The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 03, 1944, Image 2

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The Battalion
The Battalion,
9f Texas
Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College
and the City of College Station is published three times weekly, and issued
Thursday and Saturday mornings except during the summer semester when
Tuesday and Friday afternoons and
M. College of Texas and serves
Jnited States Army and
illy in the interest
Navy stationed on the campus.
A. &
personnel of the Un
Calvin Brumley Editor
Dick Goad Managing Editor
Alfred Jefferson Managing Editor
S. L. Inzer .! Sports Editor
J. W. Bell Sports Writer
Kenyard W. Canis ...Backwash Editor
Robert Gold Reporter
Eli Barker Reporter
D. V. Hudson Reporter
B. J. Blankenship Reporter
Jimmie Ueraopulos..
(Continued from page 1)
program of varied entertainment.
On February 27, Aggieland’s own
Singing Cadets, under the direction
of W. M. Turner, will appear in a
program that will consist of pop
ular, classical, and semi-classical
music, together with the traditional
songs of Aggieland.
The Town Hall season will close
'on March 13 with the featured
artist, Rise Stevens, young opera
and film star.
The eight programs are offered
For Next Semester
Keep Informed on College
College Station Affairs
Subscribe to the Battalion for that Ex-Aggie in
the armed service. As members of the “Greatest
Fraternity on Earth” they want to know what is hap
pening at A. & M. in the way of classes, administra
tion and sports. The Battalion offers the best means
of keeping the army of exes informed on the progress
of A. & M. Get that subscription immediately so that
it will be on the mailing list for the first issue in
Semester $1.50
Per Year $3.00
New Semester Begins October 2
Send your subscription to the Battalion, Room
5, Administration Building, College Station, Texas.
Students, get your subscription when
you pay your fees.
Man, Your Manners
By L Sherwood
Editor’s note—The Open Forum is open
ishes to contribute. All
Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at College Station, Texas,
under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1870.
Subscription rate $3 per school year. Advertising rates upon request.
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City,
'Thicago, Boston. Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
Plssocided Colle6iate Press
Office, Room 5, Administration Building. Telephone 4-1444.
Many freshmen who come to A.
& M. have known nothing but the
very nicest table manners back
home, accompanied by the nicest
table settings; some have never
sat down to a table that did not
have perfect appointments in linen,
silver and dishes.
Ordinary, everyday good table
manners should have become auto
matic for any of you before you
left home.
Mess Hall style, of a necessity,
has to be as simple as possible to
expedite serving a large number
of men at one time; tradition of
the upperclassmen, has abbreviated
the service still more. But the
“fish” who has had nice manners
all his life, even though he lets
them lapse from undue pressure in
the Mess Hall, will recover them
v/hen the strain is lessened.
Anyone who has once had some
thing as fine as nice manners isn’t
going to forget them; he will be
smart enough to use them at the
right time.
If this column decides to harp on
any subject, “table manners” will
come in for more than their share.
Beginning Today ...
A new semester begins today. The slate is clean and
ready for that indelible writing which each individual will
inscribe upon it during the next four months. It is not often
in life after college that a person has the opportunity to
begin anew every four months and when this is kept in mind
a good beginning takes on even more importance.
Seven hundred new freshmen enroll today after having
spent last week in an orientation program under the direc
tion of G. B. Wilcox and Student Personnel and for them
there opens a whole new horizon of activity. Many of them
are away from home for the first time. The best advice that
can be given to these new students is to obey instructions
that are given. Their college career will be a series of taking
and carrying out orders and finally of giving orders when
they become seniors.
Military discipline is the keynote of life in the A. & M.
dormitories and a new student’s happiness and college success
depends upon the adjustments which he makes at the be
ginning. For the first time the new student will live under
the direct supervision of cadet officers. The cadet officers
of the various organizations are appointed by the president
of the college upon the recommendation of the commandant.
They are responsible men with a job to do in the new stu
dents’ belief as well as passing their college work success
fully. i
Cadet officers are responsible for the conduct of all
other Aggies as well as the new freshmen and because of this
responsibility they will demand and expect obedience in com
pliance with the regulations which they set up to run tneir
companies. Other rules are promulgated in an effort to aid
the new students in the process of becoming Aggies. The
mistake should not be made that as soon as a person enrolls
in A. & M. and puts on' the Aggie uniform that he is an Ag
gie. Aggies are evolved, not made.
In regard to academic work there is very little that
can be said other than that each student, new or old, should
do his best. The prime fault of everyone at A. & M. is put
ting off assignments. Get each assignment on time.
A. &; M. is glad to welcome those 700 new students. A.
& M. will be proud of those 700 when they become Aggies.
What’s Your I. Q?
Questions of the type below will
be submitted weekly by some
member of the college faculty to
test your intelligence, common
sense, and ability to think clearly.
Each question is worth ten
points. A score of 90 or more en
titles the reader to a superior;
from 70 to 80 is above average;
from 40 to 60 is average; and any
score below 40 is poor.
1. Who is the author of the
novel, “The Razor’s Edge?”
Ernest Hemingway, Somerset
Maugham, John Steinbeck, Sin
clair Lewis, Pearl Buck.
2. Which of the following is the
heaviest ? Gold, Mercury, Lead,
Zinc, Copper.
3. Which is the hardest? Car
borundum, Corundum, Tungsten
Carbide, Diamond, Silicon Carbide.
4. Which of the following mili
tarists was popularly known as
“The Fox”? Von Rudestedt, Mont
gomery, Rommel, MacArthur, Na
5. What German pugilist, lately
reported as killed in action while
serving in, the German Paratroops,
knocked out World’s Champion
Heavyweight Joe Louis in the 12th
round of the scheduled fifteen
round bout a few years ago?
6. Was Max Baer ever the
World’s Heavyweight Boxing
champion ?
7-10. What German, commander
of the Union forces, defeated Lee
at the Battle of Gettysburg?
(Answers in Col. 5, Same Page)
Something to Read
Edna B. Woods
for the season price of $6 for re
served s^ats; students’ season tick
ets are $2.40. Special rates, ac
cording to the program being pre
sented, will be given to enlisted
servicemen. The ticket sale opens
on October 4 in the Student Ac
tivities Office and at A. M. Wal
drop’s in Bryan, but no advance
reservations will be made, the
Committee reminds.
Prize American Plays, 1918-1939
A recent collection of The Pu
litzer Prize Plays, edited by Wil
liam Lyon Phelps, makes interest
ing reading not only because the
A. & M.
When a battleship fires a broad
side of nine 16-inch guns, it costs
our government the equivalent of
360 $50 War Bonds or $13,500.
North Gate
Welcome to Aggieland,
Let us help you look your
best by altering your
We can make any garment
smaller or larger—turn col
lars—lengthen or shorten
sleeves or trousers legs.
We can make your clothes
feel more comfortable.
Keep that military look by
having your clothes fit
twenty plays themselves are high
ly entertaining, but also because,
read in order, they indicate to
some extent the changes, between
wars in the taste of American
audiences. On the whole (with
some exceptions) they show that
the 1920’s liked hardboiled and cold-
hearted analysis, criticism, and sa
tire while the 1930’s were more
sentimental, more idealistic, and
perhaps more optimistic. As a mat
ter of fact, a similar collection of
prize-winning novels would prob
ably show the same sort of change
in tone.
What the Pulitzer Prize Plays do
not indicate clearly is the remark
able growth in the American lit
erature of the 1930’s of concern
with the future of our social “'order.
Yet undoubtedly American ' litera
ture, including drama, did become
muejh more “socially conscious” in
the 1930’s. Perhaps the judges who
awarded the Pulitzer prizes were
too conservative to recognize (or
to admit) the importance of “radi
cal” plays. Perhaps they had
“arty” ideas about the impossibil
ity of making good drama out of
social propaganda. At any rate,
they entirely ignored Clifford
Odets, the radical dramatist, and
skipped the most highly “socially
conscious” plays of _ prize-winners
like Elmer Rice, Eugene O’Neill,
and Maxwell Anderson.
The two plays about negroes
which won Pulitzer prizes are
among the best in the collection:
Abraham’s Bosom and The Green
Pastures. Sidney Kingsley’s Men
in White and Thornton Wilder’s
Our Town do something in 1934 and
1938 toward restoring the prestige
which the medical profession and
the small town lost under Sinclair
Lewis’ merciless attachs in Ar-
rowsmith and Main Street. Eugene
O’Neill’s Strange Interlude stands
out in this collection, as it would
in any collection, I think, as by
far the greatest American play.
Altogether, Pulitzer Prize Plays
is encouraging. Though the 1930’s
produced no genius to compare with
O’Neill, the plays do on the whole
get steadily better. If you want to
see how far our dramatic taste has
risen since 1918, read or try to
read Why Marry?, the prize-win
ner (save the mark!) for that
eventful year. Maybe we are grow
ing up, after all.
(Continued .From Page 1)
to entertain at an All-College
Dance in the Student Activities
Center on the TSCW campus.
It has been customary in the
past on trips of this nature to
grant authorized absences to the
seniors making the trip but no
definite announcement can be made
along that line pending action by
the executive committee.
The Aggie representatives will
probably leave the campus Friday
noon or before in order to arrive
in Denton before 8.
Final choice will not be made
l \< I H Ai li
Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster.
By Renyard 1
W. Canis !
to anyone who wishes to contri
letters will be published on either side of
any subject provided these letters are not
libelous. It is not the*policy of the Bat
talion to suppress any opinion and it is the
belief of the Battalion that every one has
a right to express that belief.
College Station, Texas
September 20, 1944
The Battalion
Dear Editor:
Recently much has been said
about the grave of Reveille and
what type marker would be fitting.
The subject has concerned me very
In the first place, her name has
been mentioned again and again
in publications and over broadcasts
during football seasons. The hearts
of thousands of Aggies have swell
ed with pride when respect was
paid her.
We cheered when she trotted out
onto the field during games; we
had her portrait painted when she
died. And then! All seemed to be
Recently, however, a lot of men
have been talking about the prop
er and fitting marker for her
grave. I think, men, that we are
about ready to do something. So
here’s my suggestion!
Why couldn’t we raise enough
money to have a likeness in stone
made ? Have this likeness placed
above her burial spot. The statue
should be so made that Rev would
be looking into Kyle Field Stad
ium. Then as the men would pass
by going into the game, they would
observe once again the mascot of
the school looking out into the
great game that has helped make
A. and M. famous. It seems to me
that this sight would stir the hearts
of every true Aggie.
Think it over. And while you are
thinking, decide upon some im
mediate plan to raise the funds
necessary to erect some fitting
marker. Who should be in charge?
Who should assume the responsib
ility? Who should lead the fund
raising campaign? Would it be too
much to suggest the names of
the presidents of the Junior and
Senior classes ?
Howard Palms.
until Sunday after the boys bid
goodbye to the girls after a week
end of association. The Sweetheart
will be crowned at half-time in
the game between the Aggies and
SMU in Dallas on November 11.
Mondays are usually pretty much
alike, always blue. But this Mon
day, well—this is the day that be
gins a new semester and a new
lease on life. Then on the other
hand this is the Monday after a
week of vacation.
The word vacation is a funny
one. Webster says that a vacation
is a limited time in days when
schools or businesses recess to give
employees or students a time for
recreation and rest. What is an
Aggie vacation? It is a time to
travel as much as possible, see
as many women as can possibly
be crammed into a week, and fol
low the football team. Rest? Hmm.
Recreation ? Rather Dissipation.
Weakend Ramblings
(Continued from page 1)
mural activities from the very
start. This past summer the com
petition was the keenest it has
ever been, and only after a hard
fight was A Company able to cop
the crown.
1. Somerset Maugham
2. Gold
3. Diamond
4. Rommel
5. Max Schmeling
6. Yes
7-10. General Meade
Your name engraved FREE when
you buy K. & E. Drawing Instruments
from LOUPOT.
I also make repairs on all K. & E. Drawing In
strument Sets FREE.
I want your books not later than
Tuesday. Everybody will be buying
Monday or Tuesday — So there’s not
much sale for books after that date.
with a fiendish gleam but really
it was all in fun. If we have of
fended anyone (very much) we are
sorry but won’t apologize.
It is a tradition for Aggies anid
Tessies to be Sweethearts. Tessiejs
are sweet hearts. They are fine
girls? Well they should be. Don’t
they go with Aggies?
Dial 4-1181 — Opens 1 p.m.
EXAS, the entire state, was
covered by Aggies last week.
There were only about 1200 but
they seemed to be able to take
care of any situation that arose
over the big and lusty state.
Army, what do you know about
your reputation? How does this
sound? The other night an Aggie
got a ride with a man but the fel
low wanted to go by and pick up
his wife and the Aggie naturally
said yes, always eager to have
female companionship. The joker
came when the lady stepped to
the door of the car and the Ag
gie being a gentleman (?) stepped
Out of the car and opened the
door. The lady screamed and ran.
New Travel Modes
Aggies have always
been proud of their ability to
travel. Someone came up with
something new the other day that
will either make the sons of A. &
M. blush or chuckle. A bozo or
hobo from California hitched his
wagon, and we do mean wagon,
to a mule (not a star) and plodd
ed from California to Texas. Don’t
know how long it took him but it
is a fact that he left shortly after
Pearl Harbor.
Juke Box Pictures
Barbara Stanwyck
Joel McCrea
ACKWASH was sitting in a
cafe the other night drinking cof
fee (The word is coffee.) and keep
ing time to a juke box with his
foot while reading a paper. Paper
was soon fdrgotten. A flash of
something or the other (Backwash
didn’t see red. Well, maybe
slight variation.) caused old Canis
to look up. Hmmm. ’Tweren’t just
a juke box. It was sort of a juke
box combined with a movie. Good
songs. Good pictures. Moving too.
Spent more money on that thing.
Well, that’s the kind of pictures
they were.
Irate Tessie
One of the greatest
stories ever produced by
Plus Cartoon and Fox News
ACKWASH received a letter
from a fiery Tessie a short while
ago arid did she burn because
TSCW has been getting a small
amount of kidding in this column.
She didn’t sign her name but it is
a cinch that she was an Ex-Tessie.
No one else could write like she
did without burning the paper.
Dear lady, Backwash was pok
ing fun at TSCW in a good natured
way in a sort of offhand manner
Phone 4-1166
ii D smL 0N . 9c & 20c
Tax Included
Box Office Opens at 1 P.M.
Closes at 8:30
Charles Lawton - Maureen O’Hara
— in —
October 2 and 3
John Steinbeck’s
October 4 and 5
ml So... Ho, by Uon— Homr
M*tro-GoWwyn-Way»f PkMw
Directed by Richard Thorp*
dvcod by John W. Comidto* Jfc
.4 *
h ^
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f- «
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