THE BATTALION FRIDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 17, 1944 Page 4 FEATURED ON WTAW it , , j ■Joan Alexander one of radio’s 'loveliest actresses is a regular on 'the BLUE's afternoon feature “My True Story”. Miss Alexander ia also heard on “It’s Murder!” —DISTRACTIONS- (Continued From Page 2) of the most recent either. The Lowdown: There has been a better. Playing on the same bill, “Jack ass Mail” with Wallace Beery and Marjorie Main. A parallel film similar to Twenty Mule Team ex cept a little more interesting and exciting. Beery is still the cursing and loud man of the movies making passes at lady love, Marjorie Main. The Lowdown: Not too bad, be cause of Wallace Beery. Showing Sunday at Guion is really a good picture, “Sahara” with Humphrey Bogart. That hard man of the movies goes into action again, in the war front in North Africa. Bogart plays the part of A. & M. Alteration Shop NEATNESS — is a Military Necessity! ALTERING NEATLY — is an Art! See Us for Good Needle Work You Can’t Go Wrong — Our Prices Are Right! LOUPOT’S A Little Place - - - - - - A Big Saving! If You Have Bonds, Don’t Sell Them ★ ★ ★ It’s just as important to hold on to them as it is to buy them. ★ ★ ★ Buy Bonds Keep Them ★ ★ ★ and You Back the Attack —INDUSTRY— (Continued From Page 1) markets at fair prices.” He pointed out that industry and agriculture are closely linked together in the matter of national welfare because in order for farmers to find a market for their constantly in creasing production, industry must be able to maintain production and employment. Wickard emphasized that the' ti’emendous agricultural demand for goods now unobtainable be cause of war shortages would pro vide the stimulus for postwar in dustrial production. He stressed particularly the replacement of farm machinery which has worn out during the present emergency then added that great new fields of farmer consumption are as yet untapped in the fields of rural electrification and refrigeration for farm units. Wickard indicated strongly that in order to maintain agricultural standards of living the government would maintain price supports for at least two years after the war and conduct a long range adjust ment program to shift farm pro duction into line with peace time requirements. Two Day Conference The Farm and Industry Confer ence began Thursday morning with registration in the lobby of the Y.M.C.A. and ended Friday after noon with a conducted tour of gen eral and specific points on the A. & M. campus. Approximately 250 leaders of agriculture and in dustry met in a series of confer ences during the two day conven tion to discuss current problems of industry and agriculture and the interrelationship of the two. In commenting on the confer ence Dean E. J. Kyle, Dean of the A. & M. School of Agriculture, said, “The meeting has been very successful in accomplishing a meeting of the minds between in dustry and agriculture. Attendance was the finest we could have hoped for.” Conference Keynote Dean Kyle keynoted the con ference Thursday with his talk on “Current Problems Facing Agri culture.” Pointing out that the present war has brought untold sacrifice of human life, destruc tion of property, and disorganiza tion of normal business Dean Kyle said, “Since history, presenting centuries of evidence, gives us this solemn warning, it seems to me it is our duty to do everything within our power to prevent this post-war disorganization that might be in its final effects more blighting than the war itself, from again sweeping this earth, and es pecially this country, at the close of this tragic conflict.” Summarizing the problems con cerned with wheat, cotton, tobacco, corn-hog products, peanuts and soybeans, and beef cattle produc tion Dean Kyle concluded that aft er the war farm production would be geared to 30% above peacetime demand. As a solution to this Kyle said that there were only two out lets, domestic consumption and foreign markets. Kyle expressed the opinion of the majority of national planners an army sergeant who with his crew is lost with their tank in the Sahara Desert. They capture a German column moving into the American lines and as a whole, make plenty of excitement. 'Jhe Lowdown: A good picture. It’s not Bogart’s latest, but really worth seeing. Let Us “SHOOT YOU” And Send You Home for Christmas! Simplify your Christmas Shopping with photographs —the gift that no one else can give. New Shipment of metal frames in gold plate and silver Amateur Supplies Commercial Groups a4. & M. PHOTO SHOP Dial 4-8844 — Waldrop Bldg. — North Gate FEATURED ON WTAW. Elaine Williams is a regular on “Appointment with Life” and “My True Story.” She has rare honor of being invited twice to appear on the BLUE's “Blind Date.” when he said that farm surplusses could be best taken care of through increased national consumption brought about by full industrial employment. To accomplish a large volume of foreign trade Kyle re marked that world economic and political security must be guaran teed. “What this country sorely needs well trained world traders in ag riculture who know their own peo ple and their economy and peoples and the economy of all lands,” was the gist of problems facing agriculture and industry as presented by Dean Kyle. Speaking for Industry R. K. Longino, president of Lon- gino and Collins, Inc., New Or leans, made a companion speech to that of Secretary Wickard at the the war. Humble Oil and Refining Company. cities. -PLUCK THE OWLS- —MILLER— (Continued From Page 1) tory. you that I have enjoyed my work and the opportunities it has given me.” Dr. Miller cited the advantages of “the opportunity to combine station work with college work, plus the prospect of organizing a department (of Animal Hus bandry) in line with my own ideas” as the principal reason for accepting the Tennessee connection. “The Texas A. & M. College ac cepts Dr. Miller’s resignation with deep regrets as we consider him an able, well trained and effi cient teacher and administrator,” Dean Kyle said. “He is one of the best posted men on the sheep and goat industry we have in the en tire country.” “Dr. Miller has rendered es pecially valuable service to the Texas A. & M. College in the ad ministration of the Animal Hus bandry Department in these trying times, including the operation of the meat processing plant which handles all local killed livestock for Brazos county, including the Bryan Army Air Field,” Dean Kyle added. A native of Missouri, Dr. Miller received his B. A., M. A. and Ph. D. degrees from the University of that state. STUDENT CO-OP Bicycle and Radio Repair PHONE 4-4114 DR. N. B. McNUTT DENTIST Office in Parker Building Over Canady’s Pharmacy Phone 2-1457 Bryan, Texas LOUPOT’S A Little Place - - - - - - A Big Saving! OFFICIAL NOTICES Announcements DISTINGUISHED STUDENTS—Citations irovr. President Gilchrist are now available in the Registrar’s Office for those stu dents who were distinguished during the Summer Semester. H. L. Heaton, Registrar Students whose absence from class is classed as authorized are reminded that authorized absence cards for each subject missed must be submitted in duplicate within 48 hours after the return from the absence and that arrangements for making up the work missed must be made with the instructor within five days. Alter this week these limitations will be strictly enforced. F. C. Bolton Dean of the College Clubs The Campus Social Club will meet in the YMCA parlors Friday, November 24th at 3 p.m. This meeting will be a tea in honor of new members. Church Notices CHURCH OF CHRIST R. B. Sweet, Pastor Sunday. 9 :46 Bible classes ; 10 :45 the morning worship; 7 p.m. the evening wor- ship. Wednesday 7:15 p.m. the Prayer Meet ing. All are invited to attend all these serv ices. You will be most welcome. CATHOLIC STUDENTS Sunday Masses 9:15 and 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Mass 7:00 p.m. Confession Saturday 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, before Mass. A. & M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Norman Anderson, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 in the Campus' Theatre. Morning Worship 11:00 in the Campus Theatre. Student League 6:30 in the Y. M. C. A. Chapel. Student Forum 7:30 in the Y. M. C. A. Chapel. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH R. L. Brown, Pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:50 a.m. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. Fellowship Hour. 6:00 p.m. Training Union 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship A cordial invitation is extended to all who desire to worship with us. A. & M. METHODIST CHURCH AND WESLEY FOUNDATION Rev. Walton B. Gardner, Pastor-Director Associates: Abie Jack Adrian and S. Burton Smith Sunday: Church School—9 :46 a.m. Morning Worship—10 :60 a.m. Wesley Foundation—7 p.m. Wednesday: Choir Practice—6:45 p.m. * Wesley Fellowship and Midweek Devo tional—7 p.m. The A. and M. Methodist Church is one block east of the Post Office at the North Gate. THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Corner Twenty-seventh and S. College F. J. Smythe. Faster 10 :00—Sunday School 11:00—Communion and Worship 6 :00—Recreation Hour 7 :00—Christian Youth Fellowship 8 :00—Communion and Sermon A cordial welcome awaits ail who at tend this church. ST. THOMAS’ EPISCOPAL CHAPEL The Rev. J. Hugh R. Farrell, Chaplain Jersey at Pershing Streets 24th Sunday After Trinity Holy Communion 9:00 Coffee Club 9:30 Church School 9:45 Mcrning Prayer 11:00 The Guild will meet Monday at 3:30 p.m. in the Chapel for their devotional program. All who are interested in the Episcopal Church and would like to be confirmed are requested to get in touch with the Chaplain. COLLEGE AVE. BAPTIST CHURCH 203 N. College Ave. J. H. Landes, Pastor 9 :45 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship Service 6:15 Training Union 7:30 Evening Worship Service AMERICAN LUTHERAN CONGREGATION ^ Y. M. C. A. Chapel, Campus Kurt Hartman, Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Student Bible Class and Discussion Per iod at 9:45 a..m —GRADES— (Continued From Page 1) that privilege.” “It is possible, depending on the number of deficient students, that the deans will be able to complete their interviews before the Thanks giving, but in the event that they do not, action on appeals to the Executive Committee will be taken immediately after the re sumption of class work after the holidays.” Cooperation in making grade re ports promptly and accurately was asked if the faculty and profs were requested to make it a point to see that all men attending then- classes had class cards. The circu lar stated that if the professor would send any student who did not have a card to the office, the registrar would be glad to make one out for him immediately. Instructors should report all absences from class, including those authorized or excused, said the notice, not just cuts. It was asked that all passing grades be noted in letters of the alphabet, and those below 70 numerically. According to the notice, grades must be turned in for all students, including graduates. The class cards will be returned to the pro fessors in the same order that they are sent in, which will usual ly be by sections. Instructors were asked to place the grade in the upper right hand corner of the card in the space labeled “Grade to Dec. 1”. -PLUCK THE OWLS- —SENIORS- (Continued From Page 1) and dean of Texas A. & M., said earlier Thursday that he had no information concerning the trans fer of room assignments. The transfer under consideration would affect about 30 students who are now living with military or ganizations but who have no of ficial status. They are all seniors who do not hold cadet commissions. —BACKWASH— (Continued From Page 2) Last Minute Stuff At THE LAST MINUTE two flat Aggies tried a roll with the dice. They rolled them real nice and with such beautiful results, a trip to Rice. These two lads were starved. Their favorite dish was rice with owl, baked and carved. The owl was so tough that the Aggies had to get rough. The feathers flew and the crowd that they drew was enough to delight a good Aggies sight. The game won and over 2000 Aggies sampled the clover of Houston’s charms so sweet as all night the cadets chanted, “The Owls got Beat.” Floating- By T HREE FISH (finny variety) floating by the bed this morning at time to get up. ... A ride to Houston that kept floating. . . . Volumes of mist shrouding Aggie hitch-hikers. . . . Wood too wet to burn on thumbing corners. . . . Wet rides in the back of open trucks. . . . Three girls with um brellas. . . . Three Aggies looking for umbrellas. . . . Three umbrellas LISTEN TO WTAW 1150 kc — B (Blue Network) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1944 A. M. 6:00 Sign On 6 :02 Texas Farm & Home Prog. WTAW 6:16 Sunup Club WTAW 7:00 News Summary BN 7:15 Arlo at the Organ BN 7:30 United Nations News BN 7:45 Off the Record WTAW 8 :00 The Breakfast Club BN 9:00 Fannie Hurst Presents BN 9 :30 What' Cooking—Boyardee.. BN 9:45 Songs by Jean Tighe ....... BN 10:00 Music By Marais BN 10:15 Trans-Atlantic Quiz BN 10:30 Land of the Lost BN 11:00 Swingshift Frolics BN 11:05 WTAW NEWS WTAW 11:30 National Farm & Home Hr. BN P. M. 12:00 GI Bill of Rights BN 12 :15 Trans-Atlantic Quiz BN 12 :30 Farm FainrPEM 12 :30 Farm Fair WTAW 12 :40 Bunkhouse Roundup WTAW 12:45 Tips, Topics, and Tunes....WTAW 1.02 Horace Heidt BN 1:45 Football Game WTAW 5 :15 Harry Wismer—Sports BN 5:30 Soldiers With Wings BN 5.45 Andrini Continentales BN 6 :00 Sustaining Music BN 6:15 Children’s Vesper Hour WTAW 6:30 Sign Off SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1944 A. M. 8 :00 Blue Correspondents BN 8:15 Coast to Coast on a Bus BN 9:00 The Lutheran Hour WTAW 9:30 The Southernaires BN 10 :00 Music by Master Composers WTAW 11:00 Weekly War Journal BN 11:30 College Ave. Bapt. Church ...WTAW P. M. 12:00 John B. Kenedy BN 12:15 George Hicks BN 12:30 Sammy Kaye’s Tangee Serenade BN 12:55 Your Sunday News Extra. .. BN 1:00 Old Fash. Revival Hour.. ..WTAW 2:00 Listen, the Women BN 2:30 Miss Hattie BN 3:00 Darts for Dough BN 3:30 World of Song BN 4:00 Mary Small Revue BN 4 :30 Hot Copy BN 5:00 Radio Hall of Fame BN 6:00 Drew Pearson BN 6:15 Week of Review WTAW 6:30 Sign Off MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1944 A. M. 6:00 Sign On 6:02 Texas Farm & Home Prog. WTAW 6 :15 Sunup Club WTAW 7:00 Martin Agronsky— Daily War Journal BN 7:15 Let’s Learn Spanish WTAW 7:30 Blue Correspondents BN 7 :45 Morning Melodies WTAW 7:55 Hollywood Headliners WTAW 8:00 The Breakfast Club BN 9:00 My True Story BN 9:25 Aunt Jemima BN 9 :30 Retween The Lines WTAW 9 :45 One Woman’s Opinion BN 10:00 Breakfast at Sardi’s BN 10:30 Gyl Martin BN 10:45 Songs by Cliff Edwards BN 11:00 Glamour Manor BN 11:15 Meet Your Neighbor BN 11 :30 Farm and Home Makers BN P. M. 12 :00 Baukhage Talking BN 12:15 WTAW Noonday News WTAW 12 :30 Farm Fair WTAW 12:45 Andrew Continentales BN 1:00 Kiernan’s Corner BN 1:15 Mystery Chef BN 1:30 Ladies, Be Seated BN 2:00 Songs by Morton Downey. .. BN 2:15 Holly Star Time BN 2:30 Appointment with Life BN 3:00 Ethel and Albert BN 3 :15 Music for Moderns WTAW 3 :30 Time Views the News BN 3 :45 Voice of the Army WTAW 4 :00 Brazos Valley Farm& Home WTAW 4:15 Dick Tracy BN 4 :30 Sea Hound BN 4 :46 Hop Harrigan BN 5:00 Terry and the Pirates BN 5:15 All Star Dance Parade. ..WTAW 5 :30 Jack Armstrong BN 5:45 Capt. Midnight BN 6:00 Horace Heidt BN 6:30 Sign Off TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1944 A. M. 6:00 Sign On 6 :02 Texas Farm & Home Prog, WTAW 6:15 Sunup Club WTAW 7:00 Martin Agronsky— Daily War Journal BN 7:15 Your Life Today BN 7:30 Blue Correspondents BN 7:45 Rosa Rio at the Organ BN 8:00 The Breakfast Club BN 9:00 My True Story BN 9 :25 Aunt Jemima BN 9:30 Between the Lines WTAW 9:45 The Listening Post BN 10:00 Breakfast at Sardi’t BN 10:30 Gil Martyn BN 10:45 Jack Berch And His Boys.... BN 11:00 Glamour Manor : BN 11:15 Mid-Morning Melodies WTAW 11:30 Farm and Home Makers.... BN P. M. 12:00 Baukhage Talking BN 12:15 WTAW Noonday News WTAW 12 :30 Farm Fair WTAW 12 :40 Texo Roundup WTAW 12:45 Tips, Topics, And Tunes....WTAW 1:00 Kiernan’s Corner BN 1:15 Mystery Chef... BN 1:30 Ladies Be Seated BN 2:00 Songs by Morton Downey.... BN 2:15 Hollywood Star Time BN 2 :30 Appointment With Life. BN 3:00 Ethel and Albert. BN 3:15 Music for Moderns WTAW 3:30 Time Views the News BN 3:45 Keys of Faith WTAW 4:00 Brazos Valley F. S. A WTAW 4:15 Dick Tracy BN 4:30 Sea Hound BN 4:45 Hop Harrigan BN 5 :00 Terry and the Pirates BN 5 :15 All Star Dance Parade. WTAW 5:80 Jack Armstrong BN 5:45 Captain Midnight. BN 6 :00 Bryan Field WTAW 6:30 Sign Off FEATURED ON WTAW Sarajane Wells is one of the reasons why “Jack Armstrong”,' the BLUE’s All-American Boy, triumphs over the forces of evil. and six people, . . Wet raincoat, wet coat, wet shirt, nope, under shirt is dry. . . . Clouds filled with rain. . . . Clouds going back empty for another load. ... Industrialist griping at the rain and farmers reflecting beams from the rain drops. . . . Empty bottles floating out to sea. . . . Aggies going down to see RICE GET BEAT. Too Late for Censor “M III R. AGGIE,” queried the fish, “what is the person called who brings you in contact with the spirit world?” “A bai tender, Fish Aggie,” re plied Mr. Aggie. Professor—“Generally speaking, can you define priorities?” Aggie—“Priorities is somethin’ you must write on orders to get what there isn’t anything left of but.” * George Bernard Shaw said, “When two people are under the influence of the most violent, most msance, most delusive, and most transient of passions, they are re quired to swear that they will re main in that excited, abnormal, nad exhausting condition continually until death do them part.’ ’ A bit of last minute advise to Aggies about their health and its care oh a corps trip. A doctor once said, “Glasses definitely help to cure that tired feeling. The trouble being of course, that most people can’t afford to keep filling them.” Noted Agg-ie Spirit OT LONG AGO several stu dents at L. S. U. were asked by rhe Reveille, L. S. U. student news paper, what was their definition of school spirit. One reply was, “I couldn’t tell you. All I know is that it’s something L. S. U. doesn’t have. Texas A. & M. has about the best school spirit of any in the country.” Another was, “Do you have to come to me ? It’s some thing like the Aggie have.” —BOOKS— (Continued From Page 2) parts of large and small to bring about their elimination. “If the world is really to be a better place, the social conflict within nations and the economic and political con flict between them must be abated. Both conflicts are essentially eco nomic.” Mr. Becker thinks that these things can be done, if the United States and Great Britain will initiate proper negotiations. Mr. Becker does an excellent job in How New Will the Better World Be by making clear the differences in the philosophies of government, such as Democracy, Marxism, So cialism, and Fascism. PLUCK THE OWLS It’s an old tradition at Grinnell College, la., NOT to have a date for the Friday night basketball games, “Basketball games are not for dates; they are for crowds.” LOUPOT’S A Little Place - - - - - - A Big Saving! New links to good groom ing. Once you've worn a key chain you can't be without one. Convenient as well as good looking. “Two Convenient Stores” College Station -o- Bryan Californian LEATHER COATS These fine coats are tailored of the fin est leathers obtainable . . . suede . . . goatskin or cape skin. The models are styled to fit... Choose your leather coat for durability plus good looks. $13.50 to $25 f llaldropflfo. “Two Convenient Stores” College Station Bryan