The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 15, 1944, Image 1

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    Plans Made To Better Aggie-Navy Feeling
Campus Victory Day Celebration Planned
Entire Community "
Will Join Program
Senior students have inaugurated
a movement to begin a plan for
a ceremonial campus program in
celebration of armistice in Europe
when and if it comes.
The Executive Committee of A.
& M. has not taken any official
stand on the proposed plan but
they have indicated that they are
generally in favor of a campus
celebration. Seniors wil submit a
program for approval within the
next few days and the general in
dications are that it will receive the
official stamp of approval.
No definite plans are ready for
announcement but Dean F. C. Bol
ton said this morning that it would
be campus wide embracing all ele
ments at A. & M.
Members of the senior class ac
tive on this, proposal have express
ed the viewpoint that there may
not be a sudden armistice and this
is born out by reports from the
fighting fronts. They say however,
that if there is an armistice A.
& M. should be ready with an ap
propriate program.
Rotary Club Begins
Broadcasts On What
Area Should Know
As a public service, the Bryan
Rotary Club is presenting a series
of 20 weekly radio broadcasts over
Station WTAW on the general
subject, “What the Community
Should Know,” with the next pro
gram scheduled for 6:15 p.m. Wed
nesday, C. O. Spriggs, chairman of
the radio committee of the Bryan
Rotary Club, has announced.
The first of these programs was
presented Friday by Leon Hayes,
principal of Travis Elementary
School, with a discussion of the
recreational facilities in this sec
tion. Time of the weekly broadcast
has been changed, Sriggs report
ed, and it is hoped to present all
future programs at 6:15 p. m.
Wednesday of each week.
Next Wednesday, W. R. Car
michael, principal of Lamar Junior
School, will have the subject “Back
to School”. This will be followed
(See ROTARY, Page 7)
Seniors Will Be Charged the Regular
Admission to Final Semester Corps Ball
Press Club Meets
Wednesday Night 7:15
There will be a meeting of the
Press Club in Room 118 of dormi
tory 3 Wednesday night at 7:15.
This will be the last meeting of
the semester and Dick Goad, presi
dent, has asked that each member
of the Battalion and Longhorn
staffs be present.
The primary purpose of the
meeting will be to take inventory
of the men who will be available
to work on student publications
next semester. The basic staff will
be organized at this time. Goad
has invited all persons who think
that they might be interested in
journalistic work to report to this
meeting for interviews.
Annual Vet Meeting
Here on Sept. 25-26
Dr. R. P. Marsteller, dean of the
School of Veterinary Medicine, an
nounced September 13, that the
34th annual meeting of the State
Veterinary Medical Association
will be held at A. & M., through
the days of September 25-26. Reg
istration and business meetings
will be held in the Veterinary Hos
pital and headquarters of the or
ganization will be at the Aggie-
land Inn.
Laboratory, speaking, and enter
tainment program for the two-day
meeting has been arranged by Dr.
Wm. D. Roberts of Wichita Falls,
president of the association. This
will include the anual banquet to
be held in Duncan Hall on the
night of September .25.
According to Dr. Marsteller, dur
ing the meeting, the State Board
of Veterinary Medical Examiners
will conduct examinations for those
veterinarians who wish to qualify
for official tuberculin testing of
cattle. These examinations will be
given during the two-day period
of the meeting. The meeting is
expected to end on September 26.
• Seniors will be charged the regu
lar admission price of $1.20 for
the final corps ball of this semes
ter it was decided by the Commit
tee on Student Activities and the
manager of Student Activities it
was announced by that Office this
morning. This ruling is to apply
to all corps dances and to all
service dances.
It was also announced that seni
ors will be invited to attend four
class or organization dances du
ring the fall semester with the
only charge being the federal tax
on all amusement tickets. The
committee issued the statement
that, “Since it has been the policy
in prior years to charge seniors
the regular admission price for
corps dances it would be imprac
tical at this time to set up a new
precedent which would necessitate
change when the enrollment again
reaches its peak after the war.”
Student Activities expressed the
viewpoint that in order to enable
(See SENIORS, Page 2)
CQ Restrictions Are
Reinforced On Non-Regs
Non-reg students living in Wal
ton Hall were notified yesterday
by the Commandant’s Office tha
all students living in the non-re*
dormitories would be required t<
observe call to quarters. This i;
not a new issue of orders but ai
old one, issued when the regula
C. Q. hours were posted for th<
whole corps. The reason for th<
sudden enforcement of this ordei
has become necessary because non
reg students have started abusin*
the privilege of it not being en
forced, stated the Commandant’!
office. Due to the unnecessary dis
turbances in the Walton area afte]
C. Q., this order will now be en
Call to quarters is at 7:30 oi
regular weekday nights with th<
exception of Wednesday nigh
when C. Q. is at 8:45. On Satur
day night the call to quarters ii
extended to 12:00 and sounded oi
Sunday at 8:30.
"Five Senior Cadets and Six Sailors
Discuss Differences Between Two Groups
Football Ticket
Sales Going Fast
Servicemen Admitted
'Free to First Game;
Others at Low Rates
Tickets for the Bryan Air Field
football game to be played on
Kyle Field September 23, and for
the games with TCU, North Texas
Aggies and Arkansas, all to be
played at College Station, went
on sale Wednesday and may be
secured at the Aggies’ athletic of
fice, Pete Jones, business manager
of athletics, anounced today.
Tickets for the Bryan Air Field
game will be $1.20 each including
tax, while the tickets for the other
three games to be played on Kyle
Field will cost $2.50 each, includ
ing tax, Jones said.
All service men in uniform will
be admtited free to the Bryan Field
game, and will be admitted to the
(See FOOTBALL, Page 2)
A&M Prof Elected
WFA Chairman
E. R. Alexander, head of the
Department of Agricultural Edu
cation of Texas A. & M. College,
was selected as temporary chair
man of the State WFA Wage
Board at its organization meeting
on the campus today. I. H. Lloyd,
administration officer of the Agri
cultural Administration Agency
was chosen secretary.
Members of the board were se
lected and recommended to Brig.
General P. G. Bruton, director of
labor under Marvin Jones, admin
istrator of the War Food Admin
istration, and by Acting Director
James D. Prewit, of the A. & M.
College Extension Service. The
appointments were confirmed at
Washington Monday. The members
are as follows:
B. F. Vance, administrative of
ficer in charge, AAA, College Sta
tion; J. E. Montgomery, chief co
operative marketing division, state
Department of Agriculture, Aus
tin; E. H. Banks, War Manpower
Commission, Austin; E. R. Alexan
der, College Station; C. B. Hodges,
(See A&M, Page 7)
The first move in the betterment
of Aggie-Navy relations was made
last night when a joint commit
tee of five seniors and six sailors
met to discuss the possibilities of
bringing the two groups closer to
It was generally agreed after a
two hour session in the Ward
Room of Dormitory 12 that the
underlying trouble was a lack of
understanding between the two
groups. The sailors confessed that
they knew little of Aggie tradi
tions and had made little effort
to find out while on the other
hand the Aggies were forced to
^dmit the same about sailor con
In conclusion it was agreed
among the group that the primary
thing to better relations would be
to abolish the dividing line be
tween the Aggie and Navy areas.
This line in question is an arbi
trary line separating the Navy
dorms from the Aggie dorms and
was adopted several months ago
when the ASTP was living in the
dormitories now occupied by mem
bers of the corps. The sailors said
(See PLANS, Page 3)
Junior Prom Date
Set for October 20
The junior class met last night
in a called meeting to discuss
plans for a junior prom and ban
quet next semester. A tentative
date, October 20, was selected as
the date for the annual junior
Opinion was not crystallized con
cerning a banquet so that decision
was postponed for further discus
sion. The junior prom is expected to
be held the weekend that the Ag
gies play TCU in the first con
ference game of the season. This
game will be played on Kyle Field.
It is customary to follow the jun
ior prom with a corps dance and
in an ordered sequence of events
there will be a corps ball or an all
service dance, following the junior
prom, after the football game
against TCU that Saturday.
No announcement has been made
concerning the music for the
dance. The Office of Student Ac
tivities will make- arrangements
along this line and announcements
will be forthcoming.