The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 17, 1944, Image 1

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    / 14 I 4 <11 \ TRIP EDITION
DIAL 4-5444
Texas AsM
The B
Farm Meet
Ends Friday
Agric. Secretary Tells
Crowd of Economic
Claude R. Wickard, Secretary of
Agriculture, told 250 delegates of
the Farm and Industry Conference
attending a banquet in Sbisa Hall
Thursday evening that two prob
lems must be met in the face of
certain increasing agricultural pro
duction. Most vital to farmers is,
“An adequate, well rounded na
tional farm program that will,
among other things, protect farm
income in emergency times and en
able farmers to maintain and im
prove the fertility of their soil at
all times.
“Full employment in this coun
try and a healthy trade with other
nations,” was the other of Wick-
ard’s conditions that must be met.
The Secretary of Agriculture put
his statement in economic terms
when he said, “The great problem
for agriculture and the whole na
tion will be to match high agricul
tural production with equally great
(See INDUSTRY, Page 4)
Miller Represents
Gilchrist When Ex
Gets Medal of Honor
Dr. J. C^ Miller, acting head of
the Department of Animal Hus
bandry of Texas A. & M. College,
represented President Gibb Gil
christ at the presentation of the
Congressional Medal of Honor to
the widow of 2nd Lt. Thomas Wel
don Fowler at Fort Sill, Okla.,
Saturday. The late Lt. Fowler was
a graduate in Animal Husbandry
of Texas A. & M. College in 1943.
This medal, the highest this
country can bestow, was awarded
posthumously to Lt. Fowler, form
erly of Wichita Falls, Tex. by Pres-
(See HONOR, Page 3)
By Billy Blankenship
Lawrence Sullivan Ross, “Sul
ly” to most of the Aggies, was not
only a great college president, he
had many other claims to fame.
The words “Soldier, Statesman,
Knightly Gentleman. . . ” which
are engraved on the back of his
statue in front of the Academic
Building are a true description of
Sul Ross, as he was called by his
friends. ,
Ross was born at Benton’s Port,
Iowa, on an Indian reservation in
the year 1838. He lacked only one
year of being a native Texan. His
father moved him and the rest
of the family to Texas the year af
ter his bh'th. Captain Ross and his
family set out for faraway Texas
in the typical ox-drawn covered
wagon. After months of hardships
and danger on the journey they
settled in Milam County at a place
then called Old Nashville. Here
Captain Ross made a trade. He
gave two horses, and a wagon for
1,500 acres of land. Six hundred
and forty acres were on Little
River near where the town of
Belton now stands. The other 860
acres were near what is now the
'city of Cameron.
In 1846 Ross moved his family
to Austin so they would have the
benefit of a school. When the
family andved in Austin young
Sul was clad in a long shirt of
frontier style. A group of boys
older than he stood by ridiculing
Mm with laughter and taunts. Sul, To Be Sent
In On November 24
Grades must be turned in to the
Registrar’s Office by Friday, No
vember 24, at 1 p.m., said a cir
cular sent to all members of the
faculty early this month by H. L.
Heaton, Registrar.
Dean Bolton, vice-president and
dean of Texas A. & M., said con
cerning the mid-semester grade
report, “Deans of the various
schools will try to cotnplete per
sonal interviews with deficient
students not later than Wednes
day, November 29. If possible all
students will be interviewed be
fore that time and any student
wishing to appeal the decision to
the Executive Committee will have
(See GRADES, Page 4)
discovering that he was the object
of this ridicule, selected the largest
boy of the group and fought with
such fury that he was soon ready
to cry. Thus Sul demonstrated his
fighting qualities at an early age.
In 1849 the Ross family ven
tured to Waco, which was then
just being surveyed. Here the Ross’
built the first home to be erected
in this village. Capt. Ross obtained
permission to establish a ferry
across the Brazos. This he operated
till 1864. After this, the ambitious
Ross constructed a hotel as his
next business establishment.
In the meantime Sul Ross had
picked up what education the scat
tered schools of Texas offered. Af
ter completing his high school ca
reer, Ross entered Baylor Univer
sity in 1856. Transferring from
Baylor he finished his college edu
cation at Wesleyan University, lo
cated at Florence, Ala. Little is
known of his college work, ex
cept that he must have been a
brilliant and deiligent student, for
he was graduated in 1859, 9 years
ahead of his class.
Sul’s only ambition was to be
a Texas Ranger. After he graduat
ed from college, his ambition was
realized when Governor Houston
appointed him Captain of the
Texas Rangers. As Captain of the
Texas Rangers, Ross had many
thrilling adventures. One that he
spoke of often was the time he
fought with the Comanches at
Wichita Mountains and saved an
No-Button Seniors
May Leave Outfits
For Special Dorm
Since the restaffing of cadet
officer positions last week rumor
has had it that all of those that
were not recommissioned would
be asked to move from the dormi
tory rooms which they now occupy
into a dormitory set aside for
those students.
Colonel M. D. Welty, Com
mandant of A. & M., said in a
statement Thursday afternoon that
the matter had no”t been decided
as yet. “It will be presented to
the Executive Committee for ac
tion.” He added that no definite
date had as yet been set for the
next meeting of the committee.
Dean F. C. Bolton, vice-president
(See SENIORS, Page 4)
eight year old white girl.
At the age of 25 he was recog
nized as one of the bravest, most
effective oficer in the Confederate
Army. After the war he came back
to Waco and began the career of
a successful farmer. During this
time there was a band of despera
does secreting themselves in the
Brazos and Navasota bottoms, ter
rorizing the entire section. To run
down these desperadoes the people
of the county needed a dependable
leader. For this job they elected
Ross in 1873. Ross’ success in law
enforcement was such that he was
given the title of “The Model
Sheriff of Texas.”
In 1878 he was, without effort
on his part, elected State Senator.
As far back as 1880 his name was
often mentioned in connection with
the Governor’s office but Ross al
ways discouraged it.
Although he always tried to dis
courage his connection with the
governor’s office he was chosen
governor in spite of himself in
1896. Before the close of his sec
ond term, he was elected president
of A. & M. College, with duties to
begin as soon as his term as gov
ernor expired. This position he
held with brilliant success until
the time of his death in 1898.
genious, more trustworthy citizen
Texas has never had , ‘a more in-
than Lawrence Sullivan Ross. He
is rated not only among the great
men of Texas, but also of the
United States.
SWEETHEART — Shown here
are scenes taken at the S. M. U.
game last Saturday. The forma
tion of the heart was made by the
Aggie Band between halves, after
which the Aggie Sweetheart, Miss
Vicki Moran, was presented. She
was escorted by George Strickhaus-
en( left) and the presentation of
her bouquet was made by Tom
Alley (right), president of the Sen
ior class.
Trotter Speaks
To E-Tex C. of C.
Dr. Ide P. Trotter, newly ap
pointed director of the Texas State
Extension Service and formerly
head of the Department of Agron
omy of A. & M. College, spoke
before the East Texas Chamber of
Commerce fall roundup Tuesday,
November 14, stressing the need
for soil conservation in east
Speaking on the same program
was Dr. Homer P. Rainey, recently
ousted president of Texas univer
sity, who refrained to comment on
the situation in Austin beyond
saying that he was glad of the
chance to show that, “I do not have
any horns.” The gist of his dis
cussion concerned the lagging edu
cational standards of Texas. Call
ing attention to the fact that
Texas has abundant natural re
sources Rainey, said, “. . . our nat
ural resources are not increasing
. . . consequently, for the future
development of Texas must de
pend on education, placing it on a
formula basis, natural resources
times a virile people times educa
tion equals wealth and well be
Dr. Trotter carried out Rainey’s
point of education with special at
tention to agriculture. After com
menting on the depleted and
eroded soils of east Texas Trotter
advocated a systematic and thor
ough agricultural research program
coupled with education. He said
that the greatest physical need of
east Texas was soil conservation.
The roundup luncheon was held
at the Texas State Prison. Other
speakers were John R. Suman of
the Humble Oil company and M.
D. McCarthy, an independent oil
operator reportedly ap ex of A.
& M.
Architectural Club
Elects Officers
Officers were elected at the
Architectural Society meeting last
Wednesday, Ray Morse, reporter
said. Otto Ranslever was elected
president; Joe Harris, vice-pres
ident; Louis Gohmet, Secretary; C.
R. Wilson, treasurer; R. A. Hen-
nig, Sgt.-at-Arms, and Morse, re
There will be another meeting
of the Architectural Society next
Wednesday night at 8:00 in the
Architectural Library.
Sullivan Ross, Once President
Here, Had Colorful Experiences
Student Body Moves South
En Masse For Rice Game
Game to Start At 2:30 In Rice Stadium;
Capacity Crowd Expected, Rain Or Shine
Coach Homer Norton's rejuvenated Aggies will seek
their second conference win of the season Saturday after
noon when they tangle with the Rice Owls in Rice Stadium
at Houston. The game is to get underway at 2:30 p.m., and
a capacity crowd is expected to be on hand to witness the
twenty-ninth meeting of these two clubs.
gies since 1935 when they turned
the trick, 17-10. Since that year,
the Cadets have won six and tied
two. The* all-time series stands at
19 games for A. & M., six for the
Owls, and three games ended in
Dr. J. C. Miller
Resigns Post For
Tennessee Opening
Librarian Not Yet
Selected To Fill
Vacancy Mayo Left
As yet no one has been appoint
ed to fill the position of A. & M.
College Librarian which was left
vacant when Dr. T. F. Mayo re
signed to accept a job as head of
the Department of English in the
School of Arts and Sciences.
Dean F. C. Bolton said Thurs
day that there was no definite
person under consideration for ap
pointment but that several of the
leading librarians in the country
had been asked to submit recom
mendations for the position. He de
clined to mention any names being
considered for the position.
Dr. Mayo is still acting ex-of
ficio in the capacity of librarian
while at the same time taking up
the reins as chief of the English
Department. Dr. George Sumney
resigned as head of the English
Department recently in order that
he might devote his full time to
The Texas A. & M. College
library is housed in the Cushing
Memorial Library Building and
acts as a designated depository for
United States documents.
Community Chest
Still Lacks Funds
Fiist reports Or. the' Community
Chest campaign conducted last
week are encouraging, but the bud
get has> not been reached. Several
departments and divisions have not
made their reports, and many in
dividuals have not yet made their
contributions. Directors and de
partment heads are asked to make
their reports as quickly as possi
ble, and individuals who have not
yet contributed are urged to do so
at once.
The committee, in asking for a
contribution of only one and three-
fourths days pay from each em
ployee set that figure as a minimum
amount, and hoped to receive at
least that sum from all college
employees. If you have not con
tributed, or if you wish to increase
your contribution, be sure to do
so at once, the committee said.
The staff is reminded that more
than 75% of the money received
this year will go to the Red Cross
and the National War Chest.
Dough Rollins Now
Ready For Callers
J. W. Rollins, Director of Student
Affairs, reports that his office is
now open and furnished in Hart
Hall. Rollins has only been on the
campus for less than two weeks
and as yet has made no announce
ment concerning his plans for
student life.
He has, however, said that he
is on the job and is “feeling my
way around.” He has expressed the
wish that students and others
come by his office and consult and
talk with him concerning matters
affecting student life. He said that,
“We will listen to any problem
any time.”
M. C. Hughes Attends
District AIEE Meet
M. C. Hughes, of the E. E. De
partment, attended the formal
opening of the General Tire Com
pany’s plant in Waco last Novem
ber 13.
From there he went on to a
meeting of the American Institute
of Electrical Engineering District
Executive Committee Meeting in
Dallas on November 14. Here he
was elected delegate of the Nomi
nating Committee to the mid-win
ter convention of the A.I.E.E. He
is to represent the 7th Geograph
ical District, for the purpose of
nominating national officers for
the society.
Will Head Animal
Husbandry Department
At University
Dr. J. C. (Jack) Miller, named
acting head of Texas A&M’s De
partment of Animal Husbandry in
December 1943 when D. W. Wil-
* * *
Dr. J. C. Miller
* '4< *
Hams was called into the Army
Specialists Reserve Corps for for
eign service, has tendered his res
ignation affective Jan. 1, 1945 to
become head of a similar depart
ment and director of livestock in
vestigations and research at the
University of Tennessee, E. J.
Kyle, dean of Agriculture, an
nounced today.
Dr. Miller came to Texas A&M
College in 1940 as professor of
Animal Husbandry in charge of
sheep and goat instruction. He had
been head of the sheep division in
the Animal Husbandry Department
at Louisiana State University,
coach of its livestock judging team,
(See MILLER, Page 4)
A. & M. Research
Foundation Begun
Coach Jess Neely’s Owls have
been a hot and cold ball club this
year, boasting four wins and four
losses. Falling before the Owls
have been Galveston Army Air
Field, Louisiana State, Southern
Methodist, and Texas u., while
Randolph Field, Tulane, Texas
Tech, and Arkansas have won from
the boys from the Institute.
A comparison between the Ag
gies and Owls is offered by the
fact that these two teams have
met four common foes during the
season. Rice defeaed L.S.U- 14-13,
while the Nortonmen were winning
7-0; both teams won from S.M.U.,
although the Aggie’s margin of vic
tory was much larger; Texas Tech
defeated Rice 13-7, while the Cadets
defeated the Raiders 27-14, and
Arkansas has beaten both clubs
by a narrow margin.
Rice runs off of a TNT forma
tion, a cross between the regular
T and Neeley’s favorite wingback
formation. Since the departure of
Buck Sheffield after the ' Texas
game, the Owls have been without
a passer or a passing attack. They
are expected to concentrate on
their running game Saturday, but
the smart Neeley has been moan
ing about his lack of passing, so
chances are the Owls will attempt
a few aerials.
Heading the Owl attack will be
little George Walmsley, 155 pound
speedster who was the marvel of
the Texas high school circles last
year while playing with Goose
Creek. Walmsley runs from a half
tack slot and has been the chief
threat of the Neeleymen all sea
son. He is due to get plenty of
help in the ball lugging depart
ment from Frank Lawrence, Carl
Russ, and Bill Scruggs. It was
Scruggs’ long run that spelled de
feat for the Texas Longhorns when
they were beaten by the Owls sev
eral weeks ago.
(See AGGIES, Page 3)
L. M. Haupt Makes
Demonstration At
The Texas A. & M. research
foundation which was approved by
the Board of Directors last Sep
tember 26 was chartered by the
secretary of state Tuesday.
Purpose of the Texas Research
Foundation, the name which the
Board of Directors designated as
official, is to cooperate with agri
culture, industry, and society 'in
general in the solution of research
problems; to provide funds and en
couragement to members of the
college staff to continue research
for the purpose of creating new
and fundamental knowledge; and
lo foster and discover creative
ability and originality among the
large, constantly changing student
body of A. & M.
Private or corporate sources may
contribute funds to the foundation
by gift or in any other manner and
the charter of the foundation al
lows it to use either the principal
or the interest of the funds it may
acquire in its research activities.
Trustees at present are F. M.
Law of Houston who recently re-
(See A. & M., Page 3)
Ft. Worth Meeting
L. M. Haupt of the A. & M. Col
lege Department of Electrical En
gineering left yesterday morning
to attend a meeting of the Fort
Worth Electronics Club.
He made a demonstration of
Stroboscopic Testing for the club
last night.
Fort Worth Ex-Aggie
Promoted to Major
The promotion of Captain Wil
liam B. Hendrick, 1605 Fifth Ave.,
Fort Worth, to the rank of Major
has been announced at the Head
quarters of Major General George
E. Stratemeyer, Commanding Gen
eral of all United States Army Air
Forces in India and Burma, where
Major Hendrick serves in the Op
erations Section.
Major Hendrick left his studies
at Texas A. & M. four years ago
to become a member of the Army
Air Forces. For the last eleven
months he has been in the India-
Burma Sector.