The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 14, 1944, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
Texas A&M
The B
General Tire Officials To Visit Campus Wednesday
To Be Guests At Luncheon;
Inspect Campus Facilities
Claude Wickard To Speak At Farmer’s-Rancher’s Conference Here
Secretary of Agriculture to Discuss
Postwar Problems of Farming Methods
Conference Is Part of National Industrial
Information Committee of Nat. Assoc, of Mfg.
Claude R. Wickard, U. S. Secre
tary of Agriculture, will discuss
postwar problems of farmers and
ranchmen as one of the features
of a conference to be held at the
Texas A. & M. College, Nov 16
and 17 of some 200 leaders of farm
and industrial pursuits. This con
ference is part of the program of
the National Industrial Informa
tion Committee of the National
Association of Manufacturers.
Specialists from agricultural
agencies of the Texas A. & M.
College, and state farm and ranch
leaders will assist industrial lea
ders in a full analysis of common
problems and interests dealing with
the planning and building of the
Secretary Wickard will deliver
his chief address at a banquet to
be held in Sbisa Hall, Thursday
night beginning at 7:30, and he is
scheduled to take part in the dis
cussion at the business meeting
in the YMCA Chapel Friday after
noon. At the banquet, R. K. Logino,
industrialist of New Orleans and
vice-chairman NAM’s Committee
on Agriculture, will speak for in
dustry on “Postwar Problems
Facing Agriculture and Business,”
following Secretary Wickard’s re
marks on the same subject.
Assisting the National Associa
tion of Manufacturers, the Texas
A. & M. College and agricultural
leaders of Texas in staging the
conference are: the Texas State
Manufacturers Assn., Texas Mill
Manufacturers Assn.; San Antonio
Manufacturers Assn.; Dallas Manu
facturers & Wholesalers Assn.;
and the chambers of commerce of
Fort Worth, Dallas, Beaumont,
Taylor, Austin, San Antonio, and
College Acknowledged
For Participation
In “Reveille” Fund
In recognition of services during
the collection of funds for the
“Reveille Drive,” the college has
received a certificate from the de
partment of Dogs For Defense. This
certificate which was received last
Tuesday, is acknowledgement of
the patriotic service that was ren
dered to the DFD, when the corps
sent to them the sum of $100, with
which to have Reveille made a
(See COLLEGE, Page 4)
College Drawing Head
Associate Prof., Write
Article in ‘Draftsman’
“Teaching Aids Models in Engi
neering Drawing,” an article illus
trating models developed and built
in the Engineering Drawing De
partment of the Texas A. & M.
College was published in the Nov.
issue of the “Draftsman.” It was
written by W. E. Street, head of
the Department, and J. G. Mc
Guire, associate professor of En
gineering Drawing.
Twelve pictures were used illus
trating orthographic projection and
the American Standard Arrange
ment of views, Auxiliary projec
tion and the planes unfolded into
their normal position, isometric
projection, oblique projection, per
spective projection, transparent
plastic models and soap models.
This important visual education
teaching aid is being developed in
the A. & M. Engineering Drawing
Department along with slides and
films on Drawing and related
British Vice-Consul
Is Speaker on Bryan
High School Program
Following his address at the
Bryan Lions Club luncheon Tues
day noon, British Vice Consul
Stewart H. Evans of Galveston
talked to the Stephen F. Austin
student body in the auditorium at
2:30 p.m. Miss Lilly Hornak pre
sented E. R. Bryant, President of
the Lions Club who in turn pre
sented Mr. Evans. Allotted 30 min
utes for his address, Mr. Evans
was so well received, Miss Wesa
Weddington principal of the
school allowed him to proceed until
the sixth period, his address run
ning to one hour and fifteen min
Mr. Evans related his experiences
on a recent trip to London on the
Clipper. He said the Clipper con
tained a spacious salon in front
and full Pullman accommodations
in the rear. They rose to an ele
vation of 7000 feet and cruised at
a rate of 175 miles per hour. The
flying time was approximately 16
hours. Excellent meals were to be
(See BRITISH, Page 4)
members of the flying club started
some time ago, with the purpose
of teaching interested A. & M. stu
dents to fly. These men have al
ready obtained their Student’s Pilot
License, as well as having received
instruction in navigation, meteorol
ogy, and Civil Aeronautic Regula
tions. At present the club has about
forty-five members and would like
to have new members. Rates for
instruction are $6.00 per Hour with
transportation furnished to and
from college to Easterwood airport.
Members in the picture, reading
from left to right are: first row—
Fish Mitcham, Fish Stanford, Frog
Jeu, Frog Halff, Eichholtz, Fish
Phillips, unknown soldier, Fish
Hurt, Fish Giebel. Fish Sendock
Second row—Reed, Fish Griswold,
Fish Griswold, Fish John, Price,
Fish Loper, Fish Haaker, Fish
Presley, Mebane, Powell. Third
row—Myatt, Instructor Keown,
Manager Smith,, Dean Barlow,
Ware, Lobrecht, Robinson,, Nathan,
Moran, Pritchett, Instructor Pearre,
Hardy, Vice President, and Ross,
Secretary and Treasury.
Texas Universities
Planning Postwar
Aviation Courses
At least 21 Texas colleges, uni
versities and schools are planning
to establish, continue or expand
student courses in aviation after
the war, it was disclosed in their
responses to a nation-wide survey
of educational institutions made
public today by Ernest R. Breech,
president, Bendix Aviation Corpo
The Texas institutions included
are: Austin College, Sherman;
John Tarleton Agricultural Col
lege, Stephenville; University of.
Texas, .Austin; West State Teach
ers’ College, Canyon; Hardin Jun
ior College, Wichita Falls; Tex
as Technological College, Lubbock;
the Texarkana College, Texarkana;
Ranker Public Schools; Victoria
City Schools; Temple Junior Col
lege, Teqiple; Prairie View State
Normal and Industrial College,
Prairie View; Southwest Texas
State Teachers’ College, San Mar
cos; North Texas State Teachers’
College, Denton; Southwesten Un
iversity, Georgetown; Agricultural
and Mechanicaf College of Texas,
College Station, Texas; San An
gelo College, San Angelo; Paris
Junior College, Paris; East
Texas State Teachers’ College,
Commerce; University of Houston,
Houston; North Texas Agricultural
College, Arlington; Texas Chris-
(See AVIATIION, Page 4)
Aggies Find S. M. U.ites Very Hospitable;
Bassett, Adkins Receive Free Haircuts
“Well, Old Army, is eveybody
having a swell time ? If you aren’t,
just let me know and yours truly
will have a good time for you.”
This was probably the most widely
spoken phrase in Dallas this past
weekend as the Aggies enjoyed
their first Corps trip of the year.
And why shouldn’t it be when there
was wine, women and song for all
who cared to partake of these
three strange maladies which seem
to afflict every Aggie when he
leaves the campus. It is thought
that the huge amount of entertain
ment enjoyed by all on the cam
pus would tend to bring about
a peaceful trip to Dallas followed
by a quiet week-end of rest. How
ever, the Corps cut loose at the
last moment and had a good time
after all. (The last moment for
some began as late as Thursday
afternoon, and they were the ones
who were nearly left out.)
Among the many interesting
sights in Dallas was the SMU cam
pus. All that one has to do is to
stand there while the classes are
changing, and it immediately be
comes apparent why so many of
the males have thick lenses in
their glasses. It seems that prac-
By Eli Barker
tically all of them received eye-
strain while sightseeing on the
campus. Not that there was any
shortage of beautiful scenery be
cause there wasn’t; SMU boys just
can’t seem to find it.,
Some Aggies made a little pro
fit out of cruising around the cam
pus The SMU students were real
ly swell fellows and set the Ag
gies up to several different things.
For instance, two boys received
free hair cuts and were not even
allowed to think of paying for
them. Really good old boys up
there in Dallas. It is definitely
indicated that plans are now un
der way to return the hospitality
when our good friends from “Big
D” pay .us a visit next year.
And then the game. Did anyone
ever see anything finer than that?
For one thing, it gave every Ag
gie who had a date with a SMU
girl Saturday evening something
to talk about. On second thought,
it might be an exaggeration to say
talk because more than once, the
voices were raised. Especially did
the conversation grew loud when
A&M’s six point gift to the Mus
tangs w r as brought up. On the
whole thought, the Methodist ladies
took it quite well, but maintained
to the bitter end that the best team
Next came the celebration to top
off a wonderful weekend. Wherever
it was, old Army had that spirit
(or should that be plural). Many
went to Louann’s. Louann’s, Lou-
ann’s, where has that name been
heard before. It seems that Lou
ann’s reminds many of sardine
cans just because they are packed
the same way. Old Army was all
over the place and even hanging
from the rafters on that Saturday
evening in ’44. But more than be
ing there with the spirit, the Ag
gies had that fun with them also.
And that’s the important thing.
Last of all came the dreary trip
back to Aggieland. Everyone re
turned without regrets and a new
desire to work for the next Corps
trip which is to Houston.
Whether the return was made
via Sunbeam, Owl, or air, the
stories were swapped of that date
with the one and only. And then
the thought of Monday morning
classes. Never again will a Corps
trip do that much to one person.
But just wait for the next one. Oh!
What a life!
Sales Lag
Sales of the 1945-46 Longhorn
ax-e lagging, according to the edi
tor, Marc Smith, who states that
only 1100 have been purchased to
date, whereas 1500 paid subscrip
tions will be required to meet the
costs of publication.
The annual now in the process of
being formed will be the first to
appear since May, 1943. It will
also mark the 50th aniversary of
the Longhorn, which was first pub
lished in 1894. Although shortages
have presented problems, they are
being successfully overcome as
they arise. The annual will contain
the customary sections, nine of
them in all, which cover every
phase of Aggie life both on and
off the campus. The cover design
and inteiior work have been
carefully worked out so as to make
the Longhorn as attractive as pos
sible. The staff has asked for the
support of the corps in order to
assure success for the 1945-46
Longhorn. Advance sale through
student representatives will begin
on Nov. 13th. The following stu
dents are authorized to take or
ders: Grey Shifflete, room 214,
dorm 14; Jere Higgs, room 413,
dorm 14; Del Runyan, room 80,
Milner Hall; and Dwight Me Anal
ly, room III, dorm 15.
Each military organization on
th campus will have a page in the
military section which will contain
a formal portrait of the organiza
tion and one of its commander, and
several informal snapshots of
members of the organization. These
snapshots are to be submitted to
the Longhorn office at the earliest
possible date. A deadline of Dec.
15th, has been set, after which time
no snapshots for organizations can
be accepted, due to the necessity
of sending these pictures to the
(See LONGHORN, Page 2)
A.V.M.A. Students
Hold Annual Dance
In Sbisa Dec. 9
The Junior Chapter of the
American Veterinary Medical As
sociation is having a formal dance
on Saturday night, December 9,
from 9 ’till 12. The dance will be
held in the annex of Sbisa Mess
Hall. All students of Veterinary
Medicine and their dates are invit
ed. Honored guests will include Dr.
and Mrs. R. P. Marsteller, faculty
members, and other distinguished
persons of the school.
C. L. Boyd, President of the
Texas A. & M. Chapter, urges that
everyone arrange for dates now
so that this dance will be a big
success. The Aggieland Orchestra
has been contracted to furnish the
music, so the best will be had in
that line, said Boyd.
Aggie-Ex Serving
With Chinese Army
Expeditionary Unil
Is Lt. Colonel With
Y-Force Liaison Team
Y-Force Operations Staff, South
western China, Oct. 5.—Lt. Col.
Frank S. Vaden, Jr., 38, of San
Antonio, Texas, is now serving
in the Salween Campaign combat
zone with a headquarters group of
Y-Force Operations Staff.
Vaden, who was graduated from
Texas A. & M. in 1927 is a mem
ber of a Y-Force liaison team which
is accompanying a group army of
the Chinese Expeditionary Force
to render medical and other techni
cal assistance and to advise the
Chinese commander.
He crossed the Salween River in
a rubber assault boat shortly after
the CEF launched their campaign
to drive the Japs from Western
Yunnan preparatory to the re
opening of the famed Burma Road.
The colonel has directed Chinese
(See AGGIE, Page 3)
t Students Named
McQuillen Speaker
At Brazos County
Aggies Club Meet
Members of the Brazos County
A. & M. Club meeting Monday
night at the Bryan Country Club
voted to hold a Christmas party
with wives of members and mem
bers of the Brazos County A. & M.
Mothers’ Club invited. W. R.
Carmichael, E. E. McQuillen and
J. D. Martin, Jr., were named a
committee to prepare the program
and select the date and place of
meeting. J. W. Rollins, A&M di
rector of Student Affairs, will be
E. E. McQuillen made the prin
cipal address at the meeting, ex
plaining the program of the A&M
Former Students’ Association for
erection of a Union Building. He
also reviewed the program of the
Former erection of a Union Build
ing, and also reviewed the program
of the Former Students’ Associa
tion in the postwar period.
P. L. Downs, Jr., club good sam-
artain, gave a report on his ac
tivities in arranging for wounded
and injured Texas ^Aggies in Mc-
Closkey Hospital seeing football
games in Kyle Field. The Ladies
Auxiliary of the Bryan chapter of
the American Legion has sent 25
pairs of house shoes to these men,
Downs said.
The club voted to purchase
lounging robe for all Aggies in
this veterans hospital.
An interested visitor was J. H.
Taylor, secretary of the former
students’ association of North Car
olina State College, who is study
ing the records and form of opera
tion of the Texas A&M College
Bryan Rotarians, Visiting Officials,
Faculty to Attend 150 Plate Luncheon
A group of sales officials and dealers of the General Tire
and Rubber Company will be entertained at luncheon at A.
& M. College, Wednesday, by college officials, the Chamber of
Commerce and the Bryan Rotary Club.
Following the luncheon the visitors will be taken for a
tour of the college campus, the airport, laboratories and other
places of interest.
The visit of the General Tire people, from all over the
United States, and including high
officials from the Akron head
quarters plant, is an outgrowth of
the college policy to cooperate
closely with all industrial groups
in Texas.
Sophs Take Longhorn
Pictures This Week
All Sophomores living in dormi
tories 14, 15, 16, 17, Walton, Mil
ner and Mitchell Halls must have
their pictures for the Longhorn
made this week.
Those sophomores living in Biz-
zell, Law, Puryear, Hart and all day
students sophomores will have
their Longhorn pictures made from
the 20th through the 22nd of No
In a list released by the Aca
demic Council recently eighty-five
students were named distinguished
for last summer’s semester. These
men averaged at least 2.25 grade
points for each course taken.
One underclassman and one
graduate student averaged 3.00 to
take top honors. Malcolm Horton,
a freshman M.E. and William K.
Anderson, taking his Doctor’s work
in Chemistry, were the only stu
dents to make all A’s.
High man for the Senior Class
with an average of 2.78 was Cole
man A. O’Brien, Agriculture ma
jor from College Station. High
man in the Junior class was Her-
schel Wheeler, posting 2.81 in his
Agricultural Education courses.
Shannon Jones of Kaufman and
Raymond W. Ferguson were top
men in the Sophomore class.
Students qualifying for distin
guished student citations are;
Adams, Thomas C., 2.30; Alley,
Tom K., 2.38; Amis, Marshal W.,
2.45; Anderson, William K., 3.00;
Atlas, Joe, 2.33.
Baetz, Ernest A., 2.57; Baker,
Quin M., 2.40; Bafley, William G.,
- See STUDENT, Page 3)
The $5,000,000 General tire fac
tory at Waco was opened formally
Monday and Tuesday the organi
zation’s sales meeting was held in
Waco. The group will leave Waco
Wednesday morning in time to ar
rive at A. ,& M. College in time to
see the' cadet corps march in to
lunch. Following the luncheon, the
group will proceed to Houston
where they will be taken through
the big General butadiene plant
which makes synthetic rubber for
the company’s several plants over
the United States.
In the party of General execu
tives and managers will be about
thirty-five of the outstanding rub
ber and tire men in the nation.
(See OFFICIALS, Page 3)
Executive to Be
Secured For Bryan
Girl Scout Work
Employment of a full-time exe
cutive to work with the over 400
Girl Scouts in College Station and
Bryan has been set as the goal for
a drive to raise funds in the
business and residential sections
of Bryan Thursday and Friday.
No solicitations will be made in
College Station as support of the
Girl Scout movement is part of the
Community Chest phase of the War
Chest campaign now under way.
However, if public spirited business
men and residents of College Sta
tion wish to make additional con
tributions for this specific purpose
(See SCOUTS, Page 2)
Robert Casadesus, French Pianist, To
Be Second Town Hall Feature Dec. 12
Robert Casadesus, the French
pianist, is to be presented here on
Tuesday, December 12, by Town
Hall which is sponsored by the
Committee on Student Activities.
This famous musician who has been
called “as complete a musician as
he is pianist” is a musician, tech
nician and composer. Being from a
distinguished French musical
family, he comes naturally into his
fame and has won the highest
honors at the Paris Conservatory.
After a triumphant series of
European tours, he made his Amer
ican debut in January, 1935. Tos
canini, who was in that first au
dience, immediately invited him to
play with him the following season.
Going from one brilliant per
formance to another, Casadesus has
today become one of the most
renowned musicians in the coun
Inevitably he is the conductor’s
choice for soloist and has the rare
record of seven seasons as soloist
with the New York Philharmonic-
Symphony Orchestra, as well as of
re-engagements with the Boston,
Detroit, Philadelphia, St. Louis,
Cincinnati, Chicago and Kansas
City Orchestras. He has also ap
peared with the major orchestras
of Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Oklahoma City, Minneapolis, Pitts
burgh, Rochester, and Mexico City.
One of Casadesus’s friendly
neighbors is the physicist Albert
Einstein. They often play duets
Robert Casadesus
“Professor Einstein plays the vio
lin well,” says Casadesus, “and is
a very good musician. He likes
Handel and Mozart best and some
times the compositions of Casade
sus. But mostly, he likes the com
poser dead.”
For many years he headed the
piano department of the Fontain-
bleau School of Music. When the
war came, the school was trans
planted here. The first summer it
had its headquarters at Newport,
last year it moved to the Berk-
shires among the rolling hills of
for the violin and piano together. New England.