The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 24, 1944, Image 4

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    Faye 4
Lovely Geraldine Fitzgerald as the fascinating Edith Bolling Galt and
Alexander Knox' as Woodrow Wilson re-enact twenty-five minutes
of Zanuck's film biography on the BLUE Network's "Radio Hall of
Fame." "Radio Hall" Is given a rousing send off with this exclusive
Bait Chat
On or about December 15 there’ll
be two “Mirandys”—so don’t con
fuse them. One, of course, is Mi-
randy, the Ozark philosopher,
whose homey chatter is heard on
WTAW Farm and Home Makers
program, Mondays through Fri
days at 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon,
CWT. The second will be the All-
America, first-prize rose for 1944-
Bicycle and Radio Repair
PHONE 4-4114
45, which has been named for none
other than this same Mirandy of
Persimmon Holler.
Voted the most perfect rose pro
duced in the All-American rose
competition for 1945 by the 20
test gardens in the United States,
the “Mirandy” is a dark red bloom
developed by the Armstrong Nur
series of Ontario, Cal. It is a cross
between the “Charlotte Arm
strong”, a gorgeous cerise rose, and
“Night”, a very dark red rose. It
has a penetrating, full-bodied frag
rance matching the richness of its
color and form.
A rose grower herself, the
Blue’s Mirandy considers the nam
ing of the prize-winner the great
est honor she has ever received.
Donna Dae, featured singer with
Fred Waring and his Pennsylvan
ians, heard Thursdays over WTAW
at 6:00 p.m., CWT has obtained a
leave of absence to entertain serv
icemen overseas. Donna leaves dur
ing the middle or latter part of
November for the European Thea
tre of war.
A well-known financier and his
son, attempting to purchase cos
tumes for a Halloween ball, are
attacked by thieves who tie them
up, don the costumes and arrive at
Don’t forget we have corsages, for
the dances this week.
Gardenias Roses
Orchids Carnations
and Other Flowers
“It Pays to Get Our Prices”
Phone 2-6725 We Deliver
B. W. Bobbitt, ’40
At the time announced by the Mil
itary Department. Don’t forget to turn
in your Khaki G. I.’s and get your wools.
Wool Slacks $10.50
Wool Overseas Caps 1.50
Aggie Patches and Blue Stars
the party with intent to rob the
guests. Such is the situation that
confronts the Green Hornet in the
WTAW program of that name,
Tuesday, October 24, at 6:30 p.m.,
Britt Reid, who is really the
Green Hornet, is a guest at the
party. With customary courage and
precision, he renders the crooks
harmless and rescues the financier
and his son.
Herbert landed squarely on a big
bounding Nazi and what does the
blighter do but run into the woods
like a bloomin’ rabbit.
This unusually humorous situa
tion is portrayed on WTAW Blue
Network’s Listening Post, Tues
day, October 24, at 9:45 a.m., CWT.
The story is a dramtization of the
Saturday Evening Post yarn, ’’Wil
lie and the Commandos,” by Rich
ard Stern.
Heard on Wednesday, October
25, wil be “Time to Move On,” by
Charlotte Edwards. “A Faint North
Wind,” by Edwin A. Peeples, is
scheduled for Thursday, October
26. All dramatizations are from the
October 28 issue of the Post.
Using his horse, Silver, as bait
to capture some boss rustlers, the
Masked Horseman finds himself
in an unexpected trap during the
Friday, October 27, dramatization
of WTAW Lone Ranger program.
Heard at 6:30 to 7:00 p.m., CWT,
the exciting drama is titled “The
Road Trader”.
How Ethel and Albert awake at
three a.m. to answer the telephone
calls of a group of late revellers
who have developed “Telephonitis”
will be told on the Thursday, Octo
ber 26, broadcast of the Private
Lives of Ethel and Albert, to be
heard at 3:00 p.m., CWT over
Albert’s indignant moralizing
about people who stay out until the
wee small hours is cut short when
the pretty secretary of a friend
of his burbles sweet nothings at
him. To Ethel’s utter confusion, he
suddenly decides they are becoming
too stolid, don’t go out enough, re
marks that people need recreation.
Martha Mears will make a re
peat appearance on Hollywood
Star Time, Wednesday, October 25,
at 2:15 p.m., CWT, over WTAW.
She’ll sing the new hit “Let Mq
Love You Tonight.” Muzzy Marcel-
lino, the second singing guest, will
intone “San Fernando Valley.”
Gary Breckner and Larry Keat
ing will interview picture stars
during the show, and Constantin
Bakeleinikoff will conduct the RKO
Curley Bradley, baritone m.c. of
the WTAW Farm and Home Mak
ers program, will sing songs of
the sea on the Friday, October 27,
broadcast (11:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon,
CWT), in keeping with the nation
al observance of Navy Day. His
selections will be “He’s a Salt-Wat
er Cowboy”, “Arm in Arm” and
“The Navy Hymn”.
The Home Towners, under the di
rection of Rex Maupin, will play
“Here Comes the Navy”, and the
Cadets Quartet will intone a med
ley of “Strike Up the Band, Here
A Little Place - - -
- - - A Big Saving!
LOST—A brown leather jacket with cen
ter button missing. Reward. R. N. Gray,
Dorm No. 17, Room 219.
FOR RENT—Room to lady in private
home. Can give breakfast. Call 4-7414 af
ter 5 p.m.
ROOM FOR RENT—In private home
near AAA building. All conveniences. Col
lege employees preferred. Call 4-1172 morn
ing or after 6 p.m.
The next order for A. & M. Class Rings
will leave the Registrar’s Office on No
vember 1, 1944i Any students registered
J ■— 3 — *- order
M. ring but delivery of the ring
to him will not be made until he is
is reg-
he is
sified junior is eligible
'ng but del * * 3 4 * 6 7
; be made
istered as a classified
called to military service and presents sat
isfactory evidence of such call. All rings
ordered by juniors must be paid for in full
at time of ordering.
Comes a Sailor,” “Nancy Lee,” tjie
“Marine’s Hymn” and two addition
al Navy songs, “Anchors Aweigh”
and “Apprentice Seamen.”
Kay Baxter, ace homemaker, will
present household hints, and Mi
randy will have another tale to
tell of her Persimmon Holler
Produced and directed by Robert
B. White, Farm and Home Makers
is heard via the Blue, Mondays
through Fridays.
Sometime just before Christmas
the Breakfast at Sardi’s program,
which each day awards a Good
Neighbor orchid, will announce the
winner of a nationwide contest to
determine America’s Good Neigh
bor of the Year.
The ultimate winner will be
chosen from the entire list of 260
daily winners of the year 1944, and
will receive a $1,000 war bond from
Tom Breneman, host of the daily
WTAW broadcast.
Final selection will be made by
radio editors of daily and weekly
newspapers and radio magazines
of the entire country, to whom a
brochure will be sent early in De
cember containing copies of letters
nominating the twenty outstanding
Good Neighbors saluted during the
It is possible that the winner
may be brought to Hollywood to
appear with Breneman on the
Breakfast at Sardi’s broadcast at
which the award is made.
Breakfast at Sardi’s is broadcast
Mondays through Fridays over the
BLUE Network at 10:00 a.m.,
It’s not a case of brother against
brother when Quiz Kids Harve
Fischman, 14, and Sparky Fisch-
man, 5, anwser r’oll call in WTAW’s
celebrated schoolhouse of the air.
Instead, it’s a radio manifestation
of what Philadelphia is supposed
to be the city of.
When Sparky makes a brilliant
reply to one of Quizmaster Joe
Kelly’s brain-busters, Harve’s face
lights up with an expansive that’s
my-boy-smile. And when big broth
er Harve gives correct answers,
Sparky chortles in high glee and
claps away wildly.
Sparky is Harve’s pi’otege. He
began grooming his younger broth
er for Quiz Kid status when
Sparky was a tiny two, scarcely
able to lisp “ptarmigan.” When
Sparky was midway in his third
year, Harve, whose specialty is
American history, began teaching
him the names of U. S. presidents.
After a month of coaching,
Harve felt confident that Sparky
bad memorized the presidents to
perfection. So one evening before
If it’s a good cup of coffee or an
after mess coke you are
looking for
is the place to get it.
Drinks - - - Sandwiches - - - Smokes
New Area “Y”
a suitable audience of neighborhood
small fry, Harve called upon
Sparky to name the thirteenth
president. Sparky hestitated a
moment, gulped, and said:: “Hit
But seldom does Sparky fail so
abysmally. Generally, his reten
tive little brain cells fasten onto
all the facts his talented brother
thrusts at him. He’s now in kinder
garten, but the bulk of his know
ledge is supplied by impromptu
seminars with Tutor Harve.
Three R’s are enough for the lads
and there’s little chance that a
fourth R-Rivalry—will ever come
between them.
BEAT N. T. A. C.
(Continued From Page 1)
Cobb, Wayland Colege; H. W. Still
well, Texarkana; James B. Boren,
Hardin Junior College; J. O. Lof-
tin, San Antonio and Neal Nelson,
The final session Saturday morn
ing, November 4, will be presided
over by Dr. Barlow of A. & M.
and the subject will be inter-insti
tutional relationships. Speakers
will include Miss Nell Parmley and
W. R. Cate of the state department
of education; Dean J. Thomas Davis
of Stephenville; and Frederick
Eby, professor of education, Uni
versity of Texas.
BEAT N. T. A. C.
1150 kc — B (Blue Network)
A. M.
6:00 Sign on.
6:02 Texas Farm & Home Prog. WTAW
6:15 Sunup Club WTAW
7 :00 Martin Agronsky—
Daily War Journal. BN
7:15 Your Life Today BN
7:30 Blue Correspondents BN
7 :45 Rosa Rio at the Organ BN
8:00 The Breakfast Club BN
9:00 My True Story BN
9:25 Aunt Jemima BN
9:30 Between the Lines. WTAW
9:46 The Listening Post BN
10:00 Breakfast at Sardi’s BN
10:30 Gil Martyn BN
10:45 Jack Berch And His Boys BN
11:00 Glamour Manor BN
11:15 Mid-Morning Melodies WTAW
11:30 Farm and Home Makers BN
P. M.
12:0Q Baukhage Talking BN
12:15 WTAW Noonday News WTAW
12:30 Farm Fair WTAW
12 :40 Texo Roundup WTAW
12:46 Tips, Topics, And Tunes ....WTAW
1:00 Kiernan’s Corner BN
1:15 The Mystery Chef. BN
1:30 Ladies Be Seated. BN
2:00 Songs by Morton Downey.... BN
2:15 Hollywood Star Time—RKO BN
2:30 Appointment with Life BN
3:00 Ethel and Albert BN
8:15 Music for Moderns WTAW
3:80 Time Views the News BN
3:45 Keys Of Faith WTAW
4:00 Brazos Valley F.S.A— WTAW
4 :16 Dick Tracy BN
4:30 Something for the Girls WTAW
4 :45 Hop Harrigan—
5:00 Terry and the Pirates BN
5:15 All Star Dance Parade WTAW
6:30 Jack Armstrong BN
5:45 Captain Midnight BN
5:45 Sea Hound BN
6 :00 Bryan Field..., WTAW
7:00 Sign Off
A. M.
6:00 Sign on.
6:02 Texas Farm & Home Prog. WTAW
6:15 Sunup Club WTAW
7 :00 Martin Agronsky—
Daily War Journal BN
7:16 Your Life Today. BN
7 :S0 Blue Correspondents BN
7:46 Morning Melodies WTAW
7:56 Hollywood Headliners WTAW
8:00 The Breaktast Club BN
9 :00 My True Story BN
9 :25 Aunt Jemima BN
9:30 Between the Lines WTAW
9:45 The Listening Post. BN
10:00 Breakfast at Sardi’s BN
10:80 Gil Martyn BN
10:45 Jack Berch And His Boys.... BN
11:00 Glamour Manor BN
11:16 Meet Your Neighbor BN
11:30 Farm and Home Makers BN
P. M.
12:00 Baukhage Talking. BN
12:16 WTAW Noonday News WTAW
12 :S0 Farm Fair WTAW
12:46 Piano Playhouse BN
1:00 Kiernan’s Corner BN
1:16 The Mystery Chef BN
1:30 Ladies Be Seated BN
2:00 Songs by Morton Downey BN
2:16 Hollywood Star Time—RKO BN
2:30 Appointment with Life. BN
8:00 Ethel and Albert. BN
3:15 Music for Moderns j WTAW
3:80 Time Views the News BN
8:46 Our Neighbor Mexico—
Dr. A. B. Nelson WTAW
4:00 Rev. Hartmann (Lutheran)-WTAW
5:15 Dick Tracy BN
4:30 Marie Baldwin, Organist. BN
4:45 Hop Harrigan BN
5:00 Terry and the Pirates BN
6:15 All Star Dance Parade \ WTAW
5:80 Jack Armstrong BN
6:00 Pages Of Melody BN
6:16 Rotary Club Program WTAW
6:30 The Lone Ranger BN
7:00 Sign Off
6:00 Sign on.
6:02 Texas Farm A Home Prog. WTAW
6:15 Sunup Club WTAW
7:00 Martin Agronsky—
Daily War Journal—/—— BN
7:15 Toast and Coffee. WTAW
7:80 Blue Correspondents BN
7:46 Rosa Rio at the Organ BN
8:00 The Breakfast Club BN
9:00 My True Story BN
9:26 Aunt Jemima BN
9:80 Between the Lines WTAW
9:46 The Listening Post BN
10:00 Breakfast at Sardi’s BN
10:80 Gil Martyn BN
10:45 Jack Berch And His Boys.... BN
11:00 Glamour Manor BN
11:15 Meet Your Neighbor BN
11:30 Farm and Home Makers— BN
12:00 Baukhage Talking BN
12:15 WTAW Noonday News WTAW
12:80 Farm Fair WTAW
12 :40 Texo Roundup..,. — WTAW
12:45 Tips, Topics, And Tunes ....WTAW
1:00 Kiernan’s Corner BN
1:15 The Mystery Chef BN
1:80 Ladies Be Seated. BN
2:00 Songs by Morton Downey— BN
2:16 Hollywood Star Time—RKO BN
2:80 Appointment with Life BN
8:00 Ethel and Albert. BN
8:15 Music for Moderns WTAW
8:80 Time Views the News BN
8:45 Something to Read—
Dr. T. F Mayo WTAW
4:00 Student Personnell—George
Wilcox WTAW
4:16 Dick Tracy BN
4:80 Something for the Girls WTAW
4:45 Hop Harrigan BN
8:00 Terry and the Pirates BN
6 .‘IS All Star Dance Parade WTAW
6:80 Jack Armstrong BN
6:46 Sea Hound BN
6:00 Fred Waring- — BN
6:80 It’s Murder BN
6:46 Chester Bowles BN
7:00 Sign Off
Ona Munson, Belle Watling of "Gone With the Wind”, was a recent
guest on the BLUE Network’s popular noonday series "Hollywood
Star Time” along with alluring Bonita Granville and Dick Powell.
All of the stars are busily working on forthcoming RKO production*.
Home Town
Club News
San Antonio Aggies
To Meet Wed. Night
Members of the San Antonio
Club will meet at room 212, Acad
emic Building, Wednesday, 7:00
p.m., Dick Smith, president, an
nounced today.
Membership cards will be dis
tributed and plans will be started
for Thanksgiving activties, said
Smith. Freshmen from San Anton
ie are urged to attend, but must pay
a membership fee to become fully
affiliated members, added Smith,
BEAT N. T. A. C.
Jefferson County
Aggies to Meet Wed.
All Jefferson County Aggies are
to meet with the Beaumont A. & M.
Club at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, Oc
tober 25 in room 105 of the Aca
demic building. Plans for enter
tainment are to be discussed.
BEAT N. T. A. C.
East-Tex Aggies Meet
All East Texas Aggies, includ
ing upperclassmen and freshmen,
will meet in the Ex-Students’
Lounge of the Y.M.C.A. at 7:15
p.m. Wednesday night.
Plans for the coming holidays
are to be discussed.
BEAT N. T. A. C.
Biology Club to Have
Special Meeting Wed.
William F. Huddleston an
nounced today that the Biology
Club will have a special meeting
Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. in
the Biology Lecture Room of the
Science Hall.
The Biology Club has remained
inactive for the past three semes
ters due to a lack of members, and
this meeting is for the purpose of
electing officers and greeting new
members, Huddleston said. He add
ed that there are several interest
ing programs planned for the com
ing semester, including talks by
some of the faculty and members
of the Extension Service, along
with several interesting movies,
Huddleston invited everyone to
attend this meeting, especially
those students taking or having
taken Biology.
BEAT N. T. A. C.
Ex-Servicemen Meet;
To Have Rifle Club
The Ex-serviceman’s club met
Monday night in a regular meet
ing to discuss the plans for furth
er organization.
There is to be a rifle club or
ganized among the ex-service
men, and there should be some keen
competition between these veter
ans from all branches of the serv
A lounge has been provided for
in the orderly room of H ramp of
Hart Hall. All ex-servicemen are
welcome to use this lounge.
The next meeting of the club
will be on Monday night, Oct. 30,
at 3:15 in room 106 of the Acad
emic Building.
BEAT N. T. A. C.
(Continued From Page 1)
then the committee will develop its
program for the coming year.
Other committee members pres
ent at Friday’s meeting included
Dr. Sewell M. Hopkins, of A. &
M.’s Biology department, who is
Office in Parker Building
Over Canady’s Pharmacy
Phone 2-1457 Bryan, Texas
secretary of the committee; J. B.
Arnold, Gordon Gunter and Ernest
Wermeyer of the Texas Game, Fish
and Oyster Commission; Dr. W.
B. Davis, A. & M. Professor of
Fish and Game; G. W. Schlessel-
man, A. & M. professor of Agri
cultural Economics, and R. E. Cal
lender, game management special
ist for the Texas Agricultural Ex
tension Seivice.
BEAT N. T. A. C.
A Little Place - - -
- - - A Big Saving!
It’s time to choose your
winter uniform needs . .
. We have a fine stock of
wool shirts . . . slacks . .
Field Jackets and Trench
Serge Slacks (all wool)
$9.95 to $10.95
O. D. Wool Shirts
Dark Gab. Shirts
$5.00 to $11.50
Wool Elastique Slacks
Trench Coats
$13.50 to $39.50
“Two Convenient Stores”
College Station -o- Bryan
If You Have Bonds,
Don’t Sell Them
★ ★ ★
It’s just as important
to hold on to them as
it is to buy them.
★ ★ ★
Buy Bonds
Keep Them
★ ★ ★
You Back
the Attack