The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 14, 1944, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 14, 1944 W T A W Batt Chat On the Wednesday, November 15, airing of Glamour Manor, Cliff Arquette succumbs to a fast-talk ing salesman and agrees to buy an encyclopedia. The salesman finds that it’s easy to sell to Arquette, but difficult to collect. The merry manager of Glamour Manor goes on a reducing diet during the program of Friday, Nov. 17, but invitations to parties weak en his resolve to trim off poundage. Charlie Hale’s orchestra will provide the musical interludes. Hal Stevens is the vocalist. * * * '“On the Banks of the Wabash” and “The Dixie Volunteers” will be sung by the melodic a-cappella chorus under the direction of Har ry S. Walsh, on the WTAW’s Aunt Jemima Show, Wednesday, Nov. 15, at 9:25 a. m., CWT. On Thursday, November 16, the DR. N. B. McNUTT DENTIST Office in Parker Building Over Canady’s Pharmacy Phone 2-1457 Bryan, Texas WASH and GREASE This is a real bargain in a double feature because both are as good as money can buy. Drive in today, or let us call for and deliver your car. Your Friendly MAGNOLIA DEALER Aggieland Service Station “At the East Gate” Fall Garden School Of Air Is Success Outstanding success of a Fall Garden School of the Air recently conducted on a state network by the A. and M. College Extension Service assures future schools-by- air-broadcast on other agricultural topics of general 'interest. En rollment for the first school totaled 6,147, the Extension Service has announced, and communications re vealed that large numbers of other gardeners heard the broadcasts but did not seek enrollment. A poll among the enrollees showed greatest interest in poul try for the next Extension school of the air, according to C. W. Jackson, Extension information assistant. Other listeners asked for assistance with spring gardening, home canning, food preparation, orchard and swine production. Others wanted dairying, home sew ing, flower gardening, bee culture, and meat curing. Study of the results showed en rollments came from 212 Texas counties and from eight other states including Indiana, South Carolina and Tennessee. Of those reporting, 70 per cent lived on farms, 14 per cent in towns of less than 2,500, and 16 per cent in larg er cities. The check showed that as a result of the school many gar deners reported increased use of fertilizer, better insect control, im proved preparation of garden plots, and numerous other approved gar dening practices. Harris County led the state in enrollments with 543, Jackson said, and Eastland County was second with 203 Bastrop, Fisher, Fort Ben, Harrison, Hunt, Leon, Tar rant, Upshur, Waller and Zavala counties each had more than 100 enrollees. The school was a feature of the Texas Farm and Home Hour broad cast from the college each week day at 6:02 a.m. through stations in Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio. choristers will sing the lovely Gershwin melody “Summertime” and “Deep River". On Friday, Nov. 17, “Down By the River” and “Oh Dem Golden Slippers” will be in toned by the vocal group. Harriet Widmer will be heard as Aunt Je mima. * * * Reminiscent of the “Roaring Twenties” and prohibition days, Jack Berch sings “Three Little Words,” “Together,” and “Melan choly Baby” on the Jack Berch Show over the Blue Network, Fri day, November 17, at 10:45 a.m., CWT. Supplementing Berch’s vocaliz ing, The Three Suns, instrumental- CASEY’S Is- handy between classes for a sandwich — a drink — a pack of Cigarettes. In the “Y” 214 SOUTH MAIN BRYAN, TEXAS NOTICE SENIORS and JUNIORS We have 15 New and 4 Used Blouses 7 Pair of Boots and Boot Pants — Priced to Sell Christmas cards by the box or single. We can per sonalize them with your name. LOUPOT’S TRADING POST Chem Dept. Now Has 1125 Students There are 1125 Aggies and 85 A.S.T.R.P. students taking chem istry this semester, according to Dr. C. C. Hedges, head of the Chemistry Department. The teach ing staff has also been reduced from 23 before the war to the present staff of 12. Hedges stated that there were 1500 students in the fall semester of 1942-43 compared to our present 1125.'The enrollment in the chem istry department is just slightly higher than last summer’s enroll ment which was the lowest in a number of years. The 85 A. S. T. R. P. students will be replaced Monday by 110 new men. The pres ent Aggie enrollment consists of 979 freshmen, 104 sophomores, 41 juniors, and 1 graduate student. Hedges says that “the rebuild ing of his staff will be just as hard at the end of this war as it was at the end of World War I.” The reduction in his staff has been caused by the higher salaries in industry and other collegees. ists, will play another tune of the period, “Crazy Rhythm,” and Jack will make “Ragtime Cowboy Joe” his finale of Friday’s broadcast of the Blue’s five-mornings-a-week musical. * * * Curley Bradley will apply his baritone to two all-time favorites —Vincent Youman’s “Time On My Hands” and Buddy DeSylva’s “If You Knew Susie”—via the Blue Network broadcast of Farm and Home Makers, Thursday, Novem ber 16, at 1:30 a. m., CWT. He will be accompanied by the Home Town- ers under the direction of Harry Kogen. The Harmonizers, melodic string sextet, will play “Dance With a Dolly” and the “Fritzie Polka.” Orchestral selections will include “Marching Along Together” and “General McArthur March.” Kay Baxter, ace homemaker, will provide household tips, and Miran- dy will chat of the folks in Per simmon Holler. * * * “Stormy Weather,” as prepared by Arranger Roy Ringwald, will be presented by Gordon Goodman, the Glee Club, and the piano team of Virginia Morley and Livingston Gearhart on WTAW’s broadcast of Fred Waring and his Penn sylvanians, Thursday, November 16, at 6:00 p. m., CWT. “When He Comes Home,” Frank Loesser’s latest tune, and the sparkling new “My Heai’t Sings,” also will be heard on the program. * * * Several of the best-known names in Hollywood’s Radio Row will ap pear as musical guests on Holly wood Star Time in the coming week. Originating in the commissary of the RKO-Radio studios, the pro gram is aired Monday through Fri day at 2:15 p. m., CWT, over WTAW. Musical guests Wednesday, Nov. 15, will include Martha Mears sing ing “Together,” and Hal Stevens offering “Is You Is or Is You Ain’t My Baby?” Philip Ziegler will make a re turn appearance on Thursday, Nov. 16, singing “A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody,” and Gloria Delson will sing “Someone To Watch Over Me.” Larry Stewart will be fea tured on Friday, November 17, singing “Let Me Love You To night.” The musical background is sup plied by Constantin Bakaleinikoff and the RKO orchestra. Interviews with movie stars are conducted by the program’s co-hosts, Larry Kea ting and Gary Breckner. * * * Five Bond rallies in connection with the forthcoming Sixth War Loan Drive will be staged by the WTAW famous Breakfast at Sar- di’s program. First appearance will be at Spo kane, Wash., on Monday, November 20, after which Host Tom Brene- mann, Manager John Master son, Announcer Carl Webster Pierce and other members of the cast will fly back to Hollywood. The second and third shows will be at Oakland and San Francisco, on November 27 and 28, after which the cast again returns to Hollywood. Other appearances will be at Reno on December 4 and Sacramento on December 11. Admittance to each show will be by purchase of a war bond. The program has made numerous suc cessful appearances on behalf of War Bond sales during previous drives. Breakfast at Sardi’s is broad cast Monday through Friday over the Blue Network at 10:00 a.m., CWT. LOUPOT’S A Little Place - - - A Big Saving! OFFICIAL NOTICES Classified LOST-—In Duncan Hall area—a trans parent billfold containing valuable identi fication and classification papers plus a check for $2.45. Keep the check but please return the papers. WANTED—A ride to Bryan, Texas must arrive not later than 7 :00 a.m. Call 4-6904. Announcements DISTINGUISHED STUDENTS—Citations from President Gilchrist are now available in the Registrar’s Office for those stu dents who were distinguished during the Summer Semester. H. L. Heaton, Registrar Abercrombie, ”44 Ex, Elected Pres, of LSU James M. Abercrombie, class of ’44, has been elected president of the Louisiana State University School of Social Welfare Student Association, according to Earl E. Klein, director of the School. Klein adds that everyone is very pleased to have in the L. S. U. student body this fine representative of A. & M. He says that Abercrombie is very well aided by the faculty and students. PLUCK THE OWLS —AVIATION— (Continued From*Page 1) tian, Fort Worth. In common with most of the other 455 American colleges and universities which responded to the company’s survey, the Texas institutions said they would re quire, for teaching purposes, large quantities of the government- owned aircraft equipment which wil be declared surplus after the war. A total of 342 schools in their replies stressed the need for sup plying to the nation’s colleges at low cost quantities of surplus use- able aircraft equipment, as a fun damental contribution to the fu ture continuous development of av iation education, it was pointed out. This equipment will be made available to the schools on sale or lease basis, under provisions of the federal Surplus Disposal law, Breech stated. Replies to the Bendix survey to date reveal that at least 307 col leges have specific plans for teach ing some aspects of aviation after the war, according to Breech, who headed the surplus aircraft dispos al committee of the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce. PLUCK THE OWLS —BRITISH— (Continued From Page 1) had aboard. He said that before the last war it was somewhat of a feat to fly the English channel and now one finds it an every day occur rence in flying the Atlantic or Pacific. The mode of transportation in England was interestingly told. Trains run in tubes 150 feet below the surface. Civilians use the plat forms of these underground pas sages for sleeping quarters, hav ing done this for the past five years. They have a small mattress about 4 inches thick which is all they have between them and the concrete platforms. He said auto biles are used only for war effort, that they are of small horse power and are taxed by brake-power. The tax on a 90 horse power American car in England would be $150 per year. The gas rations on English cars are 5 gallons per week. There are no A, B, nor C rations. Cloth ing rations of 200 coupons per year are issued and a gentlemans suit requires 48 coupons. Cosmetics are banned. If a lady should appear on the streets of London with lip stick on her lips, she would be promptly dubbed as a customer of the black market. If friends send cosmetics to relatives in England, they enjoy them in the confines of their own homes, being sure to remove same before going out in to society. At this time of year darkness covers London from 3:30 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. Complete black out is in effect. You are not per mitted to light a match on the street. In a test recently a candle was placed ten feet from a shade less window in an area one mile square. A plane rose to 15,00 feet and the light from this window was plainly visible. In the blitz of Coventry in 1941, Mr. Evans stated one mile square was bombed with 350 tons of explosives. One theatre and one pub was all that was left. He called to our attention the thousands of tons of explosives having been ■ dropped on Berlin, Dussledorf and other German cities in the past months and what de struction they must have caused. He outlined the defense meas ures on the buzz bomb and the civilian reaction to them. Mr. Evans stated that five out of six were being eliminated before they reached London and that approx imately 2900 out of 10,000 had reached their mark destroying over 800,000 homes. Not all homes how ever were made uninhabitable. Business and theatres was as usual. He said surface trains were overcrowded, stations having to close as much as 3J4 hours to al low traffic to clear. He stated although hundreds of thousands of Londoners were evacuated dur ing the buzz bomb blitz, almost the same numbers would come into London from the country to see the buzz bombs and their effect. Re said there was the greatest of cooperation between the Amer ican dough boy and the English soldier. The closer to the front the closer than ever in their efforts. In the call from the front lines for assistance for any branch of service, it made no difference whether it be American or English, they surged forward as one army. In talking with American soldiers in London, Mr. Evans said he asked them what they wanted most from home. Almost without excep tion they said they liked personal things such as photographs, long letters and something made by hands of loved ones at home. Mr. Evans cited the recent speech of Mr. Churchill when he pledged the cooperation of England in the battle of the Pacific until all LISTEN TO WTAW 1150 kc — B (Blue Network) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1944 A. M. 6:00 Sign on. 6:02 Texas Farm & Home Prog. WTAW 6 :15 Sunup Club WTAW 7:00 Martin Agronsky— Daily War Journal BN 7 :15 Let’s Learn Spanish WTAW 7:80 Blue Correspondents BN 7 :45 Morning Melodies WTAW 7:55 Hollywood Headliners WTAW 8:00 The Breaktast Club BN 9:00 My True Story BN 9 :25 Aunt Jemima BN 9:30 Between the Lines WTAW 9:45 The Listening Post. BN 10:00 Breakfast at Sardi’s BN 10 :80 Gil Martyn BN 10:45 Jack Berch And His Boys.... BN 11:00 Glamour Manor .:. BN 11:16 Meet Your Neighbor. 4- BN 11:30 Farm and Home Makers...... BN P. M. 12:00 Baukhage Taltcmg BN 12:16 WTAW Noonday News ..WTAW 12 :30 Farm Fair _WTAW 12:45 Piano Playhouse BN 1:00 Kiernan’s Corner BN 1:16 The Mystery Chef BN 1:30 Ladies Be Seated BN 2:00 Songs by Morton Downey— BN 2:16 Hollywood Star Time—RKO BN 2:80 Appointment with Life BN 8 :00 Ethel and Albert BN 3:16 Music for Moderns WTAW 8:80 Time Views the News - BN 8 :45 Our Neighbor Mexico— Dr. A. B. Nelson WTAW 4:00 Rev. Hartmann (Lutheran)-WTAW 5:15 Dick Tracy BN 4:30 Marie Baldwin, Organist BN 4:46 Hop Harrigan BN 6:00 Terry and the Pirates BN 5:15 All Star Dance Parade WTAW 6:80 Jack Armstrong BN 6:00 Excursions In Science i....WTAW 6:15 Rotary Club Program WTAW 6:30 Sign Off THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1944 A. M. 6:00 Sign on. 6:02 Texas Farm & Home Prog. WTAW 6:15 Sunup Club WTAW 7:00 Martin Agronsky— Daily War Journal BN 7:16 Toast and Coffee. WTAW 7:80 Blue Correspondents BN 7:46 Rosa Rio at the Organ BN 8:00 The Breakfast Club BN 9:00 My True Story BN 9:26 Aunt Jemima BN 9:30 Between the Lines ..WTAW 9:45 The Listening Post BN 10:00 Breakfast at Sardi’s BN 10:80 Gil Martyn BN 10:45 Jack Berch And His Boys.... BN 11:00 Glamour Manor BN 11:15 Meet Your Neighbor BN 11:30 Farm and Home Makers BN P. M. 12:00 Baukhage Talking BN 12:16 WTAW Noonday News _WTAW 12:80 Farm Fair WTAW 12 :40 Texo Roundup .WTAW 12:45 Tips, Topics, And Tunes ....WTAW 1:00 Kiernan's Corner BN 1:15 The Mystery Chef BN 1:80 Ladies Be Seated BN 2:00 Songs by Morton Downey— BN 2:16 Hollywood Star Time—RKO BN 2:30 Appointment with Life BN 8:00 Ethel and Albert. BN 8:16 Music for Moderns WTAW 8:80 Time Views the News — BN 8 :45 Something to Read— Dr. T. F. Mayo —WTAW 4:00 Student Personnell—George Wilcox WTAW 4 :15 Dick Tracy BN 4:30 Something for the Girls WTAW 4:45 Hop Harrigan BN 6:00 Terry and the Pirates BN 5:15 All Star Dance Parade WTAW 6:80 Jack Armstrong BN 6 :46 Sea Hound - BN 6 :00 Fred Waring- BN 6:30 Sign Off FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1944 A. M. 6:00 Sign on. 6:02 Texas Farm A Home Prog. WTAW 6:16 Sunup Club WTAW 7:00 Martin Agronsky— Daily War Journal BN 7 :15 Let’s Learn Spanish WTAW 7:30 Blue Correspondents BN 7:45 Morning Melodves WTAW 7:55 Hollywood Headliners WTAW 8:00 The Breakfast Club BN 9:00 My True Story BN 9:25 Aunt Jemima BN 9 :30 Between the Lines WTAW 9:45 The Listening Post BN 10:00 Breakfast at bardi’s BN 10:30 Gil Martyn BN 10:45 Jack Berch And His Boys.... BN 11:00 Glamour Manor BN 11:16 Meet Your Neighbor BN 11:30 Farm and Home Makers BN P. M. 12:00 Baukhage Talking BN 12:15 WTAW Noonday News WTAW 12 :30 Farm Fair WTAW 12 :45 Johnny Thompson — WTAW 1:00 Kiernan’s Corner BN 1:15 The Mystery Chef BN 1:30 Ladies Be Seated BN 2:00 Songs by Morton Downey BN 2:15 Hollywood Star Time—RKO BN 2:30 Appointment with Life. BN 3:00 Ethel and Albert BN 3:15 Music for Moderns WTAW 3:30 Time Views the News BN 3:45 Treasury Star Salute WTAW 4:00 Something to Read .WTAW 4:15 Dick Tracy BN 4:30 The Sea Hound BN 4:45 Hop Harrigan BN 6:00 Terry and the Pirates BN 5:15 All Star Dance Parade WTAW 6:30 Jack Armstrong. BN 6:46 Captain Midnight BN 6:00 Notes From Yesterday BN 6:80 Sign Off LOUPOT’S A Little Place - - - A Big Saving! FISH BLOTTO was finished and every Jap “bit the dust”. Mr. Evans interspersed his re marks with witty English jokes in typical English accent and interest ingly answered the many questions asked of him by scores of SFA stu dents. He told the students that they would hold the future of the world and that by their efforts no wars should be permitted in the future, stating that with the strides that science is making, the next war would bring a condition where 10,000 buzz bombs could drop on a city like New York and destroy it in a short time. PLUCK THE OWLS —COLLEGE— (Continued From Page 1) four-star general in the K-9 Corp. This was sent in order that Rev’s rank would be the highest, for none was too good for her. Written on the citation is the following inscription, “For patrio tic and effective services rendered in behalf of the War Dog Fund . . . . this citation is awarded to Cadet Corps of Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College by the War Dog Fund, Dogs For Defense, Inc. Signed by Mrs. H. H. Neal, Nation al Vice-chairman and James M. Austin, national chairman. For those who were not acquaint ed with the drive for the Reveille Fund, the brief history is again given. When the corp became aware that Reveille was not to be with us very much longer, for she was coming along in years, a drive was started to raise funds with which to enlist her in the K-9 Corp and to have her portrait painted. It was decided that Reveille should have the highest rank possible, thus the sum of $100, was to be raised to have her made the rank of a four- star general. When the drive was underway, the quota was far over carried and a tidy sum was left over with which to have a por trait painted of Reveille. Contact was made with Miss Marie Haines, local artist and the picture was started. It was decided that if any money was left over from this sur plus, that a collar would be made in memory of Reveille to be put in the trophy case. Then it happened, Reveille died on January 18, 1943 and was laid to rest in grand state, in front of Kyle Field stadium. Her funeral was one to befit the mascot of the Aggies. It is befitting that Reveille should be known throughout the nation as the mascot of the Texas Aggies. Now she is enlisted per manently in the roll of honor of the K-9 Corp. Tribute to her is final in the past and only the future to brighten her history, is possible. Catalina Sweaters Enjoy the luxury of fine all wool Catalina Sweat ers—they are made of the choicest yarns . . . styled to fit in models you’ll like. Make your choice from our complete stock of sleeveless . . . slipons or coat styles. Sleeveless Sweaters $2.95 to $5.00 Slipon Sweaters $4.00 to $6.50 Coat Sweaters $5 to $9 QJaldroptfg “Two Convenient Stores” College Station -o- Bryan NOTICE! To Bryan and College Residents: We are now on full time pickup and delivery service. Call us for your cleaning and pressing needs. All work guaranteed. TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS AGGIE CLEANERS At North Gate In College Hills—Next Door to Luke “WE SPECIAIZE IN LADIES CLOTHING” Phone 4-4554 Curtis Eden, Owner