PAGE 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 12, 1944 P ji T il ii 4 ( 1 1 i i ] Civil Service * * Announcement The United States Civil Service Commission is seeking Medical Of ficers (Rotating Intership and Psychiatric Resident) for war ser vice appointments at St. Elizabeths Hospital, Washington, D. C. Sala ries are $2,433 a year including overtime pay. Appointees to Rotating Interne- ship must have completed the full course in an approved medical school, but third and fourth-year students may apply fdr later ap pointment uponn completion of their course. Appointees as Psychiatric Resi dent must have the degree of either B. M. of M. D. and must have com- YOUR NEEDS . . . from now to the end of the term can be supplied from our large stock of fine qual ity merchandise. Or your needs for next semester can also be found in our store. IF YOU HAVE a gift to buy, don't- fail to see our list of items. Our large "selection of these things affords you pleasure in making a choice. Books — Supplies — Outlines Desk Materials — Pennants — T-Shirts Aggie Jewelry — Trench Coats Aggie Stickers — Clothing THE EXCHANGE STORE “An Aggie Institution” What’s Your 1. Q? Wed. Sept. 27 at 9 a.m. Memorial services will be held at 1 p.m. Serv icemen who wish to register for home hospitality are urged to see the USO directors at once. 1. Which one of the following words is inappropriate in the grouping? Elm, Bois d’arc, Bric-a- brac, Spruce, Mesquite. 2f. What Hollywood director has achieved much publicity and suc cess with his satirical comedies, “The Miracle of Morgan‘s Creek”, and “The Conquering Hero”? 3. What popular radio singer is popularly known as “The Verse”? Morton Downey, Frank Sinatra, Kate Smith, A1 Jolson, Jack Ben ny. 4. How many times has the con- pleted an accredited rotating in- terneship of at least 9 months, but applications will be accepted, for later appointment, from persons now serving the intereneship. No written test is required for these Medical Officer positions. The Commission has also an nounced an examination for Ele vator Operator positions ($1500 plus overtime a year) in Washing- tonnn, D. C. Three months’ ex perience is required, but no writ ten test. Priority in appointment is given to persons with military preference; persons without such preference will be appointed only when there is a lack o fprefer- ence eligibles. Applications for Medical Officer and Elevator Operator positions will be accepted until the needs have been met. Further information and appli cation forms fo rail of these posi tions may be obtained from the Commission’s Local Secretary, lo cated at College Station, Texas. Application forms may also be ob- tainede from most first—and se cond-class post offices, Civil Ser vice Regional Offices, and the Uni ted States Civil Service Commis sion, Washington 25, D. C. Federal appointments are made in accordance with War Manpower Commission regulations. —Attend San Antonio Afftfe Dance— The name Indiana originated from the fact that a company of traders purchased it from the Indians. HELP BRING VICTORY BUY WAR BONDS stitution of the United States been amended? 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. 5. Who is head of the Psychology Department at Texas A. & M. ? 6. What famous war correspond ent, often said to have been the "“biggest thing to come out of this war”, recently resigned from his job? 7. Who is the genial host on the “Information Please” program ? Clifton Fadiman, Phil Baker; Jack Mercer, Ted Husing, John Kieran 8-10 This question is worth thir ty points. If a rabbit enters a forest with an area of twelve square miles and continues in a straight line, what is the maximum number of miles the rabbit can run into the forest? (See ANSWERS, on Page 7) —Attend San Antonio Aggie Dance— —JEWISH— (Continued iiom page 1) thought that it is to be a time for self examination, and of reconcil iation of man with man, and man with God, making for a spiritual recreation of life. A special feature of the Rosh Hashanah service is the blowing of the Shofar, or ram’s horn, calling on man to repent, to comtemplate the eternal values of the spirit and bringing to mankind hope and faith in the triumph of justice and goodness. The following services are sched uled for the High Holy Days: Rosh Hashanah Services Sun., Sept. 17, at 8 a.m. Mon. Sept. 18, at 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. Tues. Sept. 19, at 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. Yom Kippur services will be held on Tues. Sept. 26 at 8 p.m. and —Attend San Antonio Aggie Dance— The state of Iowa derives its name from the Iowa Indians who lived there. If You Have Bonds, Don’t Sell Them ★ ★ ★ It's just as important to hold on to them as it is to buy them. ★ ★ ★ Buy Bonds Keep Them ★ ★ ★ and You Back the Attack STUDENT CO-OP Bicycle and Radio Repair PHONE 4-4114 3TOFIAM: frtM* i 214 SOUTH MAIN BRYAN, TEXAS