The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 19, 1944, Image 1

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Corps Moves Back To Military Walk Area
Corps Review Scheduled For Saturday
Practice Review To Bet “
Held Wednesday Nite Old Students to Register October 2;
Saturday morning at 10:30 the /II "L rfl J
corps of cadets will parade in the 143.8868 SCfledUled tO BCgln 1116803}
final review of this semester. The 0
review will be held on the regular
drill field in the military walk
This is not a final review in the
sense that the final review used
to be understood. The final re
view will not be held until the end
of next semester when the present
senior class graduates. The parade
(See CORPS, Page 3)
Press Club to Hold
Meeting Wed. Night
All workers on the Battalion
and the Longhorn Publications will
meet in room 118 of Dormitory
three Wednesday evening at 7:15
in a meeting of the Press Club call
ed by the President, Dick Goad.
Plans for the coming semester
will be discussed and announce
ments of publication dates and
staffs will be made, said Goad.
Goad also urged all Aggies in
terested in working on the Bat
talion or Longhorn next semester
to attend the meeting.
Fees Payable Now At
Fiscal Office; Cost of
Longhorn Not Included
Fees for the coming semester
total $83.00 and may now be paid
at the Fiscal Department. Included
in this amount is $7.00 for the
Student Activities fee, which is for
admission to all athletic events
and subscription to the Battalion.
The Student Activities fee is op
Not included in this amount is
cost of the yearbook. Work has be
gun on the 1944-45 version of the
Longhorn, and it will come off the
press in May of 1945. During the
coming registration for the next
semester students will be given
a chance to purchase a Longhorn
at a special table in the registra
tion line. The price set for the
book is four dollars. This special
table was deemed necessary when
it was decided not to include the
(See FEES, Page 4)
- Official registration for all old
students currently enrolled will be
gin at 1:00 p.m. Monday, October
2. All students enrolled at present
who are in good academic standing
at the end of this semester will be
issued assignment cards at the As
sembly Hall from 1 to 5 Monday
afternoon. This applies to graduate
and undergraduate students both.
Assignment cards will be issued
according to the following sched
ule of registration periods. All
students whose surnames begin
with A, B, C, or D will register
from 1 to 1:30; all names begin
ning with E, F, G, H, I, J, or K
from 1:30 to 2:00; student whose
surnames begin with L, M, N, O,
P, Q, or R will register from 2
to 2:30 and those whose surnames
Gilchrist Appoints
Committee to Study
Hospital Facilities
To study present facilities and
the possibility of improvements of
the college hospital. President Gil
christ has appointed a committee
composed of five members of the
faculty and two students.
Members of this committee are
Dean Bolton, chairman, Colonel
Bennett, Mr. Wilcox, Mr. Hopper,
Dr. Harrington, Tom Alley, Presi
dent of the Senior class, and S. L.
Thus far the committee has dis
cussed the problem among them
selves but another meeting is
scheduled for Wednesday after
noon. The committee intends to
examine the status of the hospi
tal both for present and future use
to determine what improvements
can be made.
Improvements might include an
expansion of present facilities, said
Co-inciding with the appoint
ment of this committee, hospital
officials announced that visiting
hours for the student body would
be from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Majority O f Junior Class To
Return For Next Semester
This week your browsing report
er has taken a short census in the
way of finding out the views of
several members of the junior
class, on the subject of coming
Battalion Schedule
This issue is the last for the
Battalion during the current se
mester. The next issue will be
published Tuesday, October 3
and the following week Will mark
the resumption of the regular
publication schedule.
Because of the shortage of
manpower and materials the Bat
talion will be unable to resume
publication three times weekly. It
will continue to come out on
Tuesday and Friday afternoons dur
ing next semester.
back for the fall semester. This
interview has more or less been
limited to the juniors since the
majority of this class are around
the age where they are eligible
for employment in Uncle Sam’s
forces. In other words, these men
are sweating the draft!
While talking with Ernest Baetz,
president of the junior class, we
learned that he is definitely sweat
ing the draft. Baetz plans to come
back next semester but for how
long, time will only tell. He plans
to continue to carry on with his
Chem Engineering work.
Dan McGurk, junior yell lead
er, seems to have the situation
well in hand. Dan was worried
about the draft, but he worked
(See JUNIORS, Page 8)
Ushers At Gaines
Meet With Adamson
All students interested in act
ing as ushers at fotball games on
Kyle Field this fall are urged
to see Art Adamson at the swim
ming pool at five o’clock Wed
nesday afternoon. Ushers for
the games are urgently needed
and everyone interested is ask
ed to report.
Final Semester Ball
Friday Followed By
Full Fall Schedule
Eleven scheduled dances fill the
fall social season for the Aggies
it was announced today by the
senior Committee on Student Ac
tivities. The first in the series will
take place Friday night in Sbisa
with music by the corps’ own Ag-
gieland orchestra.
This will be the final ball of
this semester and the last until
the junior prom in October. Script
for the Formal dance Friday night
is priced at $1.20 and no special
invitation price is extended to sen
iors. A dormitory will be available
for guests and students desiring
to quarter guests in a dormitory
can make the necessary arrange
ments in the Room Assignment
Office in Ross Hall.
Next semester the Committee on
Student Activities has arranged for
a series of five weekends of
dance activity with two dances
scheduled for each weekend. The
first dance will be the junior prom
(See DANCE, Page 8)
Dorms In Duncan
Area to Be Vacated
The corps will move from the
Duncan Hall area to'the military
walk area the latter part of this
week it has been announced by the
Commandnt’s .Office.
There will be a memorandum is
sued giving the dormitory assign
ments for each organization and
the moving date which the Com
mandant’s Office said would be
arranged so as to be as conven
ient as possible and as soon as
Aggeis will live in the military
walk area while the navy and the
ASTP will remain quartered in
the Duncan Hall area. Sbisa Hall
will be opened and all Aggies will
take their meals there.
Dormitory assignments are not
definite as yet but it is probable
that 14, 15, 16, 17, and Walton
will be used for the old students.
New freshmen will be quartered
San Antonio Aggies to
Hold Final Meet Wed.
Attention all San Antonio Ag
gies! Final meeting of the San-.
Antonio A. & M. Club will be held
this Wednesday night in Room 212
of the Academic Building. The
meeting will begin at 7:00.
Purpose of the meeting will be
final discussion of the dance. Ev
eryone was urged to sell all of his
tickets and make their returns
Wednesday night, by R. L. Smith,
club president. Thus far only sixty
two tickets have been sold, said
J. C. Kostelnik, club treasurer.
“Dough” Rollins, ’17, To Return To
Campus As Student Affairs Director
Major John W. “Dough” Rollins
one of the all-time greats of Texas
A. & M. football history is return
ing upon his release from the army
as director of student affairs, it
has been announced by President
Gibb Gilchrist.
The newly authorized position
makes Rollins direct representative
of the executive office to handle
administrative matters in connec
tion with student affairs and ac
tivities. He will take over a number
of duties heretofore handled as
part time or as extra activities of
a number of administrative offi
cers, President Gilchrist explained.
“The new director of student af
fairs will deal closely with students
in a civilian capacity, and will act
as representative of the president
in connection with military discip
line and cooperation outside the
academic field,” President Gilchrist
said. Major Rollins is especially
(See ROLLINS, Page 6)