The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 08, 1944, Image 3

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    ^ *
Cadets Make Final Appearance Of Season In Miami Tonight
Aggies In Weakened Condition For
Game; WTAW to Carry Play-by-Play
Coach Homer Norton’s Texas Ag-r
gie gridders will make their final
appearance of the season Friday
night when they take on the Miami
University footballers in the
Orange Bowl Stadium at Miami.
The Cadets left College Station
Monday, and were to have arrived
at the site of the game Wednesday.
This game will be broadcast
over the Texas Quality Network
and radio station WTAW beginning
at 7:00 p. m., the play by play ac
count being made possible by the
Humble Oil and Refining Company.
Kern Tips and Charlie Jordan will
handle the game on the airways.
Miami has gone through a dis
astrous season thus far, failing to
win a game. Their latest defeat
was a 48-2 loss to the University
of Tulsa.
A. & M. will enter the game in
the weakest condition they have
been in all season. Besides losing
several men to the basketball
squad, Bobby Goff has been called
by the Army, and Paul Yates and
Jimmie Parmer are bothered by
injuries. Yates suffered an ankle
injury in the Texas game while
Parmer is bothered by a cut lip.
Despite the fact that Miami has
not won a game this year, a near
capacity crowd is expected to fill
the stadium for this intersectional
The probable starting lineup for
the Aggies will be Cotton Howell,
left end; Monton Shefts, left tackle;
Bullet Gray, left guard; Bob Gary,
center; Damon Tassos, right guard;
Monte Moncrief, right tackle; Nor
ton Higgins, right end; Jimmy
Cashion, quarterback; Gene Spires,
left half; Bob Butchofsky, right
half; and Stubby Matthews, full
We need fire protection to con
tinue the twenty-five average an
nual $20,000,000 forest industry
payroll to over 25,000 East Texas
Albert Richards
These coats are tailored
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and are styled for young
For Holiday
See our fine assortment
of Jackets, Sweaters, and
“Timber-Tone” Shirts.
Warm Wool Gloves
Leather Gloves
(lined and unlined)
Wool Socks
(in solid or rich fancy
Aggie “T” Shirts
(heavy or light
7 i r
W.O. J-/
College and Bryan
Superior Speed
Developed In New
Propellerless Craft
Superior speed and other vitally
important advances in performance
characteristics have been achieved
in exacting tests at Army Air
Forces installations by propeller
less fighter planes powered by the
new type jet engine of revolution
ary design developed and produced
by General Electric Company.
Basic aerial advances established
by G-E Turbo Jet propelled planes
1. Greater Speed: The G-E Jet
propels planes at tremendous
speed. Even at this relatively early
stage of its development, it is re
garded as certain that the turbo
jet engine will propel planes faster
than any conventional recipro
cating gasoline engine.
2. Maneuverability: Powered by
G-E Jets, fighter planes designed
and -manuufactured in the United
States have demonstrated maneu
verability to a high degree at
super speeds.
3. Vibration Zero: Jet propulsion
generates negligible vibration in
a plane, regardless of the power
and speed produced. This elimi
nates one factor which causes pilot
4. Quick Take-Off: The G-E Jet
does not need to be warmed up.
Thirty seconds after it starts oper
ating, the G-E Jet will generate
enough power to propel a plane
swiftly along a runway.
5. High Altitude: The G-E Jet
functions powerfully and smoothly
at extremely high altitudes. Due
to less air drag on the plane, the
G-E Jet uses much less fuel at
high altitude than it does going
at the same speed at low altitude.
6. Propellerless: The Jet pro
pelled plane has no propeller. This
opens greater speed realms to the
jet propelled plane, because the
propeller is first affected by com
pressibility and its resulting very
large drag at high speeds. The
propellerless planes also can be
built so that they will rest lower
to the ground than can those with
propellers. This makes repair work
on a plane easier, and reduces the
weight on the landing gear.
7. Easy Control: Any competent
pilot can fly a jet propelled plane.
No new flight problems are pre
sented to the pilot by the G-E Jet.
Actually, control of the G-E Jet
is easier and more simple than
that of the reciprocating motor.
8. Fewer Gadgets: Fewer gad
gets and control dials are neces
sary on the instrument panel of
a jet propelled plane than on that
of a conventional fighter aircraft.
Only one throttle does all of the
power control work on a jet power
ed plane.
9. Weight Relief: The G-E Jet
engine is far lighter than recipro
cating gasoline engines of com
parative power. This enables the
jet propelled plane to carry more
fuel, or bomb and ammunition
loads than other types of fighter
aircraft of the same power.
10. Maintenance. Simplicity of
design and operation make the
G-E Jet incredibly easy to keep in
maximum operating condition.
There are no intricate and conj-
plicated elements in the' G-E Jet.
It is far easier to break down, re
pair and install again in a plane
than any reciprocating aerial
motor. For this reason, it is an ac
cepted point that fewer main
tenance personnel will be needed
Bicycle and Radio Repair
PH'ONE 4-4114
By S. L. “Slim” Inzer
Battalion Sports Editor
Anything Happens in Southwest . . .
The 1944 Southwest Conference
football race is history now, but it
will go down in the books as one of
the craziest scrambles in the his
tory of the loop.
Everything that could happen in
football happened in the Southwest
this year. After the dust had clear
ed, a team considered as one of the
weakest in the conference was the
winner while the team considered
as the most powerful was tied for
the cellar. Coach Dutch Meyer’s
T. C. U. Frogs, despite the fact
they were doped to lose every Sat
urday, went up until the final game
without being defeated, and then
lost to thrice beaten S. M. U. The
Frogs won three conference games,
A. & M., Texas, and Rice, by the
combined total of 10 points. They
tied Arkansas and lost to the Mus
tangs, 9-6, thus giving them seven
more points than their opponents
in conference play. And all of this
resulted after seven of the Frog
regulars had been transferred by
the Navy in mid-season.
Sloppy play in the early part
of the season cost the Aggies the
championship. They were far
ahead of the field in team statis
tics, but fumbles cost them their
first two conference games.
Texas was minus the powerhouse
they have had for the past few
years, but they were good enough
to finish in the runner-up spot.
Rice started off in fine fashion
but flopped miserably in the lat
ter stages of the race. S. M. U.
did just the opposite, losing five
straight games by top-heavy scores
and then finishing in good form.
The Frogs were lucky this year,
and I think they will admit it. They
have been tabed the “Cinderella
Champions,” and this name fits
them well.
This year’s attendance showed an
increase over that of the previous
year. This may be partly due to
the fact that fans had no idea of
what was going' to (iappen when
they went to a game. If this was
the reason for the increase, then
the fans were pleased for every
thing did happen.
Aggies Due to Win . . .
After a week’s rest, I have again
decided to try my luck at predict
ing games. Also, I think I have
a pretty good chance to get' one
right here, for I can’t see the Ag
gies losing to the weak Miami
team. Even after the long trip
and the excitement of Miami, the
Cadets should win this one by as
many points as they desire.
So A. & M. over Miami Friday
to service squadrons of G-E Jet
planes than now are assigned to
similar units flying fighters by
reciprocating motors.
11. Fuel: Almost any kind of
liquid fuel will work in a G-E Jet.
In fact, Captain N Ezra- Kotcher,
Fighter Branch, Engineering Divi
sion, Material Command, says that
anything that burns from “kero
sene to Napoleon brandy” can be
used. Hioctane gas definitely is
not a mandatory fuel for high
speed in the jet propelled plane.
The jet, however, now consumes
more fuel by weight in the pro
pulsion of a plane for a given dis
tance than does the reciprocating
The basic principle of jet pro
pulsion is swathed in age. It is
the same as one of Isaac Newton’s
laws of motion—that to every ac
tion there is an equal reaction.
The actual operation of the G-E
Jet is this simple:
1. Air is picked up by a com
pressor at the nose of the engine.
2. From the compressor it passes
to a chamber, where fuel and air
burn, increasing the velocity of
the air and gases.
3. The hot air and gases then
sweep through a turbine, spinning
it at a tremendous tempo. This
turbine, in turn, furnishes the
power for the compressor. The
turbine and the compressor unit
are connected by a shaft and they
rotate in unison.
4. After swirling through the
turbine, the hot air and gases fun
nel at pressure through a nozzle,
or jet, in rear of the engine. The
BE SURE TO MAKE an early selec
tion of Christmas gifts. We have the
ideal present for your Mother and
Let Us Put Them Away for You Until Mailing Time!
“Keep, to Right at the North Gate and You
Can’t Go Wrong”
velocity of this air and the gas
gives the reactive thrust which
drives the plane forward.
5. The gas and hot air pass out
of the jet in a steady stream. The
thrust power of this stream of hot
air and gas actually is controlled
by the fuel throttle.
6. When properly regulated, no
flame, glow or stream of smoke
emerges from the jet nozzle.
7. Noise made by the G-E Jet is
a rumbling roar.
8. The G-E Jet is started by
electricity from batteries in the
plane or an outside source. This
electricity starts a small motor
mounted in front of the com
pressor. The motor spins the com
pressor, which forces air into the
combustion chamber, etc. The mix
ture of air and fuel is ignited, and
burned. Expanding gases reach a
velocity high enough to turn the
turbine faster than the starting
motor turns it and so the starting
motor automatically cuts off and
the turbine continues the job of
running the compressor.
Although the exact maximum
speed of fighters propelled by G-E
Jets cannot now be revealed for
military reasons, their depend
ability and safety achievements
under the stress of maximum
maneuverability tests at super
speeds is of a very high order.
It boils down to: G-E Jet en
gines continue to produce power
in flying aircraft as long as fuel
and air are available. Their struc
ture is so simple, and the materials
in them durable, that no serious
trouble from engine breakdown in
operation has yet been experienced.
Experiments probing toward the
development of controllable motive
power through jet apparatus date
well back into history. The prin
ciple of jet propulsion was under
stood by some of the scientists and
inventors of much earlier times,
but their efforts to put it into
operation failed. This was due pri
marily because they didn’t know
how to build the turbo jet engine
and, even more important, they
did not have the necessary alloys
to work with. As a matter of fact,
efforts to create jet motive power
for airplanes isn’t even relatively
new when the over-all short span
of aerial flight is considered.
The successful development of
a turbo-thermal Jet propulsion en
gine, capable of withstanding the
Three Aggies Asked
To Play for West In
East-West Game
Monte Moncrief, Cotton Howell,
and Mann Scott have been invited
to play for the
West in the an-
unal East-West
charity football
game in San
Francisco, Jan. 1.
Moncrief was a
unamious choice
for all-Southwest
Conference tackle
and Howell was
listed as an end
on many selec
tions. Scott was
listed on some of
the conference
All three of the
players are with
the Aggie foot-
ball team in
Miami for the last
game of the sea
son with the Un
iversity of Miami.
None of the boys
have indicated
whether or not
they will accept
the invitation.
Moncrief is a
junior with two
seasons of eligi
bility remaining;
Howell and Scott
are freshmen
with three left.
There has been
n o statement
from Coach Homer Norton re
garding the invitation.
extreme heat generated in the tur
bine and combustion chambers at
tremendously cold temperatures at
high altitudes, however, is new. In
G-E Jets, the compressor has
functioned with air as cold as 76
degrees below zero, while in the
same engine and very close to it
the turbine would be working in a
blazing heat.
It was in making this operation
possible that General Electric Com
pany has filled the bill and har
nessed the old idea of jet propul
sion into a smoothly functioning
form of tremendous power.
One of the fundamental and far
reaching advances in the jet pro
pulsion field, which led into the
development of the G-E Turbo Jet,
was achieved by Air Commodore
Frank Whittle, of the British Roy
al Air Force, who began a con
centrated study of the problem
while a cadet at Cranwell, RAF
college. He began construction of
a jet engine in 1933 and it operated
successfully in a test in 1937. It
was not until May of 1941, how
ever, that it propelled a plane
in the air.
Colonel D. J. Keirn, in command
of Power Plant Branch, AAF
Technical Service Command, at
Wright Field, began study of the
new type of aerial motive power
generator in England. Colonel
Keirn brought one of the Whittle
designed engines to the United
States on October 4, 1941.
It was at that stage of the oper
ation that the knowledge, ability
and experience, of General Electric
engineers and scientists were tap
ped to develop and further advance
this new and revolutionary ap
paratus for motive power genera
General Electric engineers were
called on exclusively in this in
stance by General Henry H. Ar
nold, Commanding General of the
AAF, primarily because:
1. General Electric engineers had
invented, perfected and developed
the turbosupercharger, which
makes possible substratosphere
aerial operations. The turbosuper
charger feeds compressed air to
the engine cylinders.
2. Many of the basic operational
principles of the jet propulsion en
gine are identical with those of the
turbosupercharger, and in taking
this step the AAF capitalized im
mediately on the knowledge and ex
perience of the General Electric
scientists and engineers.
3. General Electric engineers and
scientists also were at the fore
front of turbine design, construc
tion and operation.
4. Turbines and turbosuper
chargers developed and produced
by General Electric had the alloys
necessary for the operation of the
jet propulsion engines. This was
basic in solving practical problems
involved in the jet engine.
5. General Electric engineers and
scientists also had studied jet pro
pulsion principles and some of
them were conducting experiments
along that line when General Ar
nold requested them to develop the
Whittle designed engine, which now
is being manufactured in England.
The thick seal of secrecy about
the G-E Turbo-Jet development was
not lifted even fractionally until
January of 1944, when the fact
was announced ^at this super
swift motive power weapon was
in the hands of the AAF. The ex
tent of the uses of the G-E Jets by
the United States armed forces
still cannot be told in detail for
military reasons.
m '. :
Bpil B
When Army ballistics experts needed to photograph
speeding rockets, scientists at Bell Telephone Labora
tories built the special "ribbon-frame” camera. Their
experience came from making high speed cameras to
study tiny movements in telephone equipment parts.
The new camera gets its name from the narrow slot
that exposes a ribbon of film at a speed of one ten-
thousandth of a second. These "stills,” taken on
ordinary film, show a fast flying P-47 firing its under :
wing rocket.
This is an example of the many ways Bell System
research is helping to provide better weapons, better,
equipment for war and peacetime telephone service.
Service to the Nation in Peace and War
NAMES IMPRINTED - - - Two Day Service
Order Yours Now to Avoid Disappointment
For Mother — Paper goods with her name
For the girl — Aggie Jewelry and Stationery
For Dad — Many Appropriate gifts