The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 20, 1944, Image 3

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Page 3
Aggies Hold Weight Advantage Over
Froggies But Handicapped By Injuries
(Continued From Page 1)
After a light drill Monday afternoon, the Aggies have
been staging rough and tumble workouts all other days.
Both defense and offense have been stressed during these
sessions in order to get the team working more smoothly
than they have in the earlier games.
Injuries still plague the ranks of the Aggies, four back-
fielders being slewed or benched
for this game. Bob Butchofsky re
mains the big question mark, but
chances are he will see no action
against the Frogs. Butch has taken
no part in the drills since he suf
fered a fractured jaw, and has al
so been on a semi-liquid diet. Even
if he were allowed to play, he
would not be able to turn in his
usual brilliant game. Bobby Goff
is still suffering from a charlie-
horse, but he will be in the start
ing lineup. He did a remarkable job
punting in the L. S. U. game with
his bad leg, and should be in pret-
, ~ 4
Albert Richards
A superb new collection
of fine Leather Coats
and Jackets, they’ve long
been a favorite with Ag
gies and Servicemen ev
ery where. Tailored in
smart models with free
dom for action plus per
fect fit.
7 t T T%
- xy
College and Bryan
A Little Place - - -
- - - A Big Saving!
ty good shape for the Frog tilt.
Jimmie Parmer is still limping on
his bad lef which has bothered him
since the start of the season, and
George McAllister rehurt his knee
in practice this week which means
he will see no action Saturday.
The starting Aggie backfield
will probably consist of James
Cashion at his regular position of
quarterback; Mann Scott in
Butchofsky’s right half slot; Goff
at left half, with little Gene Spires
on hand as his first reserve; and
Paul Yates, the Conference’s lead
ing scorer, at fullback.
A. & M. will hold a five pound
weight advantage when the two
teams take the field Saturday.
The Aggie starters average 189
pounds while the Frogs will aver
age 184. The forward wall of A.
& M. has an average weight of
196 pounds, while the T. C. U. for
wards will tip the scales at 183
pounds per man. The backfield of
the Froggies will average 185
pounds, eight more than the Ag
gies 177.
Probable starting lineups:
T.C.U.: Gibson, left end; Crag-
well, left tackle; Houdek, left
guard; Cooper, center; Thomas,
right guard; Flowers, right tack
le; Chronister, right end; Sherrod,
quarterback; Mason, left half;
Ruff, right half; and Cox, fullback.
A. & M.: Howell, left end; Shira,
left tackle; Gray, left guard; Gary,
center; Tassos, right guard; Mon-
crief, right tackle; Higgins, right
end; Cashion, quarterback; Goff,
left half; Scott, right half; and
Yates, fullback.
Aggie-OU Runners
To Meet Saturday
Before TCU Game
Texas Aggie cross-country track
teams will take on the Oklahoma
Sooner harriers in a return dual
meet on Kyle Field beginning at
1:45 p. m., Saturday, just before
the A. & M.-T. C. U. football game,
Coach Ray Putnam has announced.
The Aggies defeated the Sooners
30 to 25 in a dual meet held be
tween halves of the Aggie-Sooner
football game at Oklahoma City on
October 7.
In the previous two-mile race,
Clarence Vicklund, Navy V-12
student at the University of Okla
homa, came in first for 10 points.
J. D. Hampton of the Aggies rang
Up nine markers with second place.
Other Aggie scorers were Buddy
Bradford, third; Ray Holbrook,
fifth; Glen Bell, sixth; and Jim
Jarrett, ninth.
Aggies, Mustangs, and Longhorns Picked
All six teams in the Southwest
Conference will pair off against
each other Saturday as the 1944
race gets into full swing. Three
close games are in prospect for
this week-end, and one or two up
sets can very easily occur.
As all teams in the Conference
are of fairly even strength, any
one who tries to predict the win
ners is sticking his neck out. How
ever, I am not afraid of anything
after the past two weeks, so here
A. & M. over T.C.U.—I believe
the Aggies will have too much for
the Frogs. The game will probably
Rambling . . .
Coach Homer Norton has agreed
to serve as coach of the Western
Team in the annual East-West All
Star game to be played in San
Francisco New Year’s Day. Ran
dolph Field is placed as the third
strongest team in the nation, but
I wouldn’t bet against them if
they played either Notre Dame
or Army, the two teams picked
over them . . . Coach Bernie Moore
of L.S.U. said that his Tigers
could not have scored on A. & M.
if the game had lasted until day
light. He was referring to his
be close, but the Aggies, playing
at home, should come through.
S.M.U. over Rice—This is the
hardest game of the bunch to pick.
The Mustangs have a fine back-
field, and made a good showing
against the powerful Randolph
Field team last week. The team
that gets the breaks will win, but
I’ll string along with the Meth
TEXAS U. over Arkansas—This
game may prove the Hogs strong
er than most people believe, but
the Longhorns should win with
their passing game.
team’s fumbling and not to the
Aggies’ defense, however . . . Hu
bert Bechtol, a V-12 student at
Texas U. who plays end for the
Longhorns, was a visitor on the
campus Sunday. He was greatly
impressed by the place ... won
der if he will like us as well after
Thanksgiving . . . Bob Butchofsky
has a new nickname at T.S.C.W.
. . . “Gums” they call him, and it
fits too ... If every member of
the Aggie squad had as much spirit
and hustle as Bob Gary, we would
have a better team . . . Beat T.C.U.
Athletic Department
Asks Less Breakage
Of Drink Bottles
The Athletic Department has
filed a request that the Aggies
be more careful with drink bot
tles. Whenever bottles are brok
en the Athletic Department has
to pay for them. It is a tradi
tion of the Aggies not to destroy
property. Glass is essential to
the War Industry, so please re
frain from breaking the bottles
this and every weekend.
Athletic Department.
New Officers Chosen
By AIChE Members
B. P. Castiglioni, recently elect
ed president, will head the A. &
M. Student Chapter of the Amer
ican Institute of Chemical En
gineers during the fall semester.
Other officers elected at the
first meeting of the semester Mon
day are L. C. Grosjan, vice-pres
ident; Cliff Harris, secretary-trea
surer; Harold Borofsky, program
chairman; and J. W. Bell, press
agent. Twenty-five students and
Dr. J. D. Lindsay, counselor, wene
Last semester’s officers were:
E. B. Claunch, president; Ernest
Baetz, vice-president; and Milton
Abelow, secretary-treasurer.
Dr. Lindsay explained the or
ganization and purpose of the
AIChE to the new students.. Future
programs were also discussed.
To The Men of the Corps and All Men
In the Services
We Extend You an Invitation to Visit Us.
The Exchange Store is owned by the College and
Operated for Your Benefit.
We have Aggie Jewelry, Braclets, Compacts, Necklaces.
Pennants 85^ to $1.50 Aggie Dogs $2.25 to $3.50
Waste baskets, lamp bases, toilet preparations, gifts for the folks at home.
School Lunch Plan
Completed by WFA
The sponsors of the Community
School Lunch Programs for the
Brazos county schools, in coopera
tion with the War Food Admin
istration, have completed arrange
ments to provide tasty, nutritious
lunches for children attending the
Allenfarm Colored Junior High,
Brushy Colored, Edge Elementary,
Fair View Colored, John M. Moore
Colored High, Kings Highway,
Kurten Elementary, Love Colored
Elementary, Millican Elementary,
Stone City Colored, Tabor Elemen
tary, Brooks Chapel and Cedar
Grove Colored, Common Schools,
and A. & M. Consolidated School,
duripg the 1944-45 school year, Mr.
Temple J. Duderstadt, District
Representative of the Office of
Distribution of the Houston Dis
trict, War Food Administration,
reported today.
These lunches, which will be
served to the children for a small
charge or free if they can’t afford
to pay, will consist of a meat or
meat substitute, two vegetables or
one vegetable and a fruit, bread,
made of whole grain cereal or en
riched flour, butter or fortified
margarine, and one half pint of
whole milk.
Under an agreement with the
War Food Administration, the
sponsors of the lunch program
have undertaken to purchase the
food us.ed in the lunches, to pay
part of the cost, and to obtain the
labor and facilities needed to pre
pare and serve it. The War Food
Administration will reimburse the
schools for part of the cost of the
food served, and in addition, may
contribute abundant foods such as
potatoes, eggs, cabbage, or other
foods, which may be purchased in
fulfillment of price support com
The Community School Lunch
Program, a cooperative endeavor
between the War Food Administra
tion and schools throughout the
country, has a dual objective: (1)
To assist local communities in the
development and maintenance of
programs providing nutritionally
adequate lunches to children in
school and child care centers, and
Ushers Are Needed
For Football Games
Coach Adamson announced
that boys were needed to act as
ushers at the next three football
games. Anyone interested should
see “Art” in his office at the
P. E. field. It is customary for
the freshmen to respond to this
call for ushers. These boys are
necessary, and all volunteers will
be appreciated, said Adamson.
Probable Starting Lineup
Drink Salesmen
Needed For Game
We are in need of salesmen
for the T. C. U. football game
this Saturday. All men who wish
to work will be employed. Each
student will have the opportun
ity to make up to $10.00 or more,
depending upon his ability. The
work will consist of selling
drinks and etc. All men who wish
to work will please be at the
gate to the right of the swim
ming pool, dressed in white cov-
erals, between 1:00 and 1:30 p.m.,
Saturday. No ticket will be nec
essary to get into the game if
Athletic Department
(2) to encourage increased con
sumption of food in temporary
abundance and to aid American
farmers in the long-time develop
ment of better domestic markets
for agricultural commodities.
Any public or private school of
a high school level or under and
operated on a non-profit basis, is
eligible to apply for Federal as
sistance. The exact amount of Fed
eral assistance will depend on the
financial need of the school and on
the type of meal served. The main
requisite for receiving Federal co
operation in providing the school
lunches is that a local school, pro
fessional, or social organization
undertake the responsibility of ac
tually operating- the program at
the local level. During the 1943-44
school year, more than 4 million
children in 31,000 schools through
out the Nation received lunches 'as
a result of assistance from the
War Food Administration, and it is
anticipated that even more children
will participate this year.
Books Received By
College Library
Agriculture And Its Sciences
So You’re Going To Buy a
Farm, by David Greenberg and
Charles Corbin.
Pioneering with Fruits and Ber
ries, by George D. Aiken.
How to Raise Rabbits, for food
and fur, by Frank G. Ashbrook.
Conservation in the Postwar
Period, by the American Planning
and Civic annual.
Las Leguminosas Argentinas;
silvestresy cultivadas, by Arturo
Lone Cowboy; my life story, by
Will James.
Jungle Peace, by William Beebe.
The World of Plant Life, by C.
J. Hylander.
Engineering And Its Sciences
Seaplanes; maneuvering, main
taining, operating, by Daniel J.
Brimm, Jr.
The Microscope, by R. M. Allen.
Engineer’s Pocket Book of ta
bles, formulae and memoranda, by
(See BOOKS, Page 4)
Aggie Harriers
Take Dual Meet
From Longhorns
Texas Aggie harriers took a dual
two and one-half mile cross coun
try track meet Wednesday from
the University of Texas Longhorns
by a score of 27 to 28, low score
Bob Umstattd of Texas came in
first in the good time of 12 min-
untes 34 seconds. J. D. Hampton
of the Aggies finished second, and
Dan Fox, Texas, was third.
Feature of the race was the
close finish for eighth place, Dom-
brow of Texas leading Hargis of
the Aggies up to the last ten
yards when Hargis put on a burst
of speed and nosed out Dombrow
by two paces.
Other Aggie placings were: Ray
Holbrook, fourth; Buddy Bradford,
sixth, and Ulen Bell, seventh. For
the Texas team, James Joyce was
fifth, and Johnny Braun was tenth.
Coach of the Aggie team was
Ray Putnam of the Physical Edu
cation Department, while Clyde
Littlefield tutored the Orange and
White entries.
A Little Place - - -
- - - A Big Saving!
To DEVELOP AND USE ways and means for saving time and effort
is a typical American trait. You see it among your classmates and
you exhibit the same shrewdness when you send your packages,
laundry and baggage, home and return, by Railway Express. The
pick-up and delivery at your door, and the quick forwarding by fast
trains, or by superspeed Air Express planes, is a shipping service
unique in American life. It has saved time and effort for generations
of college students.
These nation-wide facilities are now being utilized to their utmost
by the government, industry and the public. You can help Railway
Express to carry its share of this war-time load by doing three simple
things: Wrap your packages securely—ad
dress them clearly—express them early. "A
shipment started right is half-way there.”
The game Saturday is a HARD one, but let’s
keep our animosity on the football field. BEAT TCU,
but treat our visitors with courtesy and considera
tion. “A Man is First of All a Gentleman.”