: Nathan D. Canterberry, Houston; J. K. Sam uels, Washington, D. C.; S. E. Quinn, Washington, D. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hodges, Wichita Falls; Arthur J. Heinicke, Geneva, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Henning, Hous ton; Mrs. H. Clarke, Galveston; and Daniel E. Stocker, San Diego, Calif. Misses Alicia and Tommy Tate, Armstrong, were on the campus for the week-end. Miss Miriam Birdseye, nutri tionist for the Extension Service, USDA, Washington, D. C., is on the A. & M. College campus this week to confer with members of the Texas Extension staff and oth ers interested in the field of nu trition, according to Miss Maurine Hearn, Extension vice director for women’s work and state home de monstration agent. The Washington visitor ' spent Saturday in Houston, observing Extension work in Harris County. best drilled cadet ... I. A. Handler wins award in P. L. Downs Ora torical Contest . . . E. P. Fortson selected to edit Engineers Maga zine for next semester. Sports: Rufus Emmons to lead Aggie tracksters as they defend their title in Austin this week . . . Dan Humason stars as Aggie swimmers defeat T. U. . . . Mar shall Shaw hurls Aggies to a vic tory over T. C. U., S. M. U., and Baylor. . . . Frank O’Bannon ex pected to lead Aggie netters to victory over T. U. Saturday night. Playing: At the Assembly Hall, “The Man Who Came Back”, and “A Tailor Maid Man” featured at the Palace. Mrs. F. I. Dahlberg* Elected President of College Station Council of Church Women A.&M. Garden Club To Hold Annual Picnic Here Friday The A. & M. Garden Club will hold its annual spring picnic Fri day, May 11, at 11:30 a.m. at the home of Mrs. S. H. Yarnell in North Oakwood. Members will bring their own lunches, as in previous years, and will furnish their own plates, glasses, eating utensils, and bev erages. Arrangements are in charge of Mrs. F. A. Lewis. Mrs. H. W. Barlow is arranging transportation for those members who require it. Singing Cadets Given Awards at Cafe Party Sunday, March 29, the Singing Cadets held their annual banquet at Bill Williams Cafe in Houston. After a dinner of fried chicken the cadets had an informal program of songs and recitations and awards were made by their director, Bill Turner. The banquet came as a climax to the club’s last trip of the season which included performances at the Sam Houston Teachers Col lege and the Houston Stage Can teen. For their performance at the State Canteen the group was given a formal citation as an award for the entertainment of service men there. Cadets receiving keys for two semesters of membership in the club were: Gilbert Carmichiel, Da vid Mitchell, Noble Atkins, Earl Kirk, Robert Stinson, Lynn Grip- on, Morgan Hampton, William Har per, Fred Buenrostro and Lynn Weichert. Special awards for four semesters or more of membership were made to Chai’ley West and Burl Ervin. Nitrogen, the element most es sential to tree growth, is the only required chemical completely driven from the soil by fire. EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING Holick’s Boot Shop FINE UNIFORMS PHONE 4-4444 Mrs. F. I. Dahlberg was elected president of the College Station Council of Church Women at the annual meeting of the organization at the YMCA on Monday, April 30. Other officers selected by the group were: Mrs. L. M. Blank, first vice president; Mrs. J. R. Hillman, second vice president; Mrs. R. E. Snuggs, secretary; Mrs. F. W. Hen- sel, treasurer; Mrs. Paul S. Bal- lance, reporter; and Mrs. Nat G. Edmondson, parliamentarian. The meeting opened with a minute of silent prayer for the suc cess of the United Nations Confer ence, after which the group joined in the Federation prayer. Mrs. C. W. Crawford led the devotional. Mrs. W. E. Street announced the Fellowship luncheon to be held at 12:30 p.m. Friday, May 4 at Ag gieland Inn, when Mrs. A. E. Har ris of Houston will be guest speak er, and requested that reservations be made as soon as possible with Mrs. R. M. Pinkerton, general chairman, or Mrs. Street. Reports of standing committees were submitted by Mrs. J. S. Mog ford, Inter-racial; Mrs. D. W. Wil liams, Recreation for Youth on the Campus; Mrs. Hillman, Spiritual Life; Mrs. Street, Bible Study in Public Schools; Mrs. Snuggs, States Project; and Mrs. J. S. Bass, Fi nance. To conclude the program, Mrs. Dahlberg reported on the State meeting of the Council of Church Women recently held in Ft. Worth. The Recreation for Youth Com mittee of the Council will sponsor a community picnic to be held near the skating rink on May 11. W. S. C. S. OF A. & M. METHODIST CHURCH MEETS The Women’s Society of Christ ian Service of the A. & M. Meth odist Church will meet Monday, May 7, at 7:30 p. m., at the home of Mrs. R. L. Donahue. Co-hostess will be Mrs. Moyle. —BUY WAR BONDS TODAY— Try Our Sunday Chicken Dinners A. & M. GRILL LOUPOT’S A LITTLE PLACE - - - * - - A BIG SAVING! This is just a reminder that MOTHER’S DAY is May 13, and we have our candy and cards on display for your early selection. V AGGIELAND PHARMACY ‘‘Keep to Right at the North Gate and You Can’t Go Wrong” 214 SOUTH MAIN BRYAN, TEXAS When you are in the New Area, there’s not a better place to go than - - - GEORGE’S CONFECTIONERY The Coffee is excellent — The company good — The music relaxing. In the New “Y”