Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1944)
PAGE 4 THE BATTALION FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 8, 1944 Christmas Gifts Fine Belted Military TRENCH COATS At prices from $12.50 to $40.00 Serviceable House Slippers $3.00 to $4.50 College Jewelry at a range of prices from $2.00 to $25.00 We have many beautiful items on display Fitted Men’s Cases $12.50 Billfold and Billfold Sets Cigarette Cases The Exchange Store “An Aggie Institution” HELP BRING VICTORY BUY MORE WAR BONDS W T A W Batt Chat John W. Davis, former ambas sador and former presidential can didate, will be the speaker, on Saturday, December 9, at the “Opera Victory Rally,” over WTAW in connection with the Metropolitan Opera broadcast of Mozart’s “Don Giovanni”. The pro gram will start at 1:00 p. m., CWT. Mr. Davis will speak on “The Stumbling Block to Peace,” in the series which has its general sub ject “The Fight for the Peace.” Archibald MacLeisch, Librarian of Congress, inaugurated the series on the first broadcast of the sea son last Saturday, (Dec. 2). This program feature will continue for the eighteen opera broadcasts planned this year. In the Mozart opera, Ezio Pinza will sing the title role and Florence Kirk, a newcomer this season, will be heard as Donna Anna. Others in the cast, under the baton of George Szell, include Eleanor Ste- ber, Bidu Sayao, Charles Kullman, Salvatore Baccaloni, Nicola Mas- cona and Mack Harrell. Herbert Graf will be stage manager. Mil- ton J. Cross again is announcer- commentator. * * * Bob Burns, his bazooka and his jokes, and George Murphy with his songs and engaging manner, will be on hand with Paul Whiteman, who has travelled West, to open the Hollywood doors of the Radio Hall of Fame for the first West Coast broadcasts over WTAW, Sunday, December 10, at 5:00 p. m., CWT. Jimmie Wallington will be m. c. of the opening program from the movie capital and will remain as announcer for the following seven weeks. Gloria De Haven, new movie starlet, will be present for next Sunday’s show as will Carlos Ra mirez, Mexican singing sensation. Paul Whiteman and his Radio Hall of Fame Orchestra will, as usual, provide music for the full- hour broadcast, which, during its Hollywood visit, will originate in Earl Carroll’s huge Theater Res taurant, half of the seats being reserved for sarvicemen. * * * Ethel Barrymore will return to her WTAW show, Miss Hattie, Sunday, December 10, after an ill ness that forced her to miss her first performance on a New York stage in her fifty years in the theatre. Miss Barrymore will resume her role as the sympathetic and under standing Miss Hattie, whose kind ly wisdom and humor dominate ' "It's a boy. MacTavish is passing out matches so we can light our Sir Walter Raleigh. Smokes as sweet as it smells ... the qualify pipe * tobacco of America 1 FREE! 24-page illustrated booklet tells how to select and break in a new pipe; rules for pipe cleaning, etc. Write today. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation, Louisyille 1, Kentucky. YOU FISH! If you haven’t had your picture made, come in today and be photographed—there is still time to get it for Christmas. If you have had your picture made come in now and re-order—we have your proofs on file. GIVE HER THAT INDIVIDUAL GIFT Amateur Supplies Commercial Groups See Our Complete Frame Selection qA. & M. PHOTO SHOP “The House of Satisfaction” Waldrop Bldg. North Gate Dial 4-8844 Pecans Sould Be Well Ventilated In Storage Pecans in storage should be well ventilated, otherwise heating and molding may result. This reminder comes from J. F. Rosborough, hor ticulturist for the Texas A. and M. College Extension Service. He warns against storing the nuts in bins before the meats are thorough ly dry. It is better to keep the pecans in sacks for a couple of weeks, storing them where the air can circulate freely over and around them. Where freezer lockers are avail able, pecans will keep satisfactorily for three years. The shelled meats should be stored in tin cans or other tight containers. They should be stored early, usually in December, before any deterioration in the meat begins. Crop estimate for Texas is 43 million pounds of pecans, good in some sections and spotty in others. Llano County, for example, re ports the biggest crop in a number of years, and County Agricultural Agent C. V. Robinson says the nuts there are of fine quality. In Galveston County, where the nuts are not so plentiful, home demon stration club women are pooling their orders for a large shipment of paper shell pecans. Orders were taken at 32 cents per pound with minimum lots of 10 pounds. Harvest is nearing completion in some sections but where all nuts have not been gathered Rosborough emphasizes that care should be taken to prevent damaging twigs and branches when the nuts are threshed with cane poles. Beating the trees unmercifully might des troy many buds and reduce future yields. A canvas cover or wagon sheet spread over the ground be fore threshing is begun aids in quicker harvest. In DeWitt County, J. W. Jackson, county agricultural agent says some growers have been docked about 20 percent for green nuts. Proper drying will bring better prices, he is advising farmers. OFFICIAL NOTICES Classified Drawing Book, Problem Book, and Draw ing Material were left in the Exchange Store shortly before the holidays. Owner may have same by claiming and paying for this ad. Exchange Store. Announcements Students whose absence from class is classed as authorized are reminded that authorized absence cards for each subject missed must be submitted in duplicate within 48 hours after the return from the absence and that arrangements for making up the work missed must be made with the instructor Within live days. Alter this week these limitations will be strictly enforced. F. C. Bolton Dean of the College CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES: Dece: ber 15, is the deadline for filing applk tions for degrees to be conferred j A.. i "" • pplica- at the udents. 1 hose students who have not ready done so should make formal ap- ication in the Registrar’s Office immed- alr Pi lately. H. L. Heaton Registrar The new bulletin that gives the chan: in the College Calendar and changi expenses for the Spring Semester is avail: Spring Semester able at the Registrar’s Office. H. L. Heaton ges in Registrar CAMPUS STUDY CLUB: Members of the Entertainment Committee and the Fine Arts Committee will serve as hostesses for the annual Christmas Tea to be given day afternoon, December 12th in the Chapel, at 3 o’clock. The Jun ior Choir of the College Station Presbyter ian Church will present a Chrii ly atternoon, Y. M. C. A. Chapel, at 3 ,— ‘"'hoir of hurch tata under the direction of M Mitchell. Mrs. R. R. La: istmas Ca iss Carolii rs. K. K. Lancaster will as accompanist and assistant director. Members are urged to bring guests to this meeting. .roline serve irecto: Church Notices FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH R. L. Brown, Pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:60 a.m. Morning Worship 5:00 p.m. Fellowship Hour. 6:00 p.m. Training Union 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship A cordial invitation is extended to all who desire to worship with us. COLLEGE AVE. BAPTIST CHURCH 203 N. College Ave. J. H. Landes, Pastor 9 :45 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship Service 6 :15 Training Union 7:30 Evening Worship Service THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Corner Twenty-seventh and S. College F.t J. Smythe. Pastor 10:00—Sunday School 11:00—Communion and Worship 6 :00—Recreation Hour 7 :00—Christian Youth Fellowship 8 :00—Communion and Sermon A cordial welcome awaits all who at tend this church. the lives of a typical American famiy. It is a role which she creat ed last September 17, when she embarked on her first regular ra dio series. Stricken with a severe cold and high fever, Miss Barrymore missed her first broadcast in her starring series on November 12, and was taken to a hospital the following day. She is now in Hot Springs, Va., and will return to New York late in the week. The Miss Hattie Show, a series of dramatic episodes, is heard Sun days at 2:30 to 3:00 p. m., CWT. During Miss Barrymore’s adsence, the title role has been taken by Betty Garde, star of the musical “Oklahoma.” * * * A premature salute to St. Pa trick’s Day will be included on the Jack Berch Show when Jack sings “Too Ra Loora, Loora, That’s An Irish Lullaby” on his WTAW broadcast, Monday, December 11, at 10:45 a. m., CWT. Going classical for the morning the Three Suns, instrumentalists, will play Paderewski’s “Minuet in G.” Tipping the scales in favor of popular music, Jack’s songs will be “It’s So Peaceful in the Coun try,” “Casey Jones,” and “The Best Things in Life Are Free.” * * * In cooperation with the Treasury Department, WTAW will present Sons of Heaven, a dramatic series dealing with Jap atrocities to American prisoners. The scripts, by Ira Marion, will be based on various sources of information on Nipponese treatment of war cap tives. Sons of Heaven will be offered in a series of four broadcasts, Dec, 12, 13, 14 and 15, at 3:30-3:45 p. m., CWT. —BOOKS— (Continued From Page 2) Engineering And Its Sciences: Essentials of Drafting, by Carl L. Svenson. American Paddle Steamboats, by Carl D. Lane. The Telephone in a Changing World, by M. M. Dilts. Submarines, by Herbert S. Zim. Atoms, Stars and Nebulae, by yiCTORY BUY UNITED STATES WAR BONDS AND STAMPS CHURCH OF CHRIST R. B. Sweet, Pastor Sunday. 9:45 Bible classes; 10:45 the morning worship; 7 p.m. the evening wor ship. Wednesday 7:15 p.m. the Prayer Meet ing. All are invited to attend all these serv ices. You will be most welcome. CATHOLIC STUDENTS Sunday Masses 9:15 and 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Mass 7:00 p.m. Confession Saturday 6:30 to 7 :30 p.m.: Sunday, before Mass. Friday 8, Holy Day of Obligation, Mass 7:00 p.m., St. Mary’s. Newman Club meeting, December 10, 1944, 10:15 a.m., Sunday, St. Mary’s. ST. THOMAS’ EPISCOPAL CHAPEL The Rev. J. Hugh R. Farrell, Chaplain Jersey at Pershing Streets Second Sunday in Advent. There will be no 9:00 a.m. Holy Com munion as the Chaplain will be absent un til the Coffee Club at 9 :45 a.m. Church School at 9:45 a.m. Holy Communion at 11:00 a.m. The Holy Eucharist will be offered for all of the members who were confirmed on Wednesday and all are urged to receive Holy Communion. The U. M. C. Y. will meet on Wednesday at 7 :00 p.m. AMERICAN LUTHERAN CONGREGATION Y. M. C. A. Chapel, Campus Kurt Hartman, Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Student Bible Class and Discussion iod at 9:45 a..m Divine Services 11:00 a. m. A. & M. METHODIST CHURCH AND WESLEY FOUNDATION Rev. R. C. Terry Sunday: Church Morning Wesley Fou Wednesda: a.m. p.m. ednesday: Choir Practice—6 :45 p.m. Wesley Fellowship and Mil Vesley fellowship and Midweek Devo tional—7 p.m. The A. and M. Methodist Church is one block east of the Post Office at the North Gate. A. & M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Norman Andersen, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 in the Campus Theatre. “By courtesy of the Management.’ Morning Worship 11:00 in the Campus Theatre. “By courtesy of the Management.” Student League 6:30 in the Y. M. C. A. Chapel. Student Forum. 7:30 in the Y. M. C. A. Chapel. Leo Goldberg and Lawrence H. Aller. Stratigraphy of the Eastern and Central United States, by Charles Schuchert. Power from Start to Finish, by Franklin M. and Claire Reck. Automobiles from Start to Finish, by Franklin M. Reck. From Man to Machine; a pic torial history of invention, by Agnes Rogers. Geodetic Control Surveys, by H. O. Sharp. Agriculture And Its Sciences: Magic Gardens; a modern chron- cle of herbs and savory seeds, by Rosetta E. Clarkson. Trees of Northeastern United States; native and naturalized, by H. P. Brown. The Physiology of Plants, by William Seifriz. Edible Wild Plants of Eastern North America, by Merritt Lyndon Femald and Alfred Charles Kin sey. Forest Mensuration, by Donald Bruce and Francis X. Schumacher. Theoretical Soil Mechanics, by Karl Terzaghi. Farm Soils; their management and fertilization, by Edmund L. Worthen. Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States, by Leroy Abrams. Plant an ash tray in your car and save a tree in the forest. —DEAN— Continued from Page 1 animal husbandryman for the Uni versity of Wyoming. Ice Cream Twice Yearly The number of cows in the dairy herd at A. & M. has not been in creased since Shepardson became head, but the quality of the herd has decidedly improved until it ranks near the top of college dairy herds. When he first came to A. & M., raw milk was delivered to the mess hall in cans and placed in pitchers for the students. Shepard son said that the students swore that the milk in the pitchers was skimmed milk. The per-student consumption of milk at that time was one-half pint per day but it was raised to one quart, the high est college consumption of pasteur ized milk in the United States. Ice cream, before Shepardson’s arrival, was served only on the first and last Sundays of the school year, but now it is served in the mess halls twice weekly. Since the establishment of Bry an Air Field, the A. & M. College Dairy is supplying the army per sonnel stationed there as well as WTAW 1150 kc.—(Blue Network) SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1944 A. M. 6:00 Sign On 6:02 Texas Farm & Home Prog. WTAW 6 :16 Sunup Club WTAW 7 :00 News Summary BN 7:15 Arlo at the Organ..... BN 7 :30 United Nations News BN 7:45 Off the Record WTAW 8:00 The Breakfast Club BN 9:00 Fannie Hurst Presents BN 9 :30 What’ Cooking—Boyardee.. BN 9:45 Songs by Jean Tighe BN 10:00 Music By Marais BN 10:15 Trans-Atlantic Quiz BN 10:30 Land of the Lost BN 11:00 Swingshift Frolics BN 11:05 WTAW NEWS WTAW 11:30 NatT Farm & Home Hour BN P. M. 12 :00 Serenade to an— Autumn Afternoon BN 12:15 Trans-Atlantic Quiz BN 12 :S0 Farm FainrPEM 12 :30 Farm Fair WTAW 12 :40 Bunkhouse Roundup WTAW 12:45 Tips, Topics, and Tunes....WTAW 1:00 Metropolitan Opera BN 5 :00 Hello, Sweetheart BN 5 :15 Harry Wismer—Sports BN 5:30 Soldiers With Wings BN 5.45 Andrini Continentales BN 6 :00 Sustaining Music BN 6:15 Children’s Vesper Hour WTAW 6:30 Sign Off 7:15 Sign On 7:15 Football Game 10:30 Sign Off SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1944 A. M. 8 :00 Blue Correspondents BN 8 :15 Coast to Coast on a Bus BN 9:00 The Lutheran Hour WTAW 9 :30 The Southernaires : BN 10:00 Music by Master Composers WTAW 11:00 Weekly War Journal - BN 11:30 College Ave. Bapt. Church....WTAW P. M. 12:00 John B. Kenedy BN 12:16 George Hicks BN 12:30 Sammy Kaye’s Tangee Serenade BN 12:65 Your Sunday News Extra.... BN 1:00 Old Fash. Revival Hour....WTAW 2:00 Listen, the Women BN 2:30 Miss Hattie BN 3:00 Darts for Dough BN 3:30 Set To Music BN 4 :00 Mary Small Revue i BN 4:30 Met. Opera Presents- BN 5:00 Radio Hall of Fame BN 6:00 Drew Pearson BN 6:15 Week of Review WTAW 6:30 Sign Off MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1944 A. M. 6:00 Sign On 6 :02 Texas Farm & Home Prog. WTAW 6 :15 Sunup Club WTAW 7:00 Martin Agronsky— Daily War Journal BN 7:15 Let’s Learn Spanish WTAW 7:30 Blue Correspondents BN 7:45 Morning Melodies WTAW 7:65 Hollywood Headliners WTAW 8:00 The Breakfast Club BN 9:00 My True Story BN 9:25 Aunt Jemima..-...., BN 9 :30 Between The Lines WTAW 9:45 One Woman’s Opinion BN 10:00 Breakfast at Sardi’s BN 10:30 Gyl Martin BN 10:45 Songs by Cliff Edwards BN 11:00 Glamour Manor BN 11:15 Meet Your Neighbor BN 11:30 Farm and Home Makers BN P. M. 12 :00 Baukhage Talking BN 12:15 WTAW Noonday News WTAW 12 :30 Farm Fair WTAW 12:45 Andrew Continentales BN 1:00 Kiernan’s Corner BN 1:15 Mystery Chef BN 1:30 Ladies, Be Seated BN 2:00 Songs by Morton Downey.... BN 2:15 Appointment With Life BN 2:45 Sincerely Yours BN 3:00 Time Views The News BN 3 :15 Music for Moderns WTAW 3:30 To Be Announced 3:45 Church of Christ WTAW 4:00 Brazos Valley Farm& Home WTAW 4:15 Dick Tracy BN 4:30 To Be Announced 4:45 Hop Harrigan BN 5:00 Terry and the Pirates BN 5 :15 Treasury Salute WTAW 6 :30 Jack Armstrong BN 5 :45 Capt. Midnight. BN 6 :00 Horace Heidt. BN 6:30 Sign Off TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1944 A. M. 6:00 Sign On 6:02 Texas Farm & Home Prog. WTAW 6 :15 Sunup Club WTAW 7:00 Martin Agronsky— Daily War Journal BN 7:15 Your Life Today BN 7:30 Blue Correspondents BN 7:45 Rosa Rio at the Organ BN 8:00 The Breakfast Club BN 9:00 My True Story BN 9 :25 Aunt Jemima BN 9:30 Between the Lines WTAW 9:45 The Listening Post BN 10:00 Breakfast at Sardi’t BN 10:30 Gil Martyn BN 10:45 Jack Berch And His Boys.... BN 11:00 Glamour Manor BN 11:15 Mid-Morning Melodies WTAW 11:30 Farm and Home Makers.... BN P. M. 12:00 Baukhage Talking BN 12:15 WTAW Noonday News WTAW 12 :30 Farm Fair .WTAW 12:40 Texo Roundup WTAW 12 :45 Luncheon Tunes WTAW 1:00 Kiernan’s Corner. BN 1:15 Mystery Chef . BN 1:30 Ladies Be Seated BN 2:00 Songs by Morton Downey BN 2:15 Appointment With Life. BN 2 :45 Sincerely Yours BN 3:00 Time Views The News BN 3:15 Music for Moderns WTAW 3:30 To Be Announced 3 :45 Keys of Faith WTAW 4:00 Brazos Valley F. S. A. WTAW 4:15 Dick Tracy BN 4:30 To Be Announced 4:45 Hop Harrigan BN 6:00 Terry and the Pirates BN 5.T5 Something for the Girls WTAW 5:30 Jack Armstrong ' "BN 5 :45 Captain Midnight BN 6 :00 Bryan Field _WTAW 6 -.30 Sign Off the needs of the A. & M. dining halls. Under Shepardson’s supervision the dairy farm has cleared post oak and needle grass from 450 acres of land and transformed these same acres into productive fields. Before the war drained the A. & M. student body, the Dairy Hus bandry Department graduated 20 to 25 seniors each year and had about six graduate students. Many of these students came from neigh-, boring states to study at Texas A. & M. Shepardson stated that with in the last 20 years Texas has grown from an insignificant posi tion in the dairy field to a rank of sixth place in the United States. The value of Texas dairy products is equal to two-thirds of that of cotton and is equal to the value of beef cattle production. Shepardson’s Improvements Even though most of the ex perimental work is delegated to the Texas Agricultural Experi ment Station, the Dairy Husbandry Department under the general sup ervision of Shepardson has eradi cated disease among jpllege dairy animals, developed a satisfactory milk substitute for calf feeding, improved and developed a method of using surplus skim milk in mak ing concentrated milk solids in the manufacture of ice cream, which has greatly aided small plants, begun pastuerization of milk for college consumption, and developed methods of artificial in semination especially adapted to dairy cattle-. During the years that Shepard son has been associated with the dairy industry he has served as a Director of the American Dairy Science Association, Director of the American Jersey Cattle Club, chairman of the research commit tee of the American Jersey Cat tle Club, president of the Texas Dairy Products Association, and Director of Texas Jersey Cattle Club. In 1937 he attended the World Dairy Congress in Berlin, Ger many as a repesentative of the United States government. There were 12 delegates sent from the U. S. to the meeting, which had representatives from more than 60 nations. At the present time Shepardson is a member of the A. & M. Ath letic Council and is on the board of the Bryan-Brazos County Cham ber of Commerce. Dean Shepardson is a member of all of the masonic lodges and also a member of many national honor ary fraternities among which are: Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Zeta, Gam ma Sigma Delta, Lambda Gamma Delta, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and Scabbard and Blade. He is also a Rotarian. Played Football Shepardson played football in high school and college and cap tained Colorado State’s first champ ionship team. He was freshman football coach at his alma mater for seven years. He has no hobbies, but is a man of unsurpassed energy. Rather than spend his time on non-produc tive pursuits he has concentrated on working at and bettering A. & M. Much of his time has been taken up with work helping A. & M. students, a large number of whom have been able to work their way through ^chool as a result of em ployment that Shepardson made available on the college dairy farm. HELP BRING VICTORY BUY MORE WAR BONDS —AGGIE— Continued from Page 1 Austin; McCloskey Hospital in Temple, and Blackland Air Field in Waco. The conference schedule for the Aggies runs as follows: Jan. 6, Rice here; Jan. 12, T. C. U. here; Jan. 13, S. M. U. here; Jan. 16, Baylor there; Jan. 20, Rice there; Feb. 6, Texas here; Feb. 9, S. M. U. there; Feb. 10, T. C. U. there; Feb. 14, Baylor here; Feb. 17, Texas there; Feb. 23, Arkansas there; and Feb. 24, Arkansas there. DO YOUR PART—BUY BONDS NOTICE ! We have connections with the following book dealers and are buying wholesale for them. Wilcox & Folette, Chicago University Book Store, Alabama College Book Co., Columbus, 0. Burns and Noble, New York We will quote you the best pos sible price on all titles whether they are used here or not. LOUPOT’S TRADING POST CONDUCTS REVIVAL Dr. Lemuel Hall, Army Chaplain, is conducting Revival Services each evening beginning at 7:00 p. m., at the First Baptist Church, College Station. Army Chaplain to Speak At Revival Dr. Lemuel Hall, Army chaplain, will talk at the revival of the First Baptist Church, which started De cember 3. The revival will continue- through Sunday, Dec. 10. Dr. Hall will use the following subjects on Saturday evening and Sunday: 7:30 Saturday evening: “Paid in Full”; 10:50 Sunday morning: “The Great Refusal,”, and 7:00 Sunday evening: “Real Reality.” A cordial invitation is extended to all by the church. Pictures of work in Army camps will be shown. Students may be excused from call to quarters to attend. —SCHOOL^- (Continued From Page 1) age Controlmen, Radio Operators^ Ship’s Cooks and Bakers, Pharma cist’s Mates and Sonar Operators, In addition to these schools, there are several restricted schools on which the Coast Guard is un able to release information. The interesting and specialized training program is one of the several attractive points to enlist ment at this time. Additional infor mation can be secured by applying at the Coast Guard Recruiting of fice, 1110-12 Irwin-Keasler build ing, Dallas, Texas. DR. N. B. McNUTT DENTIST Office in Parker Building Over Canady’s Pharmacy Phone 2-1457 Bryan, Texas Do Your Christmas Shopping Now We suggest that you do your Christmas shopping early—here you’ll find a pleasing stock of Christ mas gifts that will be ap propriate for Mother . . . Sister ... Dad or Brother. We’ll gladly assist you in selecting gifts that will be certain to please. No Extra Charge for Gift Wrapping [jjaldropeg “Two Convenient Stores” College Station—Bryan